research in organizational change and development vol 18

Research in Organizational Change and Development Vol. 18

Research in Organizational Change and Development Vol. 18

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: William Pasmore Richard Woodman Abraham B Shani, PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, NA

Executive and Organizational Continuity: Managing the

Executive and Organizational Continuity: Managing the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Srivastva, Suresh / Fry, Ronald E., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Leading thinkers from a range of disciplinessuch as organizational behavior, management, psychology, and anthropologyexplore the importance of continuity to organizational health and offer insights into how organizations can change while preserving the traditions that make them what they are. Case studies and research reveal the organizational structures, systems, and attitudes that foster a sense of continuity.

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Managerial Job Change: Men and Women in Transition

Managerial Job Change: Men and Women in Transition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nicholson, Nigel, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Work role transitions are among the most significant yet least understood forms of social change, and how they affect individuals' careers, self-concepts and organizational adjustment is of great practical and theoretical importance. This book provides the first comprehensive, large-scale study of the causes, form and outcomes of job change. Focussing on one of the most influential segments of society - middle to senior managers - the book offers a new theoretical approach to the analysis and understanding of job change. The authors ask how much job change is taking place, assess who is most affected, and evaluate the psychological consequences for the individual manager. They discuss organizations' handling of job transitions, and provide a unique focus on women in management, evaluating how their experience of careers and job change differs from men's. This book presents important new findings to specialists in life-span development, careers, managerial performance and organizational behaviour. It also offers the non-specialist insights into wider questions, such as the relationship between social change and organizational life, and the individual's experience of changes in industrial society's structures, practices and values.

Communication, Culture, and Organizational Processes

Communication, Culture, and Organizational Processes

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gudykunst, William B. / Stewart, Leah P. / Ting-Toomey, Stella, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The theme of Volume 9 of the series is the influence of culture on organizational processes. It includes a general discussion of cultural approaches to studying organizations, cultural codes in organizational settings, and stereotypes and schemata. Individual chapters examine the role of culture in conflict, negotiation, and decision-making processes in organizational settings. The volume is generally theoretical in its approach, and includes several new conceptual schemes and suggested directions for future research.

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Nature and Nurture During Infancy and Early Childhood

Nature and Nurture During Infancy and Early Childhood

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Plomin, Robert / Defries, J. C. / Fulker, D. W., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In light of work by quantitative geneticists, the authors reconsider the interaction of heredity and environment in the development of individual differences during infancy and early childhood. Quantitative genetics offers a general theory of the development of individual differences that suggests novel concepts and research strategies: the idea that genetic influences operate in age-to-age change as well as in continuity, for example. Quantitative genetics also provides powerful methods to address questions of change and continuity which are helpfully introduced in this study. Longitudinal quantitative genetic research is essential to the understanding of developmental change and continuity. The largest and longes longitudinal adoption study is the Colorado Adoption Project, which has generated much of the rich data on the progress from infancy to early childhood on which the authors draw throughout the book.

Diversity Dynamics in the Workplace, College Edition [With

Diversity Dynamics in the Workplace, College Edition [With

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomas, Kecia M., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, DIVERSITY DYNAMICS IN THE WORKPLACE explores organizational psychology topics such as socialization, leadership, and career development from a diversity perspective in order to convey the challenges and opportunities that diversity presents within organizational domains. DIVERSITY DYNAMICS IN THE WORKPLACE highlights emerging areas of research and practice for the diversity-conscious business leader, researcher, or instructor and is designed to help of prepare you to work effectively in diverse workplace environments. Its brief, paperback format makes DIVERSITY DYNAMICS IN THE WORKPLACE an ideal resource.

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Future Directions in Infant Development Research

Future Directions in Infant Development Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Suci, George / Suci, George J. / Robertson, Steven S., PUBLISHER: Springer, Future Directions in Infant Development Research bears wit- ness to the significant shifts that have occurred in infancy research in the recent past. While fundamental issues have tended to remain the same, the emphasis and ways of address- ing these issues have changed. This book is the first step toward a much richer and fuller understanding of infant development.

Organizations and Technical Change: Strategy, Objectives and

Organizations and Technical Change: Strategy, Objectives and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Preece, David A. / Preece, David / Preece, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning Emea, Based on Managing the Adoption of New Technology David Preece extends the study to assess the nature of technology strategy and the way it impacts on organizational change. It describes key management techniques needed for effective adoption of technology covering: * the development of strategy * the implementation of objectives * the importance of employee involvement Four case studies examine in detail a variety of managemnet approaches and show adoption of technology and the issues involved have changed since the 's. This book is essential reading for students and researchers in technology management and related areas.

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Reframing Organizational Culture

Reframing Organizational Culture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frost, Peter J. / Louis, Meryl Reis / Moore, Larry F., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), With this follow-up to Organizational Culture (Sage ), the editors continue their study of the interaction between investigation and the subject of inquiry. The editors have included a variety of frames as tools that allow readers to examine any empirical piece on organizational culture on its own merits - as good research - while at the same time, permit viewing it from other perspectives as well. Combined with a unique emphasis on process, this volume also includes reflections from the editors, pointing out their values, biases, beliefs, perceptions and experiences in research, and lending a human dimension to the research process.

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, Julian M. / Smith, Vincent H. / Pardey, Philip G., PUBLISHER: International Food Policy Research Insitute, Agricultural research and development has stimulated enormous increases in agricultural productivity in the twentieth century. Now, in response to common pressures, countries the world over are changing how they manage and pay for agricultural R & D. Paying for Agricultural Productivity reviews agricultural R & D policy in Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States and assesses whether the new approaches are raising or lowering the efficiency and effectiveness of R & D. To complement the case studies, the book analyzes trends in R & D investment in twenty-two developed countries. Paying for Agricultural Productivity will be an invaluable resource for economic and development specialists concerned with agricultural research and development, as well as for farmers, food processors, agricultural wholesalers and retailers, environmentalists, and research scientists.

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Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Lawrence E. / Kagan, Jerome / Harrison, Harrison E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change "is a collection of 21 expert essays on the institutions that transmit cultural values from generation to generation. The essays are an outgrowth of a research project begun by Samuel Huntington and Larry Harrison in their widely discussed book Culture Matters the goal of which is guidelines for cultural change that can accelerate development in the Third World. The essays in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects of education, the world's major religions, the media, political leadership, and development projects. The book is companion volume to "Developing Cultures: Case Studies."().

Climate Change Education: Goals, Audiences, and Strategies:

Climate Change Education: Goals, Audiences, and Strategies:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Forrest, Sherrie / Feder, Michael A., PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, The global scientific and policy community now unequivocally accepts that human activities cause global climate change. Although information on climate change is readily available, the nation still seems unprepared or unwilling to respond effectively to climate change, due partly to a general lack of public understanding of climate change issues and opportunities for effective responses. The reality of global climate change lends increasing urgency to the need for effective education on earth system science, as well as on the human and behavioral dimensions of climate change, from broad societal action to smart energy choices at the household level. The public's limited understanding of climate change is partly the result of four critical challenges that have slowed development and delivery of effective climate change education. As one response to these challenges, Congress, in its and appropriation process, requested that the National Science Foundation (NSF) create a program in climate change education to provide funding to external grantees to improve climate change education in the United States. To support and strengthen these education initiatives, the Board on Science Education of the National Research Council (NRC) created the Climate Change Education Roundtable. The Roundtable convened two workshops. Climate Change Education Goals, Audiences, and Strategies is a summary of the discussions and presentations from the first workshop, held October 21 and . This report focuses on two primary topics: public understanding and decision maker support. It should be viewed as an initial step in examining the research on climate change and applying it in specific policy circumstances.

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Tapsoft '87

Tapsoft '87

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development Pisa, Italy, March di Ehrig - Levi - Montanari - Kowalski (a cura di), , Springer-verlag. collana: Lecture notes in computer science. vol. 1: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development I and Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP '87) vol. 2: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development I and Colloquium on Functional and Logic Programming and Specifications (CFLP) Costo del singolo volume. I volumi non sono acquistabili singolarmente. Ottime condizioni.

Ecological Research to Promote Social Change: Methodological

Ecological Research to Promote Social Change: Methodological

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Revenson, Tracey A. / D'Augelli, Anthony R., PUBLISHER: Springer, During the past quarter century, community psychologists have worked to make relevant contributions to human welfare in community settings and to effect social change. Working with and in schools, neighborhood organizations, religious institutions, social programs, and government agencies, the community psychologist has come to understand how social settings and social policy influence behavior and foster change that promotes individual health and well-being. Using a social ecological paradigm as their guiding framework, they focus on the interactions between persons and their environments, cultural diversity, and local empowerment for understanding organizational, community, and social change. Community psychologists have relied on multiple methods of obtaining data but more often, they have had to develop new methodologies or adapt existing ones. These innovative methods have been recorded in the American Journal of Community Psychology throughout the years of its history and have changed the way that researchers in the field have gathered data.

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New Technology-Based Firms in the s

New Technology-Based Firms in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oakey, R. / During, W. / Mukhtar, S. M., PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing, The selected papers in this volume bear witness to a maturing of High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) research. In the past, HTSF research has produced some solid findings, but also several paradoxes: shedding more light on the unintended and paradoxical effects of technology developments regarding HTSFs is now one of the aims of research in this field, and an observed change in the focus of the research agenda is reflected in this book. Although many of the topics have also been covered in earlier volumes, a gradual shift from descriptive case or survey studies to more explanatory studies, with an objective of understanding the processes that drive HTSF development, now becomes apparent. Researchers from different backgrounds increasingly strive to apply and integrate theoretical traditions that focus on the individual firm, regional and wider environmental levels. As a result of this shift, topics such as financing, internationalisation or firm development are viewed more from a perspective of networking and cooperation, or of development and growth. The understanding of how to promote cooperation and networking will probably remain on the HTSF research agenda for some years to come; the development and growth processes of HTSFs, within the context of clusters and networks, will also be high on the agenda in the next decade.

The Economy of Modern India,

The Economy of Modern India,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tomlinson, B. R., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first comprehensive and interpretative account of the history of economic growth and change in colonial and post-colonial India. Dr. Tomlinson draws together and expands on the specialist literature dealing with imperialism, development and underdevelopment, the historical processes of change in agriculture, trade and manufacture, and the relations among business, the economy and the state. What emerges is a picture of an economy in which some output growth and technical change occurred both before and after , but in which a broadly based process of development has been constrained by structural and market imperfections. Tomlinson argues that India has thus had an underdeveloped economy, with weak market structures and underdeveloped institutions, which has since profoundly influenced the social, political and ecological history of South Asia.

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Organizational Learning Contracts: New and Traditional

Organizational Learning Contracts: New and Traditional

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goodman, Paul S., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The state of higher education today is one of change and stasis. Economic vulnerability, globalization, technological innovation, and an increasingly competitive market underlie the need for change in higher education. At the same time, there are strong and stubborn forces at work supporting the status quo. Though daunting, institutions of higher education can create effective organizational change, but their foundational philosophies must be re-examined in the process. This book addresses a new concept, the organizational learning contract, a shared agreement among the faculty, staff, and students in an educational institution about what, how, where, and when learning should take place. Goodman, who has pioneered the concept in his work with new and traditional institutions, examines the consequences of strong and weak contracts while bridging theory with practice. In the first section, Goodman develops the concept of the organizational learning contract, builds measures, and looks at the consequences of strong versus weak contracts on student and institutional effectiveness indicators. The second section, which includes the perspectives of two leaders of start-up institutions who have created new organizational contracts, explores issues of design and change in introducing the concept into new and existing institutions. Ultimately, Goodman asks: If you could start from the beginning, with appropriate resources, how would you design a new institution? The answers have implications for all colleges and universities, as well as the future of higher education across the globe.

Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences

Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cox, III James / Cox, Martha J. / Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Based on a summer institute of the Family Research Consortium, this book presents theory and research from leading scholars working on issues of risk and resilience in families. Focusing on the splits and bonds that shape children's development, this volume's primary goal is to stimulate theoretical and empirical advances in research on family processes. It will be valuable to developmental, social, and clinical psychologists, sociologists, and family studies specialists.

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Health Services Research Methods

Health Services Research Methods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shi, Leiyu, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This book is intended to become a reference on research methods and analysis for health related research. It provides health students, practitioners, and researchers with a practical guide for conducting and evaluating health related research. It details the major components involved in conducting research including conceptualization, groundwork, choice of research methods, design, sampling, measurement, data collection and processing, statistical analysis and research reporting and application.

Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction

Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sims, David / Fineman, Stephen / Gabriel, Yiannis, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This major textbook in organizational behaviour does what most other textbooks in the field do not: it captures and conveys the lived experience' of being and working in organizations while also introducing students to key concepts, research and literature in organizational analysis. The book is in two main parts. The first explores the processes of organizing through a series of chapters each based on a different facet of organizational life. Theoretical concepts and practical implications are woven into an engrossing and accessible narrative which draws on a large number of first-hand accounts by members of organizations. The second part of the book, comprising a substantial thesaurus//dictionary, define

Offerte relazionate research in organizational change and development vol 18: Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction
Managing Organizational Behavior

Managing Organizational Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tosi, Henry L. / Rizzo, John / Mero, Neal P., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Managing Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition," bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. This proven textbook leads advanced undergraduates and MBAs through a discussion of individual behavior influences to a consideration of the social influences the individual encounters upon contact with groups and organizations. Bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. Contains new material on diversity, international OB, and ethics. Applies theory and research with new and superior pedagogy. Provides strong teaching resources within an Instructor's Manual and Test Bank.

Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and

Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Geisler, Eliezer / Rogers, Everett M., PUBLISHER: Quorum Books, Geisler argues that the over-reliance on co-variation techniques and statistical methods, instead of process approach and in-depth analysis, produces meaningless knowledge in the managerial and organizational sciences, and indeed throughout all the social sciences. He offers instead a new and different approach, based on the notion of what he calls "dynamic morphologies"--an "architecture of slicing complex phenomena." This way it is possible to explain many inconsistencies in research findings, and to find a cohesive, systematic outlook on research, research design, and knowledge creation. Intellectually challenging and following in the footsteps of Kuhn, Argyris, and Popper, Geisler's approach is frankly revolutionary in research design and contains its own notions, terms, and nomenclature. A provocative discussion for academics and others well trained in the organizational, managerial, and social sciences. Geisler's dynamic morphologies provide a means to research complex phenomena and gain knowledge about them. They are composed of a chain of events, combined logically and temporally, and a method by which this process is studied. Geisler also contends that knowledge in the organizational and managerial sciences is only viable when it describes and explains the complex, higher-order phenomena. Therefore, theory building and research in these fields must be linked to higher-order constructs and the phenomena that they attempt to explain. This is the central notion of "amplitude" that Geisler introduces and describes. His book also criticizes the evolutionary epistemology view of knowledge creation and contends that knowledge in all of these fields of study in general is notevolutionary, but instead, cumulative and expansive.

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Organizational Behaviour: People, Process, Work and Human

Organizational Behaviour: People, Process, Work and Human

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perkins, Stephen / Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa, PUBLISHER: Kogan Page, With special focus on intercultural and cross-cultural perspectives, this collection seeks to bridge the gap between organizational behavior and HRM which are often treated separately. Interest in this approach is growing. Data compiled by the Society of Human Resource Management currently lists 190 Masters and Doctoral programs in Organizational Behavior/ Human Resources OBHR] worldwide. Through a critical analysis of existing literature, case studies and personal experiences, contributors examine the role of corporate governance in shaping the scope of managerial choices within organizations and the ethical dimensions of organizational behavior and global employment standards.

Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of

Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Velichkovsky, Boris M. / Rumbaugh, Duane M., PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, Dealing specifically with the origins and development of human language, this book is based on a selection of materials from a recent international conference held at the Center of Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Bielefeld in Germany. The significance of the volume is that it testifies to paradigmatic changes currently in progress. The changes are from the typical emphasis on the syntactic properties of language and cognition to an analysis of biological and cultural factors which make these formal properties possible. The chapters provide in-depth coverage of such topics as new theoretical foundations for cognitive research, phylogenetic prerequisites and ontogenesis of language, and environmental and cultural forces of development. Some of the arguments and lines of research are relatively well-known; others deal with completely new interdisciplinary approaches. As a result, some of the authors' conclusions are in part, rather counterintuitive, such as the hypothesis that language as a system of formal symbolic transformations may be in fact a very late phenomenon located in the sphere of socio-cultural and not biological development. While highly debatable, this and other hypotheses of the book may well define research questions for the future.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lerner Publishing Group / Geography Department / Lerner Geography Department, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Supports the national curriculum standards Culture; Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environments; individual Development and Identity; Individuals, Groups, and Institutions; Power, Authority, and Governance; Production, Distribution, and Consumption; Science, Technology, and Society; and Global Connections as outlined by the National Council for the Social Studies.
