methodology theory and knowledge in the managerial and

Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and

Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Geisler, Eliezer / Rogers, Everett M., PUBLISHER: Quorum Books, Geisler argues that the over-reliance on co-variation techniques and statistical methods, instead of process approach and in-depth analysis, produces meaningless knowledge in the managerial and organizational sciences, and indeed throughout all the social sciences. He offers instead a new and different approach, based on the notion of what he calls "dynamic morphologies"--an "architecture of slicing complex phenomena." This way it is possible to explain many inconsistencies in research findings, and to find a cohesive, systematic outlook on research, research design, and knowledge creation. Intellectually challenging and following in the footsteps of Kuhn, Argyris, and Popper, Geisler's approach is frankly revolutionary in research design and contains its own notions, terms, and nomenclature. A provocative discussion for academics and others well trained in the organizational, managerial, and social sciences. Geisler's dynamic morphologies provide a means to research complex phenomena and gain knowledge about them. They are composed of a chain of events, combined logically and temporally, and a method by which this process is studied. Geisler also contends that knowledge in the organizational and managerial sciences is only viable when it describes and explains the complex, higher-order phenomena. Therefore, theory building and research in these fields must be linked to higher-order constructs and the phenomena that they attempt to explain. This is the central notion of "amplitude" that Geisler introduces and describes. His book also criticizes the evolutionary epistemology view of knowledge creation and contends that knowledge in all of these fields of study in general is notevolutionary, but instead, cumulative and expansive.

Managing Organizational Behavior

Managing Organizational Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tosi, Henry L. / Rizzo, John / Mero, Neal P., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Managing Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition," bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. This proven textbook leads advanced undergraduates and MBAs through a discussion of individual behavior influences to a consideration of the social influences the individual encounters upon contact with groups and organizations. Bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. Contains new material on diversity, international OB, and ethics. Applies theory and research with new and superior pedagogy. Provides strong teaching resources within an Instructor's Manual and Test Bank.

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Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cudworth, Erika, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book provides a comprehensive overview of feminist and environmental theories of society-environment relations, considers the range of theoretical and political influences on socialist and Marxist theory, amongst others, and the social sciences' turn to poststructuralism and postmodernism. Cudworth also develops her own theoretical account for the interrelations between forms of social domination and contributes to important debates with sociology, social theory, feminist theory and environmentalism.

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The New Subjectivist Revolution: An Elucidation and

The New Subjectivist Revolution: An Elucidation and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gunning, James P. / Gunning, J. Patrick, PUBLISHER: Rl Innactive Titles, This book reveals the surprising fact that Ludwig von Mises made seminal contributions to methodology, the concept of equilibrium, and macroeconomics that have not previously been recognized either in mainstream economics or by most of the Austrians. In addition, it goes beyond Mises and others in elucidating the microeconomic concepts of entrepreneurship, profit and loss, and the theory of the firm. Its method of building on a foundation of the reader's personal understanding of human action is a refreshing and inventive approach to communicating these crucial concepts in economic theory.

Class and Social Development: A New Theory of the Middle

Class and Social Development: A New Theory of the Middle

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson, Dale L., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The essays in this volume expound a new theoretical perspective on the formation and function of the middle class. Drawing on currents within Marxism, particularly Marxist structuralism, the essays first re-examine the basic tenets of class structure theory, then develop their own approach and methodology. This approach is then applied to the study of the North American intermediate class. Why is it sometimes liberal and progressive, sometimes a social basis for right-wing reaction?...specialists in Marxist class theory will find it covers most recent developments in analysis and is constructively self-critical.' -- "Reviewing Sociology, Vol 3, Issue

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Real Analysis

Real Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Royden, H. L. / Fitzpatrick, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, covers the basic material that every reader should know in the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration theory, and some of the more important and elementary topics in general topology and normed linear space theory. This text assumes a general background in mathematics and familiarity with the fundamental concepts of analysis. Classical theory of functions, including the classical Banach spaces; General topology and the theory of general Banach spaces; Abstract treatment of measure and integration. For all readers interested in real analysis.

The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koslowski, P. / Koslowski, Peter, PUBLISHER: Springer, The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in which the political and societal conditions for the working of the market are included in the theory of the market economy. The social market economy is presented as a universal theory of the decisions to be made about the economic order in all cultures and is analysed in its basic theoretical foundations and in its application to the transition process from the planned to the market economy, particulary in the privatisation of socialised property in Russia and former East Germany. Leading German and Russian experts in the field as well as four classical texts present a systematic analysis of the social market economy from the point of view of economics, law, and ethics.

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Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olson, David / DeFrain, John / Skogrand, Linda, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, An introductory text, "Marriages and Families" accentuates the positive aspects of relationships and focuses on enriching students' knowledge and experience in building strong, successful couple and family relationships. The authors, seasoned family scholars and therapists, integrate research, theory, and practical applications with an interdisciplinary perspective on marriage and family. To enhance teaching and student learning, an updated AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes and Relationships Expectations) Online computerized assessment contains 15 categories that match the chapters of the book.

Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Representations as

Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Representations as

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eklund, Peter W. / Ellis, Gerard / Mann, Graham, PUBLISHER: Springer, This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS '96, held in Sydney, Australia, in August . The book presents five full papers by the invited speakers together with 15 revised full papers selected for presentation at the conference from a respectable number of submissions. The issues addressed are natural language processing, information retrieval, graph operations, conceptual graph and Peirce theory, knowledge acquisition, theorem proving and CG programming, and order-based organisation and encoding.

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Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software

Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zhuk, Jeff, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Written by a software architect and experienced trainer, the book brilliantly integrates theory and practice, going from foundations and concepts to architecture, design, and code examples. Through deep insights into almost all areas of modern CIS and IT, Zhuk provides an entry into the new world of integrated knowledge and software engineering. Readers will learn the "what's, why's, and how's" on: J2EE, J2ME,.NET, JSAPI, JMS, JMF, SALT, VoiceXML, WAP, , CDNA, GPRS, CycL, XML, and multiple XML-based technologies including RDF, DAML, SOAP, UDDI, and WDSL. The book turns these abbreviations into understandable concepts and examples. Students, architects, designers, and management benefit from innovative ideas and detailed examples for building multi-dimensional worlds of enterprise applications and creating distributed knowledge marketplace.

The Economics of Saving and Growth: Theory, Evidence, and

The Economics of Saving and Growth: Theory, Evidence, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schmidt-Hebbel Klaus / Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus / Serven, Luis, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Saving rates display great variation across countries and over time. They are also closely related to growth performance. This volume provides a state-of-the-art account of key variables, institutions and policies that determine saving. Drawing from a systematic exploration of the existing literature, the collection summarizes current knowledge about cross-country saving trends, the relation between saving and growth, the impact of financial policies and institutions on saving, the effect of foreign resource inflows on saving, and the links between income distribution and aggregate saving.

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Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing: Rethinking

Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing: Rethinking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Odell, Lee, PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This is the first book to provide a careful treatment of theoretical issues that underlie composition teaching, theory, and research. Lee Odell and his contributors believe that composition professionals in the classroom must approach their work with what Peter Elbow calls a "theoretical stance." Teachers of writing need to take an active role in composing the theories that underlie efforts to teach their students to write. Behind everything that composition teachers do are fundamental assumptions about knowledge and the processes of teaching and learning, about the goals of education, and about the role of writing in people's lives. Odell's introduction examines the basic relationships between theory and practice. To explore specific sets of assumptions about knowledge, education, and writing, he has gathered together a group of major composition scholars, including Shirley Brice Heath, Jim W. Corder, and Anne J. Herrington. Although each author addresses a different issue, they all invite the reader to join them in the process of identifying and shaping the theories that make up the profession.

An Introduction to Game Theory

An Introduction to Game Theory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Osborne, Martin J., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Game-theoretic reasoning pervades economic theory and is used widely in other social and behavioral sciences. An Introduction to Game Theory, by Martin J. Osborne, presents the main principles of game theory and shows how they can be used to understand economic, social, political, and biological phenomena. The book introduces in an accessible manner the main ideas behind the theory rather than their mathematical expression. All concepts are defined precisely, and logical reasoning is used throughout. The book requires an understanding of basic mathematics but assumes no specific knowledge of economics, political science, or other social or behavioral sciences. Coverage includes the fundamental concepts of strategic games, extensive games with perfect information, and coalitional games; the more advanced subjects of Bayesian games and extensive games with imperfect information; and the topics of repeated games, bargaining theory, evolutionary equilibrium, rationalizability, and maxminimization. The book offers a wide variety of illustrations from the social and behavioral sciences and more than 280 exercises. Each topic features examples that highlight theoretical points and illustrations that demonstrate how the theory may be used. Explaining the key concepts of game theory as simply as possible while maintaining complete precision, An Introduction to Game Theory is ideal for undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in game theory.

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Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McArthur, Tom, PUBLISHER: University of Exeter Press, In this unique and entertaining collection of articles, a noted scholar and compiler of key works of reference reflects on the nature of language, the art of lexicography, and the breathtaking developments in communication, the media, and information technology in the late twentieth century. Living Words ranges over three main subjects: language at large, and in particular English, the most widely used language in the history of the world; the art and study of dictionaries and reference science, embracing all past, present, and potential reference materials from the Oxford English Dictionary to the Yellow Pages; and the processes through which communication, information, and knowledge have evolved -- from cave art to the personal computer.

Statistical Learning Theory

Statistical Learning Theory

Come nuovo. Volume universitario sulla teoria statistica dell'autoapprendimento di Vapkin. Vendo causa errato acquisto. A comprehensive look at learning and generalization theory. The statistical theory of learning and generalization concerns the problem of choosing desired functions on the basis of empirical data. Highly applicable to a variety of computer science and robotics fields, this book offers lucid coverage of the theory as a whole. Presenting a method for determining the necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency of learning process, the author covers function estimates from small data pools, applying these estimations to real-life problems, and much more.

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Evolutionary Theory: Paths Into the Future

Evolutionary Theory: Paths Into the Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pollard, Jeffrey W., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Disputes the current neo-Darwinian theory of evolution while suggesting alternative patterns of evolutionary change. It presents some considerations and constraints that a new and more adequate theory must have. Discusses the importance of developmental mechanics on both the large-scale (macroevolutionary) and small-scale (microevolutionary) levels. Includes a range of contributions by important and sometimes controversial authors, among them Sir Karl Popper--one of the greatest living scientific philosophers, and Howard Temin--a Nobel Laureate.

The Future Is Happy

The Future Is Happy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sarai, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Blazevox Books, Poetry. "With both wit and tenderness, Sarah Sarai rigorously navigates the dialectics of knowledge and not knowing, thinking and being, the fantastic and the quotidian, the spiritual and the earthy, in language that is by turns crisp and lush. These are heady, whip-smart, funny and moving poems in which time becomes fluid and vertical--high-rise pageant of art, ephemera, filigree and memory through which our physical and temporal bodies spark and fall much too quickly"--Lee Ann Roripaugh.

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Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and

Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lenzerini, Maurizio / Simi, Maria / Nardi, Daniele, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This work serves as an introduction to the research on inheritance hierarchies and a collection of some technical presentations of recent developments in the field. Among the topics covered are: taxonomic reasoning, mixed inheritance, the relationship between inheritance and knowledge representation, inheritance networks, inheritance in object oriented programming languages, partial equivalence relations, inheritance mechanisms in the OBJLOG language, horn clause theories, and logic programming knowledge bases.

Transport Economics: Theory, Application and Policy

Transport Economics: Theory, Application and Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mallard, Graham / Glaister, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, "Transport Economics"introduces students to the key areas of the transport sector, combining lucid explanation of theory with detailed case studies from across the European Union. The book applies microeconomic theory and isaimed at students taking their first course in the subject.

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Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide

Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hardy, Lyda Mary, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Discover the best books, Web sites, audiovisual items, and other materials to research notable women of the United States. Learn about women from Colonial times to the present day who have made strides in many fields of endeavor including the arts, literature, politics, religion, science, and sports. Materials listed feature women from all regions of the country and from many American cultural groups. The guide concentrates on materials published or produced during the s, and its final section outlines the field of women's history in terms of its historiography, theory and methodology, and its place in education.

Encyclopedia of Japanese Business and Management

Encyclopedia of Japanese Business and Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bird, Allan, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of this field, this volume consolidates and contextualizes the leading research and knowledge about the Japanese business system and Japanese management thought and practice. This definitive reference work for the exploration of Japanese business and management will be valuable to scholars and students alike as an essential resource for teaching, an invaluable companion to independent study, and a solid starting point for wider exploration. Entries include: Bubble Economy * Dual Structure Theory * Industrial Efficiency Movement * Japanese Business in the U.S. * Just-In-Time * Kaizen * Lifetime Employment * Mitsubishi Corporation * Quality Control Circles * Total Productive Management * and many more.

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Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Canas, Kathryn A. / Sondak, Harris, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Uncover and understand the complexities of managing workplace diversity. "Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity" teaches readers to uncover and understand the complexities of managing diversity through a unique dialogue of opportunity. Through its three-tiered structure this text effectively explains the complexities of managerial and legal aspects in workplace diversity; presents examples of positive and negative management methods; encourages readers to develop a set of skills they will need when managing diversity in their future careers. The second edition contains many meaningful changes-a new chapter, new and updated opening essays, enhanced exercises, and new newspaper articles and case studies-that will enhance the quality of learning about diversity in organizations. Acquista Ora

Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy

Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dixon, Maurice, Jr. / Dixon, Robert Ed. / Dixon, Huw David, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Controversies in Macroeconomics: Growth, Trade and Policy" presents debates from the world's leading researchers on some of the most important issues in economics today. Accessible to the general economics reader, this book is ideal for advanced undergraduates and graduates in intermediate macroeconomics, macroeconomic theory, development economics, growth theory and trade theory.

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Play and Educational Theory and Practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, M. C. / Lytle, Don / Lytle, Donald E., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Combining the research talents of many long-standing members of the Association for the Study of Play, this work provides discussions of the theory and applied value of play, as well as ongoing research from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea. The developmental and educational theories of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky are analyzed in several chapters. The world's premiere play scholar, Brian Sutton-Smith, continues his seminal play theory work, following up on previously presented findings and constructing a developmental theory of play based on emotions. Chapters address: Play as a parody of emotional vulnerability Learning to observe children at play Symbolic play through the eyes and words of children The activities of children at recess in middle school Professors, teachers, scholars, and university students interested in early childhood education, child development, play theory and practice, and preschool and elementary education will find this volume of interest.
