welfare reform and abstinence education an issue brief

Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief

Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Castro, Wendy / Mayden, Bronwyn, PUBLISHER: CWLA Press (Child Welfare League of America), Designed to assist state and local policymakers and service providers to develop effective policies and practices, Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education provides objective information on the background of the abstinence-only education issue and highlights some of the facts, research findings, and key issues in the national debate over this provision.

Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand

Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moon, Bob / Corbett, Anne, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In common with most of the industrialized countries, France has undertaken an ambitious program of education reform over the last fifteen years. This book uses key extracts from contemporary writing to examine exactly how and why that process has happened, focusing on all states of the education system. The book covers the main characteristics of school reform in France, its aims and objectives, the desirability of and politics surrounding the reform process, and explorations of classroom practice, the changing role of parents, standards in schools, and the curriculum. Because of its high quality, wide and up-to-date coverage of the area, this book will be a vital reference for all those working in this field.

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Issue in Education, Notini - Monaco

Issue in Education, Notini - Monaco

Vendo libro "Issue in Education. An English Language Resource and Practice Book" di Sylvia Adrian Notini e Henry Monaco (). L'ho comprato per un esame. Non รจ scritto nรจ sottolineato, quindi come nuovo! L'ho comprato a 22 Euro, adesso lo rivendo a 12 Euro.

Sports Medicine Imaging, an Issue of Radiologic Clinics of

Sports Medicine Imaging, an Issue of Radiologic Clinics of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tuite, Michael, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, Musculoskeletal injuries are an unfortunate byproduct of an active population. Therefore imaging of these injuries is essential for the treatment, rehabilitation, and return to play. This issue reviews topics such as pediatric upper and lower extremity injuries, skiing and snow boarding injuries, overhead throwing injuries, spine injuries, and hip injuries.

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Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American

Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boudreau, Tom / Boudreau, Thomas E. / Carfora, John M., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Believing that current educational policies and practices in American institutions of higher learning contribute to an incoherent, disjunctive, and wasteful four-year experience for many undergraduates, the author provides a sense of new direction to aid in the restructuring and reform of undergraduate education in America. The primary question of the work is: How can the years of undergraduate education empower the student with the knowledge and integrated set of skills needed for a lifetime of learning and productive work? Boudreau focuses on the primary responsibility of all institutions of higher learning to provide a superior undergraduate education. All other functions of a university should be secondary to this commitment. Unfortunately, this basic premise seems lost today. This work argues that universities must undergo significant reform and renewal, especially at the undergraduate level, if they are to prepare students successfully for the future.

Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Sustainability

Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Sustainability

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Robert, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, Taking Sides volumes present current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with "Learning Outcomes, " an "Issue Summary, " an "Introduction, " and an "Exploring the Issue" section featuring "Critical Thinking and Reflection, Is There Common Ground?, " and "Additional Resources." Taking Sides readers also offer a "Topic Guide" and an annotated listing of "Internet References" for further consideration of the issues. An online Instructor's Resource Guide with testing material is available for each volume. "Using Taking Sides in the Classroom" is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit www.mhhe.com/takingsides for more details.

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Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory

Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Macesich, George, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This volume demonstrates how monetary and financial organizations in the United States and abroad can be improved through a new addition to traditional monetary policy. Cooperation theory, a system developed from games theory, is shown to provide an appropriate action/reaction approach that can lead to cooperation without abandoning the free market. Institutional, theoretical, and empirical results of game theory, computer simulation, monetary theory, and policy analysis are woven together so that each reinforces the other. The text clearly stresses that although unilateral, noncooperative action may result in short-term advantage for an organization, it ultimately leads to long-term losses for all in the economic system. Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory opens with a discussion of cooperation theory. It goes on to address improving the monetary financial organization. Bureaucracy and philosophy are analyzed, along with reform in the banking industry and banking in other countries. The book concludes with issues of international creditors and debtors. This work is full of useful information for the general economist, political scientist, and layman on the complex issue of monetary reform and the positive role cooperation theory can play in this vital process.

Money Matters: Income, Wealth and Financial Welfare

Money Matters: Income, Wealth and Financial Welfare

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, Robert / Parker, Gillian / Walker, Robert, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Underlying the current political and academic debate on the welfare state are two basic issues: What are the needs of individuals and social groups, and what resources do they have to meet those needs? In Money Matters a distinguished team of contributors address these questions with an analysis of the social distribution of financial welfare and its consequences for individuals' standards of living. The result is a fascinating and detailed account of the distribution of wealth and poverty in Britain today.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Meyer, Kirsten, PUBLISHER: Walter de Gruyter, Education, knowledge, equal opportunity, autonomy and a good life. These are the keywords shaping current social debate. Is education just an economic program or does knowledge have a value in its own right? Does education promise autonomy and a good life? What educational goals should the state set? What does the decree of equal opportunity mean? In ancient philosophy, an interest in education grew out of the core question of human happiness and a good life. By reviving that connection this book returns education to the philosophical agenda.

John Dewey, Liang Shuming, And China's Education Reform

John Dewey, Liang Shuming, And China's Education Reform

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zhang Huajun, PUBLISHER: Lexington Books, NA Acquista Ora

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Teacher Learning in Small-Group Settings: Teacher Education

Teacher Learning in Small-Group Settings: Teacher Education

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Craig, Cheryl J. / Not Available, Available, PUBLISHER: R&l Education, The international collection of essays contained in this volume offer a comprehensive look at how small groups are being employed in the field of education today and the purposes for which they are being used. Where teaching is concerned, readers of this volume come to know how teachers experience professional development in book clubs, Critical Friends Groups, and teacher research groups and how action research has been used by teachers in a particular curriculum reform project. Where teacher education is concerned, readers are afforded an insider view of what is happening in various cohorts and other small group configurations throughout the nation and the world, particularly with respect to diversity. Finally, readers catch a glimpse of what is occurring in higher education and how professors learn to be teacher educators, contributing members of the academy, and collaborative colleagues in their efforts to support and enhance student learning along the educational continuum.

Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social

Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goldberg, Gertrude Schaffner / Rosenthal, Marguerite G. / Goldberg, Gertrude S., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Particularly in the s, social welfare programs have been cut back in a number of countries. Indeed, the phrases "ending welfare as we know it" or "dismantling the welfare state" have been used to describe this trend. In this analysis by well-recognized social welfare scholars, the nature and extent of changes in social welfare programs in key industrial or post-industrial countries is scrutinized. Determining if and how social welfare and employment rospects have been cut back in the United States, Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, and Japan helps to identify the population groups hardest hit by cutback. In the United States, for example, poor, single-mother families have suffered major reductions in income support, while more powerful groups have avoided major losses. This cross-national study not only sheds light on general trends in social welfare but also provides clues to what constitutes successful reform and what has failed. This major comparative analysis will be of interest to scholars, students, policy makers, and professionals as well as the general public concerned with social welfare issues, full employment, poverty, and economic inequality.

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Gender and the Politics of Social Reform in France,

Gender and the Politics of Social Reform in France,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Accampo, Elinor Ann / Stewart, Mary Lynn / Fuchs, Rachel Ginnis, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, Traditional histories of the French Third Republic often overlook the extent to which concerns about the place of women and the health of the family influenced the course of government policy, particularly the direction of welfare reform. Combining the approaches of social and political history, Gender and the Politics of Social Reform in France, offers a new perspective on women's lives in the Third Republic -- and on the emergence of the welfare state in general -- by looking at the attitudes, actions, and policies of the men who held political power. Addressing themes in the newly invigorated field of welfare-state history, contributors to this volume offer evidence that social reform in France began far earlier than is usually supposed and was a response by republican politicians and social activists to a declining population growth rate. As this demographic crisis inspired efforts to improve maternal and child health and increase the birth rate, motherhood was redefined as a public mission deserving of public support. Even though the eventual reforms resulted in greater recognition of women's role in the proper functioning of society and provided for programs beneficial to infants, the legislation enacted by the men in power was decidedly patriarchal in its scope, treating women as children rather than equals. Contributors are Elinor Accampo, Linda L. Clark, Rachel G. Fuchs, Theresa McBride, Mary Lynn Stewart, and Judith F. Stone. "This important and timely collection of essays is a valuable contribution to this reinvigorated scholarly field. The history of the welfare state has for too long been in the suffocating grip of specialists in institutional historywith no vision of the wider historical setting, or has been regarded as an addendum to the history of labor organization and revolutionary socialism. This volume argues clearly and persuasively for a new orientation." -- Robert Nye, Oregon State University

Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hurrell, Andrew / Woods, Ngaire, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politics in order to suggest that growing inequality is reducing the capacity of governments and international organizations to manage these problems effectively. The eight areas surveyed include: international order, international law, welfare and social policy, global justice, regionalism and multilateralism, environmental protection, gender equality, military power, and security.

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Transition Education and Services for Students with

Transition Education and Services for Students with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sitlington, Patricia L. / Neubert, Debra A. / Clark, Gary M., PUBLISHER: Merrill Publishing Company, This book covers the transition of individuals with mild to severe disabilities from a school-age program to all aspects of adult life. The text addresses not only the transition of students with disabilities to employment, but also the transition to future living and post-secondary educational environments. Self-determination, interpersonal, and community integration knowledge and skills are integrated throughout. "Transition Education and Services for Students with Disabilities" builds upon the success of past editions and continues to expand content to include students with severe disabilities and students at the elementary and middle school levels. This text addresses the "ideal "and the "real "in terms of the relationship of the field of transition education and services to the standards-based reform movement in education. This book is intended for use by those in pre-service education programs at the undergraduate and graduate level, as well as those currently teaching in secondary special education programs and/or providing transition education and services.

Closing the Gender Gap

Closing the Gender Gap

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arnot, Madeleine / David, Miriam / Weiner, Gaby, PUBLISHER: Polity Press, Undergraduate and postgraduate students in education, sociology and gender studies, as well as the general reader with an interest in education or gender.

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New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education

New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kalantzis, Mary / Cope, Bill, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In this, the era of the 'knowledge society', more is expected of education than ever before, yet disappointment in education seems pervasive. New Learning analyses the state of education today and presents an exciting vision of what schools could be like. It addresses the fundamental questions: what kinds of workers, citizens and individuals will our future need, and how can schools refashion themselves and become more relevant? The focus is on learners and their learning - the extraordinary diversity of their backgrounds and interests, and the dynamics of educational environments which can engage all to fully maximise the effectiveness of learning. This book by internationally renowned experts is an imaginative, future-oriented exploration of contemporary education. The supplementary web site NewLearningOnline.com includes extracts from books and interviews, case studies, keyword definitions and additional learning material.

A Brief History of Canada

A Brief History of Canada

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roger Riendeau, PUBLISHER: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, This single volume provides a concise, highly readable introduction to the growth and development of a unique land and its people. Veteran historian Roger Riendeau masterfully surveys the origins of Canada from its First peoples through European contact, the rise and fall of the French Empire, English Conquest, the road to nationhood, and the struggles of a complex society to the end of the second millennium. Complete with text illustrations, maps, and an exhaustive index, A Brief History of Canada is a readily accessible reference for students and an engaging narrative for anyone who wants to learn more about this diverse and often enigmatic land.

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The Comparison In Which Mock Reform, Half Reform, and

The Comparison In Which Mock Reform, Half Reform, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John Cartwright, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

What Does Good Education Research Look Like?: Situating a

What Does Good Education Research Look Like?: Situating a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yates, Lyn, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, This book explains the debates around education research: Is it high quality? Is it scientific enough? Is it useful? It shows how research in education must meet different demands in different places, times, and conditions. An indispensable companion to textbooks on research methodology, and a clear and provocative argument about the banalities and messiness in which educational researchers must operate.

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Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change

Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berry, Joe, PUBLISHER: Monthly Review Press, Reclaiming the Ivory Tower examines the situation of adjunct professors in U.S. higher education today, describes the process of organizing them to improve their conditions of work, and puts forward an agenda around which adjunct labor can mobilize and transform the universities. In the last twenty years, higher education in the United States has been eroded by massive reliance on temporary academic labor--professors without tenure or prospect of tenure, without benefits, working without offices or research assistance, often commuting between several campuses, and paid a fraction of the salaries of the tenured colleagues. Contingent faculty now constitutes the majority of faculty at U.S. colleges and universities. Analyzing the changing composition of the academic workforce, assessing the strength of new organizing initiatives among adjuncts, and weighing up their strategic options, this is the most comprehensive and engaged account to date of an issue that will become increasingly important for the future of higher education in the United States and in the global context.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crouch, Colin / Heath, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In light of recent skepticism about the effectiveness of social research, this work provides an opportune reassessment of its influence. It also proposes new ways to consider the relationship of research to reform. The range of topics covered includes secondary educational reform, changing concepts of social work, women's studies, as well as the role of evaluation research in social policy in the United States and Sweden.

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Beyond Year  Innovative Solutions for the Evolving

Beyond Year Innovative Solutions for the Evolving

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mancini Newell, Lucy, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, This issue explores how many healthcare organizations are meeting the challenge of bringing meaningful patient information to those who practice medicine. It features case studies describing new and innovative solutions to delivering patient information and it addresses the complex problem of consolidating information systems in a clinical laboratory setting. The contributors also examine integration issues related to linking radiology information to collected digitized images, education strategy, and the challenges of meeting compliance requirements.This is an issue of the "Journal for Healthcare Information Management," sponsored by the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society.

Statistics in Plain English, 2nd Edition

Statistics in Plain English, 2nd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Urdan, Timothy C. / Urdan, PUBLISHER: Psychology Press, "Statistics in Plain English, 2/e" provides a brief, simple overview of statistics to help readers gain a better understanding of how statistics work and how to interpret them correctly. It presents brief explanations of statistical concepts and techniques in simple, everyday language. Each self-contained chapter consists of three sections. The first describes the statistic, including how it is used and what information it provides. The second section reviews how it works, how to calculate the formula, the strengths and weaknesses of the technique, and the conditions needed for its use. The final section provides examples that use and interpret the statistic. A glossary of terms and symbols is also included. New features in the second edition include: * an interactive CD with PowerPoint presentations and problems for each chapter including an overview of the problem's solution; * new chapters on basic research concepts including sampling, definitions of different types of variables, and basic research designs and one on nonparametric statistics; * more graphs and more precise descriptions of each statistic; and * a discussion of confidence intervals. This brief paperback is an ideal supplement for statistics, research methods, courses that use statistics, or as a reference tool to refresh one's memory about key concepts. The actual research examples are from psychology, education, and other social and behavioral sciences. Acquista Ora

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The Brief Wadsworth Handbook

The Brief Wadsworth Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kirszner, Laurie G. / Mandell, Stephen R., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, The most comprehensive brief handbook available, THE BRIEF WADSWORTH HANDBOOK, Sixth Edition, provides students with extensive coverage of rhetorical concerns, the writing and research process, writing and researching with computers, visual rhetoric, and other topics essential for 21st-century student writers. This versatile and proven text is a uniquely effective guide to help students develop the critical thinking, reading, and writing skills they need to become successful communicators in college and beyond. Practicing teachers and collaborative writing partners throughout their careers, Kirszner and Mandell bring an "in-the-trenches" pragmatic understanding of instructor and student needs to every page of this Sixth Edition. Acquista Ora
