play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification

Play at Work: Companies on the Cutting Edge of Gamification

Play at Work: Companies on the Cutting Edge of Gamification

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Penguin Putnam Inc, A fascinong>atong>ing look ong>atong> how games can help us learn, creong>atong>e, and innovong>atong>e Once thought to be nothing more than diversions for children and nerds, games have become an integral part of everyday life. Educong>atong>ors are trying to make learning more fun by introducing games into the classroom while cutting-edge managers are doing the same in the ong>workong>place. Doctors, scientists, and entrepreneurs are deploying games to help solve some of the world's most pressing problems. But according to Adam Penenberg, it's not the games themselves thong>atong> improve our lives, but rong>atong>her smart game design and its impact on the brain thong>atong> can lead us to become immersed in a task we find enjoyable. The individuals and institutions thong>atong> have used games to achieve this effect are often rewarded with astounding results. Drawing on the long>atong>est brain science on ong>atong>tention and engagement plus his own firsthand reporting, Penenberg shows how organizong>atong>ions like Google, Microsoft, hospitals, and the military have used game design in bold new ways.

Work + Life

Work + Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yost, Cali Williams, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, The empowering new 3-step guide to combining ong>workong> and life strong>atong>egically, creong>atong>ively, and successfully. The message is simple: ong>Workong> doesn't have to be all or nothing. There are countless combinong>atong>ions of ong>workong> and life between these extremes. People can change the way ong>workong> fits into their lives, in a way thong>atong>'s good for employees and employers. "ong>Workong>+Life" provides the tools to adjust the "ong>workong>" portion of life in order to have more time and/or energy for personal responsibilities and interests. Even a small change can make a big difference. Industry expert Cali Yost has been ong>workong>ing with people on all sides of the issue: employees and managers ong>atong> ong>companiesong> such as General Electric/NBC, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals, and Ernst & Young, and EAPs nong>atong>ionwide thong>atong> help ong>companiesong> help their employees. They all say the same thing-"ong>Workong>+Life" is the missing piece of the puzzle, putting readers on the cutting edge of the ong>workong>place revolution.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Work + Life


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morris, Ann / Heyman, Ken, PUBLISHER: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, Come fly an airplane in Germany and a kite in Thailand, fish for cod off the coast of Canada and wind-up whales on a sidewalk in Japan, herd sheep in New Zealand and ride an elephant in the United Stong>atong>es. ong>Workong> and its companion volume, ong>Playong>, take young children on a trip around the world to visit people from a rich variety of cultures ong>atong> ong>workong> and ong>atong> ong>playong>.

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, M. C. / Lytle, Don / Lytle, Donald E., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Combining the research talents of many long-standing members of the Associong>atong>ion for the Study of ong>Playong>, this ong>workong> provides discussions of the theory and applied value of ong>playong>, as well as ongoing research from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea. The developmental and educong>atong>ional theories of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky are analyzed in several chapters. The world's premiere ong>playong> scholar, Brian Sutton-Smith, continues his seminal ong>playong> theory ong>workong>, following up on previously presented findings and constructing a developmental theory of ong>playong> based on emotions. Chapters address: ong>Playong> as a parody of emotional vulnerability Learning to observe children ong>atong> ong>playong> Symbolic ong>playong> through the eyes and words of children The activities of children ong>atong> recess in middle school Professors, teachers, scholars, and university students interested in early childhood educong>atong>ion, child development, ong>playong> theory and practice, and preschool and elementary educong>atong>ion will find this volume of interest.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Play and Educational Theory and Practice
The Economic Foundations of Government

The Economic Foundations of Government

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holcombe, Randall G. / Krondorfer, Bjorn, PUBLISHER: New York University Press, This welcome ong>workong> argues thong>atong> government is the result of a contract arrived ong>atong> by individuals with varying bargaining power. Holcombe explores such issues as why the political system protects individual's rights, why individuals agree to political institutions thong>atong> give their governments extensive power, and why even the most powerful government benefits from constitutional rules which constrain its power. He arrives ong>atong> a theory of rights, constitutions, and government thong>atong> does not rely, as economists have traditionally done, on value judgments. Very much ong>atong> the cutting edge of economic thinking, this book will interest undergraduong>atong>es and professionals in the fields of economics, political science, and government.

Social Work Practice with Men at Risk

Social Work Practice with Men at Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Furman, Rich, PUBLISHER: Columbia University Press, Treong>atong>ing men as a culturally distinct group, Rich Furman integrong>atong>es key conceptions of masculinity into culturally sensitive social ong>workong> practice with men. Focusing on veterans, displaced ong>workong>ers, substance abusers, mental health consumers, and other groups thong>atong> might be unlikely to seek help, Furman deftly explores the psychosocial development of men, along with the globalizong>atong>ion of men's lives, alternong>atong>ive conceptions of masculinity, and special dynamics within male relong>atong>ionships. Furman bolsters his conclusions with case studies and evidence-based interventions. His cutting-edge research merges four key social ong>workong> theories and explores how they inform practice with mental health issues, compulsive disorders, addiction, and violence. By promoting gender equity and culturally competent practice with men, Furman bridges the gap between clinical and macro practice. "Social ong>Workong> Practice with Men ong>atong> Risk" is a crucial text for educong>atong>ors and practitioners hoping to pursue effective, far-reaching interventions.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Social Work Practice with Men at Risk
European Multinationals in Core Technologies

European Multinationals in Core Technologies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tulder, Rob Van / Junne, Gerd / Van Tulder, Rob, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Evaluong>atong>es the position of European ong>companiesong> compared to American and Japanese ong>companiesong>, and looks ong>atong> the social and regional impact of the applicong>atong>ion of "core technologies" by multinong>atong>ional ong>companiesong>. Analyzes the shift in power between multinong>atong>ional firms and nong>atong>ional governments thong>atong> has resulted from the firms' position in new technologies, and from the internong>atong>ional cooperong>atong>ion agreements between European firms. Shows how core technologies are used more in Europe than in the U.S. by multinong>atong>ional corporong>atong>ions, and looks ong>atong> the future of multinong>atong>ionals and their relong>atong>ionships with smaller ong>companiesong>.

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salmond, John A. / Clayton, Bruce / Salmond, John, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This is a unique collection of essays by some of the world's leading historians of the South, together with ong>workong> by younger scholars. All contributors, however, are ong>workong>ing ong>atong> the cutting edge of their particular methodological approaches. The book, for example, includes both an essay by Pulitzer Prize winner Rhys Isaac, and one by Rutgers University graduong>atong>e student Beth Hale. Yet, both have a common concern to explore the reaches of the Southern past through the dimension of ethnography. The essays in the book are grouped according to theme. The largest section, the social sciences and Southern history, includes essays drawing heavily on the insights of anthropology of ethnography and of stong>atong>istical analysis. Each essay in the second section is designed to illustrong>atong>e how life history can be used to illuminong>atong>e much larger histoical themes and processes. The essays in the last section on labor in the "new" South all illustrong>atong>e, among other things, the importance of drawing on the insights of historians of women in order to redress the masculinist presuppositons of labor historians. All the essays in the book, in fact, reflect current concerns with gender and race in the re-interpretong>atong>ion of the Southern past.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and
On the Winds of Love

On the Winds of Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Leigh, Lori, PUBLISHER: Vintage Romance Publishing, Their country teetered on the edge of revolution, their lives both destined to ong>playong> a part thong>atong> would decide the outcome. Somehow, they found love.

Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for

Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devine, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Truman Stong>atong>e University Press, On the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Stong>atong>e of Israel an internong>atong>ional group of scholars, policy makers, and members of the public gong>atong>hered ong>atong> the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace on the Hebrew University Campus to examine the diplomong>atong>ic and political context from which the Stong>atong>e of Israel emerged. Presenters placed special emphasis on research using archival mong>atong>erials made available in recent decades. This event also marked the fortieth anniversary of the creong>atong>ion of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute and provided an opportunity to commemorong>atong>e and reflect on the ong>workong> supported by the Institute. This collection of the thirteen articles presented ong>atong> the conference in May advances the discussion of President Truman's recognition of the Stong>atong>e of Israel, highlights ongoing research in internong>atong>ional archives, and reviews efforts in the advocacy of peace made possible by the Institute.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for
Ben harper blind boys of alabama - live at the apollo - cd

Ben harper blind boys of alabama - live at the apollo - cd

11th Commandment (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Well, Well, Well (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) I Want To Be Ready (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Take My Hand (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Picture of Jesus (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Church House Steps (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Ben Harper Introduces The Band... (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Give A Man A Home (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Wicked Man (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Mother Pray (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) I Shall Not Walk Alone (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Church On Time (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Where Could I Go (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) There Will Be A Light (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) Song>atong>isfied Mind (Live ong>atong> the Apollo) ottime condizioni

The Collected Ellison: The City on the Edge of Forever

The Collected Ellison: The City on the Edge of Forever

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ellison, Harlan / Bauman, Jill, PUBLISHER: White Wolf Games Studio, Finally The definitive lifeong>workong>s of the author The Washington Post calls "one of the greong>atong> living American short story writers". The first of 20 volumes, Edgeong>workong>s: The Collected Ellison, Volume 1 contains An Edge in My Voice and Over the Edge with completely revised, updong>atong>ed and expanded manuscripts.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: The Collected Ellison: The City on the Edge of Forever
Backstreet Boys

Backstreet Boys

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacDonald, Elizabeth / Carlton Books, PUBLISHER: Carlton Publishing Group, Read the extraordinary story of the Backstreet Boys in this picture-packed illustreong>atong>ed biography containing all the facts on Nick, Kevin, AJ, Brian, and Howie. With beind-the-scenes info about their lives and loves plus gorgeous photographs of the boys ong>atong> ong>workong> and ong>playong>, this book is larger than life.

Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellogg, Ronald T., PUBLISHER: Sage Publicong>atong>ions (CA), Integrong>atong>ing the long>atong>est developments in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, emotion and cognitive development, author Ronald T. Kellogg provides a clear view of whong>atong> is happening ong>atong> the cutting edge of the field today. Written in an accessible style, the book explores applicong>atong>ions of cognitive psychology underscoring the practical side of the field. New to the Second Edition: - Updong>atong>ed with the long>atong>est research in cognitive psychology including the recent discovery of how the default netong>workong> of the brain integrong>atong>es findings on remembering one's personal past, envisioning the future, seeing the world from the perspective of another person - Recent advances in netong>workong>s of ong>atong>tention, prospective memory, emotion and cognition, creong>atong>ivity in problem solving, moral reasoning, fluid intelligence and ong>workong>ing memory, and frugal heuristics in decision making. - More extensive coverage of applicong>atong>ions of cognitive psychology to everyday life such as research on the risks of driving while talking on a cell phone and recent findings on memory retrieval and how to improve study skills

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology
Trends: From Central Saint Martins

Trends: From Central Saint Martins

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tallon, Kevin, PUBLISHER: B.T. Bong>atong>sford, Whong>atong> will be hot--and whong>atong> not? Find out Inside the world-famous Central Saint Martins College in London is a think tank (known as "Saints") whose members blend pure creong>atong>ivity with smart business sense. And these pioneering young people are among the best in the world ong>atong> forecasting trends and figuring out whong>atong>'s on the cutting edge. Their track record is so good thong>atong> some of the biggest ong>companiesong> hire them as consultants. Here, in book form for the first time, are their early predictions on the most important design and socio-cultural trends for the next two years. Clear, concise, and visually ong>atong>tractive, this is a volume for those who want to be in the know.

Vendere una foto

Vendere una foto

The ong>workong> was written by the artist N. Lvov in the middle of the first half of the 20th century.The painting depicts the summer southern seascape. On the left side - a mountainous shore with cypress. The landscape is characterized by simplicity, clarity and original pictorial expression.A picture with a harmonious color, based on a combinong>atong>ion of subtle shades of blue, green and brown colors. The ong>workong> is written with the appropriong>atong>e mood and corresponds to ong>workong>s popular with connoisseurs of art!

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Vendere una foto
On Creativity

On Creativity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bohm, David / Nichol, Lee, PUBLISHER: Routledge, David Bohm is widely recognized for his significant contributions to the discussion on the relong>atong>ionship between art and science. On Creong>atong>ivity is a collection of essays by Bohm, which are all relong>atong>ed directly to the nong>atong>ure of creong>atong>ivity - primarily the long>atong>ent creong>atong>ivity in the human mind, but interestingly enough, to the creong>atong>ivity in nong>atong>ure and the universe ong>atong> large as well. A significant portion of the mong>atong>erial draws overtly from Bohm's perceptions as a practising scientist - his notions of whong>atong> underlies a paradigm shift, or how laws of nong>atong>ure, theories and hypotheses are perceived, rong>atong>ionalized and axiomong>atong>ized. However, the novelty and appeal of Bohm's views of these processes is the suggestion thong>atong> the ong>workong> of the visual artist is remarkably similar to thong>atong> of the scientist. He explores these similarities ong>atong> length and even goes so far as to suggest thong>atong> the creong>atong>ive processes of the scientist and the artist are ong>atong> ong>workong> in every person. On Creong>atong>ivity is a fascinong>atong>ing read for Bohm aficionados and for those interested in exploring the relong>atong>ion between creong>atong>ivity in art and science.

BRANCUSI - Radu Varia

BRANCUSI - Radu Varia

Dal massimo conoscitore dell'artista, una monografia esaustiva dell'opera artistica di Brancusi. Vendo questo raro volume (fotocopiong>atong>o e rilegong>atong>o), di 276 pp, riccamente illustrong>atong>o, in lingua inglese, ad euro 40. Edizioni Universe, "A definitive book on the ong>workong> of Constantin Brancusi, feong>atong>uring one of the most complete collections of Brancusi's ong>workong> in one volume. Author Radu Varia, one of the world's foremost experts on Brancusi, illuminong>atong>es a fascinong>atong>ing discussion on Brancusi's ong>workong>s, influences, and inspirong>atong>ions with hundreds of greong>atong> photographs. Included are an explorong>atong>ion of the inspirong>atong>ions for Brancusi's ong>workong>, as well as a presentong>atong>ion and discussion of the complex of ong>workong>s ong>atong> Târgu-Jiu, Romania." Possibilità di spedizione sia ordinaria sia raccomandong>atong>a a discrezione dell'acquirente

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: BRANCUSI - Radu Varia
Julia Alvarez: Writing a New Place on the Map

Julia Alvarez: Writing a New Place on the Map

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnson, Kelli Lyon, PUBLISHER: University of New Mexico Press, A closer look ong>atong> the ong>workong> of one of today's most widely read Long>atong>ina authors.

Hoover's Handbook of Emerging Companies

Hoover's Handbook of Emerging Companies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoover's Business Press, PUBLISHER: Hoover's, Hoover's Handbook of Emerging ong>Companiesong> chronicles the rise of 300 of America's most dynamic growth firms. This book focuses on U.S. ong>companiesong> with revenues between $20 million and $1 billion thong>atong> have experienced sales growth of ong>atong> least 25 percent annually in the past five years and have had positive net income for the last year. Discover how ong>companiesong> like Central Garden & Pet Company, The Men's Wearhouse and PeopleSoft have raced past their competitors to become leaders in their fields. You'll learn about young ong>companiesong>, such as Inktomi and DoubleClick, thong>atong> are poised for explosive growth, and the stories behind recent IPOs such as and GeoCities. Anyone with a need to know about the hottest growth ong>companiesong> in the U.S. will find this book a gold mine of useful informong>atong>ion. It includes lists of fast-growing ong>companiesong> from Business Week, Forbes, Inc., Fortune and other publicong>atong>ions, and is indexed by headquarters locong>atong>ion and industry, and by the people, ong>companiesong> and brand names mentioned in the profiles.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Hoover's Handbook of Emerging Companies
Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graham, Kevin / Chandler, Gary, PUBLISHER: Pruett Publishing Company, A book showcasing the successes of ordinary people whose simple, practical efforts have minimized the impact of modern life on the environment. Focusing on environmental opportunities and new solutions to old problems, Environmental Heroes demonstrong>atong>es thong>atong> anyone can make a positive difference for the fong>atong>e of our planet.

The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American

The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gore, Robert H., PUBLISHER: Pineapple Press (FL), - Only book available on this greong>atong> body of wong>atong>er - Synopsis of the history, geology, geography, oceanography, biology, ecology, and economics of the Gulf - Traces the economic use of the Gulf from the Mayans to present-day offshore oil ong>companiesong> - Explores every discrete ecological community in the Gulf - For those who live or vacong>atong>ion on the Gulf and wants to know the full story of their wong>atong>ery backyard

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American
The World and a Very Small Place in Africa

The World and a Very Small Place in Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wright, Donald R., PUBLISHER: M.E. Sharpe, This study looks ong>atong> the effects of "global" phenomena -- trans-Saharan trade, European expansion, the rise of an ong>Atong>lantic plantong>atong>ion complex, industrializong>atong>ion, imperialism, colonialism, world wars, growth of a world market, political independence and economic dependence -- on the way of life in Niumi, a small area ong>atong> the mouth of the Gambia river in West Africa (now called The Gambia), over the last six-seven hundred years. Written in clear, accessible prose, and drawing on archival and oral traditions, the ong>workong> considers global developments from a local/regional perspective.

Cranky the Rooster

Cranky the Rooster

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frazier, Laurence, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Life on a farm can be lots of hard ong>workong> and humorous. As the story will tell a typical ong>workong> day on the farm.

Offerte relazionate play at work companies on the cutting edge of gamification: Cranky the Rooster
Hoover's Handbook of American Business

Hoover's Handbook of American Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoover's Business Press, PUBLISHER: Hoover's, Hoover's Handbook of American Business has become the standard for accessible and interesting informong>atong>ion about ong>companiesong>. This comprehensive two-volume set contains in-depth profiles of 750 of America's largest and most influential ong>companiesong>. You'll find major corporong>atong>e giants like Coca-Cola, Exxon, General Motors and Wal-Mart, plus a selection of more than 50 of the largest privong>atong>ely owned ong>companiesong>, including Cargill and Mars. Unlike any other business resource on the market, Hoover's examines the personalities, events and strong>atong>egies thong>atong> have made these enterprises leaders in their fields. This valuable reference includes 60 pages of business lists, such as the Fortune 500 list of the largest U.S. corporong>atong>ions, Computer Retail Week's Top 50 Computer Retailers and the ong>companiesong> on the Standard & Poor's 500. It also includes indexes by headquarters locong>atong>ion and industry, and by the people, ong>companiesong> and brand names mentioned in the profiles.
