play and educational theory and practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, M. C. / Lytle, Don / Lytle, Donald E., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Combining the research talents of many long-standing members of the Association for the Study of Play, this work provides discussions of the theory and applied value of play, as well as ongoing research from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea. The developmental and educational theories of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky are analyzed in several chapters. The world's premiere play scholar, Brian Sutton-Smith, continues his seminal play theory work, following up on previously presented findings and constructing a developmental theory of play based on emotions. Chapters address: Play as a parody of emotional vulnerability Learning to observe children at play Symbolic play through the eyes and words of children The activities of children at recess in middle school Professors, teachers, scholars, and university students interested in early childhood education, child development, play theory and practice, and preschool and elementary education will find this volume of interest.

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sax, Gilbert, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This edition continues Sax's tradition of comprehensive and comprehensible coverage of testing and measurement principles while including the most recent theory and research.

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Theorizing Social Work Practice

Theorizing Social Work Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thompson, Neil, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This important new text from Neil Thompson explores the relationship between social work theory and social work practice in a way that promotes reflective practice and identifies the value and limitations of different theoretical positions from an applied perspective. The book is outstanding for its clarity, balance, organization and integrity.

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the art of dancing - Carlo Blasis Libro in lingua inglese. Translated by Mary Stewart Evans. Buono stato di conservazione

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Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context

Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kozulin, Alex / Ageyev, Vladimir / Miller, Suzanne, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Innovative ideas in educational psychology, learning, and instruction, originally formulated by Russian psychologist and educator Lev Vygotsky, are currently enjoying unprecedented popularity in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, and Russia. An international team of scholarly contributors provides comprehensive coverage of all the main concepts of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. They emphasize its importance for the understanding of child development, and propose specific classroom applications.

Dio ci ha creato gratis

Dio ci ha creato gratis

Marcello D'Orta Short texts by junior school children on the Bible and religious theory and practice.

Offerte relazionate play and educational theory and practice: Dio ci ha creato gratis
animazione al computer

animazione al computer

A. Watt - M. Watt advanced animation and rendering techniques theory and practice in lingua inglese

Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition Theory and Practice

Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Christopher Geib David Pynadath Gita Sukthankar Hung Hai Bui Robert Goldman, PUBLISHER: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, NA

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E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present new perspectives on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory media; providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cudworth, Erika, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book provides a comprehensive overview of feminist and environmental theories of society-environment relations, considers the range of theoretical and political influences on socialist and Marxist theory, amongst others, and the social sciences' turn to poststructuralism and postmodernism. Cudworth also develops her own theoretical account for the interrelations between forms of social domination and contributes to important debates with sociology, social theory, feminist theory and environmentalism.

Offerte relazionate play and educational theory and practice: Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference
Talent in Context: Historical and Social Persepectives on

Talent in Context: Historical and Social Persepectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedman, Reva C. / Rogers, Karen B., PUBLISHER: APA Books, This Division 15 series, "Psychology in the Classroom", is geared toward elementary, middle, and high school teachers. This series encourages teachers to base daily classroom practices on sound principles derived from the latest educational psychology research. The series bridges the gap between theory and practice, with each book including real-life case illustrations, sample classroom activities, self-study questions, and suggested readings.

Educational Research Undone

Educational Research Undone

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stronach, Ian / Stronach, Aan / Maclure, Margaret, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, "This is a provocative, important book. It moves the discourses of postmodernism and deconstructionism to new levels of insight and analysis. Authors Stronach and MacLure perform a major service to the field, showing how these complex discourses can be fitted to the concrete practices of educational research and pedagogy. In so doing they set new goals and priorities for the next generation of educational research and theory" - Norman K Denzin, College of Communications Scholar, Distinguished Professor of Communication, Research Professor of Sociology, Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "As intelligent a hearing as postmodernism is likely to receive." - Professor Ernie House, School of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder. This book is the first educational research text in the UK to come to terms with postmodernism and deconstruction, connecting these emerging problematics of 'representation' to issues in philosophy, research methodology, and policy critique, and both providing and criticising its own examples. The authors draw on literary theory, anthropology, and sociology in order to construct alternative ways of reading and writing educational research, claiming that it is with a 'reformed inheritance' that such research can best address the condition of postmodernity as well as the positive and negative aspects of postmodernism. The book will appeal to educational and social researchers, as well as to research students.

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The Practice of Liberal Pluralism

The Practice of Liberal Pluralism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Galston, William, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, William Galston defends a theory, liberal pluralism, based on three core concepts--value pluralism, political pluralism, and expressive liberty--and explores the implications of this theory for politics. Liberal pluralism helps clarify some of the complexities of real-world political action and points toward a distinctive conception of public philosophy and public policy.

String Theory Superstring theory and beyond

String Theory Superstring theory and beyond

Polchinski Joseph, String Theory. Volume II° Superstring theory and beyond. Ed. Cambridge University Press collana Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics. In-8°, legatura, sovraccoperta, pp. XIX-531, ottime condizioni. ISBN

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Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear

Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spooner, Jeffrey T. / Maggiore, Manfredi / Ordó Ñ EZ, Raú L., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, Includes a solution manual for problems. Provides MATLAB code for examples and solutions. Deals with robust systems in both theory and practice.

Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of

Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ferrand, Carole T. / Bloom, Ronald L., PUBLISHER: Allyn & Bacon, This book provides a life-span perspective on organic and neurogenic disorders of communication. The book presents current theories in the context of clinical practice and combines a medical approach to communication disorders with emphasis on educational, social and cultural factors. The book includes traditional areas of practice (e.g. aphasia, voice disorders, etc.) as well as new or expanded areas (e.g. dysphagia, psychiatric disorders, dementias). Each chapter is based on current research and theory, which provides a solid and comprehensive framework for understanding these communication problems. In addition, essential information in the areas of instrumentation, analytic techniques, and medio-surgical advances is highlighted. The book provides intelligent and in-depth coverage of medically-related communication disorders and their consequences, without sacrificing readability. For professionals working in the field of speech-language pathology.

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Marketing: The Enyclopedic Dictionary

Marketing: The Enyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mercer / Lastmercer / Mercer, David, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, " Marketing is an international textbook designed for undergraduates and MBA courses. In addition to providing comprehensive coverage of all traditional marketing topics, it also covers applications and issues within the service and non-profit sectors, together with new developments in marketing theory and practice.

Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning

Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mezirow, Jack / Mezirow, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, "Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning" describes the dynamics of how adults learn--and how their perceptions are transformed by learning--as a framework for formulating educational theory and practice. It presents an in-depth analysis of the ways in which adults learn, how they make meaning of the learning experience, and how their lives can be transformed by it.

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Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist

Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilkins, Esther M., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, The cornerstone text of almost every dental hygienist's library is now in its thoroughly updated Tenth Edition. Written in a straightforward, concise outline format, this text equips both students and practitioners with the clinical and educational skills needed for successful practice. Features includes full-color artwork and photographs, case-based exercises, procedure boxes, and ethics boxes. The Tenth Edition presents the latest technical advances and research findings and includes a new chapter on teeth whitening. "Doody's Core Titles(TM) ."

Real Analysis

Real Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Royden, H. L. / Fitzpatrick, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, covers the basic material that every reader should know in the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration theory, and some of the more important and elementary topics in general topology and normed linear space theory. This text assumes a general background in mathematics and familiarity with the fundamental concepts of analysis. Classical theory of functions, including the classical Banach spaces; General topology and the theory of general Banach spaces; Abstract treatment of measure and integration. For all readers interested in real analysis.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Leff, Lawrence S., PUBLISHER: Barron's Educational Series, Starting in June , the New York State Board of Regents is reinstituting the high school geometry exam. This brand-new "Regents Exams and Answers: Geometry " joins Barronas famous series of Regents aRedbooks, a presenting an in-depth subject review, plus hundreds of practice problems with answers. Topics reviewed include the language of geometry; parallel lines and quadrilaterals and coordinates; similarity; right triangles and trigonometry; circles and angle measurement; transformation geometry; locus and coordinates; and an introduction to solid geometry. Also presented is a full-length practice geometry exam that accurately reflects New York State Regents standards in subject matter and degree of difficulty.

Inside Out and Outside in: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory and

Inside Out and Outside in: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berzoff, Joan / Flanagan, Laura Melano / Hertz, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Over the past decade, Inside Out and Outside In has become a very important book among mental health practitioners in a variety of disciplines that deal with individuals in their complex social environments. Revised and updated throughout, the third edition builds on this foundation and adds a new chapter on cognitive behavioral theory and practice and a new chapter on relational and intersubjective theories to more fully meet the needs of both students and practitioners today. The third edition of Inside Out and Outside In maintains the book's respectful tone and empathetic voice while making many new additions. The chapter on affective disorders now includes bipolar disorders. Two other chapters update content on psychodynamic theory and race and gender. This edition also offers new research on schizophrenia and personality disorders. Other key updates include linking trauma theory with attachment, as well as attending to client systems, including couples, throughout the book. This new edition further deepens our understanding of the bio-psycho-social contexts in which clinical theory and practice occur, particularly in multicultural settings. It offers ways to clearly understand theories and clinical disorders in their biological and social contexts and provides key updates on new developments in the biopsychosocial domain. Acquista Ora

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Handbook of Social Intervention

Handbook of Social Intervention

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seidman, Edward, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A definitive resource for anyone involved in the study or practice of social planning and intervention. Invited contributors review the literature on psychological, social, educational, economic, and environmental policies and programmes. Issues of design, method, assessment, and tactics of social intervention are explored. The volume then deals with intervention in criminal justice, education, health, housing, and thirteen other specific areas of policy.

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Featherstone, Mike, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Recent years have seen a significant reappraisal of the idea of culture within the social sciences, and a growing integration of theoretical concerns between the social sciences and the humanities. Debates over concepts such as postmodernism and cultural globalization have been symptomatic of a broader interdisciplinary interest in the social context of cultural practice. In this book an international cast of eminent theorists examines a series of key questions on the borders of the cultural and the social. Ranging across a broad canvas, the contributors focus on different elements of cultural theory and cultural process: discourse, lifestyle, the emotions, the intelligentsia, social movements, postmodernism. Linking the chapters is a concern with the central role of European social theory in the current reappraisal of culture, and an assessment of its relation to other international traditions. This book, for an interdisciplinary readership, will serve as an outline of key concerns in cultural theory and an insight into the central insights of Theory, Culture and Society. The book is also published as issue 9.1 of Theory, Culture and Society.

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Electric Wiring An Theory and Practice, for Wiremen,

Electric Wiring An Theory and Practice, for Wiremen,

