marketing channel management an instructors manual

Marketing Channel Management: An Instructor's Manual

Marketing Channel Management: An Instructor's Manual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McCalley, Russell W. / Unknown, PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, "Marketing Channel Management: An Instructor's Manual" has been designed to accompany the text "Marketing Channel Management: People, Products, Programs, and Markets." Written by the author, this manual allows the teacher to incorporate the text fully into any course structure. An instructor may use this class-tested collection of questions and exercises to help students develop their understanding of the marketing channel and aid in the presentation of material in the classroom. It is readable, direct, and student-oriented. The manual also offers exam and quiz questions, term paper topic suggestions, and suggested transparencies.

Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sargeant, Adrian, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book provides a comprehensive overview of the theory behind non-profit marketing, and analyzes key non-profit sectors such as fund-raising, the arts, education, healthcare, and social ideas. Second and third year undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in non-profit marketing, service marketing and public sector management will find this volume an invaluable course accompaniment.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Vendo la 12a edizione di Marketing Management di Philip Kotler e Kevin Keller. Autentico manuale di marketing. Vendo per passaggio a edizione successiva. Il volume é tenuto in modo maniacale.

Sandro Castaldo - Retail&Channel Management

Sandro Castaldo - Retail&Channel Management

Sandro Castaldo - Retail&Channel Management Come nuovo editore: Egea Prima edizione Ristampa

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Sandro Castaldo - Retail&Channel Management
Management e marketing dei servizi

Management e marketing dei servizi

Vendo libro MANAGEMENT E MARKETING DEI SERVIZI di Christian Gronroos, seconda edizione. Il libro è in buone condizioni, sottolineato solo a matita. Prezzo:15€ Per informazioni:

Marketing Planning and Strategy

Marketing Planning and Strategy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jain, Subhash C. / Haley, George T., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Marketing Planning and Strategy is designed for courses at the junior/senior-level in marketing strategy, business unit strategy analysis, strategic market planning, marketing planning, strategic marketing management and advanced marketing. It focuses on building the strategic skills necessary to compete in the global economy by using a variety of analytical frameworks to understand how companies formulate strategy, make strategic decisions, and how they implement strategy. This text focuses on marketing strategy from the viewpoint of the business unit and clearly distinguishes marketing strategy from marketing management.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Marketing Planning and Strategy
Libri di marketing

Libri di marketing

Vendesi i seguenti libri di marketing: 1. russel s. Winer, ravi dhar, Fabrizio Mosca - marketing management - Apogeo. Costo originale 38€. 2. philip Kotler, Kevin L. Keller - il marketing del nuovo millennio, seconda edizione - pearson prentice hall. Costo originale 38€.

Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Un testo classico marketing di Philip Kotler. Studiato in tutte le università del mondo, edizione aggiornata e ampliata. Spedizione inclusa in tutta Italia

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Marketing Management
Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Analisi, pianificazione e controllo dell'azione sul mercato. III edizione a cura di Giancarlo Ravazzi. ISEDI (Istituto Editoriale Internazionale Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. 40 Economia e Direzione Aziendale. contiene: Parte 1° Concettualizzazione del marketing management. Parte 2° Analisi delle opportunità di mercato. Parte 3° La programmazione commerciale. Parte 4° Formulazione delle strategia di prodotto. Parte 5° Composizione del marketing mix. Parte 6° Amministrazione del programma di marketing. Parte 7° Ampliamento del concetto di marketing. Pagine 567 Dimensioni (AxLxP) 35 x 160 x 235 mm Stampato Ottobre da Tecnografica Milanese Ponte Sesto di Rozzano-Milano Volume con copertina rigida come nuovo. Vendita 11 euro + spedizione

Libri su marketing, management, iso

Libri su marketing, management, iso

cedo i seguenti libri: Ascani - il manuale del manager sportivo. Oronzo - manuale dello sport Guarini - sponsorizzazione e management sportivo. Angelini - il podio celeste e tanti altri libri su marketing e management sportivo. Pedler - il manager eccellente. Cedo anche diversi libri su sistema qualità iso per aziende sanitarie, testi su sponsorizzazioni sportive e di organizzazioni eventi in genere. tutti i testi sono in ottime condizioni.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Libri su marketing, management, iso
International marketing and export management

International marketing and export management

Vendesi libro di marketing internazionale in lingua inglese. Usato pochissimo, solo 10 pagine sottolineate, il resto praticamente nuovo. Vendo o scambio con altro editore prentice hall financial Times.

Conducting Sales Meetings: Selling and Marketing Management

Conducting Sales Meetings: Selling and Marketing Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lapp, Charles L. / Dauner, Jack R., PUBLISHER: Literary Licensing, LLC, A Comprehensive Guide For Solving Sales And Marketing Problems.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Conducting Sales Meetings: Selling and Marketing Management
Lehmann] Analysis for Marketing Planning]

Lehmann] Analysis for Marketing Planning]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lehmann, Donald R. / Winer, Russell S., PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Analysis for Marketing Planning focuses on the analysis needed for sound Marketing decisions and is structured around the core marketing document--the Marketing Plan. Whether studying Marketing strategy or Product/Brand Management decisions, students need to be able to make decisions based from sound analysis. This book does not attempt to cover all aspects of the marketing plan; rather it focuses on the analysis pertaining to a product's environment, customers and competitors.

Marketing: The Enyclopedic Dictionary

Marketing: The Enyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mercer / Lastmercer / Mercer, David, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, " Marketing is an international textbook designed for undergraduates and MBA courses. In addition to providing comprehensive coverage of all traditional marketing topics, it also covers applications and issues within the service and non-profit sectors, together with new developments in marketing theory and practice.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Marketing: The Enyclopedic Dictionary
Corsi libri di marketing vendita

Corsi libri di marketing vendita

Cedo libri usati di marketing, corsi di brand positioning, copywriting,marketing a risposta diretta... marketing strategico, posizionamento,Facebook marketing, email marketing. Per informazioni contattatemi. Autori Jay Abraham... Dan Kennedy.. al ries

Making Projects Critical

Making Projects Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hodgson, Damian / Cicmil, Svetlana, PhD, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This is an edited collection contributed by a range of international scholars linking the area of project management with critical management perspectives. Recent debates have suggested that the problems inherent in project management in practice (cost overruns, delays etc.) reside in the prescriptive, functionalist, and quantitative tradition inherited by project management from the narrow perspective of operations management. "Making Projects Critical" widens the scope of project management by considering project management within a wider organizational and societal context.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Making Projects Critical
The Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cohen, William A., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Everything you need to know to produce an outstanding marketing plan, including what to do, how and why. A new chapter on leadership helps develop leadership and teamwork skills while working on marketing plans.

Essentials of Health Care Marketing

Essentials of Health Care Marketing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berkowitz, Eric N. / Berkowitz, PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, In this text your students will receive a complete curriculum of marketing management tools and techniques. Filled with examples from a wide array of health care providers, health systems, HMOs, physician-hospital organizations, and more, Essentials of Health Care Marketing covers market research, strategy, and the strategic marketing process. Each chapter is complete with objectives, study questions, and charts.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Essentials of Health Care Marketing
Management An Introduction 7th ed. David Boddy

Management An Introduction 7th ed. David Boddy

Management An Introduction 7th edition by David Boddy - edito da Pearson. Libro di Economia in inglese. Ottimo testo. Usato poco, scritto poco, qualche parola chiave evidenziata, ma davvero usato poco. Ottimo affare. Buono studio!:) Prezzo in negozio 80€. Lo vendo a 39€ spedizione inclusa, se verso Italia.

Practical Coal Mine Management

Practical Coal Mine Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Britton, Scott G., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A practical, detailed guide to all aspects of the structure, organization, and management of today's coal mining operations, with special emphasis on middle and front-line management. Delineates guidelines for becoming an effective mine manager. Discusses a wide range of techniques for improving mine productivity, labor-management relations, costs, training, and safety.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Practical Coal Mine Management
Marketing Management edizione 14° - aut. Kotler -

Marketing Management edizione 14° - aut. Kotler -

Condizioni eccellenti. Usato con cautela, quasi come nuovo.

Doing Social Psychology: Laboratory and Field Exercises

Doing Social Psychology: Laboratory and Field Exercises

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gilmour, Robin / Foot, Hugh / Breakwell, Glynis M., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This collection of classroom-tested laboratory and field exercises engages students and their instructors in a thorough exploration of current central problems and topics in social psychology. The book is divided into three sections: technique demonstrations, technique applications, and problem investigations. Each section includes exercises on topics such as questionnaire design, interviewing, speech style, the observation of children, eyewitness testimony, and cooperation and competition. Students are provided with the necessary background knowledge of each social phenomenon investigated to make their research effort involving and meaningful. An instructor's manual accompanies the book and provides the supplementary information instructors need to organize the exercises for their students.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Doing Social Psychology: Laboratory and Field Exercises
Collana "Marketing Evolution" IlSole24Ore *Nuova

Collana "Marketing Evolution" IlSole24Ore *Nuova

Vendo collana Marketing Evolution acquistata con IlSole24Ore nuova e mai utilizzata (ancora nuova ed inscatolata). La collana è presente con in seguenti numeri: 1. Il futuro del marketing 2. Start up Marketing 3. Existential Marketing 4. Werrilla Marketing 5. Il marketing dei sensi 6. Marketing 3.0 7. Green Marketing 8. Marketing e creazione del valore 9. Neuro marketing 10. Marketing collaborativo e online value co-creation 16. Il neo-lusso marketing 17. Marketing contagioso 18. Social Media ROI Marketing 19. Markeing Etico 20. Marketing emozionale Sono quindi mancanti i n. da 11 a 15. Consegna a mano a Milano oppure via posta in tutta Italia.

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buhalis, Dimitrios / Tjoa, A. Min / Jafari, Jafar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The proceedings of the conference ENTER - International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - provide an international forum for the discussion of the role of telecommunication and information systems in tourism, inform potential users and people concerned with the importance of such technologies and explain their functioning. The following topics are treated in this volume: Dynamic Marketing Applications Using IT. - Designing Information Systems. - Using the Internet. - Transformation of the Travel Industry. - Re-engineering Management Approaches. - Enhancing Tourism Intermediaries. - New Horizons for Destination Management Systems. - Strategic Management in Tourism. - New IT Uses in Tourism.

Offerte relazionate marketing channel management an instructors manual: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
Pain Management Handbook: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Pain Management Handbook: An Interdisciplinary Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salerno, Evelyn / Willens, Joyce S., PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, "Pain Management Handbook" provides state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary approaches to the management of pain. The book reviews the current state of pain management, outlines factors that contribute to poor pain management, and provides a background in the pathophysiology and pharmacology of pain. Its three sections are each written by one or more specialists in the field, offering current, authoritative information as well as practical tips.
