behavior in organizations

Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The

Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ilgen, Daniel R. / Hulin, Charles L., PUBLISHER: American Psychological Association (APA), This pioneering book describes the newest method for predicting outcomes thai result from the complex and dynamic ways that organizations work. By creating "virtual organizations," computational modeling demonstrates the final effects of complex interactions, enabling researchers to confront the logic of their theories before time-consuming and costly data collection occurs.

Behavior in Organizations

Behavior in Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shani, Abraham B. / Lau, James / Shani Abraham, (Rami), PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Behavior in Organizations, 8/e, by Shani and Lau, is a paperback text that takes a hands-on, experiential approach to organization behavior. The majority of the exercises, role-playing simulations, and cases were developed in and for management training workshops. The cases themselves represent different industries and organizations around the globe with diverse size, product, service, and cultures. Instructors appreciate the multiple interactive teaching methods for each teaching module. Experiential methods provide a powerful stimulus for learning, growth, and change by helping participants focus on their own behaviors and reactions as data. The text begins with structured, less personal exercises that are readily recognized as relevant to human effectiveness in organizational settings. Personal growth and self-understanding activities are introduced later in the text, after students have had enough experience to become more comfortable and ready for them.

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Managing Organizational Behavior

Managing Organizational Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tosi, Henry L. / Rizzo, John / Mero, Neal P., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Managing Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition," bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. This proven textbook leads advanced undergraduates and MBAs through a discussion of individual behavior influences to a consideration of the social influences the individual encounters upon contact with groups and organizations. Bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. Contains new material on diversity, international OB, and ethics. Applies theory and research with new and superior pedagogy. Provides strong teaching resources within an Instructor's Manual and Test Bank.

Organizational Behaviour: People, Process, Work and Human

Organizational Behaviour: People, Process, Work and Human

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perkins, Stephen / Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa, PUBLISHER: Kogan Page, With special focus on intercultural and cross-cultural perspectives, this collection seeks to bridge the gap between organizational behavior and HRM which are often treated separately. Interest in this approach is growing. Data compiled by the Society of Human Resource Management currently lists 190 Masters and Doctoral programs in Organizational Behavior/ Human Resources OBHR] worldwide. Through a critical analysis of existing literature, case studies and personal experiences, contributors examine the role of corporate governance in shaping the scope of managerial choices within organizations and the ethical dimensions of organizational behavior and global employment standards.

Offerte relazionate behavior in organizations: Organizational Behaviour: People, Process, Work and Human
Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Deviant Behavior

Deviant Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salinger, Lawrence M., PUBLISHER: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, An informative anthology of current newspapers, magazines, and journals, that examine current findings about the nature of deviant behavior.

Offerte relazionate behavior in organizations: Deviant Behavior
Staying Alive: Regulation and Behavior

Staying Alive: Regulation and Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Glass, Susan, PUBLISHER: Perfection Learning, The goal of all organisms is to stay alive and reproduce. Learn how regulation and behavior help them accomplish this tremendous feat.

Executive and Organizational Continuity: Managing the

Executive and Organizational Continuity: Managing the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Srivastva, Suresh / Fry, Ronald E., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Leading thinkers from a range of disciplinessuch as organizational behavior, management, psychology, and anthropologyexplore the importance of continuity to organizational health and offer insights into how organizations can change while preserving the traditions that make them what they are. Case studies and research reveal the organizational structures, systems, and attitudes that foster a sense of continuity.

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Conduct Disorders

Conduct Disorders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eddy, J. Mark, PUBLISHER: Compact Clinicals, As many as four million children suffer from extreme behavior problems at school and at home. Family, parents, and teachers are all affected. They try to understand the child's behavior and wonder what kind of help to seek. Now professional information is available on behavior problems, written in a jargon-free, easy-to-read format. Find out what causes behavior problems, what kind of medications work for treatment, and what the likelihood of recovery is. -- Describes the kind of parent training involved in treatment -- Describes how school-based treatment programs work

Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat, 3e

Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat, 3e

Libro Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat, 3e sui problemi comportamentali del gatto, NUOVO

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Corso base di formazione sulle tecniche di Applied Behavior

Corso base di formazione sulle tecniche di Applied Behavior

Il Corso ha lo scopo di fornire le conoscenze di base relative ai fondamenti teorici ed ai principi applicativi propri dell’Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) per tutti coloro che operano in contesti educativi e socio-sanitari riabilitativi, con particolare riferimento all’ambito dei disturbi dello spettro autistico e a quello delle disabilità intellettive.

Evolutionary Politics

Evolutionary Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schubert, Glendon A., JR., PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This synthesis of research into the behavior of humans and other social animals ranges horizontally from a congruence of the perspectives of the life sciences, social sciences, and physical sciences and longitudinally from that of the most recent 60 million years, but emphasizing the last 12 thousand years. From a political science perspective, these essays focus on both individual and small-group political behavior. Schubert's work draws extensively on contemporary evolutionary theory, biosocial and psychobiological theory, ethology and primatology, behavioral ecology, experimental work in animal behavior, neurobiology, human development, and the philosophy of both life and social sciences. Introducing and concluding the book are essays that discuss the implications of biology and the life sciences for the study of political science. The others center on five topics: political ethology (naturalistic study of human behavior as animal behavior); political evolution; evolutionary theory; evolutionary development (ecological, epigenetic, and ontogenetic); and the evolution of human thinking.

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control measures against pests of field crops

control measures against pests of field crops

Insect behavior as a basis for developing control measures against pests of field crops and forests (papers the All-Union symposium on insect behavior; Kiev, March ) Pristavko, V. P.: Published by New Delhi Calcutta: Oxonian Press, ) Used Hardcover 238 p; fig.; tab.; diagr; 24 cm dust jacket. Euro 20 (Zoologia)

The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues

The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hassard, John / Pym, Denis, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "The Theory and Philosophy of Organisations" assesses and analyzes the assumptions upon which our understanding of organizations is based and in doing so aims to redirect the ways in which organizational research is conceived and executed. Contributions to the volume emphasize how all approaches to the study of organizations are influenced by deep metatheoretical assumptions about the nature of science and society. It is argued that these differences create a spectrum of valid perspectives and methods, and the book outlines how conceptual problems in the field have given rise to innovative forms of empirical enquiry such as symbolism, postmodernism, ethnomethodology and structuralism. Criticizing the conservatism which has characterized much of the work in this field, the authors offers this range of methods as a starting point for obtaining richer and more grounded explanations of organizations.

Offerte relazionate behavior in organizations: The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues
Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years

Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, Sarah, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Where is the Women's Movement today, a half century after "The Feminine Mystique" was published? The answer is rooted in the health and vitality of the organizations that comprise the national movement. In this book, the women's national social movement is critiqued and analyzed at an organizational level.

Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction

Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sims, David / Fineman, Stephen / Gabriel, Yiannis, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This major textbook in organizational behaviour does what most other textbooks in the field do not: it captures and conveys the lived experience' of being and working in organizations while also introducing students to key concepts, research and literature in organizational analysis. The book is in two main parts. The first explores the processes of organizing through a series of chapters each based on a different facet of organizational life. Theoretical concepts and practical implications are woven into an engrossing and accessible narrative which draws on a large number of first-hand accounts by members of organizations. The second part of the book, comprising a substantial thesaurus//dictionary, define

Offerte relazionate behavior in organizations: Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction
Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gidron, Benjamin / Katz, Stanley Nider / Hasenfeld, Yeheskel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Mobilizing for Peace brings together the work of international experts to provide an in-depth study of thirty-three peace/conflict organizations in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Israel/Palestine. The contributors show how the sociopolitical and cultural context of the conflict in each region has shaped the type of resolution organizations that have emerged and their conception of the conflict and its resolution. By promoting more humane images of the contestants and by offering alternative peaceful approaches to resolve the conflict, the organizations have successfully galvanized previously weak or non-existent pro-peace political forces to become important players in the political struggle for peace.

Creating and Sustaining a Superior Customer Service

Creating and Sustaining a Superior Customer Service

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Poisant, Jim / Poisant, James, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Poisant reveals the "secrets" of superior customer service organizations. He redefines the role of management and organizations, taking the reader on a journey and discovering the true nature of superior managers and organizations. Those in management positions who seek to understand how to better motivate their employees and better serve their customers will find the answers they are searching for in these pages. Managers will relearn nearly everything they have been taught about the profession of management. Redefining the criteria of power and success, Poisant supplies a blueprint for survival in a competitive environment. Anyone charged with the management of others will find the approach valuable, as will students and scholars of management.

Offerte relazionate behavior in organizations: Creating and Sustaining a Superior Customer Service
99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Facing a Bully

99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Facing a Bully

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reid, Rhonda / Documeantpublishing / Marks, Ginger, PUBLISHER: Documeant Publishing, 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Facing a a must have for parents and teens or anyone who has experienced this negative behavior. What is bullying? Why do people bully? How does it affect others? How can you help a victim? How can you stop the behavior? These long asked questions are answered in an easy to read bullet point format, placing the knowledge at your fingertips, easily educating you about this ongoing, serious worldwide pandemic. With this valuable knowledge in your pocket you will be able to better understand bullying as well as halt and prevent future bullying behavior.

Robot Shaping: An Experiment in Behavior Engineering

Robot Shaping: An Experiment in Behavior Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dorigo, Marco / Colombetti, Marco, PUBLISHER: Bradford Book, foreword by Lashon Booker To program an autonomous robot to act reliably in a dynamic environment is a complex task. The dynamics of the environment are unpredictable, and the robots' sensors provide noisy input. A learning autonomous robot, one that can acquire knowledge through interaction with its environment and then adapt its behavior, greatly simplifies the designer's work. A learning robot need not be given all of the details of its environment, and its sensors and actuators need not be finely tuned. "Robot Shaping" is about designing and building learning autonomous robots. The term "shaping" comes from experimental psychology, where it describes the incremental training of animals. The authors propose a new engineering discipline, "behavior engineering," to provide the methodologies and tools for creating autonomous robots. Their techniques are based on classifier systems, a reinforcement learning architecture originated by John Holland, to which they have added several new ideas, such as "mutespec," classifier system "energy," and dynamic population size. In the book they present Behavior Analysis and Training (BAT) as an example of a behavior engineering methodology.

Offerte relazionate behavior in organizations: Robot Shaping: An Experiment in Behavior Engineering
Perspectives on Behavior 2nd Edition

Perspectives on Behavior 2nd Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harry Ayers, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers Ltd, NA

International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human

International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gibson, John Schuyler / Gibson, John S., PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, Since World War II, remarkable progress has been made toward establishing more effective international laws and organizations to reduce opportunities for confrontation and conflict, and to enhance the pursuit of security and well-being. This book offers a detailed record of that progress, as well as its meaning for our times and those ahead. Taking a historical, theoretical, and case-study approach, John Gibson provides the reader with a broad understanding of how international organizations evolved to serve the interests of their member states, how the constitutional charters of organizations provide a coherent statement of goals and means to goals, and how these organizations are assuming increasing authority in the international system. The work traces the progression of international constitutional and human rights law, with an emphasis on the past 45 years. In the first part, Gibson discusses the historic processes of political relations and mutual reliance; the evolution of these patterns through World War II; the subsequent history of the United Nations; the prime goals of international constitutional law; and the organizations' range of authority--from the high state to the supra-organization level. Part two offers a case study of the progression of international human rights law. Separate chapters trace the history of human rights in religion and philosophy and the role of the state in international law, while the concluding chapter on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights demonstrates how organizations actually function. This book will be a valuable resource for courses in international relations and international law, as well as an important addition to academic andprofessional libraries.

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Individuals, Groups, and Organizations: Beneath the Surface

Individuals, Groups, and Organizations: Beneath the Surface

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lionel Stapley, PUBLISHER: NA, NA

Apes of the World Their Social Behavior, Communication,

Apes of the World Their Social Behavior, Communication,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Russell H Tuttle, PUBLISHER: Noyes Publications, NA

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The Impact of Churches on Political Behavior An Empirical

The Impact of Churches on Political Behavior An Empirical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Christopher P Gilbert, PUBLISHER: Praeger, NA
