visions and perspectives 2

Visions and perspectives 2

Visions and perspectives 2

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Visions and perspectives volumi 1 e 2

Visions and perspectives volumi 1 e 2

Vendo libri di letteratura inglese: Visions and Perspectives vol. 1 e 2

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Libro di inglese Visions and Perspectives 2. Codice:

Visions and perspectives

Visions and perspectives

Letteratura inglese per il liceo Autori: Cinzia Medaglia and Beverly Anne Young Volume 1 from the origins to the romantic age Edizioni Læscher

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Libro di letteratura inglese

Libro di letteratura inglese

"Visions and perspectives. Fronte the Victorian Age to modern times." Con CD rom - volume 2 - Cinzia Medaglia, Beverley Anne Young - Læscher editore

Libro per il liceo

Libro per il liceo

Vengo libro di inglese " VISIONS AND PERSPECTIVES 1" Cinzia Medaglia- Beverly Anne Young Condice:

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Libri Inglese Scuola Media

Libri Inglese Scuola Media

-Multicolour visions. Con illustrated grammar-Entry book-Multicultural visions. Vol.1 -Multicolour visions. Multicultural visions. Vol.2 -Multicolour visions. Con multicultural visions. Vol.3 di Iantorno Giuliano,Papa Mario,Shelly Janet, Zanichelli con copertina morbida trasparente

Libri di liceo a metà prezzo

Libri di liceo a metà prezzo

Vendo questi libri in ottime condizioni a metà prezzo: -corso di chimica/ Timberlake (volume unico a b e c) -lineamenti math blu 4 -lineamenti math blu 3 -res et fabula 1 -res et fabula 3 -il piacere dei testi 1 -il piacere dei testi 2 -il piacere dei testi 4 -il cricco di teodoro arancione 2 -il cricco di teodoro arancione 4 -mondi della storia 3 -la ricerca del pensiero 1A e 1B -la ricerca del pensiero 3A 3B e 3C -le basi della biologia -scienze della terra / tarbuck -cosmic b2 (students' book e workbook) -visions and perspectives 1 -visions and perspectives 2 -immagini della biologia -lingua magistra 2 -advantage 1 -advantage 2 -activating grammar -fisica: lezioni e problemi

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Voices and visions

Voices and visions

Voices and visions. A short anthology of literature in the english language Delaney Denis, Ward Ciaran, Fiorina Rho Carla, , Longman Italia EAN Inglese. Storia, antologia di letteratura - Tutte le scuole superiori

Libro usato a metà prezzo

Libro usato a metà prezzo

Libro di inglese Visions and Perspectives a metà prezzo! Codice:

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Libri di testo

Libri di testo

Feltri-Bertazzoni chiaroscuro 1 ed.sei cod.... Feltri-Bertazzoni chiaroscuro 2 ed. sei cod.... Feltri-Bertazzoni chiaroscuro 3 ed. sei cod.... Garbarino NOVA OPERA 2 Paravia cod.... Cricco di Teodoro itinerario nell'arte-versione verde 3 Zanichelli cod.... Medaglia-Young Visions and perspectives 2 ed. Loescher cod....



Vendo “MULTICOLOUR VISIONS - VOL. 3 + Multicultural visions + n. 2 CD Audio + n. 1” di Giuliano Iantorno, Mario Papa, Janet Shelly. ISBN: Condizioni: OTTIME - COME NUOVO

Offerte relazionate visions and perspectives 2: MULTICOLOUR VISIONS - VOL. 3
Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jentleson, Bruce W., PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, The readings delve deeper into theoretical, historical and policy debates discussed in American Foreign Policy: Dynamics of Choice, and icons in the textbook margins link the broader points to related articles and case studies in Perspectives.

Libri scuola media: visions 1/2/3

Libri scuola media: visions 1/2/3

visions 1 codice: visions 2 codice: vidions 3 codice: libri in ottime condizioni per informazioni chiamare

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Vendo Libro in OTTIMO STATO - COME NUOVO "Multicolour visions -Vol. 3 + Multicultural visions + n. 2 CD Audio + n. 1" di Giuliano Iantorno, Mario Papa, Janet Shelly. ISBN

MULTICOLOUR visions volume

MULTICOLOUR visions volume

MULTICOLOUR visions volume 1 - 2 di giuliano lantorno mario papa e janet shelly edizione zanichelli ottimo stato esclusa spedizione

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Sez. 5a ling. - eleonora d'arborea

Sez. 5a ling. - eleonora d'arborea

Vendo al 50% i seguenti libri in adozione: - AVENIR 2 + ebook isbn € - L'IDEALE E IL REALE 3 (senza ebook) isbn € 15 - VISIBILE PARLARE VOL 3A isbn + VOL.3B isbn + Guida allo studio e all'Esame di Stato (indivisibili) € 23 - SULLE TRACCE DEL TEMPO 3 isbn €13 - VISIONS AND PERSPECTIVES vol.2 isbn € - CRICCO DI TEODORO vol.3 (non è l'ultima edizione) isbn € 10 - CORPO LIBERO ed. aggiornata € 10 - ABC DELF B1 junior scolaire con cd isbn mai usato € 10

Multicolour visions

Multicolour visions


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China's New Rulers: The Secret Files

China's New Rulers: The Secret Files

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nathan, Andrew J. / Gilley, Bruce, PUBLISHER: New York Review of Books, "China's New Rulers, based on leaked secret Communist Party files that were compiled in choosing China's "Fourth Generation" of leaders, offers an unprecedented glimpse into the most orderly transition in the history of the People's Republic. It reveals the backgrounds, characters, and visions for the future of the men who will rule China for the next five years, profiles other key figures in the party, government and military, and provides new perspectives on Jiang Zemin's 13 years in power.

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holland, Kathleen / Bloome, David / Solsken, Judith, PUBLISHER: Praeger, One of the realities of educational practice in the late 20th century is the increasing role of assessment, especially of children's oral and written language. While there are many issues and problems surrounding this assessment, one problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of alternative ways of assessing children's language and literacy for K-12 practitioners. There are many ways to approach the assessment of language and literacy. How one approaches the assessment of oral and written language depends, in large part, on how language is defined and on what purposes language is viewed as serving. In this book, alternative ways of assessing language are based on three different perspectives defining language and its uses: anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary. Although applying these perspectives to language is not new, only recently have educators and others taken seriously the need for assessment of language to be consistent with the perspectives of language underlying classroom instruction. Simply put, as language education (including reading, writing, and oral language) becomes increasingly based upon anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary principles, the assessment of language and literacy must also be based upon such principles. This book discusses and illustrates how to reconceptualize assessment in terms of the alternative perspectives outlined here.

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E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present new perspectives on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory media; providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

Libro letteratura inglese Vision and perspectives1

Libro letteratura inglese Vision and perspectives1

vendo libro di letteratura inglese Visions and perpectives vol. 1 ISBN

Offerte relazionate visions and perspectives 2: Libro letteratura inglese Vision and perspectives1
Building the Social Union: Perspectives, Directions &

Building the Social Union: Perspectives, Directions &

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McIntosh, Tom, PUBLISHER: Cprc, In the federal government and 9 provinces signed "The Social Union Framework Agreement," which was meant to be a framework to guide intergovernmental cooperation and collaboration in matters relating to social policy, the essays in this book examine a wide range of subjects from a variety of perspectives concerning the agreement.

City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectiv

City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectiv

libro City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectives, Discursive Strategies and Multimodality (Inglese) Copertina rigida. Praticamente nuovo

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Dark visions

Dark visions

Dark Visions COMPLETA -il vampiro della mente -il dono -la passione I libri sono venduti alla metà del prezzo originale
