thinker faker spinner spy coporate pr and the assault on

Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Coporate PR and the Assault on

Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Coporate PR and the Assault on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dinan, William / Miller, David, PUBLISHER: Pluto ong>Prong>ess (UK), Bringing togeong>theong>r leading activists ong>andong> writers from ong>theong> US ong>andong> beyond, this book unmasks ong>theong> covert ong>andong> undemocratic world of corporate spin. Wherever big business is threatened, spin doctors, lobbyists, think tanks ong>andong> front groups are on hong>andong> to push ong>theong> corporate interest, often at ong>theong> public's expense. ong>Theong> public relations industry is not just about celebrity gossip. ong>Theong> authors show how ong>PRong> techniques are in use across a wide range of political fields, driven by corporate interests. ong>Theong>y reveal ong>theong> secrets of ong>theong> ong>PRong> trade including deception, ong>theong> use of fake "institutes," ong>spyong>ing ong>andong> dirty tricks. ong>Theong> impact can be devastating--when ong>theong> public is denied access to ong>theong> truth, ong>theong> results are rising inequality ong>andong> environmental catastrophe. ong>Theong> book exposes ong>theong> misdeeds of famous companies including BP, Coca Cola, British Aerospace, Exxon ong>andong> Monsanto. It also reveals startling new information about ong>theong> covert funding of various apparently independent think tanks ong>andong> institutes. What can we do about it? ong>Theong> authors offer a guide to concrete campaigns that will help to roll back corporate power ong>andong> show us how to raise awareness about resisting deceptive ong>PRong>.

Digital advertising & pr…

Digital advertising & pr…

Digital Advertising & ong>PRong> Specialist Today we are looking for a Digital Advertising & ong>PRong> specialist, who will join ong>theong> Brong>andong> ong>andong> Advertising Department our corporate team that supports demong>andong>, through ong>theong> delivery of creative ong>andong> consumer-relevant communication campaigns on each online ong>andong> offline media channel, ong>andong> develops Brong>andong>'s value through ong>theong> global application of its positioning ong>andong> its visual identity. ong>Theong> person will be responsible for managing ong>theong> all digital advertising ong>prong>ocesses ong>andong> for creating new opportunities to expong>andong> ong>theong> Brong>andong> visibility on communication external channels. Maggiori dettagli nella sezione riservata agli utenti ong>Prong>emium. Inserzionista: Mediamatch

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Kierkegaard for Beginners

Kierkegaard for Beginners

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Palmer, Donald D., PUBLISHER: For Beginners, Philosophically, Soren Kierkegaard was ong>theong> "bridge" that led from Hegel to Existentialism. Kierkegaard abhorred Hegel's abstract, know-it-all idealism that tried to capture reality in a few words. Kierkegaard's attack on social ong>andong> religious complacency ong>andong> his single-hong>andong>ed ong>assaultong> on traditional Western philosophy generated a crisis that ong>prong>oduced a radically new way of philosophizing ong>andong> made him ong>theong> founder of ong>theong> school that would later be called Existentialism. To Kierkegaard, reality was personal, subjective-it began ong>andong> ended with ong>theong> individual-ong>andong> philosophy was not something one merely talked about, it was ong>theong> way you lived. "Kierkegaard For Beginners" explains, plainly ong>andong> simply, ong>theong> great Danish ong>thinkerong>'s obsession with ong>theong> particularity of human existence as well as his demonstration of how ong>theong> creation of an auong>theong>ntic new kind of individual is possible.

The Assault

The Assault

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mulisch, Harry / White, Claire Nicolas, PUBLISHER: Panong>theong>on Books, A novel that ong>prong>obes moral devastation following a Nazi retaliation in a Dutch town. "ong>Theong> ong>Assaultong>" has been translated ong>andong> published to great critical acclaim throughout Europe ong>andong> in ong>theong> United States. It is ong>theong> winter of , ong>theong> last dark days of ong>theong> ware in occupied Hollong>andong>. A Nazi collaborator, infamous for his cruelty, is assassinated as he rides on his bicycle. ong>Theong> Germans retaliate by slaughtering an innocent family: only ong>theong> youngest son, twelve-year-old Anton, survives. "ong>Theong> ong>Assaultong> "traces ong>theong> complex repercussions of this nightmarish event on Anton's life. Determined not to forget, he opts for a carefully normal existence--a ong>prong>udent marriage, a successful career, ong>andong> colorless passivity. But ong>theong> past keeps breaking through, in relentless memories ong>andong> in chance encounters with ong>theong> oong>theong>r actors in ong>theong> drama, until Anton finally learns what really happened that night in , ong>andong> why.

Offerte relazionate thinker faker spinner spy coporate pr and the assault on: The Assault
Becoming a Critical Thinker

Becoming a Critical Thinker

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Success depends on ong>theong> ability to think critically. Training ong>andong> ong>prong>actice turn this ability into a powerful skill. BECOMING A CRITICAL ong>THINKERong> gives students ong>theong> opportunity to develop this skill in a classroom environment while stressing its application to daily life. Students learn to solve everyday ong>prong>oblems, maintain successful relationships, make career choices, ong>andong> interong>prong>et ong>theong> messages of advertising in a variety of media. Exercises throughout ong>theong> text encourage ong>theong>m to ong>prong>actice what ong>theong>y read ong>andong> to apply it to ong>theong>ir own lives. BECOMING A CRITICAL ong>THINKERong> breaks up critical thinking into a series of cumulative activities, a unique apong>prong>oach that has made this text a staple of many critical thinking courses.

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On ong>theong> Functions of ong>theong> Brain ong>andong> of Each of Its Parts: With Observations on ong>theong> Possibility of Determining ong>theong> Instincts, ong>Prong>opensities, ong>andong> Talents, or ong>theong> Moral ong>andong> Intellectual Dispositions of Men ong>andong> Animals, by ong>theong> Configuration of ong>theong> Brain ong>andong> Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Skidelsky, Robert Jacob, PUBLISHER: Oxford University ong>Prong>ess, USA, John Maynard Keynes () is a central ong>thinkerong> of ong>theong> twentieth century, not just as an economic ong>theong>orist ong>andong> statesman, but in ong>theong> borderlong>andong> of economics, philosophy, politics ong>andong> culture. Keynes's doctrines continue to inspire strong feelings in admirers ong>andong> detractors alike. This short, engaging study of his life ong>andong> thought explores ong>theong> many positive ong>andong> negative stereotypes ong>andong> also examines ong>theong> quality of Keynes's mind, his cultural ong>andong> social milieu, his ethical ong>andong> ong>prong>actical philosophy, ong>andong> his monetary thought. Recent scholarship has significantly altered ong>theong> treatment ong>andong> assessment of Keynes's contribution to twentieth-century economic thinking, ong>andong> ong>theong> current state of ong>theong> debate initiated by ong>theong> Keynesian revolution is discussed in a final chapter on its legacy. No oong>theong>r work on Keynes ong>prong>ovides such a readable introduction to his life ong>andong> work.

Battle of the Lys : Givenchy and the River Lawe

Battle of the Lys : Givenchy and the River Lawe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tomaseli, Phil, PUBLISHER: Pen & Sword Military, ong>Theong> battles fought at Estaires ong>andong> Givenchy, just south of Yong>prong>es, in Aong>prong>il were critical episodes in ong>theong> larger Battle of Lys which determined ong>theong> outcome of ong>theong> ultimate German offensive on ong>theong> Western Front. ong>Theong> massive ong>assaultong> of Ludendorff's armies crashed against defences manned by ong>theong> British ong>andong> Portuguese. A series of intense attacks ong>andong> counter-attacks followed, ong>andong> ong>theong> Germans were on verge of gaining ong>theong> decisive breakthrough that both sides on ong>theong> Western Front had struggled for since ong>theong> onset of trench warfare in late . A German success might well have forced ong>theong> British to retreat from Yong>prong>es. Phil Tomaselli's vivid account reconstructs events in ong>theong> typical Battleground style. He describes ong>theong> course of ong>theong> fighting in close detail, using eyewitness accounts, official records, photographs ong>andong> maps, ong>andong> he ong>prong>ovides walking ong>andong> driving tours of ong>theong> battlefield ong>andong> of ong>theong> monuments ong>andong> cemeteries associated with it.

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Assault on Sicily: Monty and Patton at War

Assault on Sicily: Monty and Patton at War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ford, Ken, PUBLISHER: Sutton Publishing, On ong>theong> night of 9/10 July , an Allied armada of vessels launched one of ong>theong> largest combined operations of ong>theong> Second World War - ong>theong> invasion of Sicily, Operation 'Husky'. Over ong>theong> next 38 days, half a million British, Canadian, American ong>andong> French soldiers, sailors, ong>andong> airmen grappled with ong>theong>ir German ong>andong> Italian counterparts for control of this rocky outcrop of Hitler's 'Fortress Europe'. ong>Theong> Allied ong>assaultong> on Sicily featured airborne ong>andong> amphibious long>andong>ings; mountain warfare; international rivalry; poorly performing troops; tenacious German resistance; ong>andong>, imong>prong>ovements in tactical air support ong>andong> ong>theong> ultimate Allied victory on ong>theong> islong>andong>. Almost ong>theong> whole of ong>theong> ong>prong>ogress of ong>theong> Second World War is illustrated by this one campaign. It was ong>theong> only action where ong>theong> whole Allied war effort was brought to bear on a single objective, with one army commong>andong>ed by Patton ong>andong> one army commong>andong>ed by Montgomery. Both men were insufferable egoists ong>andong> insubordinate commong>andong>ers; ong>theong>y always chose to do ong>theong>ir own thing, regardless of oong>theong>rs' sensibilities ong>andong> always with one eye on how history would see ong>theong>m. ong>Theong> seeds of rivalry between ong>theong>se two key Allied commong>andong>ers that were sown in ong>theong> Sicily campaign eventually grew to fruition in ong>theong> battles for Normong>andong>y ong>andong> ong>theong> Ardennes.

The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and

The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pasternak, Boris / Livingstone, Angela, PUBLISHER: Academic Studies ong>Prong>ess, Major statements by ong>theong> celebrated Russian poet Boris Pasternak () about poetry, inspiration, ong>theong> creative ong>prong>ocess ong>andong> ong>theong> significance of artistic/ literary creativity in his own life, as well as in human life altogeong>theong>r, are ong>prong>esented here in his own words (in translation) ong>andong> are discussed in ong>theong> extensive Commentaries ong>andong> Introduction. Although universally acknowledged as one of ong>theong> great writers of ong>theong> twentieth century, Pasternak is not yet sufficiently recognized as ong>theong> highly original ong>andong> important ong>thinkerong> that he also was. All his life he thought ong>andong> wrote about ong>theong> nature ong>andong> significance of ong>theong> experience of inspiration, though avoiding ong>theong> word "inspiration" where possible as his own views were not ong>theong> conventional ones. ong>Theong> texts collected in this book range from to ong>andong> are between two ong>andong> ninety pages long. ong>Theong>re are Commentaries on all ong>theong> texts, as well as a final Essay on Pasternak's famous novel "Doctor Zhivago," which is looked at here in ong>theong> light of what it says on art ong>andong> inspiration.

Offerte relazionate thinker faker spinner spy coporate pr and the assault on: The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and
Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Torode, Sam, PUBLISHER: Ascension ong>Prong>ess, ong>Theong> First book in ong>theong> series, Body ong>andong> Gift, begins with ong>theong> creation of man recorded in Genesis ong>andong> goes on to explore its teaching on ong>theong> human body ong>andong> God's design for marriage

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Elliott, PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska ong>Prong>ess, Elliott West's careful analysis of ong>theong> role ong>andong> development of ong>theong> saloon as an institution on ong>theong> mining frontier ong>prong>ovides unique insights into ong>theong> social ong>andong> economic history of ong>theong> American West. Drawing on contemporaneous newspapers ong>andong> many unpublished firsthong>andong> accounts, West shows that ong>theong> physical evolution of ong>theong> saloon, from crude tents ong>andong> shanties into elegant establishments for drinking ong>andong> gaming, reflected ong>theong> growth ong>andong> maturity of ong>theong> surrounding community.

Offerte relazionate thinker faker spinner spy coporate pr and the assault on: The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier
Praying the Rosary: The Joyful, Fruitful, Sorrowful, and

Praying the Rosary: The Joyful, Fruitful, Sorrowful, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dicharry, Warren F., PUBLISHER: Liturgical ong>Prong>ess, This guide ong>andong> commentary on ong>theong> mysteries of ong>theong> Rosary refocuses our meditation on ong>theong> true center of ong>theong> Rosary: ong>theong> mysteries of Christ's birth, death, ong>andong> resurrection.

The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nisker, Wes Scoop, PUBLISHER: HarperOne, Hang on for a Wild Journey through ong>theong> Political ong>andong> Spiritual Adventures of ong>theong> Baby-Boom Generation Join Wes "Scoop" Nisker as he takes us on a hilarious, wild ride through ong>theong> heyday of ong>theong> Beats ong>andong> ong>theong> Hippies ong>andong> ong>theong> birth of ong>theong> modern environmental movement, ong>andong> ong>theong> surge of Buddhism in ong>theong> West.

Offerte relazionate thinker faker spinner spy coporate pr and the assault on: The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom
A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hastings, James, PUBLISHER: University ong>Prong>ess of ong>theong> Pacific, For over a century ong>theong> ten-volume Dictionary of ong>theong> Bible has been ong>theong> definitive reference. "It is a Dictionary of ong>theong> Old ong>andong> New Testaments, togeong>theong>r with ong>theong> Old Testament Apocrypha, according to ong>theong> Authorized ong>andong> Revised English Versions, ong>andong> with constant reference to ong>theong> original tongues.... Articles have been written on ong>theong> names of all Persons ong>andong> Places, on ong>theong> Antiquities ong>andong> Archaeology of ong>theong> Bible, on its Ethnology, Geology, ong>andong> Natural History, on Biblical ong>Theong>ology ong>andong> Ethic, ong>andong> even on ong>theong> obsolete or archaic words occurring in ong>theong> English Versions." James Hastings () was a distinguished scholar ong>andong> pastor. He was founder ong>andong> editor of ong>theong> Expository Times ong>andong> is also well known for editing ong>theong> Encyclopaedia of Religion ong>andong> Ethics, ong>theong> Dictionary of Christ ong>andong> ong>theong> Gospels, ong>andong> ong>theong> Dictionary of ong>theong> Apostolic Church.

LEGO? Star Wars? Microfighters Episode VIII: Ski Speeder?

LEGO? Star Wars? Microfighters Episode VIII: Ski Speeder?

Notch up a win against ong>theong> First Order with ong>theong> super-fast Resistance Ski Speeder versus ong>theong> tough First Order Heavy ong>Assaultong> Walker! Sit ong>theong> Resistance Speeder Pilot ong>andong> First Order Walker Driver on top of ong>theong>ir vehicles, load ong>theong> stud shooters ong>andong> get ready for high-action adventure. ong>Theong>re,s also a mini trench with an extra stud shooter ong>andong> ammo for even more exciting battles! - Includes 2 minifigures: a Resistance Speeder Pilot ong>andong> a First Order Walker Driver.- Features a Resistance Ski Speeder ong>andong> First Order Heavy ong>Assaultong> Walker, each with lots of auong>theong>ntic details, 2 stud shooters ong>andong> a seat on top for a minifigure to sit.- Weapons include 2 blaster pistols.- Share ong>theong> building experience with friends ong>andong> family.- Recreate your own exciting scenes from ong>theong> blockbuster Star Wars: ong>Theong> Last Jedi movie.- This LEGO Star Wars toy is suitable for ages 6-12.- Resistance Ski Speeder measures over 1 (3cm) high, 3 (10cm) long ong>andong> 4 (11cm) wide.- First Order Heavy ong>Assaultong> Walker measures over 2 (6cm) high, 3 (8cm) long ong>andong> 1 (5cm) wide.Ages: 6-12Pieces: 216

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The Rottweiler Today

The Rottweiler Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elsden, Judy / Elsden, Larry, PUBLISHER: Howell Books, This contemporary view focuses on ong>theong> temperament of ong>theong> Rottweiler ong>andong> ong>theong> importance of understong>andong>ing how its mind works. Drawing on thirty years of experience in ong>theong> breed, ong>theong> authors ong>prong>ovide a complete guide to character ong>andong> behavior traits ong>andong> illustrate ong>theong> correct way to rear, train, ong>andong> show ong>theong> dog.

Spy on the Roof of the World

Spy on the Roof of the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wignall, Sydney, PUBLISHER: Lyons ong>andong> Burford Publishers, In Sydney Wignall led ong>theong> Welsh Himalayan expedition to climb Tibet s highest mountain, Gurla Mong>andong>hata. With a rare view of Chinese military operations in Tibet, he ong>andong> two of his companions were more than mountaineers; ong>theong>y were spies. Not long into ong>theong>ir journey ong>theong>y were captured ong>andong> imong>prong>isoned, thus beginning an agonizing ordeal that would draw on ong>theong>ir last reserves of psychic strength ong>andong> physical courage. This is ong>theong>ir story. Imong>prong>isoned by ong>theong> People's Liberation Army of ong>theong> Republic of China, subjected to freezing, rat-infested cells ong>andong> to near-tortuous interrogation, only Wignall's incredible courage, humor, ong>andong> ingenuity enabled ong>theong>m to survive. Eventually, international ong>prong>essure forced ong>theong> Chinese to release ong>theong> three men. Hoping that ong>theong>y would not get back alive, ong>theong> Chinese abong>andong>oned ong>theong>m at ong>theong> foot of one of ong>theong> highest passes in ong>theong> Himalayas -- a pass never before climbed in winter -- starving, exhausted, ong>andong> physically broken. ong>Theong>ir journey back is one of mountaineering's great epics. "ong>Spyong> On ong>theong> Roof of ong>theong> World" is a riveting ong>andong> unforgettable tale.

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Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths: A Critical

Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths: A Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Deloria, Vine, PUBLISHER: Fulcrum Group, Deloria takes Western science ong>andong> religion to task in this witty ong>andong> erudite ong>assaultong> on ong>theong> current state of evolutionary ong>theong>ory, science, ong>andong> religion. Incorporating non-Western ong>andong> Native American ideas, as well as ong>theong> concept of "Intelligent Design," Deloria ong>prong>ovides us with a framework to better understong>andong> our beginnings.

The Oceans

The Oceans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bramwell, Martyn, PUBLISHER: Franklin Watts, Updated, comong>prong>ehensive editions on physical geography examine ong>theong> Earth's long>andong>scapes ong>andong> forces, with special emphasis on ong>theong> environment ong>andong> conservation. Each book includes an index ong>andong> glossary

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White Star: A Dog on the Titanic

White Star: A Dog on the Titanic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marty Crisp, PUBLISHER: Scholastic Inc, Sam Harris is on ong>theong> trip of a lifetime. He's traveling from Englong>andong> to New York on ong>theong> first voyage of ong>theong> greatest ocean liner in history--ong>theong> Titanic. Here is a story of cowardice ong>andong> courage, of despair ong>andong> determination, ong>andong> of an unbreakable bond between a boy ong>andong> a dog on one terrifying night.

Essential the Fantastic Four

Essential the Fantastic Four

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lee, Stan / Kirby, Jack / Buscema, John, PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics, Lee ong>andong> Kirby spin ong>theong> classics with characters ong>andong> concepts that remain among Marvel's mainstays today After being lorded over in Latveria by Doctor Doom, ong>theong> FF face a new level of grudge match when ong>theong> Thing is tapped for ong>theong> fighting arena of gangster Skrulls Featuring ong>theong> enigmatic Inhumans, ong>theong> Frightful Four, ong>theong> Mad ong>Thinkerong> ong>andong> oong>theong>r enduring opponents Guest-starring Magneto ong>andong> ong>theong> Sub-Mariner Plus: classic invasions from under ong>theong> earth ong>andong> under ong>theong> sea Collects Fantastic Four # ong>andong> Annual #7-8. Acquista Ora

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Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and

Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mayne, Tracy J. / Norcross, John C. / Sayette, Michael A., PUBLISHER: Guilford Publications, This perennial bestseller is ong>theong> resource students count on for ong>theong> most current information on applying to doctoral ong>prong>ograms in clinical or counseling psychology in ong>theong> US ong>andong> Canada. ong>Theong> new edition features over 15 new ong>prong>ograms; additional data on acceptance rates ong>andong> enrollment rates; ong>theong> latest information on financial assistance ong>andong> loans; 42 new website listings; ong>andong> updated appendices on research areas ong>andong> clinical opportunities.

Heart on Fire

Heart on Fire

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simmonds, Diana, PUBLISHER: Naiad ong>Prong>, An incomparable love story set amidst ong>theong> shimmering long>andong>scape ong>andong> untamed beauty of ong>theong> Australian Outback. ong>Theong> rising queen of country music, Jody Johnson has taken ong>theong> music world by storm. An artist who lives ong>andong> works at her family's truckstop, Grace Davanzo, could have her pick of ong>theong> truckers ong>andong> tourists. When Jody's tour bus stops at ong>theong> truckstop, ong>theong> attraction between ong>theong> women is undeniable.

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Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on ong>theong> completion of ong>theong> latest knowledge, research ong>andong> ong>prong>actices, Knowledge Management ong>andong> Virtual Organizations synong>theong>sizes ong>theong> latest thinking in knowledge management with ong>theong> design of information technology ong>andong> ong>theong> Internet-enabled new organization forms. ong>Theong> major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations ong>andong> teams, ong>andong> success factors for knowledge management ong>andong> virtual organizations.
