the marsh of gold pasternaks writings on inspiration and

The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and

The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak's Writings on Inspiration and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pasternak, Boris / Livingstone, Angela, PUBLISHER: Academic Studies Press, Major statements by ong>theong> celebrated Russian poet Boris Pasternak () about poetry, inspiration, ong>theong> creative process and ong>theong> significance ong>ofong> artistic/ literary creativity in his own life, as well as in human life altogeong>theong>r, are presented here in his own words (in translation) and are discussed in ong>theong> extensive Commentaries and Introduction. Although universally acknowledged as one ong>ofong> ong>theong> great writers ong>ofong> ong>theong> twentieth century, Pasternak is not yet sufficiently recognized as ong>theong> highly original and important thinker that he also was. All his life he thought and wrote about ong>theong> nature and significance ong>ofong> ong>theong> experience ong>ofong> inspiration, though avoiding ong>theong> word "inspiration" where possible as his own views were not ong>theong> conventional ones. ong>Theong> texts collected in this book range from to and are between two and ninety pages long. ong>Theong>re are Commentaries on all ong>theong> texts, as well as a final Essay on Pasternak's famous novel "Doctor Zhivago," which is looked at here in ong>theong> light ong>ofong> what it says on art and inspiration.

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On ong>theong> Functions ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain and ong>ofong> Each ong>ofong> Its Parts: With Observations on ong>theong> Possibility ong>ofong> Determining ong>theong> Instincts, Propensities, and Talents, or ong>theong> Moral and Intellectual Dispositions ong>ofong> Men and Animals, by ong>theong> Configuration ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain and Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, ong>Marshong>, Capen

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Judgements of Value: Selected Writings on Music

Judgements of Value: Selected Writings on Music

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cooper, Martin / Cooper, Martin / Cooper, Dominic, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book presents a collection ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>writingsong> ong>ofong> Martin Cooper, chief music critic ong>ofong> ong>theong> Daily Telegraph from , a well-known broadcaster on ong>theong> BBC, and author ong>ofong> several books and translations. Topics discussed include nineteenth- and twentieth-century music, opera, literature, philosophy, religion, and ong>theong> nature ong>ofong> criticism.

Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of New

Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of New

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Martin, Vanessa, PUBLISHER: I. B. Tauris & Company, This extraordinary book is ong>theong> first to analyze ong>theong> ideological roots ong>ofong> an Islamic state as conceived by ong>theong> Ayatollah Khomeini. Surprisingly ong>theong> author finds much ong>ofong> ong>theong> inspiration behind Khomeini's political thinking being influenced by Western sources--his ong>writingsong> on ong>theong> supreme Islamic Jurist being affected by Plato's notions ong>ofong> ong>theong> philosopher-king and his views ong>ofong> state power and centralism being closely linked to his understanding ong>ofong> Marxist/Leninist totalitarianism.

Offerte relazionate the marsh of gold pasternaks writings on inspiration and: Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of New
Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings

Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carroll, John B. / Whorf, Benjamin L., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), ong>Theong> pioneering linguist Benjamin Whorf () grasped ong>theong>relationship between human language and human thinking: how language can shape ourinnermost thoughts. His basic ong>theong>sis is that our perception ong>ofong> ong>theong> world and ourways ong>ofong> thinking about it are deeply influenced by ong>theong> structure ong>ofong> ong>theong> languages wespeak. ong>Theong> ong>writingsong> collected in this volume include important papers on ong>theong> Maya, Hopi, and Shawnee languages as well as more general reflections on language andmeaning.

Selected Writings to

Selected Writings to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Newman, John Henry / Newman John, Hen / Redcliffe, Albert, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This selection from ong>theong> most productive Christian pen ong>ofong> ong>theong> nineteenth century is also an introduction to one ong>ofong> ong>theong> most compelling and troubled minds. John Henry Newman was a dominant figure in both ong>theong> Anglican and ong>theong> Roman Catholic churches. His ong>writingsong> have had an abiding influence on both and contribute still to ong>theong> spirit ong>ofong> ecumenicism.

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Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause

Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Dena / Sumrall, Amber C., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, A collection ong>ofong> women's own stories on ong>theong> many facets ong>ofong> menopause -- from hot flashes and hormone replacement ong>theong>rapy to new-found sexuality and spiritual awakenings.

Words with Power: Being a Second Study "The Bible and

Words with Power: Being a Second Study "The Bible and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frye, Northrop / Frye, PUBLISHER: Mariner Books, Frye continues his exploration, begun in ong>Theong> Great Code, ong>ofong> ong>theong> influence ong>ofong> Biblical ong>theong>mes and forms ong>ofong> expression on Western literature, with discussions ong>ofong> authors ranging from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Yeats and Eliot. Frye identifies four key elements found in ong>theong> Bible-ong>theong> mountain, ong>theong> garden, ong>theong> cave, and ong>theong> furnace-and describes how ong>theong>y recur in later secular ong>writingsong>. Indices.

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The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singh, Renuka, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Giving Buddha's spiritual journey a contemporary dimension, this anthology contains essays by spiritual leaders like His Holiness ong>theong> Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe on ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> Buddhist philosophy on ong>theong>m. Equally poignant are ong>theong> accounts ong>ofong> oong>theong>rs who, dissatisfied with ong>theong> present world, embark on a search for salvation. Varied and meaningful, ong>Theong> Path ong>ofong> ong>theong> Buddha provides a rare glimpse into Buddhism.

The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings

The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bettenson, Henry, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, ong>Theong> century and a quarter following ong>theong> Council ong>ofong> Nicaea (A.D. 325) has been called ong>theong> 'ong>Goldong>en Age ong>ofong> Patristic literature.' It is this period that Henry Bettenson covers in this companion volume to ong>Theong> Early Christian Faong>theong>rs, selecting from ong>theong> ong>writingsong> ong>ofong> Basil ong>theong> Great, Gregory ong>ofong> Nyssa, Jerome, Augustine ong>ofong> Hippo, Cyril ong>ofong> Alexandria, and oong>theong>r Faong>theong>rs ong>ofong> ong>theong> Christian Church. ong>Theong>ir central concerns were formulating ong>theong> doctrine ong>ofong> ong>theong> Trinity after ong>theong> Nicene conclusions, and enunciating ong>theong> doctrine ong>ofong> ong>theong> divinity and humanity ong>ofong> Christ. ong>Theong> ong>writingsong> served to clarify if not to solve ong>theong> issues and ong>theong>y continue to be valuable and relevant for all who wish to understand ong>theong> Christian doctrine. As in ong>Theong> Early Christian Faong>theong>rs, Mr. Bettenson has translated everything afresh and provided some brief sketches ong>ofong> ong>theong> lives ong>ofong> each ong>ofong> ong>theong> Faong>theong>rs represented in ong>theong> selection.

Offerte relazionate the marsh of gold pasternaks writings on inspiration and: The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings
Selected Essays of Wilson Harris: The Unfinished Genesis of

Selected Essays of Wilson Harris: The Unfinished Genesis of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harris, Wilson / Bundy, Andrew / Bundy, A. F. M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Wilson Harris is one ong>ofong> ong>theong> outstanding literary innovators ong>ofong> ong>theong> century. His novels date from ong>Theong> Palace ong>ofong> ong>theong> Peacock to Jonestown. This long-awaited volume matches Harris's career with his critical ong>writingsong>, from to ong>theong> present day. Selected Essays ong>ofong> Wilson Harris brings togeong>theong>r twenty-one lectures, addresses and essays to make available Harris's full range ong>ofong> ong>writingsong> on subjects including: * ong>theong> literate imagination * traditions ong>ofong> myth and fable in Central and South America * ong>theong> North American literary imagination, from Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville and Ralph Ellison, to William Faulkner and Jean Rhys * inheritances and legacies ong>ofong> writers ong>ofong> ong>theong> postcolonial diaspora This comprehensive collection also comes complete with: * an extensive editorial introduction, providing valuable historical and ong>theong>oretical context for ong>theong> essays * a map ong>ofong> Guyana * bibliographies ong>ofong> Harris's fiction and non-fiction * appendices on ong>theong> legends ong>ofong> El Dorado and ong>theong> Holy Grail.

The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass: Supplementary

The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass: Supplementary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Douglass, Frederick / Foner, Philip Sheldon, PUBLISHER: International Publishers, Vol. 5 (Supplement) Edited by Philip S. Foner. ong>Writingsong> and speeches discovered since ong>theong> publication ong>ofong> ong>theong> original 4 volumes;

Offerte relazionate the marsh of gold pasternaks writings on inspiration and: The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass: Supplementary
Principles of the Constitutional Order

Principles of the Constitutional Order

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Utley, Robert L., PUBLISHER: University Press ong>ofong> America, ong>Theong> essays in this volume consider ong>theong> ong>writingsong> ong>ofong> those who drafted ong>theong> Constitution, as well as ong>theong> arguments pro and con presented during ong>theong> ratification debates. ong>Theong> first ong>ofong> ong>theong>se essays examine ong>theong> founding principles from historical, political and philosophical perspectives. ong>Theong> second group outlines ong>theong> main Anti-Federalist arguments. A discussion ong>ofong> ong>theong> nature and implications ong>ofong> ong>theong> doctrine ong>ofong> separated powers follows and ong>theong> volume closes with psycho-historical portraits ong>ofong> Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. ong>Theong> volume focuses attention on ong>theong> Founding period so that ong>theong> original character and principles ong>ofong> our political order may be seen clearly, in spite ong>ofong> ong>theong> glory and veneration with which age and custom have draped our constitution.

The Theory of Relativity

The Theory of Relativity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Einstein, Albert, PUBLISHER: Citadel Press, In this collection ong>ofong> Einstein's most important ong>writingsong> on physics, Einstein reduces ong>theong> complex to its essentials. Covers ong>theong> ong>Theong>ory ong>ofong> Relativity, E=MC2, Physics and Reality, and much more.

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The Path of Economic Growth

The Path of Economic Growth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lowe, Adolph, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong> ong>writingsong> on ong>theong> ong>theong>ory ong>ofong> economic growth share almost without exception two characteristics - ong>theong>y deal exclusively with steady growth or equilibrium dynamics, and ong>theong>y try to predict ong>theong> actual course ong>ofong> long-term development on ong>theong> basis ong>ofong> greatly oversimplified behaviour assumptions. This book, first published in , studies ong>theong> many variants ong>ofong> a disequilibrium path, which growth processes pursue under ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> major growth stimuli - changes in labour supply, in natural resources, and in technology. ong>Theong> study gives direction to public policies, sharply distinguishing between ong>theong> requirements ong>ofong> market economies and ong>ofong> planned systems.

Assassination of JFK

Assassination of JFK

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelly, Eamonn E. R. / Cole, Scott, PUBLISHER: Greenhaven Press, Each volume in ong>theong> "At Issue in History series is an anthology that focuses on a controversial historical topic. At ong>ofong>fshoot ong>ofong> Greenhaven's acclaimed "At Issue series focusing on current social issues, this series provides primary and secondary sources to explore and investigate ong>theong> various opinions ong>ofong>fered on each topic. History comes to life as ong>theong> reader is exposed to ong>theong> voices ong>ofong> those who participated in and witnessed ong>theong> dramatic events ong>ofong> ong>theong> past. More recent ong>writingsong> by historians and oong>theong>r scholars examine events with ong>theong> benefit ong>ofong> hindsight, illuminating both ong>theong> heroism and egregious errors ong>ofong> history makers.

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The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Elliott, PUBLISHER: University ong>ofong> Nebraska Press, Elliott West's careful analysis ong>ofong> ong>theong> role and development ong>ofong> ong>theong> saloon as an institution on ong>theong> mining frontier provides unique insights into ong>theong> social and economic history ong>ofong> ong>theong> American West. Drawing on contemporaneous newspapers and many unpublished firsthand accounts, West shows that ong>theong> physical evolution ong>ofong> ong>theong> saloon, from crude tents and shanties into elegant establishments for drinking and gaming, reflected ong>theong> growth and maturity ong>ofong> ong>theong> surrounding community.

The Gate of Beautiful: Stories, Songs, and Reflections on

The Gate of Beautiful: Stories, Songs, and Reflections on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rasmussen, Gerald, PUBLISHER: Outskirts Press, Jerry Rasmussen is one ong>ofong> those rare writers who makes it look deceptively easy to express deep wisdom, employing wit, humor, homilies, and poignance to show ong>theong> deeper values that lie within ong>theong> everyday comedies and tragedies ong>ofong> life. His writing style is lively, engaging and utterly delightful. -Miriam Hospodar, author ong>ofong> "Heaven's Banquet." Your music, lyrics, ong>writingsong>, and testimony certainly reflect ong>theong> power, presence, and love ong>ofong> Jesus in all you do. You are surely anointed by God and I can see him using you and enlarging your tent as you continue to spread ong>theong> Word ong>ofong> God through your songs and ong>writingsong>. -Pastor Lou Santoro, Grace Bible Church, Shelton, Connecticut

Offerte relazionate the marsh of gold pasternaks writings on inspiration and: The Gate of Beautiful: Stories, Songs, and Reflections on
The Genius of Architecture; Or, the Analogy of That Art with

The Genius of Architecture; Or, the Analogy of That Art with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Le, Camus De Mezieres / Le Camus De Mezieres, Nicolas / Britt, David, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This series ong>ofong>fers a range ong>ofong> heretong>ofong>ore unavailable ong>writingsong> in English translation on ong>theong> subjects ong>ofong> art, architecture, and aesong>theong>tics. Camus's description ong>ofong> ong>theong> French hotel argues that architecture should please ong>theong> senses and ong>theong> mind.

The Search Press Book of Traditional Papercrafts

The Search Press Book of Traditional Papercrafts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilson, Janet, PUBLISHER: Search Press(UK), Janet Wilson revives ong>theong> delicate art ong>ofong> paper pricking, featuring a range ong>ofong> elegant pictures and border designs inspired by ong>theong> Victorian era, and shows how to create beautiful medieval and art nouveau parchment craft cards. ong>Theong>re is a whole section on quilling, ong>theong> fifteenth century craft ong>ofong> decorative items with rolled up strips ong>ofong> paper, and furong>theong>r sections on embossing and paper lace. This bumper book ong>ofong>fers inspiration to all those interested in papercrafts.

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Apollinaire on Art: Essays and Reviews

Apollinaire on Art: Essays and Reviews

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Breunig, LeRoy C. / Shattuck, Roger / Suleiman, Susan Rubin, PUBLISHER: MFA Publications, Poet, critic, impresario, gadfly, visionary, tastemaker: more than anyone, Guillaume Apollinaire embodies ong>theong> frenzied art world ong>ofong> Paris in ong>theong> early 20th century. His rampant enthusiasms and antipathies, and his remarkable acumen, make him still today ong>theong> most evocative commentator on ong>theong> intellectual ferment ong>ofong> ong>theong> time. In he championed Picasso and in he promoted Braque in reviews that were amazingly sharp and prescient. He first identified ong>theong> importance ong>ofong> Delaunay, Duchamp, and Rousseau, coined ong>theong> word "Surrealism," and almost singlehandedly pushed Cubism into ong>theong> mainstream. With a new preface by Roger Shattuck, this edition ong>ofong> Apollinaire on Art is ong>theong> only collection in English ong>ofong> ong>theong>se seminal and ever fresh ong>writingsong>.

The Essential Dalai Lama: His Important Teachings

The Essential Dalai Lama: His Important Teachings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dalai Lama / Mehrotra, Rajiv, PUBLISHER: Viking Books, An inspiration to millions ong>ofong> people worldwide, ong>theong> Dalai Lama has long wanted one book that he could recommend as a basic sourcebook for his essential ideas. Now, for ong>theong> first time, "ong>Theong> Essential Dalai Lama" brings togeong>theong>r ong>theong> best ong>ofong> ong>theong> Dalai Lamaas ong>writingsong> on all aspects ong>ofong> life from work to meditation. Divided into four sectionsaong>Theong> Vision, Buddhist Perspectives, Practice, A World in Harmonya"ong>Theong> Essential Dalai Lama" contains eloquent applications ong>ofong> ong>theong> principles ong>ofong> ancient Buddhist thought to contemporary issues, all expressed in ong>theong> Dalai Lamaas uniquely compelling voice. Covering topics such as ong>theong> quest for human happiness, foundations ong>ofong> Buddhism, Karma, focusing ong>theong> mind, ethics and society, ong>theong> Buddhist perspective on ong>theong> teachings ong>ofong> Jesus, and much more, "ong>Theong> Essential Dalai Lama" will be ong>theong> perfect gift for anyone who wishes to have one source for ong>theong> Dalai Lamaas teachings or who seeks an introduction to ong>theong> philosophy and practice ong>ofong> Buddhism.

Offerte relazionate the marsh of gold pasternaks writings on inspiration and: The Essential Dalai Lama: His Important Teachings
Experimental Cinema, the Film Reader

Experimental Cinema, the Film Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dixon, Wheeler / Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Experimental Cinema, ong>Theong> Film Reader" brings togeong>theong>r key ong>writingsong> on American avant-garde cinema to explore ong>theong> long tradition ong>ofong> underground filmmaking from its origins in ong>theong> s to ong>theong> work ong>ofong> contemporary film and video artists. ong>Theong> "Reader" traces ong>theong> development ong>ofong> major movements such as ong>theong> New American Cinema ong>ofong> ong>theong> s and ong>theong> Structuralist films ong>ofong> ong>theong> s, examining ong>theong> work ong>ofong> key practitioners and recovering neglected filmmakers. Contributors focus on ong>theong> ways in which underground films have explored issues ong>ofong> gender, sexuality and race, and foreground important technical innovations such as ong>theong> use ong>ofong> Super 8mm and video. Each section features an editor's introduction setting debates in ong>theong>ir context. ong>Theong> book concludes with a valuable filmography ong>ofong> key films available.

The Art of War

The Art of War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tzu, Sun / Sawyer, Ralph D., PUBLISHER: Fall River Press, An illuminating new look at ong>theong> classic primer on warfare. Distinguishing itself from many previous versions, this contemporary translation ong>ofong> Sun-Tzu's landmark text acknowledges ong>theong> work first and foremost as a masterpiece ong>ofong> military strategy. Translator Ralph Sawyer provides ong>theong> most detailed introduction and commentary yet ong>ofong>fered on ong>theong> text, its author, and his age. Get inside ong>theong> head ong>ofong> Sun-Tzu, and find out which significant historical battles influenced his thinking. Sawyer's exhaustive biographical research helps you separate ong>theong> myth from ong>theong> elusive man himself. Immerse yourself in ong>theong> mindset ong>ofong> ong>theong> Chinese military organization through an extensive overview ong>ofong> its history as well as its tactical use ong>ofong> chariots, horse and cavalry, armor and shields, and swords. Several supplementary sections illuminate relevant portions ong>ofong> ong>theong> recently discovered tomb texts and "lost ong>writingsong>," reputed to be earlier variants ong>ofong> ong>theong> standard version. A glossary identifies figures and terms for ong>theong> convenience ong>ofong> readers unfamiliar with Chinese history and ong>writingsong>.

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Between Heaven and a Hard Place: A Divine Paradox

Between Heaven and a Hard Place: A Divine Paradox

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bittman, Stew, PUBLISHER: Lionhearted Publishing, A LionHearted Publishing Spiritual Path Edition. ong>Theong> spiritual/healing path comes complete with its pitfalls and pratfalls, its pity parties and power trips, its puns and poetry, its problems and paradoxes. Dr. Stew experiences ong>theong>m all on his journey from his head to his heart, and shares ong>theong>m with wit and wisdom, inspiration and irreverence. This warm and honest travelogue will be an inspiration to anyone who knows ong>theong>ir thoughts ong>ofong>ten get in ong>theong> way ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir dreams. Dr. Stew lives his dream inside and outside his chiropractic practice. ong>Theong> principles ong>ofong> Life are ong>theong> beacon on his long, strange trip, and are ong>theong> thread that holds it all togeong>theong>r. Barley...
