The Eagle River Valley
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Welch, Shirley / Eagle County Historical Society, PUBLISHER: Arcadia Publishing (SC), Starting as a trickle in ong>theong> Rocky Mountains, ong>theong> Eagle River emerges in a glacial valley, cuts through a spectacular gorge near Red Cliff, and ong>theong>n creates ong>theong> broad flood plain of ong>theong> Eagle River Valley. At Dotsero, ong>theong> river joins ong>theong> mighty Colorado River. As long as humans have settled along ong>theong> river, ong>theong>y have depended on it for ong>theong>ir livelihood, trapping beaver for hats, mining gold and silver, collecting water for locomotive engines and channeling it for crops and ranching, harvesting ice for food preservation, and, most recently, converting water into snow with modern machines. Today ong>theong> Eagle River Valley is ong>theong> backbone of two of ong>theong> greatest ski areas in ong>theong> world, Vail and Beaver Creek. Sparkling through ong>theong> ancient riverbed, ong>theong> Eagle River continues its course to this day, flowing through ong>theong> same valley that drew pioneers here in ong>theong> 19th century.