the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Elliott, PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, Elliott West's careful analysis of ong>theong> role and development of ong>theong> ong>saloonong> as an institution on ong>theong> mining frontier provides unique insights into ong>theong> social and economic history of ong>theong> American West. Drawing on contemporaneous newspapers and many unpublished firsthand accounts, West shows that ong>theong> physical evolution of ong>theong> ong>saloonong>, from crude tents and shanties into elegant establishments for drinking and gaming, reflected ong>theong> growth and maturity of ong>theong> surrounding community.

El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African

El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dumett, Raymond E., PUBLISHER: James Currey, Gold mining occupies a central place in ong>theong> economic evolution of Ghana. This text examines ong>theong> period of transition from traditional mining systems to mechanized, capitalized mining companies in ong>theong> Akan area of ong>theong> Gold Coast. Looking at ong>theong> role of African as well as European mining entrepreneurs, female as well as male mining labour, this study encompasses issues of gender, ethnicity, business organization, pressure groups and exploitation. ong>Theong> author seeks to reveal a new complexity in ong>theong> economic and social history of mining in ong>theong> late 19th century. In particular he concludes that it is in ong>theong> individualization of land transfers to mining concessionaires, raong>theong>r than in ong>theong> mobilization of a permanent unskilled wage labour force, that ong>theong> greatest impact on economic and social change can be measured.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African
Kit Carson: Frontier Scout

Kit Carson: Frontier Scout

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sanford, William R., (Wi / Green, Carl R., PUBLISHER: Enslow Publishers, - Brings ong>theong> action of ong>theong> frontier days to life for ong>theong> reluctant reader. - Recounts ong>theong> adventures of ong>theong> explorers, pioneers, and settlers of ong>theong> West.

The American Cowboy

The American Cowboy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James, Will, PUBLISHER: Mountain Press Publishing Company, "ong>Theong> American Cowboy spans three generations of cowboys in ong>theong> American West, from ong>theong> young trail boss of ong>theong> very first cattle drive from Texas north to ong>theong> railroads, to his grandson, born after ong>theong> open range had been fenced in. Discover ong>theong> danger and thrill of life on ong>theong> frontier as ong>theong> history of ong>theong> cowboy unfolds through ong>theong> expansion of ong>theong> cattle business, ong>theong> growth of ong>theong> railroads, and ong>theong> coming of ong>theong> farmer. Will James brings to life ong>theong> spirit of ong>theong> American cowboy that will never die.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: The American Cowboy
New Englanders on the Ohio Frontier: Migration and

New Englanders on the Ohio Frontier: Migration and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McCormick, Virginia E. / McCormick, Robert W., PUBLISHER: Kent State University Press, Worthington, Ohio, like most frontier communities, reflected ong>theong> heritage of its founders. This case study of one community provides a perspective from which historians can better understand ong>theong> process of westward migration and frontier settlement.

Bruce hornsby and the range - the way it is

Bruce hornsby and the range - the way it is

Titolo [ong>Theong> Way It Is] Artista/i [Bruce Hornsby And ong>Theong> Range] Traccie [1 On ong>Theong> Western Skyline 2 Every Little Kiss 3 Mandolin Rain 4 ong>Theong> Long Race 5 ong>Theong> Way It Is 6 Down ong>Theong> Road Tonight 7 ong>Theong> Wild Frontier 8 ong>Theong> River Runs Low 9 ong>Theong> Red Plains] (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Bruce hornsby and the range - the way it is
Faith & Freedom: The Scots-Irish in the United States

Faith & Freedom: The Scots-Irish in the United States

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kennedy, Billy, PUBLISHER: Ambassador-Emerald International, Absorbing stories of a race of people who created ong>theong> civilization in ong>theong> American wilderness and helped lay ong>theong> solid foundations for ong>theong> greatest nation on earth. ong>Theong> Scots-Irish Presbyterians settled in ong>theong> American frontier during with ong>theong> 18th century were a unique breed of people with an independent spirit which boldly challenged ong>theong> arbitrary powers of monarchs and established ong>theong> church. Faith and Freedom were ong>theong> consuming watch-words of ong>theong> Scots-Irish Presbyterians who settled on ong>theong> American frontier in ong>theong> 18th century. ong>Theong> noble high minded ideals of one of ong>theong> most influential ethnic strains in American life became ong>theong> cornerstone of ong>theong> United States and was indelibly enshrined in its libertarian all-inclusive constitution.

The History of the Comstock Lode

The History of the Comstock Lode

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Grant / Tingley, Joseph V., PUBLISHER: University of Nevada Press, A complete history of mining operations on ong>theong> Comstock from to ong>theong> present day.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: The History of the Comstock Lode
Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacLean, Amanda / Noble, Diane, PUBLISHER: Palisades Press (OR), Feisty, compassionate Sabrina St. Charles, M.D., returns to Kingdom Come to fight ong>theong> coal mining company that is ravaging ong>theong> land. When she meets ong>theong> handsome mining heir Jake MacKenzie III, togeong>theong>r ong>theong>y face ong>theong> aftermath of betrayal, ong>theong> fight for justice...and ong>theong> price of love.

Rocky Mountain Gourmet Cookbook

Rocky Mountain Gourmet Cookbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dedominic, Leslie M., PUBLISHER: Three Forks Press, This wonderful selection of 165 original recipes draws on ong>theong> incredibly diverse heritage of ong>theong> Rockies, including Chinese, Basque, Italian, Irish, German, and Native American cultures.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Rocky Mountain Gourmet Cookbook
Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in an Open

Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in an Open

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Driggs, Don W. / Goodall, Leonard E., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, Nevada's highly individualistic political culture has produced a conservative political philosophy in an open society. Economic developments resulting from mining and gambling reinforced and heightened ong>theong> individualistic ethic that many early settlers brought to ong>theong> frontier state. This ethic is also evident in ong>theong> opposition of most Nevadans to big government, big labor, and big business. Belief in limited government partially explains ong>theong> apparent anomaly of ong>theong> electorate's backing a pro-choice position on abortion while opposing ong>theong> Equal Rights Amendment. ong>Theong> book discusses ong>theong> important roles played by Nevada's present U.S. senators in two of ong>theong> state's ongoing controversies with ong>theong> federal government: ong>theong> longstanding water rights dispute between Native Americans, backed by ong>theong> federal government, and Nevada's ranchers; and ong>theong> decade-long fight against ong>theong> establishment of ong>theong> nation's first permanent nuclear waste depository at Yucca Mountain.

The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American

The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bull, John / Farrand, John, Jr., PUBLISHER: Alfred A. Knopf, Introduced in and completely revised in , ong>theong>se bestselling photographic field guides have become ong>theong> birding bibles of more than four million enthusiasts. Virtually every bird found in North America is brought to life in a full-color photograph and with textual information on ong>theong> bird's voice, nesting habits, habitat, range, and interesting behaviors. Accompanying range maps; overhead flight silhouettes; sections on bird-watching, accidental species, and endangered birds make ong>theong>se ong>theong> most comprehensive field guides to birds available. @lt;br@gt;@lt;br@gt; Note: ong>theong> Eastern Edition generally covers states east of ong>theong> Rocky Mountains, while ong>theong> Western Edition covers ong>theong> Rocky Mountain range and all ong>theong> states to ong>theong> west of it.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American



Murder!: The Mysterious Death of Canadian Mining Magnate Sir

Murder!: The Mysterious Death of Canadian Mining Magnate Sir

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacDonald, Cheryl, PUBLISHER: Altitude Publishing (Canada), This is ong>theong> story of ong>theong> notorious, unsolved murder of ong>theong> richest baronet in ong>theong> British Empire, Sir Harry Oakes. ong>Theong> millionaire miner made his fortune from ong>theong> rich mines in Norong>theong>rn Ontario. His wealth and lifestyle gave many a motive for murder. Rumours surrounding ong>theong> murder case as well as prime details about ong>theong> three suspects (including his close friend and business associate, and ong>theong> son-in-law who eloped with his daughter), dirt on ong>theong> mishandled investigation and events during ong>theong> trial will keep you on ong>theong> edge of your seat.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Murder!: The Mysterious Death of Canadian Mining Magnate Sir


Vendo Lp vinile ong>Theong> Rocky Story - Tutti i migliori brani originali dalle Colonne Sonore di Rocky () e la colonna sonora di Rocky III (). Condizioni ottime, per i prezzi scrivere una mail, vendibili anche separatamente.

Keel - The final frontier

Keel - The final frontier

Vinile 33 giri, Keel - ong>Theong> final frontier, , MCA-, Metal In ottime condizioni

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Keel - The final frontier
The Shadows - Dance on with The Shadows - Lp

The Shadows - Dance on with The Shadows - Lp

ong>Theong> Shadows DANCE ON WITH ong>THEong> SHADOWS Capitol T, CAN () Dance on - ong>Theong> stranger - Man of mystery - Kinda cool - Bo Diddley - ong>Theong> rumble - Kon-Tiki - ong>Theong> frightened city - F.B.I. - - Are ong>theong>y all like you - Atlantis NM / NM

Chamisa Dreams

Chamisa Dreams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salter, Robert B., PUBLISHER: Sunstone Press, ong>Theong> comfortable world of a well-regarded Santa Fe based archaeologist is turned around by ong>theong> realities of reservation life and death, in ong>theong> shadow of corporate uranium mining on Indian lands.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Chamisa Dreams
SuperGuide: Canmore and Kananaskis History Explorer

SuperGuide: Canmore and Kananaskis History Explorer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lakusta, Ernie / Leighton, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Rocky Mountain Books Incorporated, EXPLORING ong>THEong> HISTORY OF ong>THEong> CANADIAN ROCKIES Ernie Lakusta traces ong>theong> journeys taken by ong>theong> famous explorers as he leads ong>theong> reader through some of ong>theong> world's most beautiful alpine scenery explaining ong>theong> stories and ong>theong> myths behind ong>theong> names given to ong>theong> various mountains, lakes and rivers. Filled with colour photos, labelled to clearly identify every peak, ong>theong> books are perfect for anyone interested in Western Canadian history or ong>theong> Canadian Rockies.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lalos, Peter, PUBLISHER: American Literary Press, ong>Theong> Corpus Crossing mining camp faces sure failure unless someone can unravel ong>theong> mysterious murders that are plaguing ong>theong> camp and its operation. What begins as ong>theong> simple murder of ong>theong> camp director by a miner, who ong>theong>n commits suicide, soon turns into something more sinister and complex. ong>Theong> drama plays out in this isolated Oregon mining settlement to its thrilling conclusion as Hayley Strickland, ong>theong> murdered camp director's replacement attempts to halt ong>theong> escalating cycle of bloodshed before ong>theong> storm of death buries ong>theong> entire camp.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Slowburn
Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies

Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schaffer, Mary T. S. / Beck, Janice Sanford, PUBLISHER: Rocky Mountain Books, Incorporated, Mary T.S. Sch?ffer was an avid explorer and one of ong>theong> first non-Native women to venture into ong>theong> heart of ong>theong> Canadian Rocky Mountains, where few women - or men - had gone before.First published in , "Old Indian Trails of ong>theong> Canadian Rockies" is Sch?ffer's story of her adventures in ong>theong> traditionally male-dominated world of climbing and exploration. It also sheds light on Native and non-Native relations at ong>theong> early part of ong>theong> 20th century. Full of daring adventure and romantic depictions of camp life, set against ong>theong> grand backdrop of Canada's mountain landscapes, ong>theong> book introduces readers to various characters from ong>theong> annals of Canadian mountaineering history, including Arthur Philemon Coleman, Billy Warren, Sid Unwin, Bill Peyto and Jimmy Simpson."Old Indian Trails of ong>theong> Canadian Rockies" is certain to entertain and enlighten 21st-century readers, historians, hikers and climbers.

Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data

Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chakrabarti, Soumen, PUBLISHER: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Mining ong>theong> Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data is ong>theong> first book devoted entirely to techniques for producing knowledge from ong>theong> vast body of unstructured Web data. Building on an initial survey of infrastructural issues-including Web crawling and indexing-Chakrabarti examines low-level machine learning techniques as ong>theong>y relate specifically to ong>theong> challenges of Web mining. He ong>theong>n devotes ong>theong> final part of ong>theong> book to applications that unite infrastructure and analysis to bring machine learning to bear on systematically acquired and stored data. Here ong>theong> focus is on results: ong>theong> strengths and weaknesses of ong>theong>se applications, along with ong>theong>ir potential as foundations for furong>theong>r progress. From Chakrabarti's work-painstaking, critical, and forward-looking-readers will gain ong>theong> ong>theong>oretical and practical understanding ong>theong>y need to contribute to ong>theong> Web mining effort. * A comprehensive, critical exploration of statistics-based attempts to make sense of Web Mining. * Details ong>theong> special challenges associated with analyzing unstructured and semi-structured data. * Looks at how classical Information Retrieval techniques have been modified for use with Web data. * Focuses on today's dominant learning methods: clustering and classification, hyperlink analysis, and supervised and semi-supervised learning. * Analyzes current applications for resource discovery and social network analysis. * An excellent way to introduce students to especially vital applications of data mining and machine learning technology.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data
Disco 33 giri Bob Atcher: songs of the saddle

Disco 33 giri Bob Atcher: songs of the saddle

Disco vinile del : traditional cowboy songs: home on ong>theong> range / red river valley / ong>theong> strawberry roan / little joe ong>theong> wrangler / bury me not on ong>theong> lone prairie / ong>theong> cowboy's dream / I've no use for ong>theong> women / ong>theong> old chisholm trail. Columbia records HL

The Eagle River Valley

The Eagle River Valley

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Welch, Shirley / Eagle County Historical Society, PUBLISHER: Arcadia Publishing (SC), Starting as a trickle in ong>theong> Rocky Mountains, ong>theong> Eagle River emerges in a glacial valley, cuts through a spectacular gorge near Red Cliff, and ong>theong>n creates ong>theong> broad flood plain of ong>theong> Eagle River Valley. At Dotsero, ong>theong> river joins ong>theong> mighty Colorado River. As long as humans have settled along ong>theong> river, ong>theong>y have depended on it for ong>theong>ir livelihood, trapping beaver for hats, mining gold and silver, collecting water for locomotive engines and channeling it for crops and ranching, harvesting ice for food preservation, and, most recently, converting water into snow with modern machines. Today ong>theong> Eagle River Valley is ong>theong> backbone of two of ong>theong> greatest ski areas in ong>theong> world, Vail and Beaver Creek. Sparkling through ong>theong> ancient riverbed, ong>theong> Eagle River continues its course to this day, flowing through ong>theong> same valley that drew pioneers here in ong>theong> 19th century.

Offerte relazionate the saloon on the rocky mountain mining frontier: The Eagle River Valley
Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Harvey J. / Han, Jiawei, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Advances in automated data collection are creating massive databases and a whole new field, Knowledge Discovery Databases (KDD), has emerged to develop new methods of managing and exploiting ong>theong>m. Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery is ong>theong> interrogation of large databases using efficient computational methods. ong>Theong> unique challenges brought about by ong>theong> storing of massive geographical databases - from high resolution satellite-based systems to data from intelligent transportation systems, for example - has led to ong>theong> field of Geographical Knowledge Discovery (GKD). Geographic or spatial data mining is ong>theong> exploration of ong>theong>se geographical information databases. Developed out of contributions to ong>theong> highly-respected Varenius Project in , this collection will be ong>theong> definitive volume focusing on GKD and addresses ong>theong> special challenges to be found in knowledge discovery and data mining from geographic databases.
