Intimacy: Revelation Journey
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burger, Steven, PUBLISHER: Westbow Press, INTIMACY is about ong>theong> greatest love story ever told, a true love story, one of mystery and intrigue from anoong>theong>r world, dramatically affecting ong>theong> very reality you and I currently experience on Earth in everyday ong>lifeong>. It is a spiritual adventure of unimaginable splendor and grandness, bringing lasting, miraculous change to all ong>lifeong> on ong>theong> planet. A divine love story, as revealed by ong>theong> Creator of all existence, born of heaven and poured out for all humanity to receive freely, yet given at great price. ong>Theong> greatest love imaginable experienced through ong>theong> willing surrender of its Creator's ong>lifeong> for you, that all of mankind may live in intimate relationship with God, from ong>theong> present to eternity. Intimacy takes you on a supernatural journey from heaven to Earth and back again, only to supernaturally return to Earth a very different world. Heaven on Earth for one thousand years, ong>theong> millennium, far greater than ong>theong> garden of Eden, growing into ong>theong> "ultimate miraculous grand finale." Discover ong>theong> true meaning of intimacy and relationship with Almighty God, His original ong>purposeong> for creating intimacy and mankind, ong>theong> meaning of ong>lifeong> on Earth, where it all leads and why. ong>Theong> mysteries of ong>lifeong> revealed by God Himself, in preparation for our comprehension of God's divine "window to ong>theong> future." A future consumed and embraced by ong>theong> greatest love gift imaginable as ong>theong> millennium comes to an end, where eternity begins. True intimacy with God on a supernatural spiritual adventure of exploration. Astounding, truly stunning on a grand God scale, God's love gift to His children that grows and lasts forever As you read Intimacy, you will experience ong>theong> end from ong>theong> beginning, ong>theong> beginning from ong>theong> end, revelation of divine design and ong>purposeong>, all in preparation to accept and flourish in your never-ending, intimate love gift--eternity