The Mexican American Experience: An Encyclopedia
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Meier, Matt S. / Gutierrez, Margo, PUBLISHER: Greenwood, Mexican ong>Americanong>s are rapidly becomong>inong>g ong>theong> largest mong>inong>ority ong>inong> ong>theong> United States, playong>inong>g a vital role ong>inong> ong>theong> culture of ong>theong> ong>Americanong> Southwest and beyond. This A-to-Z guide offers comprehensive coverage of ong>theong> Mexican ong>Americanong> experience, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g: Arts Religion Popular culture Science Technology Busong>inong>ess Government And more Entries range from figures such as Corky Gonzales, Joan Baez, and Nancy Lopez to general entries on bilong>inong>gual education, assimilation, border culture, and southwestern agriculture. Court cases, politics, and events such as ong>theong> Delano Grape Strike all receive full coverage, while ong>theong> defong>inong>itions and significance of terms such as coyote and Tejano are provided ong>inong> shorter entries. Takong>inong>g a historical approach, this book's topics date back to ong>theong> Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, a radical turnong>inong>g poong>inong>t for Mexican ong>Americanong>s, as ong>theong>y lost ong>theong>ir lands and found ong>theong>mselves thrust ong>inong>to an alien social and legal system. ong>Theong> entries trace Mexican ong>Americanong>s' experience as a small, conquered mong>inong>ority, ong>theong>ir growong>inong>g ong>inong>fluence ong>inong> ong>theong> 20th ong>centuryong>, and ong>theong> essential roles ong>theong>ir culture plays ong>inong> ong>theong> borderlands, or ong>theong> ong>Americanong> Southwest, ong>inong> ong>theong> ong>21stong> ong>centuryong>.