Aspects of Malory
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Takamiya, Toshiyuki / Brewer, Derek, PUBLISHER: Boydell & Brewer, This volume of ong>essayong>s is aimed at advong>anong>cong>inong>g ong>theong> ong>appreciationong> of Malory, ong>anong> author who has always been enjoyed by ong>theong> common reader, but is still sometimes underestimated by ong>theong> critics. Despite ong>anong> ong>inong>creasong>inong>g number of articles on Malory, ong>theong>re is a need for a general survey of recent research, whichl> Aspects of Malory /l>provides. ong>Theong> volume opens with a note by ong>theong> late Professor Vong>inong>aver on Malory's prose, ong>anong>d three ong>essayong>s on Malory's Englishness ong>anong>d his English sources, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g ong>anong> ong>essayong> by P. J. C. Field which argues for ong>anong> English raong>theong>r thong>anong> a French origong>inong> for ong>theong> l>Tale of Gareth/l>. This is followed by two ong>essayong>s on Malory's French sources, by Jill Mong>anong>n ong>anong>d Mary Hynes-Berry. ong>Theong>rence McCarthy re-exasmong>inong>es ong>theong> sequence of ong>theong> tales, ong>anong>d three furong>theong>r ong>essayong>s look at ong>theong> scribal ong>anong>d textual tradition of Malory's work, ong>inong> particular ong>theong> relationship between ong>theong> Wong>inong>chester MS, Caxton's prong>inong>ted version, ong>anong>d ong>theong> history of ong>theong> MS. Fong>inong>ally, Richard R. Griffith reconsiders ong>theong> authorship question, ong>anong>d proposes a long-forgotten Thomas Malory as ong>theong> most likely cong>anong>didate. ong>Theong>re is a bibliography of recent research compiled by Professor Takamiya.Full of sound scholarship'. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENTVolume of ong>essayong>s aimed at advong>anong>cong>inong>g ong>theong> ong>appreciationong> of Malory ong>anong>d providong>inong>g a general survey of critical research; topics covered ong>inong>clude Malory's sources, both French ong>anong>d English, ong>theong> scribal ong>anong>d texual tradition of his work, ong>anong>d ong>theong> question of authorship.