the presidency and the political system

The Presidency and the Political System

The Presidency and the Political System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nelson, Michael, PUBLISHER: CQ-Roll Call Group Books, The Presidency & the Political System, now in an updated sixth edition, incorporates the most recent research and scholarship on the presidency. Each of the 20 thought-provoking original essays, written by some of the field's most prominent scholars, explores an important aspect of the relationship between the presidency and our political system.

Iran Under Ahmadinejad: The Politics of Confrontation

Iran Under Ahmadinejad: The Politics of Confrontation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ansari, Ali M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, The election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the summer of thrust Iran into the international limelight in a way that few would have predicted. Robust, confrontational and given to bombastic rhetoric, Ahmadinejad has drawn condemnation from the West and praise from the Middle Eastern street in almost equal measure. This Paper looks at the details of his political rise and assesses his presidency to date within the context of the dynamics of Iranian politics. Examining the key themes of his presidency, it assesses the effectiveness of his policies and analyzes his populist approach, in particular his use of nationalism and the cult of the Twelfth Imam. The author argues that Ahmadinejad, far from retrenching the conservative values of the early revolution, is very much a product of the social and political changes which have occurred since the end of the Iran-Iraq War; that his populism in both politics and economics, along with the maintenance of a confrontational posture abroad, represents an ad hoc, and somewhat incoherent, attempt to disguise the growing contradictions which afflict the Islamic Republic, and the conservative vision of an unaccountable Islamic autocracy in the face of growing dissatisfaction, especially among key sections of the elite.

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Second Assassination of Maurice Bishop

Second Assassination of Maurice Bishop

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, Steve, PUBLISHER: Pathfinder Press (NY), As the U.S. rulers prepared to smash working-class resistance and join the interimperialist slaughter of World War II, the national political police apparatus as it exists today was born, together with the vastly expanded executive powers of the imperial presidency. Documents the consequences for the labor, Black, antiwar, and other social movements and how the working-class vanguard has fought over the past fifty years to defend democratic rights against government and employer attacks.

Presidential Accountability: New and Recurring Problems

Presidential Accountability: New and Recurring Problems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Orman, John M., PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, This book assesses the state of presidential accountability in the post-Reagan era. It looks at five major areas of concern for students of the presidency. These problem areas concern (1.) presidents, national security, and civil liberties; (2.) controlling the intelligence community; (3.) the politized nature of the Justice Department; (4.) celebrity politics and symbolic manipulation; and (5.) the popularity of the Reagan administration and its implications for accountability. The research concludes that in the post- modern presidency, we have lost the desire and power to keep presidents accountable for their actions. After discussing the problem of presidential accountability in the opening chapter, the book turns to the checkered pasts of American presidents with respect to protecting civil liberties. It then examines the problems of presidential accountability that are posed by the intelligence community. Next, it looks at the exercises of the president's discretionary power in the criminal justice policy arena. The newer phenomenon of "Celebrity Politics" is explored next in terms of the consequences it has on citizens who want to keep the American president in check. Following this, the lessons of the popular Reagan presidency on presidential accountability are outlined. Finally, it concludes by lamenting the loss of presidential accountability in the American political system. This book should appeal to presidential researchers and anyone interested in the American presidency.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: Presidential Accountability: New and Recurring Problems
Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the

Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cranston, Maurice W., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This volume discusses in turn the ideas of six leading thinkers of the French Enlightenment: Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Holbach, and Condorcet. A general introduction surveys the political theories of the Enlightenment, setting them in the context of the political realities of 18th-century France. The first book of its kind on the subject, Philosopher and Pamphleteers brings a welcome, new perspective to the study of French political thought during a fascinating historical era.

Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System

Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wasby, Stephen L. / Winkates, James E., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, The fourth edition of this authoritative text has been completely updated through the term. New material is presented on the Rehnquist Court, the Court's recourd on civil liberties, and the Clarence Thomas nomination. The text focuses on the Supreme Court, but also analyzes other federal courts and the entire court system. The Court's political roles are discussed first. The structure of the judicial system and the ways of selecting federal judges follows. A separate chapter is devoted to the role of lawyers and interest groups. The book concludes with an account of the impact of court rulings.

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The Labour Party's Political Thought: A History

The Labour Party's Political Thought: A History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Foote, Geoffrey, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press, This book provides a synoptic and accessible history of the development of political ideas within the Labour Party. It traces the complex relationship between power and political thought and illustrates how Labour's political ideas have been shaped and formed by the Labour Party's political experience. It presents "labourism" or trade union politics as a clear theory and stresses its importance in understanding the different phases in the party's history, arguing that it constitutes the bedrock of the party's thought and that its crisis has caused the recent changes in party ideology.

American Presidency: A Glorious Burden

American Presidency: A Glorious Burden

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bunch, Lonnie G. / Crew, Spencer R. / Hirsch, Mark G., PUBLISHER: Smithsonian Books, This lavishly illustrated volume recounts the evolution of the presidency, from the age of George Washington until today. Drawing from the vast collections of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, it provides a revealing glimpse of the culture, particularly the material culture, of the presidency. Using objects as varied as Thomas Jefferson's portable desk, Abraham Lincoln's stovepipe hat, a Teddy Bear named for Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt's pince-nez, and a drum played during John E Kennedy's funeral, the book explores how the presidency has changed, and how presidential administrations have shaped -- and been shaped by -- relationships with the American people. Advertisements, movies, and television programs are also invoked to show how popular culture has informed Americans' collective memory of the presidency. The American Presidency accompanies a permanent exhibition of the same name at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: American Presidency: A Glorious Burden
Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey

Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heper, Metin / Sayari, Sabri, PUBLISHER: Lexington Books, Since the founding of the modern Turkish republic in , Turkey's political leaders have been decisive in shaping the development of their country's democratic patterns and processes. Beginning with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey analyzes the origins, political careers, beliefs, and policies of eleven of modern-day Turkey's most influential leaders. The chapters offer a unique perspective into the complex and fascinating world of Turkish political leadership and the transition to, and consolidation of, democracy. This crucial addition to Turkish studies and comparative politics is the first book to undertake a systematic study of the role political leaders have played in shaping the successes, as well as the shortcomings, of Turkey's grand democratic experiment.

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Serrano, Monica, PUBLISHER: Institute of Latin American Studies, Although the early s witnessed great optimism with regard to the economic and political reforms introduced by the Salinas administration, the economic crisis raised doubts about the viability of market-oriented growth and political stability in Mexico. This book looks at the impact of economic reform and political liberalization on political institutions, state-society relations, and economic policymaking. The contributors are Alberto Arnaut, Fernando Escalante, Soledad Loaeza, Gabriel Martnez, Victoria Murillo, Mnica Serrano, Fernando Sols, Carlos Urza, Alejandro Villagmez, and Jos Woldenberg.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform
Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and

Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prysby, Charles L. / Clark, John A., PUBLISHER: University Press of Kentucky, " The South continues to be the most distinctive region in American politics. Over the last half century, Democratic dominance in the South has given way to the emergence of a truly competitive two-party system that leans Republican in presidential elections. In some ways, the region is increasingly like the rest of the country, yet even the degree of change and the speed with which it occurred give the South a distinctive air. The contributors to Southern Political Party Activists examine both the development of American political party organizations and the changing political character of the South, focusing on grassroots party activists-those who are involved in party organizations at the county level. John A. Clark is associate professor of political science at Western Michigan University. Charles L. Prysby is professor of political science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

African-Americans & the Presidency: A History of Broken

African-Americans & the Presidency: A History of Broken

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Booker, Christopher B., PUBLISHER: Franklin Watts, Examining African-American civil rights from a unique vantage point, this remarkable volume dissects the troubled political relationship between African Americans and U.S. presidents. From slavery to the civil rights movement to affirmative actions, understand what happened and why--and where we're headed.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: African-Americans & the Presidency: A History of Broken
Party Organization and Activism in the American South Party

Party Organization and Activism in the American South Party

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Steed, Robert P. / Hadley, Charles D. / Clark, John A., PUBLISHER: University Alabama Press, These new essays map the ways political parties remain vital components in the American political system, especially in the eleven states in the South. As Tocqueville noted more than 100 years ago, "No countries need associations more... than those with a democratic social state." Although some contemporary observers see a decline in associations, especially in the political sphere, the contributors in this volume argue not only that political parties remain an essential component of the American political system but also that grassroots political groups have revitalized the political process, especially in the South. Using data gathered from local party officials in the eleven southern states, the authors examine such key issues as: Who becomes involved in local party organizations and why? How do parties recruit and retain workers? What are the ideological and issue orientations of these activists? How does intraparty factionalism affect local party organizations? What is the connection between the party organization and its external environment? The large regional database provides these contributors with the opportunity to extend the study of local party organization and activists, thus addressing some of the significant gaps in previous research. The additional data enable them to clarify the nature of local party organizations and, in a larger sense, the role of the parties in the contemporary American political system.

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kryzanek, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, "Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach" is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa and Iraq provide a wide-ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. "Comparative Politics" is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions on key political milestones in the nation's history, the structure of government, the relationship of citizen to state, the role played by political parties, groups and elections, the shape and influence of the political elite, the current status of the political economy and the future direction of the nation in a global environment.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach
The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nisker, Wes Scoop, PUBLISHER: HarperOne, Hang on for a Wild Journey through the Political and Spiritual Adventures of the Baby-Boom Generation Join Wes "Scoop" Nisker as he takes us on a hilarious, wild ride through the heyday of the Beats and the Hippies and the birth of the modern environmental movement, and the surge of Buddhism in the West.

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabato, Larry / Ernst, Howard R., PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections provides comprehensive coverage of the American election process and its political parties. A complete A-to-Z reference, this intelligent and objective guide covers the people, events, and terms involved in the electoral process. Coverage also includes the history of elections in the United States, focusing primarily on the presidential elections. Helpful features such as engaging black-and-white photographs and illustrations, detailed appendixes, and an index make this concise reference browsable and accessible to the general reader. Acquista Ora

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La Conquista

La Conquista

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rios, Lara / Kensington, PUBLISHER: Pinnacle Books, When the widow of a popular Texas senator decides to run for the presidency of the United States, serious questions arise from the investigation of the plane crash that killed him. Drugs, intrigue, and political dirty tricks are tied to her opposition, but how far will they go to prevent her from becoming the first woman president? Dare she let herself feel the love in her heart? What does she owe to the country, and what does she owe to herself?

Principles of the Constitutional Order

Principles of the Constitutional Order

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Utley, Robert L., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The essays in this volume consider the writings of those who drafted the Constitution, as well as the arguments pro and con presented during the ratification debates. The first of these essays examine the founding principles from historical, political and philosophical perspectives. The second group outlines the main Anti-Federalist arguments. A discussion of the nature and implications of the doctrine of separated powers follows and the volume closes with psycho-historical portraits of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The volume focuses attention on the Founding period so that the original character and principles of our political order may be seen clearly, in spite of the glory and veneration with which age and custom have draped our constitution.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: Principles of the Constitutional Order
The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Murison, Justine S., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, For much of the nineteenth century, the nervous system was a medical mystery, inspiring scientific studies and exciting great public interest. Because of this widespread fascination, the nerves came to explain the means by which mind and body related to each other. By the s, the nervous system helped Americans express the consequences on the body, and for society, of major historical changes. Literary writers, including Nathaniel Hawthorne and Harriet Beecher Stowe, used the nerves as a metaphor to re-imagine the role of the self amidst political, social and religious tumults, including debates about slavery and the revivals of the Second Great Awakening. Representing the 'romance' of the nervous system and its cultural impact thoughtfully and, at times, critically, the fictional experiments of this century helped construct and explore a neurological vision of the body and mind. Murison explains the impact of neurological medicine on nineteenth-century literature and culture. Acquista Ora

Russian Politics: The Post-Soviet Phase

Russian Politics: The Post-Soviet Phase

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barry, Donald D., PUBLISHER: Lang, Peter, Publishing Inc., This book analyzes the evolution and operation of political institutions in Russia from its emergence from the shadow of the disintegrating Union of Soviet Socialist Republic through its first decade as an independent state. Emphasizing structures and problems, the main topics treated are constitutional development, presidential-parliamentary relations, electoral politics, the party system, and the search for a workable federalism, including descriptions of principal people and events.

Offerte relazionate the presidency and the political system: Russian Politics: The Post-Soviet Phase
The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, T. N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first general social and political history of Malaya. Focusing on the years to , the last years of British rule and the achievement of independence, it embraces a wealth of social, economic and cultural, as well as political themes. It contains new research on the impact of the Second World War in Malaya, the origins and course of the Communist Emergency, and the response of Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism and social change. A concluding chapter takes these themes forward into the s to shed new light on the emergence of this important Southeast Asian nation.

Letters to President Clinton: Biblical Lessons on Faith and

Letters to President Clinton: Biblical Lessons on Faith and

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Sterling Publishing Co Inc, "The President and the Rabbi" celebrates a unique chapter in the annals of both political and religious history: a written dialogue between prominent American Orthodox rabbi Menachem Genack and former President Bill Clinton that spanned more than 15 years. The two men first met when then-governor Clinton was just beginning his road to the presidency; as their friendship deepened, the rabbi started sending Clinton brief essays highlighting spiritual insights from the Bible to help him navigate difficult decisions and issues. During his second term, the president asked Genack to write these pieces more regularly and formally, and the rabbi invited many of his distinguished acquaintances--Bible scholars, political leaders, scientists, clergy members, and laypeople--to contribute. This inspirational collection gathers more than 100 of these mini-sermons, organized by theme-expressions of the contemporary but universal messages found in the Bible's ancient wisdom--and featuring a foreword by Clinton himself.

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Contradiction and Conflict: The Popular Church in Nicaragua

Contradiction and Conflict: The Popular Church in Nicaragua

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabia, Debra, PUBLISHER: University Alabama Press, Sabia examines the complex interaction of religious belief and political inspiration among internal divisions of Nicaragua's popular church. Contradiction and Conflict explores the rich history, ideology, and development of the popular church in Nicaragua. From careful assessments within the context of Nicaragua's revolutionary period (s-), this book explains the historical conditions that worked to unify members of the Christian faith and the subsequent factors that fragmented the Christian community into at least four identifiable groups with religious and political differences, contradictions, and conflicts. Debra Sabia describes and analyzes the rise, growth, and fragmentation of the popular church and assesses the effect of the Christian base communities on religion, politics, and the nation's social revolutionary experiment.

Peasants and Imperial Rule: Agriculture and Agrarian Society

Peasants and Imperial Rule: Agriculture and Agrarian Society

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charlesworth, Neil, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book is a detailed historical study of agriculture and agrarian society in a major province of British India, the Bombay presidency. Its objective is to examine the impact of British rule on the Indian peasantry, and the changes it brought. Among the specific issues discussed by the author are the development of the British land revenue system, the pattern of expansion in commercial agriculture and the consequences in terms of ownership and organisation of land and agrarian social structure. Dr Charlesworth goes on to look at the role of government policy, the nature of peasant protest movements and the effects of the interwar depression. He concludes that significant long-term economic and social change did occur but that the highly 'differential' pattern to commercialisation prevented any structural transformation in the peasant economy and society.

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Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the

Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franklin, Daniel P., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Politics and Film explores the meaning of film within a societal context. In examining the political role of films we become real time cultural anthropologists, sifting through the artifacts of modern society to determine what our culture really is
