encyclopedia of american political parties and elections

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabato, Larry / Ernst, Howard R., PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections provides comprehensive coverage of the American election process and its political parties. A complete A-to-Z reference, this intelligent and objective guide covers the people, events, and terms involved in the electoral process. Coverage also includes the history of elections in the United States, focusing primarily on the presidential elections. Helpful features such as engaging black-and-white photographs and illustrations, detailed appendixes, and an index make this concise reference browsable and accessible to the general reader. Acquista Ora

Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make

Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graafland, Johan J. / Ros, Arie P., PUBLISHER: Springer, In the Netherlands, the election programmes of the political parties are assessed for their economic impact by an independent economic bureau. The result of this analysis is published just before the elections take place. In this way, the voter will be protected against political parties that try to win the elections by making popular but unfounded financial promises. Economic Assessment of Election Programmes contains contributions of several distinguished economists and philosophers who consider the gains of this procedure to society. Does the analysis by the Netherlands' Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) raise the democratic quality of the elections? Can we really be confident in the tools of economics? The last section of this volume states the opinion of representatives of the political parties. This part also clarifies why political parties voluntarily participate in this process and how they perceive the role division between the political party and CPB.

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Crowded Airwaves: Campaign Advertising in Elections

Crowded Airwaves: Campaign Advertising in Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nelson, Candace J. / Dulio, David A. / Thurber, James A., PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, Political advertising plays a key role in modern electioneering and has formed part of political campaigns since the earliest federal elections were held in the United States. As modes of mass communication have evolved, so have the venues for campaign advertisingfrom newspapers to radio and television, and today, the Internet. Not only have the outlets for political advertising expanded over the past twenty years, so have the number of groups using it to convey information and advance their points of view. Because political advertising has become such a pervasive medium for candidates, political parties, and special interest groups, understanding its role in election campaigns becomes all the more important. Crowded Airwaves gathers some of the most significant new work in American political advertising and communication. The contributors provide an objective and balanced analysis of political advertising: its causes, its growth, and its consequences on elections in the United States. The chapters in this volume tackle three of the most interesting and most complicated issues in political advertising today: the characterization of ads and the need to measure their impact; the agenda-setting and priming effects of ads; and the role and implications of issue advertising for the electorate. The contributors focus in particular on the effects and consequences of negative advertising. Crowded Airwaves will appeal to readers who are interested in political campaigns and communication. It will be of special importance to those concerned with the tone and content of electoral campaigns and political discourse.

The Elections in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania, 29

The Elections in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania, 29

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Commonwealth Secretariat / Commonwealth Secretariat / Commonwealth Observer Group, PUBLISHER: Commonwealth Secretariat, This title is the part of an on-going series of Election Reports. They record the observations, conclusions and recommendations of Commonwealth Observer Groups. The Secretary-General constitutes these observer missions at the request of governments and with the agreement of all significant political parties. At the end of a mission, a report is submitted to the Secretary-General, who makes it available to the government of the country in question, the political parties concerned and to all Commonwealth governments. The report eventually becomes a public document.

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Comparative Political Finance in the s

Comparative Political Finance in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alexander, Herbert E. / Federman, Joel, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book concerns the financing of politics, political parties, candidates and elections in eleven countries. It contains case studies of individual countries, various country-by-country comparisons, and a conceptual framework enabling the reader to understand the context of financial sources and implications of funding sources. All the chapters demonstrate the problems common to democracies seeking to regulate uses and abuses of money in politics in pluralistic societies in which there are numerous openings for political disbursements; many present themes emphasizing forms of public funding (alternatively called state aid in some countries) in which governments assist parties or candidates to subsist and compete. Professor Alexander has assembled a distinguished international team of contributors to present this first major appraisal of such a vital aspect of democratic practice for nearly twenty years.

Party Organization and Activism in the American South Party

Party Organization and Activism in the American South Party

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Steed, Robert P. / Hadley, Charles D. / Clark, John A., PUBLISHER: University Alabama Press, These new essays map the ways political parties remain vital components in the American political system, especially in the eleven states in the South. As Tocqueville noted more than 100 years ago, "No countries need associations more... than those with a democratic social state." Although some contemporary observers see a decline in associations, especially in the political sphere, the contributors in this volume argue not only that political parties remain an essential component of the American political system but also that grassroots political groups have revitalized the political process, especially in the South. Using data gathered from local party officials in the eleven southern states, the authors examine such key issues as: Who becomes involved in local party organizations and why? How do parties recruit and retain workers? What are the ideological and issue orientations of these activists? How does intraparty factionalism affect local party organizations? What is the connection between the party organization and its external environment? The large regional database provides these contributors with the opportunity to extend the study of local party organization and activists, thus addressing some of the significant gaps in previous research. The additional data enable them to clarify the nature of local party organizations and, in a larger sense, the role of the parties in the contemporary American political system.

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Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kryzanek, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, "Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach" is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa and Iraq provide a wide-ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. "Comparative Politics" is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions on key political milestones in the nation's history, the structure of government, the relationship of citizen to state, the role played by political parties, groups and elections, the shape and influence of the political elite, the current status of the political economy and the future direction of the nation in a global environment.

Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and

Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prysby, Charles L. / Clark, John A., PUBLISHER: University Press of Kentucky, " The South continues to be the most distinctive region in American politics. Over the last half century, Democratic dominance in the South has given way to the emergence of a truly competitive two-party system that leans Republican in presidential elections. In some ways, the region is increasingly like the rest of the country, yet even the degree of change and the speed with which it occurred give the South a distinctive air. The contributors to Southern Political Party Activists examine both the development of American political party organizations and the changing political character of the South, focusing on grassroots party activists-those who are involved in party organizations at the county level. John A. Clark is associate professor of political science at Western Michigan University. Charles L. Prysby is professor of political science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

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The Last Hurrah?: Soft Money and Issue Advocacy in the

The Last Hurrah?: Soft Money and Issue Advocacy in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Magleby, David B. / Monson, J. Quin, PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, The midterm elections were noteworthy U.S. congressional campaigns for many reasons. They marked the last national contests before implementation of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) and thus were expected by many to be the last hurrah for soft money. These midterm campaigns provided a window on the activity of parties, interest groups, and political consultants on the eve of BCRA, as they prepared to enter a new era of American elections. The results of Campaign were remarkable. As the party in power, the Republicans defied history by gaining seats in both houses of Congress, giving them a majority in the Senate. To some degree this resulted from the GOPs new emphasis on ground war voter mobilization. Another key was the unusually aggressive support of the sitting president, who leveraged his popularity to advance his partys candidates for Congress. The Last Hurrah? analyzes the role of soft money and issue advocacy in the battle for Congress. Having been granted access to a number of campaign operations across a broad array of groups, David Magleby, Quin Monson, and their colleagues monitored and documented a number of competitive races, including the key South Dakota and Missouri Senate contests. Each case study breaks down the campaign communication in a particular race, including devices such as advertising, get-out-the-vote drives, soft money expenditures, and the increasingly influential role of the national parties on local races. They also discuss the overall trends of the midterm election of , paying particular attention to the impact of President Bush and his political operation in candidate recruitment, fundraising, and campaign visits. Magleby andMonson consider an important question typically overlooked. How do voters caught in the middle of a hotly contested race deal withand react toa barrage of television and radio ads, direct mail, unsolicited phone calls, and other campaign communications? They conclude with a look to the future, using the trends in to understand just how candidates, political parties, and interest groups might respond to the new campaign environment of BCRA.

The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few

The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schacht, James, PUBLISHER: AuthorHouse, The Future of Democracy in America and the World: A Few Possibilities makes the vast fields of modern American political philosophy and politics more accessible to both those engaged and those not engaged in these professions. Based in part on an exhaustive reading of American political philosophy and writers who have influenced American political philosophy, James Schacht explores what democracy has been in the past, what it is now, and what it can be in the future. Going as far back as the Englishman John Locke, whose writings strongly influenced Thomas Jefferson in his writing of the Declaration of Independence, he provides a comprehensive view of American political philosophy and its origins up to today, describes the institution of democracy, describes the culture associated with this institution, makes some predictions, and describes a framework for pursuing our best hope for the future.

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Comparative Political Parties and Party Elites Essays in

Comparative Political Parties and Party Elites Essays in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Birol Ali Yesilada, PUBLISHER: University of Michigan Press, NA

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Serrano, Monica, PUBLISHER: Institute of Latin American Studies, Although the early s witnessed great optimism with regard to the economic and political reforms introduced by the Salinas administration, the economic crisis raised doubts about the viability of market-oriented growth and political stability in Mexico. This book looks at the impact of economic reform and political liberalization on political institutions, state-society relations, and economic policymaking. The contributors are Alberto Arnaut, Fernando Escalante, Soledad Loaeza, Gabriel Martnez, Victoria Murillo, Mnica Serrano, Fernando Sols, Carlos Urza, Alejandro Villagmez, and Jos Woldenberg.

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Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology

Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Piotrowski, Nancy A., PUBLISHER: Salem Press, Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science: Psychology provides a comprehensive view of the field-covering theories, diagnoses, disorders, treatments, tests, people and issues-and adds helpful illustrations, charts, and drawings. This encyclopedia streamlines many of the topics with helpful overviews, offereing greater flexibility in length and format. Acquista Ora

Theory Committees and Elections

Theory Committees and Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Black / Black, Duncan, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In this book, first published in , the social choice theorist and economist Duncan Black aims to formulate a pure science of politics. Focusing on the mathematics of committees and, accordingly, of elections, Black's writing engages with the theories of Condorcet, Borda and Laplace in order to describe the ways in which different systems of voting will yield different results. This can, as Black discusses in detail, influence whether the chosen candidate or motion is relatively agreeable to all, or only suited to the majority group of voters. Black also presents a history of the political science of elections, placing his own work within the context of earlier research and thought on this subject. Professor Black ensures that only a basic knowledge of arithmetic is needed to understand his arguments, although his methods of reasoning will be more familiar to those readers who have previously studied mathematics and economics.

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Nature and History in American Political Development: A

Nature and History in American Political Development: A

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ceaser, James W. / Rakove, Jack / Rosenblum, Nancy L., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, In this inaugural volume of the Alexis de Tocqueville Lectures, political scientist James Ceaser traces the way certain ideas, including nature, history, and religion--which he calls foundational ideas--have been understood and used by statesmen and public intellectuals over the course of American history, from the Puritans to the current day. Ceaser treats these ideas not as pure concepts of philosophy or theology, but rather as elements of political discourse that provide the ground or ultimate appeal for other political ideas, such as liberty or equality. At times, they have critically influenced the course of American political development, offering various opportunities and constraints for political leaders. Ceaser traces the histories of these ideas and their relation to other ideas, to practices, and to the fortunes of successive partisan regimes. Three critical commentators--historian Jack Rakove and political theorists Nancy Rosenblum and Rogers Smith--challenge Ceaser's arguments in several ways. They suggest that other ideas may be considered foundational, and they prod him to clarify further how foundational ideas work politically. Ceaser responds with vigor, and the result is a spirited debate about large and enduring questions in American politics.

Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the

Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, John Clifford / Rozell, Mark J. / Wilcox, Clyde, PUBLISHER: Georgetown University Press, In the wake of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the Christian Right expected major victories in the elections. Instead, many of its allies lost close contests, and the movement was seen as a liability in some high-profile campaigns. In the only in-depth study of the Christian Right's role in these races, leading scholars analyze the role of the movement in fourteen key states, from Maine to California, and address speculations that the movement is fading from the American political scene. The book focuses on elections on the state and local levels, where the Christian Right is most influential, and it describes the movement's niche in some detail. Although each campaign described in the book had its unique characteristics, the editors have drawn some broad conclusions about the elections. While the movement was weak in the areas of candidate recruitment and fundraising, they say, the outcome may have also been related to external factors, including a broader turnout of typically Democratic constituencies and the country's boredom with the scandal that conservatives had made the centerpiece of their campaign. Despite the setbacks of , the contributors argue, the Christian Right continues to have an enormous influence on the political dialogue of the country. Written from an unbiased, nonpartisan perspective, this volume sheds light on a topic that is too frequently mired in controversy.

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The Multicultural States of East Africa

The Multicultural States of East Africa

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richards, Audrey I., PUBLISHER: McGill-Queen's University Press, What does "TRIBALISM" mean in the modern world? How does it affect the formation of political parties and the competition for office in the central governments of developing countries? What are the difficulties in modernizing local government and rural agricultural in countries where there are marked differences in language and political organization between different groups? The author examines the special political and economic problems which face the new East African states of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, taking Uganda, where she lived for five years, as a case study. Her final chapter describes the forces making for national consciousness and a sense of national identity in modern Africa, and the part played by the elite in these movements.

The New American Democracy

The New American Democracy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fiorina, Morris P. / Peterson, Paul E. / Johnson, Bertram, PUBLISHER: Longman Publishing Group, With an emphasis on elections and their importance in the American political system, this groundbreaking offers a stimulating, analytical approach to American government and a unique perspective on contemporary politics. Noted scholars and teachers all, the authors propose in their text that politicians today are perpetually engaged in the election process-a "permanent campaign"-which has profoundly affected how our government functions today. The proliferation of public opinion polls, the growing influence of the Internet, the ubiquitous nature of the news media, and the increasingly important role of interest groups-all demonstrate that America is moving toward a more popular democracy and have blurred the lines between politicians campaigning and governing. The sixth edition of this prestigious text will have been brought completely up-to-date through the end of the George W. Bush administration and Presidential Election, by its publication. The alternate version of "The New American Democracy "includes the exact same coverage as the comprehensive version without the policy chapters.

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Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the

Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cranston, Maurice W., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This volume discusses in turn the ideas of six leading thinkers of the French Enlightenment: Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Holbach, and Condorcet. A general introduction surveys the political theories of the Enlightenment, setting them in the context of the political realities of 18th-century France. The first book of its kind on the subject, Philosopher and Pamphleteers brings a welcome, new perspective to the study of French political thought during a fascinating historical era.

Struggle for Hegemony in India : The Colonial State,

Struggle for Hegemony in India : The Colonial State,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Joshi, Shashi, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Struggle for Hegemony in India describes the role of the Communist Party of India during the freedom struggle () and constructs the experience of its interaction with others as well as with social and political reality. By combining the perspectives of "history from below" with "history from above," this study sharpens the reader's understanding of historical events and processes. Moreover, the author places macro-structures such as the colonial state, political parties, trade unions, and mobilizations of workers and peasants in a context of interaction and interdependence. Students of history, sociology, and political science will find this important book essential reading. "Shashi Joshi displays considerable grasp of detail without losing sight of the broad contours of her story, which is related with fluent authority. She is clearly well-grounded in Marxist literature and has placed her thesis of Communist failure within the matrix of Marxist concepts." --Asian Affairs

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Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey

Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heper, Metin / Sayari, Sabri, PUBLISHER: Lexington Books, Since the founding of the modern Turkish republic in , Turkey's political leaders have been decisive in shaping the development of their country's democratic patterns and processes. Beginning with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey analyzes the origins, political careers, beliefs, and policies of eleven of modern-day Turkey's most influential leaders. The chapters offer a unique perspective into the complex and fascinating world of Turkish political leadership and the transition to, and consolidation of, democracy. This crucial addition to Turkish studies and comparative politics is the first book to undertake a systematic study of the role political leaders have played in shaping the successes, as well as the shortcomings, of Turkey's grand democratic experiment.

Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy

Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tinker, Irene, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The book synthesizes the successes and failures of two decades in the struggle to improve the lives of American women through the political process. Many of the contributors have worked in federal government, and they consider such areas as education, employment, law and business -- testifying to the wider social and political role that so-called 'women's issues' have played in shaping American society since the early s. This book is destined to shape the agenda of the women's movement for the next generation. '...the text is a wonderful resource for students of political science, organizational change, and women's studies.' -- Choice, May 'Written in a lucid and jargon-free style, the book provides both the general reader and the professional with new information on much-studied issues such as the ERA...' -- Perspective

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Facing the Future: American Strategy in the s

Facing the Future: American Strategy in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aspen Strategy Group, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Throughout and the world was treated to a succession of dramatic and far-reaching political events. The revolution in Eastern Europe, the first rays of hope for change in the Soviet Union, the elections in Nicaragua, the unbanning of anti-apartheid groups in South Africa, and the invasion of one Arab state by another have taught us that the status quo is anything but static. The enormous and unforeseen shifts in global politics present the United States with enormous and unforeseen challenges with which it will have to grapple in the s. This volume examines the current trends in global politics, and the ways in which they will inevitably bear on the diplomatic, military and economic future of the United States. Co-published with the Aspen Strategy Group.

Citizens and Community: Political Support in a

Citizens and Community: Political Support in a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kornberg, Allan / Clarke, Harold D., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The related subjects of political legitimacy and system support are key theoretical concerns of students of democratic societies. They have received very little scholarly attention, however, because of the conceptual and methodological complexities they engender. In this book, the authors address these concerns through systematic multivariate analyses of the sources, distribution and consequences of variations in citizen support for key political objects in one such society, Canada. Although they do so within a comparative context, their primary focus is on Canada because it is not only one of the world's oldest democracies, but is a country that has experienced support problems that periodically have reached crisis proportions. Many of the problems facing Canada are extreme examples of difficulties that have vexed other democracies and this study helps illuminate both the conditions under which democracies in general are able to sustain themselves and those under which they could flounder. The authors demonstrate that political support has its origins in people's political socialization experiences and their judgments about the operation of key political and economic institutions and processes. They find that political support is not "of a piece" and that average citizens are able to distinguish among and ascribe different degrees of support to key political objects such as Parliament, the bureaucracy, the judiciary, parties, the system of federalism, and the national political community itself.

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Sensibility and the American Revolution

Sensibility and the American Revolution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Knott, Sarah, PUBLISHER: University of North Carolina Press, In the wake of American independence, it was clear that the new United States required novel political forms. Less obvious but no less revolutionary was the idea that the American people needed a new understanding of the self. Sensibility was a cultural movement that celebrated the human capacity for sympathy and sensitivity to the world. For individuals, it offered a means of self-transformation. For a nation lacking a monarch, state religion, or standing army, sensibility provided a means of cohesion. National independence and social interdependence facilitated one another. What Sarah Knott calls "the sentimental project" helped a new kind of citizen create a new kind of government. Knott paints sensibility as a political project whose fortunes rose and fell with the broader tides of the Revolutionary Atlantic world. Moving beyond traditional accounts of social unrest, republican and liberal ideology, and the rise of the autonomous individual, she offers an original interpretation of the American Revolution as a transformation of self and society.
