an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by

An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by

An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Charles, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA

The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, In the three lectures which give their title to this delightful collection of esays, the author of "The Enchong>anong>ted Voyage" ong>anong>d "The Itinerate Ivory Tower" turns his attention to the influence of the environment on the course of evolution. The first lecture considers the nature of the terrestrial biosphere, both as a unique phenomenon on earth ong>anong>d as one of a class of possible spaces on other bodies; the second examines the nature of the ecological niche; ong>anong>d the third discusses some of the possible environmental interactions of a single species, emphasis being placed on the extremely recondite nature of the selective forces that act on mong>anong>, as on other ong>anong>imals. ong>Anong>other of the pieces deals with the problem of the relation of natural beauty to works of art, particularly in the context of the similarities ong>anong>d differences apparent when natural history museums ong>anong>d art galleries are compared. The final ong>essayong>, "The Cream in the Gooseberry Fool," is ong>anong> account of the role of ong>anong> English country clergymong>anong> ong>anong>d of the Europeong>anong> magpie most in one of the most significong>anong>t early discoveries of genetics. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play
Selected Writings to

Selected Writings to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Newmong>anong>, John Henry / Newmong>anong> John, Hen / Redcliffe, Albert, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This selection from the most productive Christiong>anong> pen of the nineteenth century is also ong>anong> introduction to one of the most compelling ong>anong>d troubled minds. John Henry Newmong>anong> was a dominong>anong>t figure in both the ong>Anong>glicong>anong> ong>anong>d the Romong>anong> Catholic churches. His writings have had ong>anong> abiding influence on both ong>anong>d contribute still to the spirit of ecumenicism.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Mowat, Barbara A. / Werstine, Paul, PUBLISHER: Washington Square Press, "Each edition includes: " - Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play - Full explong>anong>atory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play - Scene-by-scene plot summaries - A key to famous lines ong>anong>d phrases - ong>Anong> introduction to reading Shakespeare's long>anong>guage - ong>Anong> ong>essayong> by ong>anong> outstong>anong>ding scholar providing a modern perspective on the play - Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books "ong>Essayong> by" Susong>anong> Snyder The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, ong>anong>d a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performong>anong>ces ong>anong>d programs. For more information, visit

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: Othello
What Is the Soul?

What Is the Soul?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Warner, D. S., PUBLISHER: Reformation Publishing, A treatise of 100 Scriptures proving that mong>anong> possesses a spiritual ong>anong>d immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, ong>anong>d the Inner Mong>anong>, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by early church history.

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Other Stories

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Other Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, - Critical ong>essayong>s reflecting a variety of schools of criticism - Notes on the contributing critics, a chronology of the author's life, ong>anong>d ong>anong> index - ong>Anong> introductory ong>essayong> by Harold Bloom.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Other Stories
Presence and Power: Releasing the Holy Spirit in Your Life

Presence and Power: Releasing the Holy Spirit in Your Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baumong>anong>, Harold E., PUBLISHER: Herald Press, Harold E. Baumong>anong> looks at the nature of the baptism of the Holy Spirit ong>anong>d the reasons for the wide variety of experiences with the Spirit. In this practical Bible study he explains the fruit ong>anong>d gifts of the Spirit ong>anong>d explores implications of the Spirit's activity both in congregational life ong>anong>d in one's individual walk with the Spirit. Baumong>anong> evaluates the fruit ong>anong>d gifts of the Spirit ong>anong>d presents basic principles for renewal.

The Holy Spirit in Action: The Person and Work of the Holy

The Holy Spirit in Action: The Person and Work of the Holy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rhea, Homer G., PUBLISHER: Pathway Press, Around the world, nations, movements ong>anong>d churches have been caught up in ong>anong> unprecedented revival of the Holy Spirit. Spirit-filled believers, are hungry for more knowledge about living ong>anong>d walking in the fullness of the Spirit. This book helps to fill that need. Teaching outlines, questions, activities, ong>anong>d other innovative learning aids make this ong>anong> ideal course of study for groups ong>anong>d individuals. CD includes trong>anong>sparencies, study guides, ong>anong>d chapter outlines.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: The Holy Spirit in Action: The Person and Work of the Holy
On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On the Functions of the Brain ong>anong>d of Each of Its Parts: With Observations on the Possibility of Determining the Instincts, Propensities, ong>anong>d Talents, or the Moral ong>anong>d Intellectual Dispositions of Men ong>anong>d ong>Anong>imals, by the Configuration of the Brain ong>anong>d Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

The Roundtable Talks and the Breakdown of Communism

The Roundtable Talks and the Breakdown of Communism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elster, Jon, PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press, In ong>anong>d , Eastern Europeong>anong> Communist regimes ong>anong>d opposition groups conducted a series of roundtable talks to peacefully negotiate the abolition of authoritariong>anong> rule ong>anong>d the trong>anong>sition to democratic governong>anong>ce. This volume documents that unprecedented process of national reinvention ong>anong>d constitution making. These ong>essayong>s capture the historical circumstong>anong>ces of these countries--their traditions, customs, ong>anong>d the balong>anong>ce of influence between competing factions--that often took precedence over constitutional ideals. In five country-specific reports, senior scholars provide detailed accounts of the talks in Bulgaria, Polong>anong>d, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, ong>anong>d the Germong>anong> Democratic Republic. Also included is ong>anong> ong>essayong> on the political factors underlying the failure of negotiations between reform groups ong>anong>d the Chinese regime, providing ong>anong> illuminating counterpoint to the path taken in Eastern Europe. This book is ong>anong> invaluable resource for scholars of constitutional design ong>anong>d democratization ong>anong>d for specialists in Eastern Europe.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: The Roundtable Talks and the Breakdown of Communism
The Presidency and the Political System

The Presidency and the Political System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nelson, Michael, PUBLISHER: CQ-Roll Call Group Books, The Presidency & the Political System, now in ong>anong> updated sixth edition, incorporates the most recent research ong>anong>d scholarship on the presidency. Each of the 20 thought-provoking original ong>essayong>s, written by some of the field's most prominent scholars, explores ong>anong> importong>anong>t aspect of the relationship between the presidency ong>anong>d our political system.

An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tucker, Dennis / Ballard, Wayne / Ballard, Jr. H. Wayne, PUBLISHER: Mercer University Press, Introduction to Wisdom Literature ong>anong>d the Psalms offers a unique approach to studying this material in the classroom. This book is a collection of ong>essayong>s that explore themes ong>anong>d background issues intended for the student of the Old Testament. Divided into two sections on the Psalms ong>anong>d Wisdom Literature, each section offers ong>anong> in-depth ong>essayong> on history of interpretation, forms of poetry, the text's relationship to the ong>anong>cient Near East, the cong>anong>onical shape of the material, the theology of the texts, ong>anong>d contemporary issues currently under scholarly investigation.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms
Religion, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain:

Religion, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fletcher, ong>Anong>thony / Roberts, Peter, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In this volume seventeen distinguished historiong>anong>s of early modern Britain pay tribute to ong>anong> outstong>anong>ding scholar ong>anong>d teacher. Several present reviews of major areas of debate: of the significong>anong>ce of the regulations which determined the social ong>anong>d legal status of professional actors in Elizabethong>anong> Englong>anong>d, of Protestong>anong>t ideas about marriage, of the political significong>anong>ce of the ong>Anong>glo-Scottish Union, of relations between the Churches of Englong>anong>d, Scotlong>anong>d ong>anong>d Irelong>anong>d under the early Stuarts, ong>anong>d of the riddle of the inner dynamic of the experience of emigration of New Englong>anong>d. Case-studies in the social ong>anong>d religious history of the period include the relationship between ideas of cleong>anong>liness ong>anong>d godliness, the flowering of the notion of unitive Protestong>anong>tism in two declarations on behalf of the National Church ong>anong>d provincial preaching at a moment of political crisis in the north of Englong>anong>d. Three ong>essayong>s draw on literary evidence to explore attitudes to men of war, the use of the murder pamphlet as a Puritong>anong> conversion narrative ong>anong>d the service provided by scholarly readers for politically influential public figures. Two ong>essayong>s make impressive use of fieldwork to reveal how the churches of James I ong>anong>d VI's two kingdoms were furnished ong>anong>d how the gardens of Sir Nicholas ong>anong>d Sir Frong>anong>cis Bacon illuminate their minds ong>anong>d attitudes. The Europeong>anong> dimension is represented by ong>anong> ong>essayong> on Nicolas Pithou's history of the Reformation in the city of Troyes. This very wide-rong>anong>ging ong>anong>d fascinating collection of ong>essayong>s will appeal both to specialists in the period ong>anong>d to those interested in the social ong>anong>d cultural history of early modern Britain.

The Heart of a Champion: Celebrating the Spirit and

The Heart of a Champion: Celebrating the Spirit and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Deford, Frong>anong>k, PUBLISHER: Northword Press, In this exciting new book, award-winning sports writer ong>anong>d commentator Frong>anong>k Deford captures the inspirational stories of mong>anong>y of the greatest athletes ong>anong>d teams to appear on a Wheaties box. For more thong>anong> 75 years, the Wheaties box has celebrated the essence of being a champion: the character of excellence, the spirit of achievement, ong>anong>d the triumph of determination.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: The Heart of a Champion: Celebrating the Spirit and
Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salmond, John A. / Clayton, Bruce / Salmond, John, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This is a unique collection of ong>essayong>s by some of the world's leading historiong>anong>s of the South, together with work by younger scholars. All contributors, however, are working at the cutting edge of their particular methodological approaches. The book, for example, includes both ong>anong> ong>essayong> by Pulitzer Prize winner Rhys Isaac, ong>anong>d one by Rutgers University graduate student Beth Hale. Yet, both have a common concern to explore the reaches of the Southern past through the dimension of ethnography. The ong>essayong>s in the book are grouped according to theme. The largest section, the social sciences ong>anong>d Southern history, includes ong>essayong>s drawing heavily on the insights of ong>anong>thropology of ethnography ong>anong>d of statistical ong>anong>alysis. Each ong>essayong> in the second section is designed to illustrate how life history cong>anong> be used to illuminate much larger histoical themes ong>anong>d processes. The ong>essayong>s in the last section on labor in the "new" South all illustrate, among other things, the importong>anong>ce of drawing on the insights of historiong>anong>s of women in order to redress the masculinist presuppositons of labor historiong>anong>s. All the ong>essayong>s in the book, in fact, reflect current concerns with gender ong>anong>d race in the re-interpretation of the Southern past.

Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for

Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devine, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Trumong>anong> State University Press, On the sixtieth ong>anong>niversary of the founding of the State of Israel ong>anong> international group of scholars, policy makers, ong>anong>d members of the public gathered at the Harry S. Trumong>anong> Research Institute for the Advong>anong>cement of Peace on the Hebrew University Campus to examine the diplomatic ong>anong>d political context from which the State of Israel emerged. Presenters placed special emphasis on research using archival materials made available in recent decades. This event also marked the fortieth ong>anong>niversary of the creation of the Harry S. Trumong>anong> Research Institute ong>anong>d provided ong>anong> opportunity to commemorate ong>anong>d reflect on the work supported by the Institute. This collection of the thirteen articles presented at the conference in May advong>anong>ces the discussion of President Trumong>anong>'s recognition of the State of Israel, highlights ongoing research in international archives, ong>anong>d reviews efforts in the advocacy of peace made possible by the Institute.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for
Much ADO about Nothing

Much ADO about Nothing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shakespeare, William / Werstine, Paul / Mowat, Barbara A., PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster, FOLGER Shakespeare Library The world's leading center for Shakespeare studies "Each edition includes: " - Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play - Full explong>anong>atory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play - Scene-by-scene plot summaries - A key to famous lines ong>anong>d phrases - ong>Anong> introduction to reading Shakespeare's long>anong>guage - ong>Anong> ong>essayong> by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play - Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books "ong>Essayong> by" Gail Kern Paster The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to theworld's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, ong>anong>d a magnet forShakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open tothe public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performong>anong>cesong>anong>d programs. For more information, visit

Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume III

Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume III

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kotz, Samuel / Johnson, Normong>anong> L., PUBLISHER: Springer, This is author-approved bcc: This is the third volume of a collection of seminal papers in the statistical sciences written during the past 110 years. These papers have each had ong>anong> outstong>anong>ding influence on the development of statistical theory ong>anong>d practice over the last century. Each paper is preceded by ong>anong> introduction written by ong>anong> authority in the field providing background information ong>anong>d assessing its influence. Volume III concerntrates on articles from the 's while including some earlier articles not included in Volume I ong>anong>d II. Samuel Kotz is Professor of Statistics in the College of Business ong>anong>d Mong>anong>agement at the University of Marylong>anong>d. Normong>anong> L. Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Statistics at the University of North Carolina. Also available: Breakthroughs in Statistics Volume I: Foundations ong>anong>d Basic Theory Samuel Kotz ong>anong>d Normong>anong> L. Johnson, Editors pp. Softcover. ISBN Breakthroughs in Statistics Volume II: Methodology ong>anong>d Distribution Samuel Kotz ong>anong>d Normong>anong> L. Johnson, Editors pp. Softcover. ISBN

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hill, Leonard, PUBLISHER: Universe Publishing(NY), Nature has created ong>anong> almost infinite variety of life in the sea, ong>anong>d seashells are the prize of this vast environment. Shells reveals the striking patterns ong>anong>d forms that make shells a work of art in their own right, from the extraordinary architectural detail of the chambered nautilus to the varied hues of the senatorial scallop. Moreover, shells have had a significong>anong>t influence on mong>anong>y facets of society. Through lively ong>anong>d informative text ong>anong>d striking photographs presented in ong>anong> oversized format, Shells depicts Iroquois money belts made from the shell of the quahog; a cowrie headdress used by a Mali witch doctor; ong>anong>d the scallop shell motif in art ong>anong>d architecture. Also featured are rare photographs of the fascinating creatures that live within shells; current data on collecting practices ong>anong>d trends; ong>anong>d a discussion of environmental issues around collection ong>anong>d conservation.

Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the

Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Herle, ong>Anong>ita / Rouse, Song>anong>dra / ong>Anong>ita, Herle, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Torres Strait has ong>anong> established place in the history of ong>anong>thropology because of its association with the Cambridge University Expedition of orgong>anong>ised by A. C. Haddon. This early British ong>anong>thropological expedition is regarded as a seminal event in the formation of academic ong>anong>thropology in Britain. Its goal was to make ong>anong> unprecedentedly comprehensive ong>anong>thropological study embracing ethnology, physical ong>anong>thropology, psychology, linguistics, sociology ong>anong>d ethnomusicology. The nine interdisciplinary ong>essayong>s in this centenary volume offer ways of looking at ong>anong>d situation the Expedition's work in historical ong>anong>d intellectual debates. Central themes covered are the relationship between the expedition members ong>anong>d the Torres Strait Islong>anong>ders: the innovations associated with the Expedition ong>anong>d the Expedition's influence on the development of ong>anong>thropology ong>anong>d psychology. One hundred years on, the results of the Expedition have a contemporary relevong>anong>ce for ong>anong>thropology ong>anong>d for the Torres Strait Islong>anong>ders.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: Cambridge and the Torres Strait: Centenary Essays on the
The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: May, Charles E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, The short story is one of the most difficult types of prose to write ong>anong>d one of the most pleasurable to read. From Boccaccio's Decameron to The Collected Stories of Reynolds Price, Charles May gives us ong>anong> understong>anong>ding of the history ong>anong>d structure of this demong>anong>ding form of fiction. Beginning with a general history of the genre, he moves on to focus on the nineteenth-century when the modern short story begong>anong> to come into focus. From there he moves on to later nineteenth-century realism ong>anong>d early twentieth-century formalism ong>anong>d finally to the modern renaissong>anong>ce of the form that shows no signs of abating. A chronology of significong>anong>t events, works ong>anong>d figures from the genre's history, notes ong>anong>d references ong>anong>d ong>anong> extensive bibliographic ong>essayong> with recommended reading round out the volume.

Fundus Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography

Fundus Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chopdar, Amresh, PUBLISHER: ong>Anong>shong>anong> Pub, Fluorescein ong>anong>giography plays ong>anong> importong>anong>t role in the mong>anong>agement of mong>anong>y retinal disorders which evaluate the pathology of the retina. On the other hong>anong>d recently introduced Endocyong>anong>ine green ong>anong>giograpy mainly explores the pathology affecting the choroid. This book provides the essential guidong>anong>ce on both the methods ong>anong>d emphasises the differences between the two systems. Based on 25 years of ong>anong> ong>anong>nual teaching course run by the author, the coverage includes all the common ong>anong>d mong>anong>y rare conditions of the retina ong>anong>d the choroids. This is the third publication on the subject since by the author. The book starts with a short history of development followed by bsic principles, technique of performing a successful ong>anong>giography ong>anong>d step by step guidong>anong>ce for interpretation. It explains the theory behind modern digital ong>anong>giography. Each topic begins with a short clinical description of the disease involved followed by the fluorescein ong>anong>d indocyong>anong>ine green ong>anong>giography pattern including variations where applicable. The use of colour photographs with superb illustrations of sequence of ong>anong>giograms ong>anong>d legends makes this ong>anong> outstong>anong>ding feature. The book contains over 525 illustrations.

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Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of New

Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of New

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Martin, Vong>anong>essa, PUBLISHER: I. B. Tauris & Compong>anong>y, This extraordinary book is the first to ong>anong>alyze the ideological roots of ong>anong> Islamic state as conceived by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Surprisingly the author finds much of the inspiration behind Khomeini's political thinking being influenced by Western sources--his writings on the supreme Islamic Jurist being affected by Plato's notions of the philosopher-king ong>anong>d his views of state power ong>anong>d centralism being closely linked to his understong>anong>ding of Marxist/Leninist totalitariong>anong>ism.

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Elliott, PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, Elliott West's careful ong>anong>alysis of the role ong>anong>d development of the saloon as ong>anong> institution on the mining frontier provides unique insights into the social ong>anong>d economic history of the Americong>anong> West. Drawing on contemporong>anong>eous newspapers ong>anong>d mong>anong>y unpublished firsthong>anong>d accounts, West shows that the physical evolution of the saloon, from crude tents ong>anong>d shong>anong>ties into elegong>anong>t establishments for drinking ong>anong>d gaming, reflected the growth ong>anong>d maturity of the surrounding community.

Offerte relazionate an essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by: The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier
Screening the Past: Film and the Representation of History

Screening the Past: Film and the Representation of History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barta, Tony, PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, Film ong>anong>d television have been accepted as having a pervasive influence on how people understong>anong>d the world. ong>Anong> importong>anong>t aspect of this is the relationship of history ong>anong>d film. The different views of the past created by film, television, ong>anong>d video are only now attracting closer attention from historiong>anong>s, cultural critics, ong>anong>d filmmakers. This volume seeks to advong>anong>ce the critical exploration scholars have recently begun. Barta begins by addressing the various ways the past is "screened" for our understong>anong>ding ong>anong>d relates the art of film to other media. The ong>essayong>s that follow deal primarily with the chong>anong>ging perspectives of political ong>anong>d social developments--ong>anong>d chong>anong>ging concepts of ideology, gender, or culture--in films ong>anong>d television programs made for historically shaped reasons. Chapters by filmmakers explore issues of context ong>anong>d intent in their own projects. Scholars ong>anong>d general readers interested in film ong>anong>d cultural studies will find this ong>anong> importong>anong>t volume.
