organizations and the psychological contract managing people

Organizations and the Psychological Contract Managing People

Organizations and the Psychological Contract Managing People

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cary L Cooper Charles J Fox Peter J Makin, PUBLISHER: Praeger, NA

People in Charge: Creating Self Managing Workplaces

People in Charge: Creating Self Managing Workplaces

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rehm, Robert, PUBLISHER: Hawthorn Press, "People in Charge "uses the powerful and practical technique of Participative Design to create more effective and productive workplaces. It contains the concepts, guides, and case examples to transform organizations to be self-managing-where the people who do the work design how best to do it. Applicable to any kind of organization, it is especially relevant for managers, workers, consultants, and trainers. "Far and away the most readable and informative book on democracy and participation in the workplace."-Sandra Janoff, co-author, "Future Search" Robert Rehm works as an educator and practitioner in the areas of workplace design and participative planning for communities and organizations. He consults worldwide; his clients include Microsoft and Hewlett Packard.

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Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The

Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ilgen, Daniel R. / Hulin, Charles L., PUBLISHER: American Psychological Association (APA), This pioneering book describes the newest method for predicting outcomes thai result from the complex and dynamic ways that organizations work. By creating "virtual organizations," computational modeling demonstrates the final effects of complex interactions, enabling researchers to confront the logic of their theories before time-consuming and costly data collection occurs.

Managing Web Usage in the Workplace: A Social, Ethical and

Managing Web Usage in the Workplace: A Social, Ethical and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anandarajan, Murugan / Simmers, Claire A., PUBLISHER: IRM Press, The nature of the Internet is dramatically revolutionizing the manner in which organizations and individuals alike acquire and distribute information. Unfortunately the problem of Web abuse has developed in kind. This interesting new book includes chapters that embrace a wide array of Internet abuse issues such as, the impact of Web abuse on individuals, groups, organizations, and societies, and the problem of Web abuse within other cultures and countries. Geared toward business professionals, academicians and students from a variety of disciplines, Managing Web Usage in the Workplace: A Social, Ethical and Legal Perspective focuses on the phenomenon of Internet abuse and its consequences.

Offerte relazionate organizations and the psychological contract managing people: Managing Web Usage in the Workplace: A Social, Ethical and
Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Malhotra, Yogesh, PUBLISHER: Idea Group Publishing, Based on the completion of the latest knowledge, research and practices, Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations synthesizes the latest thinking in knowledge management with the design of information technology and the Internet-enabled new organization forms. The major emphasis of this exciting book is on knowledge management, virtual organizations and teams, and success factors for knowledge management and virtual organizations.

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Canas, Kathryn A. / Sondak, Harris, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Uncover and understand the complexities of managing workplace diversity. "Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity" teaches readers to uncover and understand the complexities of managing diversity through a unique dialogue of opportunity. Through its three-tiered structure this text effectively explains the complexities of managerial and legal aspects in workplace diversity; presents examples of positive and negative management methods; encourages readers to develop a set of skills they will need when managing diversity in their future careers. The second edition contains many meaningful changes-a new chapter, new and updated opening essays, enhanced exercises, and new newspaper articles and case studies-that will enhance the quality of learning about diversity in organizations. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate organizations and the psychological contract managing people: Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory,
Managing Your Band: Artist Management: The Ultimate

Managing Your Band: Artist Management: The Ultimate

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marcone, Stephen, PUBLISHER: HiMarks Publishing Company, University of Miami Music Business Professor James Progris calls Managing Your Band "the best book on personal management out there," and Donald Groder, the Chair of the Music Business/Management Department at Berklee College of Music says it is "a good teaching text and a layman's answer to the band's business operations." This comprehensive new edition is filled with helpful diagrams and sample documents to make band management easy. It includes chapters on Personal Management, The Contract, Marketing the Artist, The Recording Company, The Recording Contract, Touring, Merchandising, Endorsements and Sponsorship, and much more. Also includes interesting case studies of famous legal battles in the music industry. 260 pages.

Executive and Organizational Continuity: Managing the

Executive and Organizational Continuity: Managing the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Srivastva, Suresh / Fry, Ronald E., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Leading thinkers from a range of disciplinessuch as organizational behavior, management, psychology, and anthropologyexplore the importance of continuity to organizational health and offer insights into how organizations can change while preserving the traditions that make them what they are. Case studies and research reveal the organizational structures, systems, and attitudes that foster a sense of continuity.

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Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kohn, Alfie, PUBLISHER: Mariner Books, The basic strategy we use for raising children, teaching students, and managing workers can be summarized in six words: do this and you'll get that. We dangle goodies (from candy bars to sales commissions) in front of people in much the same way that we train a family pet. The quick fix of rewards may seem to be effective, but manipulating people with external incentives actually kills their interest in what they are doing and lowers the quality of their work. Indeed, Kohn shows that the decline in our workplaces and classrooms may be related to our acceptance of a theory of motivation derived from lab animals. Drawing on a wealth of psychological research, he points the way to a more successful strategy based on working with people instead of doing things to them. "Do rewards motivate people?" asks Kohn. "Yes. They motivate people to get rewards." Seasoned with humor and familiar examples, Punished By Rewards presents an argument unsettling to hear but impossible to dismiss.

Managing Organizational Behavior

Managing Organizational Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tosi, Henry L. / Rizzo, John / Mero, Neal P., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Managing Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition," bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. This proven textbook leads advanced undergraduates and MBAs through a discussion of individual behavior influences to a consideration of the social influences the individual encounters upon contact with groups and organizations. Bridges cutting-edge theory with modern leadership and managerial practices. Contains new material on diversity, international OB, and ethics. Applies theory and research with new and superior pedagogy. Provides strong teaching resources within an Instructor's Manual and Test Bank.

Offerte relazionate organizations and the psychological contract managing people: Managing Organizational Behavior
Life Events and Psychological Functioning: Theoretical and

Life Events and Psychological Functioning: Theoretical and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cohen, Lawrence H., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This volume focuses on recent theoretical and methodological advances in empirical research and examines the relationship between life events and psychological functioning. It considers life events in child, adolescent and geriatric populations. It also discusses the contributions of small events to stress, the effects of positive events and adjustments to stressful life events. The volume makes a substantive contribution to the social and behavioural sciences.

Motivating and Managing Today's Volunteers: How to Build and

Motivating and Managing Today's Volunteers: How to Build and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacLeod, Flora, PUBLISHER: Self-Counsel Press, Motivation is the biggest challenge facing nonprofit organizations. Today, only one in five adults donates time to a group, and of those, many new and long-time members sometimes end up quitting; they feel their ideas and expertise are neither considered nor valued. But, with funding drying up, and contributions slipping, now, more than ever, organizations need their unpaid angels. Managing volunteers and making sure they feel they are full-fledged contributors to the organization is a full-time job. This book will help you hire a volunteer program manager and set up a program that organizes, evaluates, and recognizes your volunteers. Also includes details on: -- Attracting new volunteers and maintaining a community presence -- Interviewing and selecting the right volunteers for your organization -- Orientation and training for new volunteers -- Maintaining volunteer commitment through supervision, support, and recognition -- Evaluating volunteer performance and placement -- Designing and using volunteer program forms and records -- A listing of useful resources, a full bibliography, and helpful sample forms

Offerte relazionate organizations and the psychological contract managing people: Motivating and Managing Today's Volunteers: How to Build and
Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years

Success and Solitude: Feminist Organizations Fifty Years

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, Sarah, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Where is the Women's Movement today, a half century after "The Feminine Mystique" was published? The answer is rooted in the health and vitality of the organizations that comprise the national movement. In this book, the women's national social movement is critiqued and analyzed at an organizational level.

Managing Information Technology in Schools: Managing

Managing Information Technology in Schools: Managing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crawford, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The widespread introduction of information technology has had a huge impact throughout the secondary school, yet many schools still encounter problems in that IT is both a subject in itself and also a cross-curriculum skill. Moreover, faced with limited finance and staff skills and knowledge, achieving the necessary balance between the desirable and the practical can be difficult. This book gives guidance to managers and governors on how to formulate a whole school policy for IT, and how to develop strategies for managing IT effectively.

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The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues

The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hassard, John / Pym, Denis, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "The Theory and Philosophy of Organisations" assesses and analyzes the assumptions upon which our understanding of organizations is based and in doing so aims to redirect the ways in which organizational research is conceived and executed. Contributions to the volume emphasize how all approaches to the study of organizations are influenced by deep metatheoretical assumptions about the nature of science and society. It is argued that these differences create a spectrum of valid perspectives and methods, and the book outlines how conceptual problems in the field have given rise to innovative forms of empirical enquiry such as symbolism, postmodernism, ethnomethodology and structuralism. Criticizing the conservatism which has characterized much of the work in this field, the authors offers this range of methods as a starting point for obtaining richer and more grounded explanations of organizations.

Organizations and Technical Change: Strategy, Objectives and

Organizations and Technical Change: Strategy, Objectives and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Preece, David A. / Preece, David / Preece, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning Emea, Based on Managing the Adoption of New Technology David Preece extends the study to assess the nature of technology strategy and the way it impacts on organizational change. It describes key management techniques needed for effective adoption of technology covering: * the development of strategy * the implementation of objectives * the importance of employee involvement Four case studies examine in detail a variety of managemnet approaches and show adoption of technology and the issues involved have changed since the 's. This book is essential reading for students and researchers in technology management and related areas.

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Culture and Communication: A Guidebook for Practice

Culture and Communication: A Guidebook for Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gallois, Cynthia / Callan, Victor, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Examines how behavior and psychological processes differ in different cultural contexts, and then places these differences in the context of professional communication: business, law, education, and the media. Provides a review of cross-cultural psychological concepts for the non-specialist. -- Addresses common problems faced in inter-cultural encounters.

War Against the Federal Government!: War Against the People!

War Against the Federal Government!: War Against the People!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Savage, Gerald Marcus, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, I wrote this book in the hopes that people everywhere, of all races, political groups, and religions would see and realize that our constitution and capitalist system are being destroyed and that if we (the american people) don, t wake up and stand up for what, s right our country will soon be los

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Characters Around the Cradle: Witnesses to the Greatest

Characters Around the Cradle: Witnesses to the Greatest

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Houston, Tom / Tom, Houston, PUBLISHER: Christian Focus Publications, Christmas makes people both happy and frustrated, especially Christian people. There is a tugofwar between the secular Christmas with its tinsel, glitter and high spending on gifts and the meaning it was supposed to have from the unusual birth of Jesus. Tom Houston looks at a great story with a great cast. The political forces of Caesar Augustus, Herod and the travellers from the east, the religious establishment in Zechariah, Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon, The outcast prophet John the Baptist, the ordinary people Mary, Joseph and the shepherds and also the Gospellers Matthew and Luke.

Instructor's Edition Organizational Theory: A Strategic

Instructor's Edition Organizational Theory: A Strategic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lester, Donald / Parnell, John A., PUBLISHER: Atomic Dog Publishing, In Organizational Theory: A Strategic Perspective, authors Donald Lester and John Parnell present the major theoretical perspectives that have contributed to our understanding of organizations in a clear, engaging style. The text presents the concepts of organizational theory from a strategic perspective. These concepts are not only the foundation for understanding organizations, they are also the basis for managing them effectively. Current examples appear throughout the text, and the ?Best Practice? features in each chapter highlight specific companies and show how they strategically manage key concepts of organizational theory. The authors also provide students with ?real world? applications in the ?Career Points? features. Seven cases are included at the end of the text for in-depth study.

Offerte relazionate organizations and the psychological contract managing people: Instructor's Edition Organizational Theory: A Strategic
The New Human Capital Strategy

The New Human Capital Strategy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Ph. D. Bradley W. / Hall, Bradley W., PH.D., PUBLISHER: AMACOM/American Management Association, It is often said that the only true source of sustained competitive advantage is people. But what does that mean and how can this be measured and managed? How many organizations know whether their human capital outperforms their competitors', or even whether it improves year-over-year? And what is the strategy for continually improving that performance?The New Human Capital Strategy is a roadmap for delivering measurable business results by systematically improving the performance of those in roles most important to customers and shareholders. Proposing a radical shift in the way organizations measure and manage their people, the book asserts that competitive advantage is a function of four areas of strength: effective executive teams leaders who deliver results outperforming competitors in key positions workforce performanceUsing examples, research, and metrics, this essential guide provides readers with a system for ensuring that their people are more valuable this year than the last. Acquista Ora

Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of

Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crapo, Richley H., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This text offers an alternative to the case-driven approach that the sole use of a reader tends to foster. It provides students with ways of conceptualizing what religion is, what its social and psychological functions are, the nature of religious symbolism and religious behavior, and the organizational structure of religions. This text covers all the standard topics (e.g., ideology and symbolism, ritual and ceremony, organizational forms, and social and psychological functions of religion) as well as ones of more recent interest such as religion and gender, the psychology of religion, and pilgrimage. Acquista Ora

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Creating and Sustaining a Superior Customer Service

Creating and Sustaining a Superior Customer Service

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Poisant, Jim / Poisant, James, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Poisant reveals the "secrets" of superior customer service organizations. He redefines the role of management and organizations, taking the reader on a journey and discovering the true nature of superior managers and organizations. Those in management positions who seek to understand how to better motivate their employees and better serve their customers will find the answers they are searching for in these pages. Managers will relearn nearly everything they have been taught about the profession of management. Redefining the criteria of power and success, Poisant supplies a blueprint for survival in a competitive environment. Anyone charged with the management of others will find the approach valuable, as will students and scholars of management.

The Usual Suspects: Answering Anti-Catholic Fundamentalists

The Usual Suspects: Answering Anti-Catholic Fundamentalists

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Keating, Karl, PUBLISHER: Ignatius Press, The author of the perennial best-seller, Cazholicism and Fundamentalism, presents here, not so much a sequel, as a supplement to the first groundbreaking work. In the first book, Keating gave a panoramic view of the attack on "Romanism" by "Bible Christians", highlighting prominent anti-Catholic individuals and organizations and discussing at length controverted doctrines. Here he presents snapshots, individualized portraits -- some larger, some smaller -- of arguments and people opposed to the Catholic faith.

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Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gidron, Benjamin / Katz, Stanley Nider / Hasenfeld, Yeheskel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Mobilizing for Peace brings together the work of international experts to provide an in-depth study of thirty-three peace/conflict organizations in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Israel/Palestine. The contributors show how the sociopolitical and cultural context of the conflict in each region has shaped the type of resolution organizations that have emerged and their conception of the conflict and its resolution. By promoting more humane images of the contestants and by offering alternative peaceful approaches to resolve the conflict, the organizations have successfully galvanized previously weak or non-existent pro-peace political forces to become important players in the political struggle for peace.
