Quest for Harmony: Native American Spiritual Traditions
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Young, William A., PUBLISHER: Seven Bridges Press, If there were ong>anong> "endong>anong>gered religions list" the spiritual traditions of Native Americong>anong> nations would be on it. Fortunately, as "Quest for Harmony" makes very clear, not only are Native Americong>anong> spiritual traditions still very much alive, they are in the midst of a dramatic revival. The four nations on which this richly descriptive ong>anong>d fascinating book focuses---the Lenape (Delaware), ong>Anong>m-yunm-wiya (Cherokee), Lakota (Sioux), ong>anong>d Dini (Navajo)---bear witness to the reality of Native Americong>anong> culture ong>anong>d its spiritual renewal ong>anong>d continuity amidst chong>anong>ge. Each nation's traditional location ong>anong>d present population, the long>anong>guage, ong>anong>d social orgong>anong>ization are described. At least one of the stories of origins of the people is presented. A historical survey of the nation, from the earliest documented times until recent decades is also included. The heart of each presentation is ong>anong> introduction to the nation's spiritual worldview ong>anong>d rituals, including cosmology, ong>anong>d gods ong>anong>d spirits. Quest for Harmony is intended for ong>anong>yone seeking a basic understong>anong>ding of the cultures ong>anong>d spiritual teachings of Native Americong>anong> nations. It is sympathetic ong>anong>d respectful, presenting the views of Native Americong>anong>s in their own voice wherever possible. Critical issues common to Native Americas such as the Pong>anong>national spiritual movements ong>anong>d the environment are also covered.