Dictionary of African Names, Volume 1
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHong>ORong>: Adebayo, 'Bunmi, PUBLISHER: Authong>orong>house, This book publishes thousands ong>ofong> ong>Africanong> names, their ethnic and country ong>ofong> ong>orong>igin, and English phonetic pronunciation. The book is fong>orong> those interested in ong>Africanong> names and general readers seeking mong>orong>e knowledge about ong>Africanong> culture ong>orong> willing to recapture ong>Africanong> heritage through name. It is a thong>orong>ough exposure ong>ofong> ong>Africanong> names and meanings. It encourages and stimulates people ong>ofong> both ong>Africanong> and non-ong>Africanong> descent into feeling comfong>orong>table about taking on such names.