longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk

Longitudinal Studies of Children at Psychological Risk

Longitudinal Studies of Children at Psychological Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charles W Greenbaum Judith G Auerbach, PUBLISHER: Praeger, NA

Socioemotional Development and Health from Adolescence to

Socioemotional Development and Health from Adolescence to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pulkkinen, Lea / Kaprio, Jaakko / Rose, Richard, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book is based on two longitudinal studies of behavior development, both conducted in Finland, a living laboratory setting for longitudinal research. Much of the book reports results from a longitudinal study begun in Jyvaskyla, Finland, in , when its participants were school children. This longitudinal study is complemented by two Finnish twin-family studies, with parallel measures and overlapping aims, to yield insights into genetic and environmental sources of variation in early development and later outcomes. An array of findings from the two sets of longitudinal studies are presented, set within a theoretical framework of socioemotional development, and focused on both individual and familial predictors of health-related outcomes from childhood to early adulthood. Many contributors to this edited volume represent a second-tier of Finnish-USA collaborators. They analyzed data from the longitudinal studies as part of their advanced training, and their contributions to the book report recent results of such analyses.

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What Teachers Need to Know about Children At-Risk

What Teachers Need to Know about Children At-Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frieman, Barry B. / Frieman Barry, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, What do I do if I have an at-risk child in my classroom? As classrooms become more and more inclusive (including children with special needs in mainstream classrooms), today's teachers need to have a strong background in the at-risk area. This text supplies practical solutions for how to address the needs of at-risk children effectively in the classroom. And it provides in-depth coverage of conditions that put children at risk. Each at-risk condition (e.g., homelessness, and recent immigrants) is examined by how it affects children at various developmental stages and how it affects the families. Hands-on suggestions in each chapter show how the classroom teacher can accommodate children living in these at-risk conditions. The text's short length and inexpensive price make it an ideal supplement for a variety of Education courses. "What Teachers Need to Know about Children At Risk" is a book that students will want to bring with them into their own classrooms as a reference tool when they begin teaching. The text's comprehensive coverage also allows it to be used as a main text for a course specifically on at-risk children.

Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and

Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kennedy, Leslie W. / McGarrell, Edmund F., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Crime and Terrorism Risk is a collection of original essays and articles that presents a broad overview of the issues related to the assessment and management of risk in the new security age. These original articles show how researchers, experts and the public are beginning to think about crime and terrorism issues in terms of a new risk paradigm that emphasizes establishing a balance between threat and resources in developing prevention and response strategies.

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The Huachuca Conspiracy Rescuing Our Children at Risk

The Huachuca Conspiracy Rescuing Our Children at Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Will Rogers, PUBLISHER: iUniverse Inc, NA

Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of

Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Broman / Broman, Sarah H. / Nichols, Paul L., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Results of the Collaborative Perinatal Project report disclose the risk factors for mental retardation found in children examined from the prenatal period to age seven. Both biological and social risk factors are analyzed for both severe and mild cognitive deficits. The authors of this volume investigated the etiologies of the neurological subgroups of the retarded and reveal, through comparisons with non-retarded groups, important population factors related to normal cognitive development.

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Retardation in Young Children: A Developmental Study of
Children During the Holocaust

Children During the Holocaust

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heberer, Patricia / Tec, Nechama / Browning, Christopher R., PUBLISHER: Altamira Press, Children during the Holocaust, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, tells the story of the Holocaust through the eyes, and fates, of its youngest victims. The ten chapters follow the arc of the persecutory policies of the Nazis and their sympathizers and the impact these measures had on Jewish children and adolescents-from the years leading to the war, to the roundups, deportations, and emigrations, to hidden life and death in the ghettos and concentration camps, and to liberation and coping in the wake of war. This volume examines the reactions of children to discrimination, the loss of livelihood in Jewish homes, and the public humiliation at the hands of fellow citizens and explores the ways in which children's experiences paralleled and diverged from their adult counterparts. Additional chapters reflect upon the role of non-Jewish children as victims, perpetrators, and bystanders during World War II. Offering a collection of personal letters, diaries, court testimonies, government documents, military reports, speeches, newspapers, photographs, and artwork, Children during the Holocaust highlights the diversity of children's experiences during the nightmare years of the Holocaust.

Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Third Edition

Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Third Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pritchard Carl L, PUBLISHER: Esi International, An encyclopedia of risk management tools, this third edition covers the latest perspectives on risk. It focuses on a systematic approach to risk management and highlights specific techniques that enhance organizational risk identification, assessment, and management. Providing a blueprint for assessing and mitigating risk, the book addresses risk processes and practices as well as specific risk management techniques. It includes four appendices that contain information on contractor risk management, list of risk sources, basic probability concepts, quantifying expert judgement, and special notes on software risk. The book concludes with a glossary of terms.

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Third Edition
Children and Trauma: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Children and Trauma: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Monahon, Cynthia, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Childhood traumas range widely in their severity and impact. A car accident, an earthquake or flood, being attacked by a dog, undergoing a frightening medical treatment?all are distinctly different events yet all provoke common symptoms of psychological trauma. These symptoms may include fearfulness, nightmares, and dramatic behavioral or personality changes. And parental anxiety over changes in a child can, in turn, complicate the healing process. Children and Trauma teaches parents and professionals about the effects of such ordeals on children and offers a blueprint for restoring a child's sense of safety and balance. Cynthia Monahon, a child psychologist who specializes in the treatment of psychological trauma, offers hope and reassurance for parents. She suggests straightforward ways to help kids through tough times, and also describes in detail the warning signs that indicate a child needs professional help. Monahon helps adults understand psychological trauma from a child's point of view and explores the ways both parents and professionals can help children heal.

The Use of Isotopes in Soil Organic Matter Studies

The Use of Isotopes in Soil Organic Matter Studies

The Use of Isotopes in Soil Organic Matter Studies, Report of the Fao/Iaea Technical Meeting at Bruswick-Volkenrode in ; Silow, R. A., Convener; Editore: ) Usato Rilegato Pergamon Press; Hardback Euro 75 (suolo 34)

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Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious

Imagining the Impossible: Magical, Scientific, and Religious

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosengren, Karl S. / Johnson, Carl N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The study of early cognitive development has emphasized the way in which young children act like scientists, testing and revising theories about the physical, biological, and psychological world. Evidence of this early understanding of the natural order has led researchers to reconsider children's thinking about magical, religious, or otherwise supernatural orders. The present volume offers reviews of new lines of research on children's thinking that stretch beyond the ordinary boundaries of reality. More than being "little scientists," children are here considered as "little magicians," "little metaphysicians," "little theologians" and "little story tellers" or "dramatists," imagining other-worldly possibilities.

History in the Early Years

History in the Early Years

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cooper, Hilary, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Until recently, history was sometimes seen as being inappropriate for young children. Increasingly however, teachers are discovering that children enjoy finding out about the past, yet researchers are often unsure about what counts as real history. Hilary Cooper explains the strands of thinking involved in historical enquiry at any level, the extent to which pre-school children can think in this way and how teachers can build on this thinking once children are in school, making history an integral part of good practice. The book includes case studies to illustrate points and activities through which historical thinking can be developed.

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Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology: A Case Study

Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology: A Case Study

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dunbar, George, PUBLISHER: Bps Blackwell, Using a series of over 40 case studies, this valuable text illustrates the processes and pitfalls involved in evaluating psychological research. Invites students to consider whether the conclusion drawn at the end of each case is correct, or whether the results could have an alternative explanation. Cross-referencing between sections is made easy by page references that link the case studies and explanations. Cases reflect the range of research methods taught at undergraduate level and include qualitative research. Gives students an understanding of methodological problems. Equips students to critically evaluate published research. The author and publishers have made every effort to be fair to the authors of the research described in this book. Like all sciences, psychology is forged in the fire of criticism and refinement, and we hope that the original researchers will understand that any criticism is made with the utmost respect. If you are an author of one of the pieces of research mentioned in the book and would like to respond to the critique presented, please e-mail your comments to Andrew McAleer at .

Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in

Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vayrynen, Raimo / Gaffney, Patrick / Demars, William E., PUBLISHER: Kumarian Press, * Offers strategies for conflict transformation, based on a "conflict prevention toolbox," which deals with all aspects of the conflict cycle* Burundi and Macedonia make powerful case studies"Breaking Cycles of Violence" studies how the international community, working with local partners, can effectively pinpoint key breaking points and target resources for societies at risk of violent conflict.This book provides policymakers, practitioners, scholars, and students with a framework for recognizing and tackling the complexities of internal and intrastate conflicts in order to avert violence and mass human suffering. It presents guidelines for using early warning indicators to assess the causes of conflict; using preventative action to contain it; and using multidimensional strategies to rehabilitate societies through the cycle of post-conflict peacebuilding.

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in
The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and

The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stokes, Eric / Stokes, E. T., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, These twelve essays explore the nature of south Asian agrarian society and examine the extent to which it changed during the period of British rule. The central focus of the book is directed to peasant agitation and violence and four of the studies look at the agrarian explosion that formed the background to the Mutiny. The essays give a coherent historical treatment of the Indian peasant world, and the paperback edition of this successful book will be of interest to the student of peasant studies and to the sociologist as well as to development economists and agronomists generally.

Social Work Practice with Men at Risk

Social Work Practice with Men at Risk

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Furman, Rich, PUBLISHER: Columbia University Press, Treating men as a culturally distinct group, Rich Furman integrates key conceptions of masculinity into culturally sensitive social work practice with men. Focusing on veterans, displaced workers, substance abusers, mental health consumers, and other groups that might be unlikely to seek help, Furman deftly explores the psychosocial development of men, along with the globalization of men's lives, alternative conceptions of masculinity, and special dynamics within male relationships. Furman bolsters his conclusions with case studies and evidence-based interventions. His cutting-edge research merges four key social work theories and explores how they inform practice with mental health issues, compulsive disorders, addiction, and violence. By promoting gender equity and culturally competent practice with men, Furman bridges the gap between clinical and macro practice. "Social Work Practice with Men at Risk" is a crucial text for educators and practitioners hoping to pursue effective, far-reaching interventions.

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Social Work Practice with Men at Risk
Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences

Conflict and Cohesion in Families: Causes and Consequences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cox, III James / Cox, Martha J. / Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Based on a summer institute of the Family Research Consortium, this book presents theory and research from leading scholars working on issues of risk and resilience in families. Focusing on the splits and bonds that shape children's development, this volume's primary goal is to stimulate theoretical and empirical advances in research on family processes. It will be valuable to developmental, social, and clinical psychologists, sociologists, and family studies specialists.

Avalon Hill Board Game Risk  AD Resized english

Avalon Hill Board Game Risk AD Resized english

In the Year , the World is at War As the leader of a warring faction, you control the destiny of your people. On the Earth, in the great underwater domed cities beneath the oceans, in orbit, and even on the Moon, you must marshal your forces, send forth your troops, and hire the right commanders to crush your enemies. Build alliances if you dare, but be wary of whom you trust. Energy is the currency of the 23rd century. spend wisely and you just might conquer the world - and beyond. RISK A.D. also includes everything needed to play the classic game of Risk. - Players: 2-5- Recommended age: 10 years and up- Playing time: 240 min - English language edition

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Avalon Hill Board Game Risk AD Resized english
The Agony of Lewis Carroll

The Agony of Lewis Carroll

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wallace, Richard, PUBLISHER: Gemini Press (Melrose, MA), Rage-filled by abuse, author Lewis Carroll hid smut in his children's books. -- Was on the "short list" for the Children's Literature Association's annual award based on the quality of its research. -- Shows how the famous "Alice" books were filled with hidden smut and intended to fool both children and adults. -- This work suggests strongly why Carroll's children's books are decidedly not for children. -- The research on this title identified a very angry man and led to its sequel, Jack the Ripper: "Light-hearted Friend" which identified Lewis Carroll as the famous murderer of London prostitutes. A psychological biography of Charles Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll. It identifies the rage which lies buried in his children's books, including the famous "Alice" works, and the origins of that rage. Identifies where Dodgson coyly revealed the presence of this hidden material, and presents numerous examples to prove that they are not accidental.

Off the Map (Rlb)

Off the Map (Rlb)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, William / Roop, Peter / Roop, Connie, PUBLISHER: Walker & Company, -- Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies, "An eminently readable introduction to the exploration of the American West". -- WPBW.AAAS, PW, SLJ. .

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Off the Map (Rlb)
Joyful Mother of Children: The Magic and Mayhem of

Joyful Mother of Children: The Magic and Mayhem of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eyre, Linda J., PUBLISHER: Shadow Mountain, "Motherhood is a career -- the hardest and the best", writes Linda J. Eyre. "It's also an amazing, electrifying, sometimes terrifying roller-coaster ride full of action, adventure, and risk". This newly revised edition of A Joyful Mother of Children, which includes insights from additional years of mothering experience, will add humor, perspective, and a little magic to the lives of mothers in all stages. A special section for mothers of young children offers stress reducers, sound suggestions, and motivational challenges that will make day-to-day mothering easier. In a friendly and reassuring style, the author, herself a mother of nine, has written chapters on viewing children as individuals, creating a joyful partnership with one's husband, appreciating teenagers, cherishing the present, and other meaningful topics. Her fresh, invigorating point of view and solid common sense will help women find true joy as mothers.

Kiddie Lit: The Cultural Construction of Children's

Kiddie Lit: The Cultural Construction of Children's

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clark, Beverly Lyon, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, The popularity of the Harry Potter books among adults and the critical acclaim these young adult fantasies have received may seem like a novel literary phenomenon. In the nineteenth century, however, readers considered both Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as works of literature equally for children and adults; only later was the former relegated to the category of "boys' books" while the latter, even as it was canonized, came frequently to be regarded as unsuitable for young readers. Adults -- women and men -- wept over Little Women. And America's most prestigious literary journals regularly reviewed books written for both children and their parents. This egalitarian approach to children's literature changed with the emergence of literary studies as a scholarly discipline at the turn of the twentieth century. Academics considered children's books an inferior literature and beneath serious consideration. In Kiddie Lit, Beverly Lyon Clark explores the marginalization of children's literature in America -- and its recent possible reintegration -- both within the academy and by the mainstream critical establishment. Tracing the reception of works by Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, Lewis Carroll, Frances Hodgson Burnett, L. Frank Baum, Walt Disney, and J. K. Rowling, Clark reveals fundamental shifts in the assessment of the literary worth of books beloved by both children and adults, whether written for boys or girls. While uncovering the institutional underpinnings of this transition, Clark also attributes it to changing American attitudes toward childhood itself, a cultural resistance to the intrinsic value of childhood expressed through sentimentality, condescension, andmoralizing. Clark's engaging and enlightening study of the critical disregard for children's books since the end of the nineteenth century -- which draws on recent scholarship in gender, cultural, and literary studies -- offers provocative new insights into the history of both children's literature and American literature in general, and forcefully argues that the books our children read and love demand greater respect.

Offerte relazionate longitudinal studies of children at psychological risk: Kiddie Lit: The Cultural Construction of Children's
Huskings, Quiltings, and Barn Raisings: Work-Play Parties in

Huskings, Quiltings, and Barn Raisings: Work-Play Parties in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sherrow, Victoria / Loturco, Laura, PUBLISHER: Walker & Company, -- Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies, "A useful resource, as it pulls together several different aspects of pioneer life". -- BL. IN. .

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewis, Ann, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This new edition of Ann Lewis's widely acclaimed text has been substantially revised and updated to take into account the recent revisions to the National Curriculum and the guidance of the Code of Practice. It provides: *an analysis of the issues and practicalities of implementing the National Curriculum at primary school level *an exploration of the main trends concerning the education of children with learning difficulties *guidelines on safeguarding a broad curriculum, assessing children's learning and helping all children gain access to the National Curriculum Related issues such as the grouping of children, the role of the special needs coordinator, resources, record keeping and the legal position are also examined. These areas are explored in the light of classroom practice, evidence about the impact of the National Curriculum to date and wider research evidence and policy analysis.

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Play and Educational Theory and Practice

Play and Educational Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, M. C. / Lytle, Don / Lytle, Donald E., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Combining the research talents of many long-standing members of the Association for the Study of Play, this work provides discussions of the theory and applied value of play, as well as ongoing research from America, Australia, Taiwan, and Korea. The developmental and educational theories of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky are analyzed in several chapters. The world's premiere play scholar, Brian Sutton-Smith, continues his seminal play theory work, following up on previously presented findings and constructing a developmental theory of play based on emotions. Chapters address: Play as a parody of emotional vulnerability Learning to observe children at play Symbolic play through the eyes and words of children The activities of children at recess in middle school Professors, teachers, scholars, and university students interested in early childhood education, child development, play theory and practice, and preschool and elementary education will find this volume of interest.
