breaking cycles of violence conflict prevention in

Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in

Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vayrynen, Raimo / Gaffney, Patrick / Demars, William E., PUBLISHER: Kumarian Press, * Offers strategies for conflict transformation, based on a "conflict prevention toolbox," which deals with all aspects of the conflict cycle* Burundi and Macedonia make powerful case studies"Breaking Cycles of Violence" studies how the international community, working with local partners, can effectively pinpoint key breaking points and target resources for societies at risk of violent conflict.This book provides policymakers, practitioners, scholars, and students with a framework for recognizing and tackling the complexities of internal and intrastate conflicts in order to avert violence and mass human suffering. It presents guidelines for using early warning indicators to assess the causes of conflict; using preventative action to contain it; and using multidimensional strategies to rehabilitate societies through the cycle of post-conflict peacebuilding.

Violence Prevention in Low- And Middle-Income Countries:

Violence Prevention in Low- And Middle-Income Countries:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Planning Committee for a Workshop on Vio / Institute Of Medicine, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, The current state of science in violence prevention reveals progress, promise, and a number of remaining challenges. In order to fully examine the issue of global violence prevention, the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with Global Violence Prevention Advocacy, convened a workshop and released the workshop summary entitled, "Violence Prevention in Low-and Middle-Income Countries." The workshop brought together participants with a wide array of expertise in fields related to health, criminal justice, public policy, and economic development, to study and articulate specific opportunities for the U.S. government and other leaders with resources to more effectively support programming for prevention of the many types of violence. Participants highlighted the need for the timely development of an integrated, science-based approach and agenda to support research, clinical practice, program development, policy analysis, and advocacy for violence prevention.

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Sheathing the Sword: The U.N. Secretary-General and the

Sheathing the Sword: The U.N. Secretary-General and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boudreau, Tom / Boudreau, Thomas E., PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, The role of the Secretary-General, as mandated in the Charter of the United Nations, is to enhance the capacity of the United Nations to maintain peace through the prevention and resolution of international conflict. Based on an in-depth understanding of both the pertinent articles of the Charter and the international reach of the Secretary-General's position, this volume examines and evaluates the diplomatic resources currently available to the Secretary-General in the area of crisis prevention, and recommends measures intended to further define the office's responsibilities and strengthen its preventive powers. An outline of the legal and political structure of the Secretary-General's authority, followed by a review of each of the five Secretaries-General's efforts with respect to the avoidance of international conflict from to presents information which demonstrates the need for improved preventive resources. Reforms instituted by Perez de Cuellar from to are applauded and examined in detail, as the study then turns its attention to the present status of the Secretary-General's position. Convinced that the prevention of international conflict will be well-served by increasing the office's direct involvement, Thomas E. Boudreau proposes a global system of conflict identification that will enable the Secretary-General position to fulfill its intended role. A select bibliography, general subject index, and appendixes which include relevant reference materials complete the work.

Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in

Sacred Violence: African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shaw, Brent D., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, One route to understanding the nature of specifically religious violence is the study of past conflicts. Distinguished ancient historian Brent D. Shaw provides a new analysis of the intense sectarian battles between the Catholic and Donatist churches of North Africa in late antiquity, in which Augustine played a central role as Bishop of Hippo. The development and deployment of images of hatred, including that of the heretic, the pagan, and the Jew, and the modes by which these were most effectively employed, including the oral world of the sermon, were critical to promoting acts of violence. Shaw explores how the emerging ecclesiastical structures of the Christian church, on one side, and those of the Roman imperial state, on the other, interacted to repress or excite violent action. Finally, the meaning and construction of the acts themselves, including the Western idea of suicide, are shown to emerge from the conflict itself. Acquista Ora

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Family Violence in Primary Care

Family Violence in Primary Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyons, F. S. L. / Amiel, Stephen / Heath, Iona, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Violence within the family, whether directed against children, partners or elders, profoundly disturbs our notions of what the relationship between the family and the discipline of general practice should be. GPs are doctors to whole families and yet their relationships with patients are individual ones, drawing their strength from the principles of confidentiality, mutual trust and positive regard. Violence and abuse within families necessarily challenges all of these, creating a profusion of ethical, interpersonal and practical difficulties and dilemmas. At the same time the nature of general practice confers unique opportunities to deal effectively with family violence. GPs and GP registrars will find this book an invaluable and empowering resource. It brings together a broad range of expertise and opinion from relevant specialties and disciplines and sets family violence in its historical, epidemiological and societal context. It describes in separate sections, child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse, its presentations, diagnosis and treatment; and suggests ways forward for its prevention and early detection. It draws throughout on the experience of GPs, health visitors and social workers, providing practical safe and workable guidelines.

Peacemaking: A Systems Approach to Conflict Management

Peacemaking: A Systems Approach to Conflict Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kahn / Kahn, Lynn Sandra, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Peacemaking is the activity which transforms the energy of conflict into the energy of cooperative achievement. A peacemaker is a third party consultant who helps people in conflict discover shared solutions where all sides feel like a winner. Peacemaking presents technologies, psychology, theories and application of conflict management activities. The key elements are: face-to-face dialogue, the analysis of conflict and shared solutions, the use of third party facilitators, feedback about group dynamics, clear conference design and systems thinking.

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Ethnic Conflict and International Security

Ethnic Conflict and International Security

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Michael E., PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press, During the Cold War, most international relations theorists and strategic studies analysts paid little attention to ethnic and other forms of communal conflict. Disregard for the importance of ethnic and nationality issues in world affairs, always misguided so far as the developing world was concerned, has been overtaken, in stunning fashion, by recent events from Abkhazia to Zaire. The essays in this volume advance our understanding of the causes of ethnic and communal conflict, the regional and international implications of such conflicts, and what the international community can do to minimize the potential for instability and violence. Drawn from recent issues of "Survival," they are organized along thematic rather than regional lines, and will be required reading for scholars, students, and policymakers alike. The contributors to the volume include Michael Brown on the causes and implications of ethnic conflict, Anthony Smith on the ethnic sources of nationalism, David Welsh on domestic politics and ethnic conflict, Renee de Nevers on democratization and ethnic conflict, and Pierre Hassner on nationalism and internationalism. Jack Snyder writes on nationalism and the crisis of the post-Soviet state, Barry Posen on the security dilemma and ethnic conflict, Kathleen Newland on ethnic conflict and refugees, Jenonne Walker on international mediation of ethnic conflicts, and Robert Cooper and Mats Berdal on outside intervention in ethnic conflicts, Adam Roberts discusses the U.N. and international security, and John Chipman explores managing the politics of parochialism.

The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and

The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Edelman, Joel / Crain, Mary Beth, PUBLISHER: Harper Paperbacks, This groundbreaking book views conflict as a mirror of our own lives and attitudes. Bringing East and West together in a "spiritually practical" approach to negotiation and conflict prevention, "The Tao of Negotiation "teaches us how to regain and maintain our sense of personal power in all forms of negotiation and how to use that power wisely and compassionately--with the aim of maximizing harmony and understanding in our business and personal lives. Readers can immediately use the techniques in "The Tao Negotiation "to improve communication skills, defuse potential conflicts, and pave the way for peaceful and rewarding interactions in their business and personal lives.

Offerte relazionate breaking cycles of violence conflict prevention in: The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve, and
Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

Mobilizing for Peace: Conflict Resolution in Northern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gidron, Benjamin / Katz, Stanley Nider / Hasenfeld, Yeheskel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Mobilizing for Peace brings together the work of international experts to provide an in-depth study of thirty-three peace/conflict organizations in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Israel/Palestine. The contributors show how the sociopolitical and cultural context of the conflict in each region has shaped the type of resolution organizations that have emerged and their conception of the conflict and its resolution. By promoting more humane images of the contestants and by offering alternative peaceful approaches to resolve the conflict, the organizations have successfully galvanized previously weak or non-existent pro-peace political forces to become important players in the political struggle for peace.

Life After Violence: A People's Story of Burundi

Life After Violence: A People's Story of Burundi

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Uvin, Peter, PUBLISHER: Zed Books, Burundi recently emerged from twelve years of civil war. In this book, ordinary Burundians, farmers, artisans, traders, mothers, soldiers and students talk about the past and the future, war and peace, their hopes for a better life and their relationships with each other and the state. Young men, in particular, often seen as the cause of violence, talk about the difficulties of living up to standards of masculinity in an impoverished and war-torn society. Weaving a rich tapestry, Peter Uvin pitches the ideas and aspirations of people on the ground against the assumptions often made by the international development and peace-building agencies. This groundbreaking book on conflict and society in Africa will have profound repercussions for development across the world.

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Giochi per PC

Giochi per PC

Vendo giochi per PC, unico proprietario, venduti anche separatamente. Conflict zone Attack on Pearl Harbor Martin Mystere operazione dorian gray Age Of Empire collector's edition (age of empire 1, age of empire 1 the rise of rome expansion, age of empire 2, age of empire 2 the conquerors) Empire total war Age of empire 3 Weird war 5 euro l'uno Totale 30 euro (conflict zone in regalo)

Game Theory and National Security

Game Theory and National Security

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brams, Steven / Kilgour, D. Marc, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, In this path-breaking theoretical work, political scientist Steven Brams and mathematician Mark Kilgour show how game theory can be applied to the rigorous development and thoughtful analysis of several critical problems that afflict the security of nations, from the deterrence of foes who might launch attacks, to the stabilization of crises that could explode into wars. In addition, they analyze a variety of related questions, including the interlocking preferences that fuel arms races, the strategic impact that Star Wars may have on nuclear deterrence, and optimal strategies for verifying arms control treaties. Of interest to students on international relations and foreign policy as well as those concerned with the formal analysis of conflict, Game Theory and National Security provides new foundations for understanding the rational basis of international conflict.

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Violence Jack

Violence Jack

Vendo violence jack ed. d.books dal 5 al 10 e violence Jack storie dall'inferno n.1 condizioni ottime. Spedisco in tutta italia a 7,50 Ritiro in zona gratis

Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A

Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Labarthe, Darwin R., PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, This comprehensive textbook presents major epidemiological research and practical prevention strategies for cardiovascular disease. Your students will develop a firm foundation of knowledge on this major issue of worldwide concern. Learn the major causes and determinants. Discover the latest strategies for prevention and disease management. And understand the effects of cardiovascular disease on industrialized and developing countries. Features include state-of-the-art research examples from the worldwide literature....more than 300 tables, figures, and exhibits... 14 chapters devoted to causes of cardiovascular disease...insights for clinical and preventive practice...and much more. With a unique global perspective, this text is the superlative choice for courses in cardiovascular epidemiology or the epidemiology of chronic disease.

Offerte relazionate breaking cycles of violence conflict prevention in: Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: A
Prevention in General Practice

Prevention in General Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fowler, Godfrey / Gray, J. A. / Anderson, Peter, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Spectacular advances in therapeutic medicine have not diminished the need for prevention, and there is widespread acknowledgment that avoidance of disability and premature death often depends on prevention rather than cure. There is also recognition that family practice has a key role to play in this, because of the opportunities it provides for influencing the future well-being of large numbers of individuals. Since the first edition of this book was published, the scope for prevention has become more clearly defined, and the evidence for effectiveness better established. The second edition has therefore been completely rewritten. It assesses the evidence for prevention effectiveness in relation to the major causes of disability and premature death, describes what measures should be taken, and gives practical guidance on carrying them out. Although aimed primarily at family practitioners, this book will also be of value to medical students, public health professionals and policy makers.



BREAKING NEWS Breaking News di Frank Schatzing casa editrice Nord nuovo mai letto E. 10

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Violence and Culture in the Antebellum South

Violence and Culture in the Antebellum South

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bruce, Jr. Dickson D. / Bruce, Dickson D., PUBLISHER: University of Texas Press, This provocative book draws from a variety of sources--literature, politics, folklore, social history--to attempt to set Southern beliefs about violence in a cultural context. According to Dickson D. Bruce, the control of violence was a central concern of antebellum Southerners. Using contemporary sources, Bruce describes Southerners' attitudes as illustrated in their duels, hunting, and the rhetoric of their politicians. He views antebellum Southerners as pessimistic and deeply distrustful of social relationships and demonstrates how this world view impelled their reliance on formal controls to regularize human interaction. The attitudes toward violence of masters, slaves, and "plain-folk"--the three major social groups of the period--are differentiated, and letters and family papers are used to illustrate how Southern child-rearing practices contributed to attitudes toward violence in the region. The final chapter treats Edgar Allan Poe as a writer who epitomized the attitudes of many Southerners before the Civil War.

Corporate Violence: Injury and Death for Profit

Corporate Violence: Injury and Death for Profit

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hills, Stuart L., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Corporate Violence: Injury and Death for Profit is a provocative collection of articles that focuses on the critical issue of the serious physical harm inflicted on consumers, workers, and the general public as a result of decisions made by corporate executives. The studies in this volume describe and analyze the legal and illegal acts of 'respectable' business people that have injured or killed people.

Offerte relazionate breaking cycles of violence conflict prevention in: Corporate Violence: Injury and Death for Profit
Violence jack

Violence jack

Vendo serie completa di VIOLENCE JACK in ottime condizioni

Alternatives to Domestic Violence: A Homework Manual for

Alternatives to Domestic Violence: A Homework Manual for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fall, Kevin A. / Howard, Shareen, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Alternatives to Domestic Violence is designed as a workbook to be used by male patients in domestic violence group counseling. The topics covered were selected based on best practices within the field of domestic violence intervention, allowing the book to be used with a wide variety of accepted curricula for such programs. Interactive exercises provide group members with the opportunity for enhanced participation and learning, and stories from men who were previously participants themselves illuminate important concepts and techniques for change. Topics covered include the expectations and realities of group work; exploring and defeating intimidation; respect and accountability; maintaining positive relationships; and good communication skills. Two additional topics, parenting and the role of religion in recovery, are unique additions not found in other domestic violence programs. This new edition is completely revised based on new advances in the field and the authors own work since the last was published, and contains several new stories from group members and a new section on the role of drugs and alcohol in domestic violence.

Offerte relazionate breaking cycles of violence conflict prevention in: Alternatives to Domestic Violence: A Homework Manual for
The British Campaign in France and Flanders

The British Campaign in France and Flanders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doyle, Arthur Conan, PUBLISHER: University Press of the Pacific, CONTENTS: January to July The Battle of the Somme Attack of the Seventh and Eight Corps on Gommecourt, Serre, and Beaumont Hamel Attack of the Tenth and Third Corps, July The Attack of the Fifteenth and Thirteenth Corps, July From July 2 to July The Breaking of the Second Line. July July 14 to July 31 The Operations of Gough's Army upon the Northern Flank up to September 15 August 1 to September 15 Breaking the Third Line, September 15 From September 15 to the Battle of the Ancre The Gaining of the Thiepval Ridge The Battle of the Ancre. November

Handbook of Geriatric Nursing Care

Handbook of Geriatric Nursing Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing / Andrews, Marcia / Johnson, Peter H., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This compact and practical manual offers more than 250 entries and scores of helpful illustrations. Contents include contributors and consultants; foreword; A-to-Z topics covering diseases and disorders, treatments, medication administration, pressure ulcer prevention, patient teaching, wound care, and more; social, legal, and ethical challenges, including abuse and neglect, advance directives, falls and prevention, polypharmacy, and more; and appendices: physiologic changes in aging, lab value changes in aging, pharmacodynamic changes and aging, and levels of care.

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The Lotus Eaters

The Lotus Eaters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Soli, Tatjana, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Griffin, In the final days of a falling Saigon, "The Lotus Eaters" unfolds the story of three remarkable photographers brought together under the impossible umbrella of war: Helen Adams, a once-naive ingenue whose ambition conflicts with her desire over the course of the fighting; Linh, the mysterious Vietnamese man who loves her, but is torn between conflicting loyalties to his homeland and his heart; and Sam Darrow, a man addicted to the narcotic of violence, to his intoxicating affair with Helen and to the ever-increasing danger of his job. All three become transformed by the conflict they have risked everything to record. In this much-heralded debut, Tatjana Soli creates a searing portrait of three souls trapped by their impossible passions, contrasting the wrenching horror of combat and the treachery of obsession with the redemptive power of love.

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The Prevention of Dental Caries

The Prevention of Dental Caries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: J Wallace, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA
