learning to revolt the role of students in the national

Learning to Revolt: The Role of Students in the National

Learning to Revolt: The Role of Students in the National

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Natsis, James J., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, This historical monograph offers a unique look at the independence movement in Tunisia, during French colonial rule, from a perspective largely neglected by scholars: the voice of the students who were major participants. The experience of Tunisia's students lends to a better comprehension of the relationship between Western education and the inception and development of a nationalist movement. James Natsis takes a sweeping look at student/youth associations and organizations from their beginnings in to independence in . The theoretical framework of this study is based on colonial educational policy and its resulting effects on conflict theory and alienation theory. Natsis also considers the impact of external influences such as Communism and Pan-Arabism.

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewis, Ann, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This new edition of Ann Lewis's widely acclaimed text has been substantially revised and updated to take into account the recent revisions to the National Curriculum and the guidance of the Code of Practice. It provides: *an analysis of the issues and practicalities of implementing the National Curriculum at primary school level *an exploration of the main trends concerning the education of children with learning difficulties *guidelines on safeguarding a broad curriculum, assessing children's learning and helping all children gain access to the National Curriculum Related issues such as the grouping of children, the role of the special needs coordinator, resources, record keeping and the legal position are also examined. These areas are explored in the light of classroom practice, evidence about the impact of the National Curriculum to date and wider research evidence and policy analysis.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum
Using It Effectively: A Guide to Technology in the Social

Using It Effectively: A Guide to Technology in the Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Henry, Milsom / Henry, Millsom S. / Henry Millsom, PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, Using IT Effectively is an important collection which examines the development and implementation of computer-assisted-learning in the social sciences. Encouraging both students and academics to improve the quality of their teaching and learning by using the wide range of new technologies effectively, this path-breaking work highlights some of the pros and cons of technology, critically evaluating the technological process and its potential in the field. Encouraging the social science community to take an increasingly active role in this debate, the contributors examine key issues and emphasize areas in need of attention. This book will provide social scientists with a unique, up-to-date analysis of the role to be played by technology in this field.

Knights of The Round Table

Knights of The Round Table

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: National Geographic Learning, National Geographic Learning, PUBLISHER: National Geographic School Pub, imagine a mythic kingdom in England of wizards and witches, fire-breathing dragons, and dreadful giants. Who can rule this magical land? Who can overcome the powers of evil? It is the destiny of King Arthur andhis noble knights, who protect and serve the people of Camelot. A perfect introduction to the Arthurian legends. "From the Trade Paperback edition."

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Knights of The Round Table
Exploring Microsoft Office Word  Introductory

Exploring Microsoft Office Word Introductory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grauer, Robert T. / Poatsy, Mary Anne / Hulett, Michelle, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, For introductory computer courses on Microsoft Office or courses in computer concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office applications. The goal of the "Exploring" series has been to move students beyond the point and click, helping them understand the why and how behind each skill. The "Exploring "series for Office also enables students to extend the learning beyond the classroom. Students go to college now with a different set of skills than they did five years ago. With this in mind, the "Exploring" series seeks to move students beyond the basics of the software at a faster pace, without sacrificing coverage of the fundamental skills that everybody needs to know. A lot of learning takes place outside of the classroom, and the "Exploring "series provides learning tools that students can access anytime, anywhere.

Dynamic Teachers: Leaders of Change

Dynamic Teachers: Leaders of Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rallis, Sharon F. / Rossman, Gretchen B. / Brackett, Ann, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, The role of the teacher is no longer confined to the classroom or to interactions with students. The authors of this book illustrate through case studies the emerging roles of dynamic' teachers.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Dynamic Teachers: Leaders of Change
Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dandy, G. C. / Dandy / Warner, R., PUBLISHER: Spons Architecture Price Book, This comprehensive introduction to the scope and nature of engineering offers students a commonsense approach to the solution of engineering problems. Case studies and real-world examples are used to illustrate the role of the engineer, the type of work involved and the methodology employed in engineering practice.

Literacy Primer

Literacy Primer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blake, Brett Elizabeth / Blake, Robert W., PUBLISHER: Lang, Peter, Publishing Inc., The Literacy Primer is devoted to the most recent topics in literacy studies, such as the meanings of literacy, the invention of alphabetic writing, a history of reading, the consequences of literacy, teaching the two modes of knowing - literary and informational- and literacy for diverse learners. Each chapter includes a glossary of key terms for students new to the field. A list of selected resources and further readings is provided at the end of the volume. The book is written in a refreshingly straightforward style that is inviting to undergraduate students who might otherwise have difficulty learning about the subject.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Literacy Primer
Logistics in the National Defense

Logistics in the National Defense

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eccles, Henry E. / Logistics Research Project, The George W / Wriston, Henry M., PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, The author develops the concept that logistics constitute a bridge between the national economy and the combat forces. He explains the role of the civilian as well as of the professional, and discusses the differences in their modes of thought and methods of operation.

The Scandal of Gender

The Scandal of Gender

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mitchell, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Regina Orthodox Press, What did the Fathers of the historic Church teach about the role of women in the Church? For many years the answer to this question has come from feminist theologians. It has been difficult to find a book that presents what the Church Fathers and the Scriptures teach on women and men's role in the life of the Church. The Scandal of Gender brings us into direct contact with the authentic and original teachings of the ancient Christian Church Fathers on the issue of the proper role of women and men in the life of the Church. The point of view of the Reader Patrick Mitchell reflects the traditional Orthodox point of view of the Early Church Fathers and the Bible.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: The Scandal of Gender
E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seale, Jane K., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Most practitioners know that they should make e-learning accessible to students with disabilities, yet it is not always clear exactly how this should be done. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education evaluates current practice and provision and explores the tools, methods and approaches available for improving accessible practice. Examining the social, educational and political background behind making e-learning accessible in higher and further education, this book considers the role of and provides advice for, the key stake-holders involved in e-learning provision: lecturers, learning technologists, student support services, staff developers and senior managers. Key topics covered include: the opportunites that e-learning can offer students with disabilities the impact of accessibility legislation, guidelines and standards on current e-learning practices the reliability and validity of accessibility related evaluation and repair tools practical guidelines for 'best practice' in providing accessible e-learning experiences. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education is valuable reading for all practitioners and researchers involved in the design and delivery of accessible e-learning in higher, further and distance education.

Applying the Science of Learning

Applying the Science of Learning

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mayer, Richard E., PUBLISHER: Pearson Education, "A concrete guide to the science of learning, instruction, and assessment written in a friendly tone and presented in a dynamic format. " The underlying premise of "Applying the Science of Learning "is that educators can better help students learn if they understand the processes through which student learning takes place. In this clear and concise first edition text, educational psychology scholar Richard Mayer teaches readers how to apply the science of learning through understanding the reciprocal relationships between learning, instruction, and assessment. Utilizing the significant advances in scientific learning research over the last 25 years, this introductory text identifies the features of science of learning that are most relevant to education, explores the possible prescriptions of these findings for instructional methods, and highlights the essentials of evaluating instructional effectiveness through assessment. "Applying the Science of Learning "is also presented in an easy-to-read modular design and with a conversational tone - making it particularly student-friendly, whether it is being used as a supplement to a core textbook or as a standalone course text.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Applying the Science of Learning
Multinationals and Europe : Strategies for the Future

Multinationals and Europe : Strategies for the Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burgenmeier, B. / Burgenmeier, Beat, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Multinationals and Europe " presents the first independent review of the critical role multinationals will play in Europe in the future. An international group of scholars extend the focus beyond to examine the economic and business strategy frameworks that firms need to develop and maintain a competitive advantage. Using case studies from specific industries, the contributors explore the activity of multinationals within the single market, and give special emphasis to the Japanese companies that are poised to exploit the climate of . The importance of interaction between multinationals and national government policies is analyzed, with acknowledgement of the integration that has already been achieved.

Guide to the Social Work Practicum: A Team Approach

Guide to the Social Work Practicum: A Team Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rogers, Gayla / Collins, Donald / Barlow, Constance A., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, A useful book that guides social work students through the field practicum, this text offers words of wisdom, practical applications, reflective exercises, and helpful suggestions for all members of the practicum team--the student, practicum instructor, and practicum liaison. It includes well-developed tools and techniques that focus the student's learning in a range of critical arenas leading to the development of competent and confident social work professionals. GUIDE TO THE SOCIAL WORK PRACTICUM can be used as a self-study guide for students in distance education programs or distant field placements; as a textbook in a practicum seminar; or by students and practicum instructors as a manual that supports maximizing the learning value from the supervisory relationship.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Guide to the Social Work Practicum: A Team Approach
Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care

Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilkins, Robert Ed. / Stoller / Scanlan, Craig L., PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, An outstanding revision of the classic EGAN'S FUNDAMENTALS, this comprehensive text provides excellent coverage of the role of respiratory care practitioners, scientific bases for treatment, and clinical applications. It progresses from the foundations of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Special features have been designed with the student in mind and include outlines, active learning objectives, key terms and glossary, "Mini-Clinis," "Rules of Thumb," and bulleted key-point summaries. To improve students' clinical-skill application, CPGs and TDPs are included in appropriate chapters to familiarize students with the use of patient care guidelines and decision trees.

Digging Armadillos

Digging Armadillos

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jango-Cohen, Judith, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Responding to the call of educators for easy-to-read nonfiction for younger students, Lerner created the Pull Ahead Books series. With higher-level thinking questions built into each text, this innovative series engages new readers in their own learning. A map activity, animal-body diagram, short glossary, and Hunt-and-Find (pre-index skills) section are included. Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function; Science as Inquiry; and Life Science as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Digging Armadillos
The Senate, Treaties and National Security,

The Senate, Treaties and National Security,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pitsvada / Pitsvada, Bernard T., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The end of the military phase of the 45-year Cold War represents a significant victory for the U.S. and western policy. This book examines selected aspects of this successful policy to gather some lessons that may be applicable in the future to other policy areas. The major framework within which the various individual actions were taken in our national security interest were a series of treaties proposed and enacted over the early years of the Cold War, most of which were enacted before . This book focuses further on the role of the Senate in this process of treaty making as the provider of advice and consent and as the surrogate for the entire legislative branch in this field.

Debt of honor

Debt of honor

Tom Clancy Called out of retirement to serve as National Security Advisor to the president, Jack Ryan, with the help of CIA officers John Clark and Domingo Chavez, must prepare the untested president to meet the challenges of a new world order.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Debt of honor
The World of Fashion Merchandising: Instructor's Manual

The World of Fashion Merchandising: Instructor's Manual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wolfe, Mary G., PUBLISHER: Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher, The World of Fashion Merchandising brings to life the business aspects of the fashion world. It presents the basics of market economics, textiles, design, and promotion. This exciting new text gives an in-depth view of the entire textile/apparel/retail soft goods chain and offers a comprehensive study of retail fundamentals and strategies for retail success. Hundreds of full-color photos make the world of fashion real for fashion merchandising students. -- Describes the latest concepts of manufacturing, mass customization, and niche specialization; trends in globalization, and the environment issues. -- Explains new computer technologies, such as robotic manufacturing, automatic replenishment of merchandise, and Internet retailing. -- Provides knowledge about the many career opportunities related to fashion that will help students enter a career in the world of fashion. -- Includes chapter learning objectives and review materials to aid learning and an extensive end-of-text glossary of fashion and apparel terms.

The Intelligent Student's Guide to Learning at University

The Intelligent Student's Guide to Learning at University

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cooper, Geoffrey, PUBLISHER: Common Ground Publishing, You're about to start a university degree, and whether you have just left school or are returning to study after some years there are many things you need to know about learning at university. This invaluable guide will assist you to understand all facets of your university study and to become a successful and satisfied student. It will enable you to: become an active, independent and self-directed learner; adjust to the academic expectations (of ten assumed and unspoken) and the university environment; gain practical skills and strategies for learning: develop transferable skills and attitudes for lifelong learning; concentrate on understanding as the key to university learning; be self-confident as a university student; avoid some of the common mistakes made by students in their first year; and become a successful learner. Reflection and evaluation exercises at the beginning of each chapter provide an opportunity to evaluate your current learning habits, prepare you for new ideas and make you more aware of the experience of learning. Advice from other students-genuine voices taken from a survey of exiting first year students-will assist you to see some of the pitfalls and methods of recovery. Finally, useful templates for a weekly study timetable, testtaking strategies and a semester planner are also provided.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: The Intelligent Student's Guide to Learning at University
The International Politics of Central Asia

The International Politics of Central Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, John, PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, Central Asia is a fascinating region yet remote and unfamiliar to many people. This new study provides an introduction to the politics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Tajikistan, Turkestan, and Uzbekistan. The early chapters introduce the readers to the history of Russian and Soviet involvement in the region up until the collapse of communism, whilst the bulk of the book focuses on the politics of independence. The search for national identity in each region and the influence of Islam are discussed and attention is paid to political, economic and international developments. A central theme of the book is the importance of informal politics associated with national, regional and tribal networks in shaping the evolution of the five states.

Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American

Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boudreau, Tom / Boudreau, Thomas E. / Carfora, John M., PUBLISHER: Praeger, Believing that current educational policies and practices in American institutions of higher learning contribute to an incoherent, disjunctive, and wasteful four-year experience for many undergraduates, the author provides a sense of new direction to aid in the restructuring and reform of undergraduate education in America. The primary question of the work is: How can the years of undergraduate education empower the student with the knowledge and integrated set of skills needed for a lifetime of learning and productive work? Boudreau focuses on the primary responsibility of all institutions of higher learning to provide a superior undergraduate education. All other functions of a university should be secondary to this commitment. Unfortunately, this basic premise seems lost today. This work argues that universities must undergo significant reform and renewal, especially at the undergraduate level, if they are to prepare students successfully for the future.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American
Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing: Rethinking

Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing: Rethinking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Odell, Lee, PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This is the first book to provide a careful treatment of theoretical issues that underlie composition teaching, theory, and research. Lee Odell and his contributors believe that composition professionals in the classroom must approach their work with what Peter Elbow calls a "theoretical stance." Teachers of writing need to take an active role in composing the theories that underlie efforts to teach their students to write. Behind everything that composition teachers do are fundamental assumptions about knowledge and the processes of teaching and learning, about the goals of education, and about the role of writing in people's lives. Odell's introduction examines the basic relationships between theory and practice. To explore specific sets of assumptions about knowledge, education, and writing, he has gathered together a group of major composition scholars, including Shirley Brice Heath, Jim W. Corder, and Anne J. Herrington. Although each author addresses a different issue, they all invite the reader to join them in the process of identifying and shaping the theories that make up the profession.

The Multiliteracies Classroom. Kathy A. Mills

The Multiliteracies Classroom. Kathy A. Mills

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mills, Kathy A., PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters Limited, The Multiliteracies Classroom gives an accessible account of the challenges and rewards of engaging students in literacy learning through multimedia design. It paints a vivid picture of what multiliteracies can look like in a culturally diverse classroom. The first research of its kind, it applies key themes of critical sociology to multiliteracies, inspiring educators to envisage the changing shape of literacy research.

Offerte relazionate learning to revolt the role of students in the national: The Multiliteracies Classroom. Kathy A. Mills
E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present new perspectives on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory media; providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.
