introduction to computer organization and data str

Introduction to Computer Organization and Data Str

Introduction to Computer Organization and Data Str

di S<strong>tostrong>ne, , Mcgraw Hill. collana: <strong>Computerstrong> science series. Ottime condizioni

Computer Organization and Design

Computer Organization and Design

Vendo tes<strong>tostrong> <strong>Computerstrong> <strong>Organizationstrong> <strong>andstrong> Design (The Hardware/Software Interface) au<strong>tostrong>ri patterson hennessy lingua inglese acquista<strong>tostrong> nel

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Computer Organization and Design
Introduction to Data compression

Introduction to Data compression

<strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> <strong>Datastrong> compression K. Sayood. Second ediction copertina rigida. Ottimo sta<strong>tostrong>.

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Vendo <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> calculus <strong>andstrong> Analysis I <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> calculus <strong>andstrong> Analysis II Courant, John - Springer Le condizioni generali sono buone, presente qualche annotazione e alcune pagine del volume II/2 si sono staccate (ma ci sono tutte) Consegna a mano a Roma

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II
Elementary Probability

Elementary Probability

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stirzaker, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The aim of this book is <strong>tostrong> provide a straightforward <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the theory of probability. The <strong>tostrong>pics covered illustrate the wide range <strong>andstrong> power of the subject, <strong>andstrong> include conditional probability, independence, discrete <strong>andstrong> continuous r<strong>andstrong>om variables, basic combina<strong>tostrong>rics, generating functions <strong>andstrong> limit theorems, <strong>andstrong> an <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> Markov chains. The text is accessible <strong>tostrong> undergraduate students <strong>andstrong> provides numerous worked examples <strong>andstrong> exercises <strong>tostrong> help build the important skills necessary for problem solving.

An Introduction to Clinical Research

An Introduction to Clinical Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Angelis, Catherine D., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Here is an ideal <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> research methods for clinicians, fellows, residents, <strong>andstrong> medical students. Written in a clear, easy-<strong>tostrong>-underst<strong>andstrong> style, it outlines the steps that should be followed in order <strong>tostrong> organize <strong>andstrong> implement a typical investigation. Emphasizing the anticipation of future difficulties <strong>andstrong> the benefits of early planning, the authors discuss the types of questions that should be asked, how <strong>tostrong> design a study, <strong>andstrong> methods of <strong>datastrong> acquisition <strong>andstrong> analysis. Many examples are presented <strong>tostrong> illustrate the textual material, <strong>andstrong> extensive bibliography sections at the end of each chapter direct readers <strong>tostrong> published articles <strong>andstrong> texts that will provide further information.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: An Introduction to Clinical Research
An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> algorithmc trading BASIC <strong>tostrong> advanced strategies Edward leshik <strong>andstrong> Jane Cralle Con cd originale. Come nuovo

An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology

An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Silva, Padmasiri / Hick, John, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, An <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> Buddhist Psychology is a lucid, intelligible <strong>andstrong> authentic <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the foundations of Buddhist psychology. It provides comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts <strong>andstrong> issues in the psychology of Buddhism <strong>andstrong> thus it deals with the nature of psychological inquiry, concepts of mind, consciousness <strong>andstrong> behavior, motivation, emotions, perception, <strong>andstrong> the therapeutic structure of Buddhist psychology. For the fourth edition, a new chapter on "emotional intelligence" <strong>andstrong> its relationship with Buddhism has been added. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology
Studies on Greek Americans

Studies on Greek Americans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kourvetaris, George, PUBLISHER: East European Monographs, In this third volume of the author's scholarly work, twenty fives articles address <strong>tostrong>pics important <strong>tostrong> Greek society, culture, <strong>andstrong> politics, such as ethnicity; prejudice; ethnonationalism; civil military relations; class consciousness; <strong>andstrong> the Olympic Games. The author stresses his methods, theories, <strong>andstrong> findings, <strong>andstrong> <strong>introductionstrong> of the volume the concepts <strong>andstrong> the nature of <strong>organizationstrong> <strong>andstrong> social <strong>organizationstrong>s are clarified.

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: S<strong>tostrong>rey, John, PUBLISHER: University of Georgia Press, This new edition is a companion volume <strong>tostrong> An <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> Cultural Theory <strong>andstrong> Popular Culture, just published in its second edition. The Reader supplements <strong>andstrong> extends the cultural terrain of the introduc<strong>tostrong>ry volume by offering students the opportunity <strong>tostrong> experience firsth<strong>andstrong> the work of many cultural theorists <strong>andstrong> critics. Intended as a theoretical, analytical, <strong>andstrong> his<strong>tostrong>rical <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the study of popular culture within cultural studies, the current edition contains nine new readings, a new general <strong>introductionstrong>, <strong>andstrong> a fully updated bibliography. The readings cover the culture <strong>andstrong> civilization tradition, culturalism, structuralism <strong>andstrong> post-sttucturalism, Marxism, feminism, <strong>andstrong> postmodernism, as well as current debates in the study of popular culture. Used in conjunction with An <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> Cultural Theory <strong>andstrong> Popular Culture, or on its own, this collection will be invaluable <strong>tostrong> scholars <strong>andstrong> students.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader
Women Organising

Women Organising

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Helen, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Women Organising" is the first study <strong>tostrong> bring <strong>organizationstrong> theory <strong>andstrong> the real-life experiences of women organizing <strong>tostrong>gether. Helen Brown uses the example of the Greys<strong>tostrong>ne Women's Centre in Britain <strong>tostrong> illustrate the struggles of women seeking <strong>tostrong> manage without becoming bureaucratized, <strong>tostrong> find a sense of direction without relying on leaders, <strong>tostrong> participate fully as leaders, <strong>andstrong> above all, <strong>tostrong> create a truly collective form of <strong>organizationstrong>.

Introduction to QuickBooks(R) Pro

Introduction to QuickBooks(R) Pro

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sleeter, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> QuickBooks Pro, is for instruc<strong>tostrong>rs who teach QuickBooks at most community colleges, proprietary schools <strong>andstrong> in continuing education programs. A widely-known <strong>andstrong> well-respected QuickBooks seminar presenter, Douglas Sleeter has created a text that provides easy-<strong>tostrong>-underst<strong>andstrong> step-by-step instructions <strong>tostrong> using QuickBooks.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Introduction to QuickBooks(R) Pro
GIS Basics

GIS Basics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wise, Stephen / Wise Stephen, Stephen, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are <strong>computerstrong> systems for s<strong>tostrong>ring, displaying <strong>andstrong> analyzing spatial <strong>datastrong>. The past twenty years have seen a rapid growth in their use in government, commerce <strong>andstrong> academia, <strong>andstrong> they can be used for managing a network of utilities, from h<strong>andstrong>ling census <strong>datastrong> through <strong>tostrong> planning the location of a new supermarket. But how do they work? Stephen Wise has been a regular contribu<strong>tostrong>r <strong>tostrong> GeoEurope <strong>andstrong> his 'Back <strong>tostrong> Basics' articles have provided a clear <strong>andstrong> simple <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the inner workings of GIS for a non-specialist audience. He now presents the original articles with new material <strong>andstrong> provides a new coverage of both major types of GIS: vec<strong>tostrong>r <strong>andstrong> raster systems. Undergraduates <strong>andstrong> professionals who wish <strong>tostrong> improve their knowledge of GIS should get a better underst<strong>andstrong>ing of how GIS operate in the way that they do, such as how spatial <strong>datastrong> is s<strong>tostrong>red on a <strong>computerstrong>, how the different methods affect the capabilities of the GIS, how basic operations performed <strong>andstrong> how the choice of algorithm affects the speed of the system. Acquista Ora

Customer Service in Health Care: A Grassroots Approach to

Customer Service in Health Care: A Grassroots Approach to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baird, Kristin, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, A sensible resource for learning the key information <strong>andstrong> skills it takes <strong>tostrong> transform any health care <strong>organizationstrong> <strong>tostrong> deliver superior cus<strong>tostrong>mer service at all levels of the <strong>organizationstrong>.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Customer Service in Health Care: A Grassroots Approach to
Spice for Circuits and Electronics Using PSPICE

Spice for Circuits and Electronics Using PSPICE

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rashid, Muhammad H., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, <strong>Computerstrong>-aided analysis <strong>andstrong> design is fast becoming a required skill for <strong>tostrong>day's electronic engineers/technicians. SPICE -- a very popular software for analyzing electrical <strong>andstrong> electronic circuits -- is often the <strong>tostrong>ol of choice. However, because it runs on a mainframe or VAX-class <strong>computerstrong>, it must usually be learned at the PC level using the PSpice simula<strong>tostrong>r (which is similar <strong>tostrong> the University of California (UC) Berkeley SPICE). This volume provides a time-<strong>andstrong>-effort-saving <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the PSpice simula<strong>tostrong>r as a requisite for moving on <strong>tostrong> SPICE. Introduces SPICE simulation; discusses source <strong>andstrong> element modeling; presents <strong>andstrong> explains SPICE comm<strong>andstrong>s; considers DC <strong>andstrong> AC circuits; outlines semiconduc<strong>tostrong>r devices modeling; explores digital logic circuits; <strong>andstrong> considers difficulties. For those who need a relatively quick <strong>andstrong> easy <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the PSpice simula<strong>tostrong>r as a requisite for moving on <strong>tostrong> SPICE.

An introduction to the basics of reliability

An introduction to the basics of reliability

Vendo libro universitario: Ti<strong>tostrong>lo: An <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the basics of reliability <strong>andstrong> risk analysis Au<strong>tostrong>re: E. Zio Copertina rigida: 222 pagine Edi<strong>tostrong>re: World Scientific Pub Co Inc Collana: Series on Quality, Reliability <strong>andstrong> Engineering Statistics Lingua: Inglese ISBN-10:

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: An introduction to the basics of reliability
Introduction to Physical Anthropology

Introduction to Physical Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robert Jurmain, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Pub Co, This mainstream, four-color physical anthropology text is the best selling text in the market. It presents a balanced <strong>andstrong> thorough <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the field of physical anthropology using helpful tables, charts, pho<strong>tostrong> essays, multimedia, <strong>andstrong> an engaging writing style <strong>tostrong> bring the study of physical anthropology <strong>tostrong> life for <strong>tostrong>day's student.

Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Downing, John / Mohammadi, Ali / Sreberny-Mohammadi, Annabelle, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The Second Edition of this successful text has been updated <strong>andstrong> extensively revised <strong>tostrong> provide students with an engaging <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> media studies. Practical <strong>andstrong> accessible, Questioning the Media invites readers <strong>tostrong> be active participants in the process of underst<strong>andstrong>ing the importance of the media <strong>tostrong>day. New chapters on media <strong>andstrong> identity, global media influences, <strong>computerstrong>-mediated communication, feminist media theories, popular music <strong>andstrong> news coverage of AIDS enhance the previous collection of original works by distinguished contribu<strong>tostrong>rs. With helpful <strong>introductionstrong>s <strong>tostrong> each section <strong>andstrong> chapter, this innovative volume offers diverse critical perspectives on media studies, political economy, cultural studies, the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, feminism, audience ethnography <strong>andstrong> cultural dependency. Students can examine thoroughly <strong>tostrong>pics in mass culture, technology, international communication <strong>andstrong> more. Throughout the book sophisticated terms <strong>andstrong> concepts are explained, making this the ideal critical <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> media studies.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction
Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented

Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack, PUBLISHER: Wrox Press, Learn all the basics of C# 3.0 from "Beginning C# 3.0: An <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> Object Oriented Programming," a book that presents introduc<strong>tostrong>ry information in an intuitive format. If you have no prior programming experience but want a thorough, easy-<strong>tostrong>-underst<strong>andstrong> <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> C# <strong>andstrong> Object Oriented Programming, this book is an ideal guide. Using the tu<strong>tostrong>rials <strong>andstrong> h<strong>andstrong>s-on coding examples, you can discover tried <strong>andstrong> true tricks of the trade, underst<strong>andstrong> design concepts, employ debugging aids, <strong>andstrong> design <strong>andstrong> write C# programs that are functional <strong>andstrong> that embody safe programming practices.

Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design & Data

Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design & Data

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewis, John / DePasquale, Peter J. / Chase, Joseph, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, KEY MESSAGE: Inspired by the success their best-selling introduc<strong>tostrong>ry programming text, Java Software Solutions, authors Lewis, DePasquale, <strong>andstrong> Chase now release Java Foundations. Their newest text is a comprehensive resource for instruc<strong>tostrong>rs who want a two-semester <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> programming textbook that includes <strong>datastrong> structures <strong>tostrong>pics. Java Foundations introduces a Software Methodology early on <strong>andstrong> revisits it throughout <strong>tostrong> ensure students develop sound program development skills from the beginning. MARKET: For all readers interested in introduc<strong>tostrong>ry programming using the Java(TM) programming language.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design & Data
An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dabydeen, Sally Ramage, PUBLISHER: iUniverse, It is not easy <strong>tostrong> prevent others from using your ideas or information for gain unless you use the sophisticated <strong>andstrong> esoteric legal techniques of intellectual property law. Copyright, which is especially important, is a form of protection afforded <strong>tostrong> many different types of work. Copyright protection for literary work is well known, <strong>andstrong> this regime also applies <strong>tostrong> musical <strong>andstrong> artistic works, broadcasts, sound <strong>andstrong> video recordings <strong>andstrong> typographical arrangements. "An <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> Intellectual Property," an <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> <strong>tostrong>pics in intellectual property law by the unusual method of using moots, mock trials, questions <strong>andstrong> answers <strong>andstrong> essays, is not a textbook. It serves <strong>tostrong> interest the inquisitive without going in<strong>tostrong> the deep law of IP. It will certainly encourage the reader <strong>tostrong> read an IP textbook <strong>andstrong> help students when faced with a decision <strong>tostrong> choose the subject for study.

Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories

Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawthorne, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, This series provides a stimulating <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the great classic s<strong>tostrong>ries of literature <strong>andstrong> the best in children's fiction. The books are easy <strong>andstrong> enjoyable <strong>tostrong> read, <strong>andstrong> feature full-page, full-color pictures <strong>andstrong> pho<strong>tostrong>graphs. Each title includes interesting information about the authors, <strong>andstrong> comprehension questions <strong>tostrong> spark discussion.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories
Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

An <strong>Introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the Rock-Forming Minerals by W. Deer, R.A. Howie <strong>andstrong> J. Zussman TERZA EDIZIONE Edi<strong>tostrong>r LONGMAN GROUPE LONDON LIMITED

Creative Management

Creative Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goodman, Malcolm, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall PTR, KEY BENEFIT"This innovative volume in creative management is carefully structured <strong>tostrong> take the student from familiar terri<strong>tostrong>ry, traditional <strong>andstrong> his<strong>tostrong>rical management responses <strong>tostrong> external stimuli, through <strong>tostrong> less familiar terri<strong>tostrong>ry i.e. creative management responses, required during turbulent times of change <strong>andstrong> <strong>tostrong> maintain competitive advantage. Uses a wide variety of exercises <strong>tostrong> encourage the practice of creative thinking <strong>andstrong> action. Concentrates on the application <strong>andstrong> harnessing of creativity in an <strong>organizationstrong>. MBA students <strong>andstrong> undergraduate students in departments of management, engineering, <strong>computerstrong> science, etc. Those taking courses in creative management. Will also appeal <strong>tostrong> general managers working in a changing environment.

Offerte relazionate introduction to computer organization and data str: Creative Management
'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction

'Race' and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vic Satzewich, Nikolaos Liodakis, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, 'Race' <strong>andstrong> Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical <strong>Introductionstrong> provides students with a comprehensive look at the major approaches <strong>andstrong> explanations <strong>tostrong> the key concepts in this field of study. Through their exploration of the central issues that affect Canadians <strong>tostrong>day - immigration, multiculturalism, assimilation, racism, <strong>andstrong> Aboriginal <strong>andstrong> non-Aboriginal relations - the authors argue that race is not a biologically real category, but rather, a socially constructed label used <strong>tostrong> describe <strong>andstrong> explain certain kinds of human difference. The text questions whether there are patterns of race <strong>andstrong> ethnic relations that are truly unique <strong>tostrong> Canada, <strong>andstrong> puts Canada in<strong>tostrong> a wider global context. Fully updated <strong>andstrong> revised, 'Race' <strong>andstrong> Ethnicity in Canada, second edition, offers students an in-depth <strong>andstrong> well-rounded <strong>introductionstrong> <strong>tostrong> the fascinating study of race <strong>andstrong> ethnic relations in Canada.
