good citizenship and educational provision

Good Citizenship and Educational Provision

Good Citizenship and Educational Provision

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

Personal Computers for Distance Learning: The Study of an

Personal Computers for Distance Learning: The Study of an

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Anne / Kirkup, Gill / Jones, Ann, PUBLISHER: Paul Chapman Publishing, I found this book stimulating and easy to read and would encourage anyone who is concerned with distance education to read it' - "Computer Education " Interesting, informative and clearly written. It is a rich source of material on several fronts. Some of its value comes from its broad perspective, some from it being a detailed case' - "Open Praxis " This book is about the convergence of two important streams of educational innovation: distance education and the educational use of personal computers (PCs). During the s and s, distance education became a significant aspect of the post-school educational provision of many countries. Every indication is that this trend will con

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Personal Computers for Distance Learning: The Study of an
Working with Children in the Early Years

Working with Children in the Early Years

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devereux, Jane / Miller, Linda / Devereux Jane, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, By offering practitioners working in a variety of early years settings the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills for working with young children, this book builds on the increased government interest in and support for early years provision. The book looks at four key areas: the range of practitioners and the diversity of roles; the different perspectives on early years provision across the UK; the development of children aged 0 to 8; and the importance of play and learning in a young child's care and education. This book pays particular attention to the range of provision available and to the diversity of good practice. The strongly practical approach that underpins the writing provides a clear structure for practitioners to apply to their own contexts, and these different perspectives will help individuals to develop a firm understanding of the issues surrounding how children learn and develop.

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seale, Jane K., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Most practitioners know that they should make e-learning accessible to students with disabilities, yet it is not always clear exactly how this should be done. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education evaluates current practice and provision and explores the tools, methods and approaches available for improving accessible practice. Examining the social, educational and political background behind making e-learning accessible in higher and further education, this book considers the role of and provides advice for, the key stake-holders involved in e-learning provision: lecturers, learning technologists, student support services, staff developers and senior managers. Key topics covered include: the opportunites that e-learning can offer students with disabilities the impact of accessibility legislation, guidelines and standards on current e-learning practices the reliability and validity of accessibility related evaluation and repair tools practical guidelines for 'best practice' in providing accessible e-learning experiences. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education is valuable reading for all practitioners and researchers involved in the design and delivery of accessible e-learning in higher, further and distance education.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Meyer, Kirsten, PUBLISHER: Walter de Gruyter, Education, knowledge, equal opportunity, autonomy and a good life. These are the keywords shaping current social debate. Is education just an economic program or does knowledge have a value in its own right? Does education promise autonomy and a good life? What educational goals should the state set? What does the decree of equal opportunity mean? In ancient philosophy, an interest in education grew out of the core question of human happiness and a good life. By reviving that connection this book returns education to the philosophical agenda.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Snyder, Margaret, PUBLISHER: Rourke Publishing (FL), Promotes good citizenship as stated in the standards-of-learning sequence.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Honesty
Rationing Education: Policy, Practice, Reform and Equity

Rationing Education: Policy, Practice, Reform and Equity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gillborn, David / Youdell, Deborah, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, Recent educational reforms have raised standards of achievement but have also resulted in growing inequalities based on gender, 'race' and social class. School by school 'league tables' play a central role in the reforms. These have created an A-to-C economy where schools and teachers are judged on the proportion of students attaining five or more grades at levels A-to-C. To satisfy these demands schools are embracing new and ever more selective attempts to identify 'ability'. Their assumptions and practices embody a new IQism: a simple, narrow and regressive ideology of intelligence that labels working class and minority students as likely failures and justifies rationing provision to support those (often white, middle class boys) already marked for success. This book reports detailed research in two secondary schools showing the real costs of reform in terms of the pressures on teachers and the rationing of educational opportunity.

Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the

Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arnove, Robert F. / Torres, Carlos Alberto, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Comparative Education examines the common problems facing education systems around the world as the result of global economic, social, and cultural forces. Issues related to the governance, financing, provision, processes, and outcomes of education systems for differently situated social groups are described and analyzed in specific regional, national, and local contexts. New in this edition is a concluding chapter by Carlos Torres indicating the current challenges and new directions for scholarship and teaching in comparative education. Chapters discussing the United States', Latin American, Middle Eastern, Russian/East European, and African education have been updated to reflect the changes in these regions and new educational trends and politics. Visit our website for sample chapters

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the
The Maxwell Manual for Good Citizenship: Public Policy Skill

The Maxwell Manual for Good Citizenship: Public Policy Skill

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coplin, Bill, Professor, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This is a completely revised update of the third edition of Public Policy Skills. That manual has been used to teach more than students at Syracuse University and in a college credit course taught at more than 50 high schools as part of the academic program of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, the Number 1 school of public affairs in the country. Using this book and taking a course based on it prepares you to bring your heart and your mind to solving the many problems that we face in the twenty-first century. The book teaches students the essential components for public policy analysis; how to get information from published sources and individuals; how to survey stakeholders; formulate public policy; examine costs and benefits of a policy; develop political strategies; write a briefing paper; research and write a quantitative research paper; among other skills.

The Politics of Citizenship in Europe

The Politics of Citizenship in Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howard, Marc Morje, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In this book, Marc Morje Howard addresses immigrant integration, one of the most critical challenges facing European countries today, the resolution of which will in large part depend on how foreigners can become citizens. Howard's research shows that despite remarkable convergence in their economic, judicial, and social policies, the countries of the European Union still maintain very different definitions of citizenship. Based on an innovative measure of national citizenship policies, the book accounts for both historical variation and contemporary change. Howard's historical explanation highlights the legacies of colonialism and early democratization, which unintentionally created relatively inclusive citizenship regimes. The contemporary analysis explores why some of the more restrictive countries have liberalized in recent decades, whereas others have not. Howard's argument focuses on the politics of citizenship, showing in particular how anti-immigrant public opinion - when activated politically, usually by far right movements or public referenda - can block the liberalizing tendencies of political elites. Overall, the book shows the far-reaching implications of this growing and volatile issue.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: The Politics of Citizenship in Europe
Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship

Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Satvinder S Juss, PUBLISHER: Cassell Academic, NA

CD - Good Charlotte - The Young and the Hopeless

CD - Good Charlotte - The Young and the Hopeless

Vendo CD - Good Charlotte - The Young and the Hopeless The Young and the Hopeless Γ¨ il secondo album della pop punk band statunitense Good Charlotte, uscito il 1ΒΊ ottobre . Perfette Condizioni! Per qualsiasi informazione contattatemi.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: CD - Good Charlotte - The Young and the Hopeless
Educational Provision for Our Youngest Children: European

Educational Provision for Our Youngest Children: European

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David, Tricia, PUBLISHER: Paul Chapman Publishing, Its clear style and comprehensive coverage make this book an important resource for those researching child care and education practices in the European Union' - "NNEB News " This book would be a useful 'quick reference' addition to the library of anyone interested in international issues in education' - "The International Journal of Early Years Education " This study provides rigorous and incisive analysis of the data in relation to the conditions existing in each of the member states included in the work' - "Studies in Education " The book is accessible and informative, with a wealth of data which are clearly presented. It will be useful to further and

What Does Good Education Research Look Like?: Situating a

What Does Good Education Research Look Like?: Situating a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yates, Lyn, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, This book explains the debates around education research: Is it high quality? Is it scientific enough? Is it useful? It shows how research in education must meet different demands in different places, times, and conditions. An indispensable companion to textbooks on research methodology, and a clear and provocative argument about the banalities and messiness in which educational researchers must operate.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: What Does Good Education Research Look Like?: Situating a
33 Giri SCRITTI POLITTI - Provision (NUOVO)

33 Giri SCRITTI POLITTI - Provision (NUOVO)

Vendo 33 Giri dei Scritti Politti - Provision NUOVO mai ascoltato aperto solo per fotografare la copertina interna. Provision Γ¨ il terzo album del gruppo musicale gallese Scritti Politti, pubblicato nel giugno dalla Warner Bros. Records. Nell'album compaiono ospiti d'eccezione, come Miles Davis alla tromba, Marcus Miller al basso.

Educational Media and Technology Yearbook

Educational Media and Technology Yearbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fitzgerald, Mary Ann / Orey, Michael / Branch, Robert Maribe, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, The 27th volume of the Educational Media and Technology Yearbook describes current developments and trends in the field of instructional technology. Prominent themes for this volume include e-learning, collaboration, the standards reform movement, and a critical look at the field in its historical context. The audience for the Yearbook consists of media and technology professionals in schools, higher education, and business contexts, including instructional technology faculty, school library media specialists, curriculum leaders, business training professionals, and instructional designers. The Educational Media and Technology Yearbook has become a standard reference in many libraries and professional collections. Examined in relation to its companion volumes of the past, it provides a valuable historical record of current ideas and developments in the field.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Educational Media and Technology Yearbook
Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sax, Gilbert, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This edition continues Sax's tradition of comprehensive and comprehensible coverage of testing and measurement principles while including the most recent theory and research.

chanel timeless

chanel timeless

Marca: CHANEL. Genere: donna. Colore: Nero. Materiale: Pelle. Descrizione prodotto: This authentic vintage bag in black quilted brushed calf leather is versatile and have the perfect size. This unique shoulder bag collection made in France. It was worn occasionally and remains in good condition. The corners are good, metal hardware is good and interior is clean. The serial number sticker is inside [ID: ]

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: chanel timeless
Guida strategica beyond good and evil

Guida strategica beyond good and evil

guida strategica beyond good and evil in buono stato con molte illustrazioni e mappe fatto molto bene euro 10+ss

Good Apple and Wonderful Word Games

Good Apple and Wonderful Word Games

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McKenney, Mary K. / Dunning, David M., PUBLISHER: Good Apple, Over 100 pages of reproducible activity sheets Teach vocabulary on everything from creativity and cryptography to basic word structure.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Good Apple and Wonderful Word Games
Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context

Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kozulin, Alex / Ageyev, Vladimir / Miller, Suzanne, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Innovative ideas in educational psychology, learning, and instruction, originally formulated by Russian psychologist and educator Lev Vygotsky, are currently enjoying unprecedented popularity in the U.S., Latin America, Europe, and Russia. An international team of scholarly contributors provides comprehensive coverage of all the main concepts of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. They emphasize its importance for the understanding of child development, and propose specific classroom applications.

Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief

Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Castro, Wendy / Mayden, Bronwyn, PUBLISHER: CWLA Press (Child Welfare League of America), Designed to assist state and local policymakers and service providers to develop effective policies and practices, Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education provides objective information on the background of the abstinence-only education issue and highlights some of the facts, research findings, and key issues in the national debate over this provision.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief
Educational Research Undone

Educational Research Undone

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stronach, Ian / Stronach, Aan / Maclure, Margaret, PUBLISHER: Open University Press, "This is a provocative, important book. It moves the discourses of postmodernism and deconstructionism to new levels of insight and analysis. Authors Stronach and MacLure perform a major service to the field, showing how these complex discourses can be fitted to the concrete practices of educational research and pedagogy. In so doing they set new goals and priorities for the next generation of educational research and theory" - Norman K Denzin, College of Communications Scholar, Distinguished Professor of Communication, Research Professor of Sociology, Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "As intelligent a hearing as postmodernism is likely to receive." - Professor Ernie House, School of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder. This book is the first educational research text in the UK to come to terms with postmodernism and deconstruction, connecting these emerging problematics of 'representation' to issues in philosophy, research methodology, and policy critique, and both providing and criticising its own examples. The authors draw on literary theory, anthropology, and sociology in order to construct alternative ways of reading and writing educational research, claiming that it is with a 'reformed inheritance' that such research can best address the condition of postmodernity as well as the positive and negative aspects of postmodernism. The book will appeal to educational and social researchers, as well as to research students.

Policy Design for Democracy

Policy Design for Democracy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schneider, Anne Larason / Ingram, Helen, PUBLISHER: University Press of Kansas, How can democracy be improved in an age when people are profoundly disenchanted with government? Part of the answer lies in the design of public policy that unmistakenly works to advance citizenship by listening to, educating, and involving ordinary people. Rather than serve mainly the narrow interests of powerful groups who are socially constructed as "deserving" or issuing discipline and punishment to powerless people socially constructed as "undeserving", public policy needs to advance citizenship, solve problems, pursue justice, and balance the interests of individuals with a concern for the collective good. Policy Design for Democracy is a theoretically sophisticated work that draws examples from a wide array of public policy arenas. It summarizes four current approaches to policy theory -- pluralism, policy sciences, public choice, and critical theory -- and shows how none offers more than a partial view of the policy design characteristics that support and perpetuate democracy. Schneider and Ingram then develop a theory of public policymaking predicated on understanding how differences in policy designs are related to differences in the contexts from which they emerge and how these designs have an impact on democracy. One of the first books to examine systematically the substantive aspects of public policy, Policy Design for Democracy is written clearly and with sufficient examples to make it easily understandable by undergraduates. Its linkage of public policy to citizenship is an important antidote to the overly technical and goal-driven orientation adopted by the policy sciences and public choice, and to the overly self-interested and strategic political games found inpluralist theory. Schneider and Ingram close by recommending a series of reforms that will improve policy designs and help restore citizen confidence in government.

Offerte relazionate good citizenship and educational provision: Policy Design for Democracy
Good Questions for Math Teaching: Why Ask Them and What to

Good Questions for Math Teaching: Why Ask Them and What to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sullivan, Peter / Lilburn, Pat, PUBLISHER: Math Solutions Publications, Do you think it makes sense to split a day into twenty-four hours? Would another number have been a better choice? "Good questions" promote students' mathematical thinking and understanding. These best-selling books offer a wealth of sample questions and guidance on how to create your own good questions.
