budget reform politics the design of the appropriations

Budget Reform Politics The Design of the Appropriations

Budget Reform Politics The Design of the Appropriations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charles Haynes Stewart, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, NA

Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand

Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moon, Bob / Corbett, Anne, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In common with most of the industrialized countries, France has undertaken an ambitious program of education reform over the last fifteen years. This book uses key extracts from contemporary writing to examine exactly how and why that process has happened, focusing on all states of the education system. The book covers the main characteristics of school reform in France, its aims and objectives, the desirability of and politics surrounding the reform process, and explorations of classroom practice, the changing role of parents, standards in schools, and the curriculum. Because of its high quality, wide and up-to-date coverage of the area, this book will be a vital reference for all those working in this field.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand
Public Life and Propertied Englishmen, : The Ford

Public Life and Propertied Englishmen, : The Ford

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Langford, Paul, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The common view of eighteenth-century politics is one of aristocratic dominance coexisting with plebeian vitality. Langford explores the terrain which lay between the high ground of elite rule and the low ground of popular politics, offering a major reassessment of the place of the propertied class.

The International Politics of Central Asia

The International Politics of Central Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, John, PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, Central Asia is a fascinating region yet remote and unfamiliar to many people. This new study provides an introduction to the politics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Tajikistan, Turkestan, and Uzbekistan. The early chapters introduce the readers to the history of Russian and Soviet involvement in the region up until the collapse of communism, whilst the bulk of the book focuses on the politics of independence. The search for national identity in each region and the influence of Islam are discussed and attention is paid to political, economic and international developments. A central theme of the book is the importance of informal politics associated with national, regional and tribal networks in shaping the evolution of the five states.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: The International Politics of Central Asia
Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crouch, Colin / Heath, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In light of recent skepticism about the effectiveness of social research, this work provides an opportune reassessment of its influence. It also proposes new ways to consider the relationship of research to reform. The range of topics covered includes secondary educational reform, changing concepts of social work, women's studies, as well as the role of evaluation research in social policy in the United States and Sweden.

Irish Politics Today

Irish Politics Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collins, Neil / Cradden, Terry, PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, This new edition has been revised and updated to include coverage of the general election, the creation of a new coalition of Fianna Fail, and the Progressive Democrats under Bertie Ahern. Reflecting on current developments in Irish politics, the authors also examine other crucial issues such as the implications of a written constitution, changes in the party system, the power of major special interest groups, the role of the civil service, the position of the media, and membership in the European Union.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: Irish Politics Today
India: Sustaining Reform, Reducing Poverty

India: Sustaining Reform, Reducing Poverty

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: World Bank Group / The World Bank, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This World Bank report is an assessment of the policy reforms undertaken in India at various levels. It looks, in particular, at the impact the economic reforms, the country embarked upon in , have had on the levels of poverty in India. Beginning with an overview of macroeconomics scenario in India, the report approaches the poverty outcome and the economic performance of the country in the aftermath of the reform process.

Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the

Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franklin, Daniel P., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Politics and Film explores the meaning of film within a societal context. In examining the political role of films we become real time cultural anthropologists, sifting through the artifacts of modern society to determine what our culture really is

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the
Big Bill of Chicago

Big Bill of Chicago

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wendt, Lloyd / Kogan, Herman / Kogan, Rick, PUBLISHER: Northwestern University Press, To some he was a humanitarian and builder. Others scorned him as a fake and friend of gangsters with "the carcass of a rhinoceros and the brain of a baboon." This rollicking history traces the rise of William Hale "Big Bill" Thompson, Chicago's famous reform mayor, from his upper class roots to his years as a teenaged cowboy, from his fame as a star athlete to the years as a master politician in a world where the ward boss ruled and whiskey for the voters cost a quarter a shot. Big Bill of Chicago profiles the whole brawling arena of city politics from the turn of the century to the Prohibition Era. It is a primer in the way American politics worked-and works-and a map along the countless winding ways even the dirtiest deal can lead to something great.

State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle

State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Owen, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Roger Owen has fully revised and updated his authoritative text to take into account the very latest developments in the Middle East. This new edition continues to explore the emergence of individual Middle Eastern states since the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War and the key themes that have characterized the region since then. The book continues to serve as an excellent introduction for newcomers to the modern history and politics of this fascinating region.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle
Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age

Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Savitch, H. V. / Vogel, Ronald K., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Bringing together the thoughts of outstanding contributors, Regional Politics presents a comparative study on the emerging regional nature of local and urban politics. Recent studies tend to focus on the politics and power of internal cities or on suburban areas that have gained incredible strength in the past decade. However, this important volume explores how politics work in the extended metropolis or "functional city"--which includes and surrounds the urban core and whose economy, society, and politics are integrally joined. Contributors center on detailed case studies of 10 cities with a look at the development of regional patterns, an analysis of the impact regionalism has on urban politics, and an outline for an overall approach. The comprehensive and state-of-the-art expertise presented in this volume makes Regional Politics ideal for planners, policymakers, academics, researchers, and students in the areas of urban politics, state and local government, and public policy.

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kryzanek, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, "Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach" is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa and Iraq provide a wide-ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. "Comparative Politics" is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions on key political milestones in the nation's history, the structure of government, the relationship of citizen to state, the role played by political parties, groups and elections, the shape and influence of the political elite, the current status of the political economy and the future direction of the nation in a global environment.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach
Russian Politics: The Post-Soviet Phase

Russian Politics: The Post-Soviet Phase

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barry, Donald D., PUBLISHER: Lang, Peter, Publishing Inc., This book analyzes the evolution and operation of political institutions in Russia from its emergence from the shadow of the disintegrating Union of Soviet Socialist Republic through its first decade as an independent state. Emphasizing structures and problems, the main topics treated are constitutional development, presidential-parliamentary relations, electoral politics, the party system, and the search for a workable federalism, including descriptions of principal people and events.

Office Politics

Office Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Melfi, Mary, PUBLISHER: Guernica Editions, Ostensibly, Office Politics is about the modern workplace. It is about the relationship of the powerless to the powerful: the anxieties, tensions, frustrations, the daily psychological fare of those who have to satisfy the whims of bosses, work ever harder for the same pay (or less) while the snarling of the pit bulls of unemployment can be faintly heard through the ornate doors of the company fortress. Still, this is no sociological treatise set to free verse. Nor is it a lighthearted comedy a la Dolly Parton and Lilly Tomlin -- although the poet does refuse her sharp commentaries about office queens, workers (and drones) with humor. Poetry is the shorthand of universal messages.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: Office Politics
The Reform of Workplace Industrial Relations: Theory, Myth

The Reform of Workplace Industrial Relations: Theory, Myth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Batstone, Eric, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Drawing upon a vast array of empirical data, this updated and revised edition charts changes in workplace industrial relations, assesses various attempts at reform, and evaluates the analytical approaches which have prevailed since the s.

King Hussein and the Challenge of Arab Radicalism: Jordan,

King Hussein and the Challenge of Arab Radicalism: Jordan,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dann, Uriel, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, When the young Hussein became the King of Jordan in , conventional wisdom held that his days were numbered. As the embodiment of the socially conservative, pro-Western Jordanian state, he seemed little able to stand up to the rising forces of pan-Arab radicalism. Yet Hussein and the Jordanian monarchy have not only endured, they have thrived, and continue to play a vital role in Middle Eastern politics. Historian Uriel Dann here explores the political history of the formative years of the Jordanian state, uncovering the sources of its durability against forces seeking to fundamentally alter the traditional bases of Arab politics.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: King Hussein and the Challenge of Arab Radicalism: Jordan,
Lost Civilizations: The Mayans

Lost Civilizations: The Mayans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kallen, Stuart A., PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, The Mayan pyramids that stand today on the Yucatan Peninsula are a stunning reminder of a powerful civilization that ruled the people of southern Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize for more than six thousand years. The Mayans comprehensively explores the politics and culture of the Mayan Empire in vivid detail from B.C. to the sixteenth century arrival of the Spanish conquistadors.

Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief

Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Castro, Wendy / Mayden, Bronwyn, PUBLISHER: CWLA Press (Child Welfare League of America), Designed to assist state and local policymakers and service providers to develop effective policies and practices, Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education provides objective information on the background of the abstinence-only education issue and highlights some of the facts, research findings, and key issues in the national debate over this provision.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: Welfare Reform and Abstinence Education: An Issue Brief
Think Big: My Life in Politics

Think Big: My Life in Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Manning / Manning, Preston, PUBLISHER: McClelland & Stewart, He built a party from nothing to become Leader of the Opposition in just 14 years Preston Manning grew up in a political household but his first career choice was as a business consultant. It was only years later, when he sensed a rising discontent among fellow Westerners, that he decided the time was right to establish a reform movement. In the fall of , he wrote a memo in Calgary. In the spring of he addressed a meeting in Vancouver. In the fall the Reform Party's founding assembly was held in Winnipeg. And from then on the movement's progress was unstoppable. This is a candid account by Reform's founder, and the father of the Canadian Alliance, of the most extraordinary story in contemporary Canadian politics. Manning describes Reform's first battles: the election of "Senator-in-Waiting" Stan Waters, the grassroots campaign against the Charlottetown accord, and the hard-fought federal election. He frankly acknowledges some of his party's early missteps in Ottawa. But he also recounts with vigour the cynicism - and worse - that was evident in the behaviour of the governing Liberal party. Manning denounces Mr. Chretien's mishandling of the Quebec referendum. And he recapitulates in devastating detail the full story of Shawinigate. Manning describes the birth of the Canadian Alliance. He follows the agonizing growing pains it experienced under Stockwell Day's inept leadership and he considers what might have been. He is candid in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the party's current leadership. Of his own career - post-politics - he is cheerfully forward-looking: there is challenging terrain ahead and Preston Manning proposes to serve as an advance scout. This is a thoughtful, informed, sometimes surprisingly funny memoir by a man who has attained, by dint of his own extraordinary achievements, stature as a contemporary statesman. "From the Hardcover edition."

A Wizard in War: The Third Chronicle of the Magnus D'Armand,

A Wizard in War: The Third Chronicle of the Magnus D'Armand,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stasheff, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Tor Books, The medieval planet of Maltroit seems to be repeating Earth's bloody history in the worst possible manner. It's up to the Rogue Wizard to give the downtrodden a crash course in democracy, so before you can say "Magna Carta," he's bent the course of history by teaching the nobles the rudiments of democracy, and schooling the peasants in the basics of radical politics.

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: A Wizard in War: The Third Chronicle of the Magnus D'Armand,
Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Serrano, Monica, PUBLISHER: Institute of Latin American Studies, Although the early s witnessed great optimism with regard to the economic and political reforms introduced by the Salinas administration, the economic crisis raised doubts about the viability of market-oriented growth and political stability in Mexico. This book looks at the impact of economic reform and political liberalization on political institutions, state-society relations, and economic policymaking. The contributors are Alberto Arnaut, Fernando Escalante, Soledad Loaeza, Gabriel Martnez, Victoria Murillo, Mnica Serrano, Fernando Sols, Carlos Urza, Alejandro Villagmez, and Jos Woldenberg.

The Whiteness of Child Labor Reform in the New South

The Whiteness of Child Labor Reform in the New South

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shelley Sallee, PUBLISHER: University of Georgia Press, NA Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: The Whiteness of Child Labor Reform in the New South
Hot Off the Press: Prints and Politics

Hot Off the Press: Prints and Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tyler, Linda / Walker, Barry / Avery, Eric, PUBLISHER: University of New Mexico Press, A bold collection of essays by curators, historians, and artists about prints and their relationship to politics -- from the French Revolution, to the s, to contemporary issues.

The Frustration of Politics: Truman, Congress, and the

The Frustration of Politics: Truman, Congress, and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thompson, Francis H., PUBLISHER: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Follows the struggle between Truman and Congress over the charge that the Democratic administration was permeated with Communists and their sympathizers, and evaluates the president's performance during the course of that struggle. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate budget reform politics the design of the appropriations: The Frustration of Politics: Truman, Congress, and the
Environmental Politics Casebook

Environmental Politics Casebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Norman / Miller, Norman, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Environmental Politics Casebook: Genetically Modified Foods includes laws, regulations, testimony, court decisions, journal and newspaper articles, book chapters, and interest group communications such as press releases and on-line briefs, as well as other studies and reports that constitute the principal elements of the public debate on the genetic modification of food. A companion to Environmental Politics: Interest Groups, the Media, and the Making of Policy, it provides the substantive, detailed, case-in-point application for practices and principles previously discussed only in theory, keeping the basic text compact and current.
