between women of god passing on the convictions of our

Between Women of God: Passing on the Convictions of Our

Between Women of God: Passing on the Convictions of Our

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Otto, Donna, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, With the hope ong>ofong> seeing the rich rewards and genuine fruit ong>ofong> ong>godong>ly wisdom blossom in ong>womenong>, Otto describes the Titus 2 relationship she has shared with Elisabeth Elliot and outlines ways to get involved in a special, encouraging mentor relationship.

Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frymer-Kensky, Tikva, PUBLISHER: Schocken Books Inc, "Reading the ong>Womenong> ong>ofong> the Bible "takes up two ong>ofong> the most significant intellectual and religious issues ong>ofong> our day: the experiences ong>ofong> ong>womenong> in a patriarchal society and the relevance ong>ofong> the Bible to modern life.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of
Autobiography of God

Autobiography of God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ogilvie, Lloyd John, PUBLISHER: Regal Books, This contemporary commentary on the parables ong>ofong> Jesus ong>ofong>fers a flesh, exciting look at the nature ong>ofong> ong>Godong> and how He works in our lives.

Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty

Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rountree, Cathleen, PH.D., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, These candid interviews and beautiful photographs will inspire all ong>womenong> who are navigating through the mid-life passage. The updated look ong>ofong> this bestselling classic makes it the perfect companion to the later decades ong>ofong> Rountree's series on ong>womenong>.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty
Women's Movement in: Kuwait, Egypt, Iran and the UK

Women's Movement in: Kuwait, Egypt, Iran and the UK

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alessa, Amani Saleh, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, This book focus on the history ong>ofong> mainly the ong>womenong>'s movement, it also reflects at the same time the domination ong>ofong> ong>womenong> through out history. It studies the movement ong>ofong> three Middle Eastern countries, Kuwait, Egypt, and Iran then it shows the experience ong>ofong> the ong>womenong>'s movement in the UK as an example ong>ofong> a Western society to distinguish to what extent these societies appreciate ong>womenong>. Now there are some similarities as well as some differences ong>betweenong> the East and the West which forms the interesting part to observe the struggle ong>ofong> ong>womenong> in different cultures.

Leading Women to the Heart of God

Leading Women to the Heart of God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: TerKeurst, Lysa / London, H. / Hammond, Michelle McKinney, PUBLISHER: Moody Publishers, Building a vibrant, ong>Godong>-honoring ong>womenong>'s ministry is an enormous challenge. There are so many issues to consider and points ong>ofong> view to incorporate. Moody Press ong>ofong>fers Leading ong>Womenong> to the Heart ong>ofong> ong>Godong>, a comprehensive compilation ong>ofong> articles by leading Christian ong>womenong> addressing key areas ong>ofong> ong>womenong>'s ministry. The topics range from 'Your Own Intimate Life with ong>Godong>, ' to 'Building Your Confidence to Lead and Teach, ' to 'Developing Leaders within Your Ministry.' Anyone involved in ong>womenong>'s ministry must have a copy ong>ofong> this essential handbook

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Leading Women to the Heart of God
The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God

The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McDonough, William K. / Hahn, Scott, PUBLISHER: Servant Publications, In this fourth title in the series ong>ofong> contemporary Catholic classics, William K. McDonough ong>ofong>fers a popular explanation ong>ofong> the meaning ong>ofong> the Trinity, ?the fundamental doctrine ong>ofong> the Catholic faith, ? and its relation to the body ong>ofong> Christian revelation. He presents a synthesis ong>ofong> the Catholic faith: the triune life ong>ofong> ong>Godong>; the Person ong>ofong> the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; creation; the Incarnation; mariology; divine adoption; divine indwelling; prayer, sacraments and sacramentals; love; life with ong>Godong> here and hereafter. McDonough relies on the theology ong>ofong> Saints John and Paul, the teachings ong>ofong> the Fathers ong>ofong> the church, and the spiritual writings ong>ofong> Sister Elizabeth ong>ofong> the Trinity, a contemporary ong>ofong> Saint Th?r?se ong>ofong> Lisieux. He sees the mystery ong>ofong> the Trinity as a secret?the Secret ong>ofong> Secrets?beyond all our guessing?that, once revealed to us, becomes the pattern for true Christian living.

Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience

Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, William P., PUBLISHER: Cornell University Press, In this clear and provocative account ong>ofong> the epistemology ong>ofong> religious experience, William P. Alston argues that the perception ong>ofong> ong>Godong>-his term for direct experiential awareness ong>ofong> ong>Godong>-makes a major contribution to the grounds ong>ofong> religious belief. Surveying the variety ong>ofong> reported direct experiences ong>ofong> ong>Godong>, Alston demonstrates that a person can be justified in holding certain beliefs about ong>Godong> on the basis ong>ofong> mystical experience.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience
Princess Diana

Princess Diana

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Licata, Renora, PUBLISHER: Blackbirch Press, Slowly but surely, the accomplishments ong>ofong> ong>womenong> are being recognized and appreciated by the world at large. In our schools and in the media, more emphasis is being placed on the meaningful roles ong>womenong> play. The "Library ong>ofong> Famous ong>Womenong>" series features an international collection ong>ofong> courageous and determined individuals who have overcome both personal adversity and societal predjudice to achieve their goals.

Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between

Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moalem, Sharon / Prince, Jonathan, PUBLISHER: Harper Perennial, Joining the ranks ong>ofong> modern myth busters, Dr. Sharon Moalem turns our current understanding ong>ofong> illness on its head and challenges us to fundamentally change the way we think about our bodies, our health, and our relationship to just about every other living thing on earth. Through a fresh and engaging examination ong>ofong> our evolutionary history, Dr. Moalem reveals how many ong>ofong> the conditions that are diseases today actually gave our ancestors a leg up in the survival sweepstakes. But "Survival ong>ofong> the Sickest" doesn't stop there. It goes on to demonstrate just how little modern medicine really understands about human health, and ong>ofong>fers a new way ong>ofong> thinking that can help all ong>ofong> us live longer, healthier lives.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between
Person to Person: The Gospel of Mark

Person to Person: The Gospel of Mark

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vickers, Paul V. / Null, Null, PUBLISHER: Swedenborg Foundation, Paul Vickers, a respected Swedenborgian minister and writer, grapples with the question ong>ofong> how ong>Godong> wants us to live our daily lives, and he turns to the Gospel ong>ofong> Mark for answers. Vickers' insightful discussion ong>ofong> the rich symbolism found in Mark reveals the relevance ong>ofong> the New Testament to our personal lives. Speaking to each ong>ofong> us through the gospel, ong>Godong> challenges us to examine and improve our lives.

How to Raise Children of Destiny

How to Raise Children of Destiny

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morgan, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Whitaker House, ong>Godong> has a divine plan for this generation, a plan for the children on this earth. This groundbreaking book reveals the link ong>betweenong> the rise ong>ofong> young prophets, priests, and kings in the body ong>ofong> Christ and the ong>Godong>-ordained heads ong>ofong> nations, spiritual leaders, and deliverers responsible for the salvation ong>ofong> a generation. Dr. Patricia Morgan calls ong>godong>ly parents to train their children to be the next generation ong>ofong> leaders and to teach them the strength and power that is found in the covenant promises ong>ofong> the ong>Godong> ong>ofong> their fathers

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: How to Raise Children of Destiny
Sarah: Facing Life's Uncertainties with a Faithful God

Sarah: Facing Life's Uncertainties with a Faithful God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Couchman, Judith / Grant, Janet Kobobel / Meberg, Marilyn, PUBLISHER: Zondervan Publishing Company, This is one volume in a series ong>ofong> Bible studies on ong>womenong> ong>ofong> the Bible from ong>Womenong> ong>ofong> Faith. 6 Sessions.

We Are Our Mothers' Daughters

We Are Our Mothers' Daughters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roberts, Cokie, PUBLISHER: Paperback Nova Audio Books, Cokie Roberts takes her listeners on a personal and political journey, exploring the diverse roles ong>womenong> have played throughout American history, and the connections and distinctions among different generations ong>ofong> ong>womenong>. On a personal level, each essay is an introduction to one ong>ofong> the fascinating ong>womenong> Roberts has encountered during the course ong>ofong> her reporting career. She also relates powerful and moving anecdotes about the ong>womenong> in her life, like her mother, former Congresswoman Lindy Boggs. These intimate portraits ong>ofong> extraordinary ong>womenong> become the springboard for more extensive discussions ong>ofong> ong>womenong>'s position in politics, business, motherhood, and marriage, as well as other issues. Roberts examines the nature ong>ofong> ong>womenong>'s roles, from mother to mechanic, sister to soldier, through the illuminating lens ong>ofong> her personal experience. Sensitive, straightforward, and perceptive, "We Are Our Mothers' Daughters" celebrates the diversity ong>ofong> choices and perspectives available to ong>womenong> today and ultimately affirms the bond ong>ofong> female solidarity - a vital, powerful interconnection among all ong>womenong>, whatever their backgrounds.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: We Are Our Mothers' Daughters
Marking Time in the Golden State: Women's Imprisonment in

Marking Time in the Golden State: Women's Imprisonment in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kruttschnitt, Candace / Gartner, Rosemary / Blumstein, Alfred, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The nature ong>ofong> criminal punishment has undergone prong>ofong>ound change in the United States in recent decades. This case study ong>ofong> ong>womenong> serving time in California in the s and s examines this recent history. Drawing on archival data, interviews, and surveys, the authors' analysis considers the relationships among ong>ofong>ficial philosophies and practices ong>ofong> imprisonment, ong>womenong>'s responses to the prison regime, and relations ong>betweenong> ong>womenong> prisoners.

The Scandal of Gender

The Scandal of Gender

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mitchell, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Regina Orthodox Press, What did the Fathers ong>ofong> the historic Church teach about the role ong>ofong> ong>womenong> in the Church? For many years the answer to this question has come from feminist theologians. It has been difficult to find a book that presents what the Church Fathers and the Scriptures teach on ong>womenong> and men's role in the life ong>ofong> the Church. The Scandal ong>ofong> Gender brings us into direct contact with the authentic and original teachings ong>ofong> the ancient Christian Church Fathers on the issue ong>ofong> the proper role ong>ofong> ong>womenong> and men in the life ong>ofong> the Church. The point ong>ofong> view ong>ofong> the Reader Patrick Mitchell reflects the traditional Orthodox point ong>ofong> view ong>ofong> the Early Church Fathers and the Bible.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: The Scandal of Gender
Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist

Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Piper, John, PUBLISHER: Multnomah Publishers, Scripture reveals that the great business ong>ofong> life is to glorify ong>Godong> by enjoying Him forever. In this paradigm-shattering classic, newly revised and expanded, John Piper reveals that the debate ong>betweenong> duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delight is our duty. Readers will embark on a dramatically different and joyful experience ong>ofong> their faith The pursuit ong>ofong> pleasure is not optional. It is essential. Scripture reveals that the great business ong>ofong> life is to glorify ong>Godong> by enjoying Him forever. In this paradigm-shattering work, John Piper reveals that the debate ong>betweenong> duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delight "is" our duty. Join him as he unveils stunning, life-impacting truths you saw in the Bible but never dared to believe.

Women Organising

Women Organising

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Helen, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "ong>Womenong> Organising" is the first study to bring organization theory and the real-life experiences ong>ofong> ong>womenong> organizing together. Helen Brown uses the example ong>ofong> the Greystone ong>Womenong>'s Centre in Britain to illustrate the struggles ong>ofong> ong>womenong> seeking to manage without becoming bureaucratized, to find a sense ong>ofong> direction without relying on leaders, to participate fully as leaders, and above all, to create a truly collective form ong>ofong> organization.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Women Organising
Woman's Study Bible: Opening the Word of God to Women

Woman's Study Bible: Opening the Word of God to Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelley, Rhonda Harrington / Patterson, Dorothy Kelley, PUBLISHER: Nelson Bibles, No other woman's Bible has a more dazzling array ong>ofong> features than The Woman's Study Bible. It's far more than a devotional Bible. It has over pages ong>ofong> study articles, annotations, and topical notes on hundreds ong>ofong> subjects ong>ofong> interest to ong>womenong> ong>ofong> all ages and in all stages ong>ofong> life. The Woman's Study Bible has been lovingly crafted by more than 80 ong>godong>ly ong>womenong>, noted Christian leaders who have combined their expertise to produce the only comprehensive study Bible that highlights the unique needs ong>ofong> ong>womenong>.

Food and Love

Food and Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smalley, Gary, PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, What we eat affects every aspect ong>ofong> our lives, from our physical health to our emotions to our ability to love. Trusted relationship expert Gary Smalley demonstrates the connection ong>betweenong> healthy living and healthy relationships and the importance ong>ofong> safeguarding our health, not only for ourselves, but also for the good ong>ofong> our marriages and our other relationships.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: Food and Love
New Dreams Before Tommorow

New Dreams Before Tommorow

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sanders, Susan Marie, PUBLISHER: Vantage Press, Making the most out ong>ofong> ong>Godong>'s most precious gift to us--life is what "New Dreams before Tomorrow" is all about. From the bottom ong>ofong> a well ong>ofong> loneliness, to surviving family alcoholism and despair, ong>Godong>'s love and comfort and peace can inspire and motivate all ong>ofong> us to begin our journey toward the light, no matter what our circumstances. The brighter ong>Godong> shines in one's heart, the more others can see it, bringing into our lives the people who become our greatest blessing.

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sundquist, Eric J. / Elliott, Emory, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Increased interest in the role ong>ofong> ong>womenong> and minorities in establishing the canon ong>ofong> American literature has led to renewed interest in Uncle Tom's Cabin. The essays in this volume set out to provide contemporary readers with a critical and historical interpretation ong>ofong> the novel that reflects the best ong>ofong> recent scholarship. In his introduction Eric J. Sundquist attempts to show that Uncle Tom's Cabin boldly takes issue with both proslavery arguments and prevailing prejudices among abolitionists, employing the forms ong>ofong> popular melodrama and heated rhetoric to carry its complex argument. The individual essays examine the influence ong>ofong> Stowe's novel on the characterization ong>ofong> ong>womenong> in the American novel and on later ong>womenong> writers, the role ong>ofong> ong>womenong> in the antislavery movement, the literary exchanges ong>betweenong> Stowe and her contemporaries; Uncle Tom's Cabin and the tradition ong>ofong> the Gothic novel, and the characterizations ong>ofong> blacks in this novel and in later works.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin
God's Little Lessons on Life for Women

God's Little Lessons on Life for Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Honor Books, PUBLISHER: Honor Books, By combining the awesome promises ong>ofong> ong>Godong>'s Word with incredibly touching and encouraging stories, we've created a one-ong>ofong>-a-kind content mix in the marketplace. Topics were chosen carefully considering the special needs ong>ofong> ong>womenong> everywhere. Selections are arranged topically, so she'll be able to find the perfect inspiration she's looking for, just when she needs it the most. She'll be encouraged at any stage ong>ofong> her life.

The Paradox Principle of Parenting: How to Parent Your Child

The Paradox Principle of Parenting: How to Parent Your Child

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lucas, James R. / Lucas, J. R., PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, As parents, we ong>ofong>ten find it diffcult to maintain a balance ong>betweenong> being an authority figure and being a nurturer and friend. But it is possible if we look to ong>Godong> as our example. "The Paradox Principle ong>ofong> Parenting" highlights eight key principles ong>ofong> parenting, based on the way ong>Godong> parents us, and provides plenty ong>ofong> practical advice to help parents raise great kids.

Offerte relazionate between women of god passing on the convictions of our: The Paradox Principle of Parenting: How to Parent Your Child
Women of Destiny Bible: A Spriti Filled Life Bible: Women

Women of Destiny Bible: A Spriti Filled Life Bible: Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nelsonword, PUBLISHER: Nelson Bibles, Most Christian ong>womenong> long for a mentor in the faith. Ministry leaders are eager to mentor others, but find themselves unable to personally meet the needs ong>ofong> the many ong>womenong> wanting to be discipled. The ong>Womenong> ong>ofong> Destiny Bible can help both groups. By combining the collective wisdom ong>ofong> the world's most respected Charismatic ong>womenong> leaders with the full NKJV text, this Bible allows ong>womenong> in leadership to communicate their experiences with ong>Godong>, their struggles and victories, their best advice to other ong>womenong> they look up to, ong>womenong> who are experts in their fields and uniquely qualified to help others "grow up" in ong>Godong>.
