atlas of clinical diagnosis

Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis

Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mir, M. Afzal, PUBLISHER: Bailliere Tindall, This text offers a comprehensive, systematic presentation of clinical signs as a basis for diagnosis. It is organized to reflect actual patient examination, and contains thorough coverage of adult clinical signs.

Color Atlas of Oral Manifestations of AIDS

Color Atlas of Oral Manifestations of AIDS

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Silverman, Sol, PUBLISHER: Mosby Elsevier Health Science, Dr. Silverman provides clinicians with a quick, updated and practical approach to diagnosing and managing oral lesions associated with HIV infection and advises them to be suspicious of an infection when the explicitly illustrate the clinical lesions. Content relating to epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment modalities have been upgraded for this edition.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Color Atlas of Oral Manifestations of AIDS
Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management

Transfusion Medicine: Case Studies and Clinical Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mijovic, Aleksandar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The purpose of this clinical transfusion medicine handbook is to take the reader through a variety of clinical problems, each one likely to be encountered in a busy teaching hospital. The reader follows the stream of clinical and laboratory data, developing the ability for critical thinking which leads him/her to diagnosis and appropriate management.The book is a lively illustration of various clinical problems in transfusion medicine, including immune complications, microbiological problems, blood component use, apheresis techniques, and management of complex situations such as multiple trauma, sickle cell crisis, and organ transplantation.Each case is carefully chosen and presented, with incorporated questions, leading the reader towards solution of the problem in a logical and didactic manner

Current Diagnosis

Current Diagnosis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Conn, Rex B. / Borer, William Z. / Kersey, Ray, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This volume of this classic resource delivers the very latest diagnostic methods for a comprehensive set of disorders Concise, authoritatively written articles describe both the most effective approach to the investigation of a clinical problem and the most direct route to the diagnosis of a specific condition. Superb coverage of all of today's diagnostic procedures--including history, physical findings, imaging studies, and laboratoy tests--provide the reader with practical, state-of-the-art guidance.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Current Diagnosis
Clinical Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease

Clinical Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Om P Sharma, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Provan, Drew / Singer, Charles R. J. / Baglin, Trevor, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haemotology continues to provide the essential core knowledge needed in modern clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of patients with possible disorders of the blood. Major advances in the specialty have been reflected in this thoroughly revised new edition. Essential knowledge is covered with the main differential diagnoses, along with relevant investigations that will help the junior doctor to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. The management of the patient is provided in a way that allows the junior to initiate treatment whilst waiting for review of the patient by a senior member of staff. As with the first edition, the new edition of this Handbook will have wide appeal and readership amongst senior medical undergraduates, junior doctors and trainees in haemotology, residents, interns and fellows, family doctors, intensive care staff and specialist nurses.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology
Bulimia Nervosa: Basic Research, Diagnosis and Therapy

Bulimia Nervosa: Basic Research, Diagnosis and Therapy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fichter, Manfred M., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Presents the latest research findings and clinical experiences related to the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of bulimic disorders. Will explain recent dramatic developments in understanding the disease and aid clinicians in treating it successfully. With contributions by leading experts, it offers an up-to-date review of current research as well as a platform for future study.

Color Atlas of Clinical Embryology

Color Atlas of Clinical Embryology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moore, Keith L. / Shiota, Kohei / Persaud, T. V. N., PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, Outlining the most important concepts of clinical embryology, the second edition of this full color atlas gives a well-illustrated overview of human development before birth. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised with the most up-to-date information. Accompanied by authoritative descriptions, this superb resource provides a step-by-step review of normal and abnormal embryonic and fetal development through hundreds of color photographs, 3-dimensional drawings, electron micrographs, sonograms, MR images, and pen-and-ink sketches. It also includes photographs and tables indicating periods when tissue and organ formations may be affected by teratogenic agents.

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Breathing Disorders in Sleep

Breathing Disorders in Sleep

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McNicholas, Walter / Phillipson, Eliot A. / Wb Saunders Company, Saunders Company, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, Breathing Disorders in Sleep is an authorative reference for all those involved in the clinical investigation and care of patients with sleep-related respiratory disorders. Information is provided in a logical sequence, divided initially into Physiology and Pathophysiology of Sleep and Respiration, Sleep Apnoea and Sleep in Other Respiratory Disorders. From the foundation mechanisms involved, followed by clinical presentation through to management, clinical investigation and diagnosis, McNicholas and Phillipson have defined the current state-of-the-art in a rapidly growing and increasingly complex area.

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tierney, Lawrence M., Jr. / McPhee, Stephen J. / Papadakis, Maxine A., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing, Concise, Authoritative Answers on Every Aspect of Inpatient and Outpatient Care Includes free access to CMDT online, a $79 value Now celebrating 45 years, "CMDT" delivers authoritative, timely coverage of more than common diseases and disorders along with a clear synopsis of treatment and diagnosis. Utilizing a "find it now" format and made even more accessible by a detailed index, "CMDT" covers almost every aspect of general medicine with an emphasis on practical clinical diagnosis and patient management. Within its pages, readers will find a meticulous presentation of every major primary care topic, including: gynecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, neurology, obstetrics, dermatology, otolaryngology, toxicology, and urology -- all from one of the world's most respected editorial boards.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
Textbook of Biochemistry: With Clinical Correlations

Textbook of Biochemistry: With Clinical Correlations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devlin, Thomas M., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Liss, This book offers a comprehensive and current view of mammalian biochemistry. It includes unique "Clinical Correlations" -- examples of clinical manifestations of biochemical defects -- along with extensive illustrations to provide a complete picture of all aspects of biochemistry. Contains new clinical correlations and review questions. -- New, full color illustrations program. -- A "Devlin" Web site provides online discussions, new material not found in the book, and other information relevant to the book.

Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology

Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hegde, M. N. / Davis, Deborah, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, For student clinicians and clinical supervisors alike, clinical practicum in speech-language pathology is a learning experience that involves clearly defined expectations, ethical principles, and effective methods of treatment. This comprehensive resource provides a well-rounded discussion of the clinical practicum, including basic organization and competency guidelines, ethical and behavioral conduct between the student and supervisor and with clients, and multicultural issues encountered in clinical practice. Also presented are effective clinical methods in the treatment, control, and maintenance of communicative disorders. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology
Acromegaly: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Acromegaly: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van Der Lely, Aart Jan / Beckers, Albert / Daly, Adrian F., PUBLISHER: Marcel Dekker, This book reviews the pathophysiology and physical manifestations of acromegaly and discusses the multiple treatment options now available for the management of the patient with acromegaly. The book contains an ample number of illustrations that help to emphasize points of particular interest, including radiological, histopathological, and physical diagnosis images. Sections are devoted to detailing important topics including determinants of pathological effects of disease activity in acromegaly, individual therapeutic choices and criteria for diagnosis, and disease control.

Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for

Cardiac Safety of Noncardiac Drugs: Practical Guidelines for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morganroth, Joel / Gussak, Ihor, PUBLISHER: Humana Press, Basic and clinical researchers from industry and academia detail the preclinical, clinical, and regulatory principles currently used to assess the cardiac safety of new drugs. The authors explain the parameters of cardiac safety at all stages of clinical research and drug development, including both the preclinical and pharmacogenomic aspects generally and the clinical methodologies and technical aspects for investigational drugs based on cardiac repolarization, as defined by the duration of the QTc interval. Additional chapters comprehensively review the application of electrocardiography in clinical research, the fundamentals of ECG interpretation in clinical trials, the statistical analysis plans for ECG data obtained in formal clinical trials, and the practical interpretation of the ECG results. Highlights include practical guidance on how to conduct a thorough ECG Trial in New Drug Development, how to use new ECG and web based technology in clinical research, and how to follow the new FDA requirements for ECG submissions.

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Prostate Biopsy Interpretation: Dosage Calculation,

Prostate Biopsy Interpretation: Dosage Calculation,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Epstein, Jonathan I. / Yang, Ximing J. / Yant, Ximing J., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, The thoroughly revised, updated Third Edition of this acclaimed reference retains the goal of the original--a practical, state-of-the-art, superbly illustrated guide to prostate biopsy interpretation. Drs. Epstein and Yang, two leading experts, provide comprehensive, current information on the classification, clinical features, prognosis, and evaluation of difficult and unusual as well as common lesions. Coverage includes normal, inflammatory, tumor-like, benign, and malignant conditions. This edition contains more tables to aid in differential diagnosis of similar lesions. The authors have also added new information on the Gleason grading system...predictive factors on needle biopsy...ancillary studies that can be performed on a needle biopsy...significance of ductal adenocarcinoma on needle biopsy...treatment effect on prostate cancer and its prognostic significance...use of newly described antibodies...the new classification system for stromal tumors of the prostate...and clinical parameters as they relate to needle biopsy findings. A bound-in CD-ROM contains more than full-color images--all with detailed legends and 100 with checklists of points in favor of and against a cancer diagnosis.

The Young Hyperactive Child: Answers to Questions about

The Young Hyperactive Child: Answers to Questions about

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frank, Mary / Loney, Jan, PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, Leading clinicians and researchers answer crucial questions about the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the school-aged hyperactive child in this comprehensive and informative volume. Research findings and clinical insights are illustrated with case examples, giving practical and scientifically sound information to clinical and education professionals, such as teachers, school psychologists, pediatricians, general and family practitioners, child psychiatrists and psychologists, as well as to parents.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: The Young Hyperactive Child: Answers to Questions about
Basic Neurology

Basic Neurology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gilroy, John, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, An extensive revision of this concise, compact reference in neurology popular with medical students and rsidents. The first section reviews the neurologic examination of common conditions such as seizures and headache. The remainder of the book divides neurologic diseases into categories, then reviews each individual disirder. The classic subheadings of definition, cause, pathologic features, clinical features, diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are discussed for each entry.

Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva

Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Apul Goel T C Goel, PUBLISHER: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers P Ltd, NA

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva
Devlin -Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations

Devlin -Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations

Vendo Devlin - Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations 7th edition. Perfetto, nuovo, intonso. Possibile la spedizione.

Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Surgery

Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Surgery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doherty, Gerard M., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing, Essential coverage of surgery In the popular one-disorder-per-page format, this pocket guide features bulleted, high-yield information on over 400 common surgical diagnoses. With key equations and formulae, a clinical pearl per page, plus references, this book truly is essential in critical care.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Surgery
Sleep, Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease

Sleep, Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: EDITED BY ANTONIO CU, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The relationship between sleep disorders in particular sleep apnea, a highly prevalent condition and common vascular disturbances such as stroke and hypertension is an area of active research. Summarizing the clinical evidence to date between sleep disorders and vascular pathology, this is the first time a comprehensive overview of this relationship has been covered in a single volume. Bringing together some of the world's most renowned authors in the field, Sleep, Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease contains recommended treatment plans allowing for rapid and accurate diagnosis and management of patients enabling learning from real experience. Of interest, not only, to specialists who intervene in diagnosis and management of sleep and stroke disorders such as neurologists, cardiologists and pulmonologists, the book will also be of value to primary-care practitioners, allowing them to arrive at better diagnoses and management of sleep and vascular disorders.

Improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials: Workshop

Improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials: Workshop

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patlak, Margie / Nass, Sharyl, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, Scientists and clinicians seek a new paradigm that could improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall success rate of cancer clinical trials, while maintaining the highest standards of quality. To explore innovative paradigms for cancer clinical trials and other ways to improve their quality, the National Cancer Policy Forum held a workshop, Improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials, in Washington, DC. The main goals of the workshop were to examine new approaches to clinical trial design and execution that would: (1) better inform decisions and plans of those responsible for developing new cancer therapies (2) more rapidly move new diagnostic tests and treatments toward regulatory approval and use in the clinic (3) be less costly than current trials The resulting workshop summary will serve as input to the deliberations of an Institute of Medicine committee that will develop consensus-based recommendations for moving the field of cancer clinical trials forward.

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials: Workshop
Color Atlas of Histology

Color Atlas of Histology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gartner, Leslie P. / Hiatt, James L., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This compact atlas provides medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with an outstanding collection of histology images for all of the major tissue classes and body systems. The Fourth Edition features a completely re-digitized image collection, along with other hallmarks of this atlas that have been proven over time, including its concise writing style, compact size/format, and quick introduction/background for each chapter that reviews essential concepts, histophysiology, and clinical considerations. A bound-in interactive student CD-ROM contains all the images from the book with compare and full-screen view modes, zoom, label rollover and on/off features, along with USMLE-style and identification review questions.

Cardiovascular Infections

Cardiovascular Infections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mandell, Gerald L. / Korzeniowski, Oksana M. / Mandell, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, Volume ten of a full-color, ten volume atlas: an extensive collection of illustrations covering the entire field of infectious diseases. Each volume has over 500 spectacular colour illustrations. Figures include clinical photographs of patients, pathology specimens, gram stains, culture plates, radiographic material, scans, schematic drawings, and tables. Available in book, CD-ROM, and slide format

Offerte relazionate atlas of clinical diagnosis: Cardiovascular Infections
Libro Atlas of human Anatomy

Libro Atlas of human Anatomy

Atlas of human anatomy and surgery della Taschen, NUOVO, 35 euro
