essentials of diagnosis treatment in surgery

Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Surgery

Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Surgery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doherty, Gerard M., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing, Essential coverage of surgery In the popular one-disorder-per-page format, this pocket guide features bulleted, high-yield information on over 400 common surgical diagnoses. With key equations and formulae, a clinical pearl per page, plus references, this book truly is essential in critical care.

Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology

Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crawford, Michael H. / Srivathson, Komandoor, PUBLISHER: Lange, The essentials needed to diagnose and manage patients with cardiac diseases.

Offerte relazionate essentials of diagnosis treatment in surgery: Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology
Libri chirurgia Springer

Libri chirurgia Springer

Vendo vari libri springer: - treatment of peritoneal surface malignancies - oncologic breast surgery - pelvic floor disorders: surgical approach - multimodal treatment of recurrent pelvic colorectal cancer - primary, secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism:diagnostic and therapeutic updates - robotic surgery libri + cds: prezzo totale: 100 euro

Acromegaly: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Acromegaly: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van Der Lely, Aart Jan / Beckers, Albert / Daly, Adrian F., PUBLISHER: Marcel Dekker, This book reviews the pathophysiology and physical manifestations of acromegaly and discusses the multiple treatment options now available for the management of the patient with acromegaly. The book contains an ample number of illustrations that help to emphasize points of particular interest, including radiological, histopathological, and physical diagnosis images. Sections are devoted to detailing important topics including determinants of pathological effects of disease activity in acromegaly, individual therapeutic choices and criteria for diagnosis, and disease control.

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Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment - Krupp-Chatton - - lingua inglese

Essentials of Interviewing

Essentials of Interviewing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wiger, Donald E. / Huntley, Debra K. / Kaufman, Alan S., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Conduct effective diagnostic interviews and enhance client relationship skills A thorough diagnostic interview is the foundation for informed and comprehensive clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. In addition to basic interviewing techniques, professionals must also possess skills in designing interviews to satisfy the requirements of the accrediting agencies and third-party payers who audit their clients' charts. Now, there is one source that offers expert instruction in both--Essentials of Interviewing. As part of the Essentials of Mental Health Practice series, this book provides the information mental health professionals need to practice knowledgeably, efficiently, and ethically in today's behavioral health environment. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as "Test Yourself" questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Essentials of Interviewing is filled with practical information about everything from establishing rapport and taking a complete history to identifying risk factors and ruling in/ruling out specific disorders. The needs of special populations such as children, people with disabilities, and clients from diverse backgrounds are covered, as well as suicide assessment, biopsychosocial assessment, and the Mental Status Exam. You'll be fully prepared to formulate an initial diagnosis and develop a preliminary treatment plan with this indispensable, hands-on resource. Other titles in the Essentials of Mental Health Practice series: Essentials of Outcome Assessment Essentials of Treatment Planning For a complete list of books in our Essentials of Mental Health Practice series, visit us on the Web at

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Lectures on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the

Lectures on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: E Fletcher Ingals, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing LLC, NA

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tierney, Lawrence M., Jr. / McPhee, Stephen J. / Papadakis, Maxine A., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing, Concise, Authoritative Answers on Every Aspect of Inpatient and Outpatient Care Includes free access to CMDT online, a $79 value Now celebrating 45 years, "CMDT" delivers authoritative, timely coverage of more than common diseases and disorders along with a clear synopsis of treatment and diagnosis. Utilizing a "find it now" format and made even more accessible by a detailed index, "CMDT" covers almost every aspect of general medicine with an emphasis on practical clinical diagnosis and patient management. Within its pages, readers will find a meticulous presentation of every major primary care topic, including: gynecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, neurology, obstetrics, dermatology, otolaryngology, toxicology, and urology -- all from one of the world's most respected editorial boards.

Offerte relazionate essentials of diagnosis treatment in surgery: Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
Psychiatric Care of the Medical Patient

Psychiatric Care of the Medical Patient

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stoudemire, Alan / Fogel, Barry S., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This is the definitive account of the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders in the medically ill. Greatly expanded in this Second Edition, it will serve as an indispensable reference for psychiatrists and other physicians who treat these patients. The book examines psychiatric disorders in a wide range of medical problems including disease, trauma, surgery, and behavioral medicine. It also addresses medical-legal considerations in detail. This authoritative work identifies the boundaries and future directions for medical psychiatry.

Brain Surgery: A Comprehensive and Practical Resource for

Brain Surgery: A Comprehensive and Practical Resource for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Khurana M. B. B. S., B. Sc (Med) Vini G., PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, This book has been written and illustrated for brain surgery patients and their families, and for physicians and persons interested in learning more about the field of neurosurgery. It is uniquely comprehensive yet concise, and provides invaluable pearls gleaned from thousands of neurosurgery patients cared for by the award-winning author. Learn about the basics of the brain, the many types of brain disorders and how they present, the ways in which brain disorders are investigated, treatment options, and step-by-step details of the investigations and procedures brain surgery patients frequently undergo, including open surgery or craniotomy, shunts, needle biopsy, radiosurgery, endovascular surgery, endoscopic or "keyhole" surgery, cerebral angiography, and more. Also learn about possible treatment-related complications, important details and tips regarding recovery and rehabilitation, the need for follow-up after treatment, matters concerning critically ill or comatose patients, and options for persons with recurrent or persistent disease. Discover what's on the horizon for the field of neurosurgery, and read responses to questions frequently put to neurosurgeons by their patients. Being diagnosed with a brain disorder and undergoing treatment are some of the most significant events a patient and his or her family will likely ever experience. This practical book is a must-read for such persons. The more one knows, the better equipped one will be to win the battle.

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Bulimia Nervosa: Basic Research, Diagnosis and Therapy

Bulimia Nervosa: Basic Research, Diagnosis and Therapy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fichter, Manfred M., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Presents the latest research findings and clinical experiences related to the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of bulimic disorders. Will explain recent dramatic developments in understanding the disease and aid clinicians in treating it successfully. With contributions by leading experts, it offers an up-to-date review of current research as well as a platform for future study.

Evidence-Based Management and Pancreatic Malignancy

Evidence-Based Management and Pancreatic Malignancy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Orr, Richard / Martin, Ronald F., PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This issue of the Surgical Clinics of North America will include articles devoted to the following topics: diagnostic Imaging of pancreatic malignancies, technical conduct of operation for pancreatic malignancies, portal vein resection, neoplasms of the Body and Tail, neoadjuvant therapy for pancreatic malignancies, ontraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, diagnostic evaluation of cystic malignancies, operative management of cystic malignancies, endoscopic evaluation and treatment for pancreatic malignancies, curative chemotherapy for pancreatic malignancies, curative radiation therapy for pancreatic malignancies, palliative chemotherapy for pancreatic malignancies, minimally invasive treatment of pancreatic malignancies, performance outcomes, palliative surgery for pancreatic malignancies.

Offerte relazionate essentials of diagnosis treatment in surgery: Evidence-Based Management and Pancreatic Malignancy
Heal Your Aching Back: What a Harvard Doctor Wants You to

Heal Your Aching Back: What a Harvard Doctor Wants You to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Katz, Jeffrey N. / Parkinson, Gloria, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Take back your health, your fitness, and your life This authoritative and comprehensive guide, written by a Harvard doctor who has struggled with back pain himself, will help you find the real cause of your problem--and the smartest way to treat it. This simple step-by-step program will show you how to: Get the right diagnosis for your type of back pain Find the most effective treatment, including complementary therapies Control pain through specific exercises, massage, and yoga Avoid surgery, prevent reinjury, and strengthen your back for life Dr. Katz also gives you the most up-to-date information on chiropractic care, new pain medications, alternative physical therapies, and back surgery.



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Vendita libri medicina

Vendita libri medicina

Vendo libri di medicina in lingua inglese. Titoli: Harrison's principles of internal medicine volume 1 e volume 2, 19th edition. Physics of human body irving P. Herman Essentials of General surgery fifth edition Genetics fourth edition Molecular Biology of the cell fight edition Mai usati causa cambio facoltà Per chi fosse interessato mi contatti in privato

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richard Lechtenberg, PUBLISHER: Pearson Higher Education & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Professio, NA

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Batten Disease Diagnosis, Treatment, Research

Batten Disease Diagnosis, Treatment, Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nanbert Zhong, PUBLISHER: Academic Press, NA

Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis

Atlas of Clinical Diagnosis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mir, M. Afzal, PUBLISHER: Bailliere Tindall, This text offers a comprehensive, systematic presentation of clinical signs as a basis for diagnosis. It is organized to reflect actual patient examination, and contains thorough coverage of adult clinical signs.

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The Practice of General Surgery

The Practice of General Surgery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bland, K. I. / Bland, Kirby I. / Sarr, Michael E., PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, Discussions of eight major areas accompanied by commentaries by the field's leading authorities, definitions and descriptions of various methods of management of surgical problems, and a wealth of other information on general surgery make this text a must-have for all in the field. Areas covered range from general principles to trauma and burns, from critical care to vascular surgery, and much more.

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Practice

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Peter C., PUBLISHER: Royal Society of Medicine Press, Rheumatoid Arthritis is a common condition, affecting almost 1% of the UK population, meaning that most GPs will see and treat it within their practice. Rheumatoid Arthritis in Practice is devised to give GPs an overview of the wide and varied treatment options open to them. This is a comprehensive guide to the anatomy, aetiology, diagnosis and the treatment of this common condition. Current and novel therapies are discussed in detail, with generous reference sections for further study. Acquista Ora

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Symptoms of the Respiratory Tract

Diagnosis and Treatment of Symptoms of the Respiratory Tract

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Irwin, Richard / Irwin, Richard S. / Curley, Frederick J., PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, Although respiratory symptoms are among the most common reasons for which patients seek medical care, this is the first book that discusses the management of all these symptoms in a thorough and systematic manner. Prior references have been disease-oriented rather than symptom oriented - and perhaps less practically useful as a result. After all, patients complain of symptoms, not diseases.By utilizing what has been learned about managing cough and dyspnea, and applying a consistent six-step management strategy to other respiratory symptoms, this book is sure to be of on-going clinical value. It is quite comprehensive, covering the diagnosis and effective treatment of chest pain, cough dyspnea, hemoptysis, wheeze, nasal obstruction/rhinorrhea/postnasal drip, hoarseness, sneeze, epistaxis, hiccough, facial pain and headache, snoring, anosmia, halitosis, sore throat and globus sensation.

Surgery of the anus, rectum and colon NUOVISSIMO

Surgery of the anus, rectum and colon NUOVISSIMO

Surgery of the anus, rectum and colon - M.R.B. Keighley, NS Williams - third edition, 2 volumes. Nuovo

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Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva

Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Apul Goel T C Goel, PUBLISHER: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers P Ltd, NA

Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery Urologia

Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery Urologia

Vendo: Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery 4th Edition (ultima edizione) Un fantastico testo per gli appassionati della materia. Libro nuovo in vendita causa doppio regalo. Disponibile per consegna a mano!

Offerte relazionate essentials of diagnosis treatment in surgery: Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery Urologia
Liver Surgery: From Basics to Robotics, an Issue of Surgical

Liver Surgery: From Basics to Robotics, an Issue of Surgical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Geller, David A., PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, In this issue of Surgical Clinics of North America, a spectrum of liver surgery topics is summarized, bringing the reader up-to-date with the era of modern hepatic resection surgery. The basics of liver anatomy and history are reviewed, along with articles on hepatic cysts and liver abscess, imaging and work-up of incidental liver mass, management of benign liver lesions, hepatic resection nomenclature and techniques, laparoscopic liver resection, robotic liver surgery, emergency hepatic resection for liver trauma, repair of laparoscopic cholecystectomy injury, current approach to HCC, intra-hepatic cholangiocarcinoma, resection of metastatic colorectal cancer, neuroendocrine cancer metastases, hepatic ablation procedures, fulminant hepatic failure and when to transplant, and the current role of shunts versus TIPS for portal HTN.
