approaches and methods in language teaching a description

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching A Description

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching A Description

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jack C Richards, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, NA Acquista Ora

Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and

Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Centra, John A., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Centra underscores the importance of active methods of teaching and the need to evaluate those methods in less traditional ways. He discusses the value and proper use of self-reports and portfolios, and examines better ways to involve colleagues in evaluating and improving teaching.

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The Creative Teacher: Activities for Language Arts (Grades 4

The Creative Teacher: Activities for Language Arts (Grades 4

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charnock, James T., PUBLISHER: Wheatmark, Author James T. Charnock shares the best from his thirty-plus years' experience teaching language arts in "The Creative Teacher," a teachers' guide filled with student activities in writing, public speaking, researching, dramatizing, and more. This is the second edition of the publication, "A Non-Workbook, Non-Textbook Approach to Teaching Language Arts." Charnock's clarity, energetic style, and practical approach make this book a worthy addition to your teaching library. You will be impressed with how simple and fun teaching language arts can be when compared with the onerous and complicated methods propagated in the past.

The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches

The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chapman, James / Glancy, Mark / Harper, Sue, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, Now available in paperback, this first major overview of film history offers a wide-ranging account of the methods, sources and approaches used by modern film historians. Key areas of research are analyzed alongside detailed case studies of well-known American, Australian, British and European films.

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Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative

Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Neuman, W. Lawrence / Neuman, PUBLISHER: Allyn & Bacon, This highly regarded text presents a comprehensive and balanced introduction to both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research, emphasizing the benefits of combining various approaches.

Text as Culture: Teaching Through Literature

Text as Culture: Teaching Through Literature

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schofer, Peter, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, TEXT AS CULTURE: TEACHING THROUGH LITERATURE trains current and prospective language teachers how to teach with literature. The book demonstrates precise methods to teach students to write before they speak, to read as they learn to absorb vocabulary, and to use their imaginations as they learn grammar rules.

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Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology

Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hegde, M. N. / Davis, Deborah, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, For student clinicians and clinical supervisors alike, clinical practicum in speech-language pathology is a learning experience that involves clearly defined expectations, ethical principles, and effective methods of treatment. This comprehensive resource provides a well-rounded discussion of the clinical practicum, including basic organization and competency guidelines, ethical and behavioral conduct between the student and supervisor and with clients, and multicultural issues encountered in clinical practice. Also presented are effective clinical methods in the treatment, control, and maintenance of communicative disorders. Acquista Ora

Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 6

Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 6

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spectrum, PUBLISHER: School Specialty Publishing, Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 6 workbook features 184 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. Recently updated to current national standards, including tips for clearer writing, proofreading activities, and combining sentences. This workbook for children ages 11 to 12 includes exercises that reinforce mechanics and punctuation to assist in developing proficiency. Language Arts skills include: -Gerunds -Colons and semicolons -Double negative -Writer's guide Our best-selling "Spectrum Language Arts" series features age-appropriate workbooks for Kindergarten to grade 6. Developed with the latest standards-based teaching methods that provide targeted practice in language arts fundamentals to ensure successful learning

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Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 2

Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frank Schaffer Publications, PUBLISHER: Frank Schaffer Publications, Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 2 workbook features 176 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. Recently updated to current national standards, including tips for clearer writing, proofreading activities, and combining sentences. This workbook for children ages 7 to 8 includes exercises that reinforce mechanics and punctuation to assist in developing proficiency. Language Arts skills include: -Common and proper nouns -Plurals with -s and -es -Contractions -Past tense verbs -Action and linking verbs -Punctuation Our best-selling "Spectrum Language Arts" series features age-appropriate workbooks for Kindergarten to grade 6. Developed with the latest standards-based teaching methods that provide targeted practice in language arts fundamentals to ensure successful learning

Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 5

Spectrum Language Arts: Grade 5

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frank Schaffer Publications, PUBLISHER: Frank Schaffer Publications, Our proven Spectrum Language Arts grade 5 workbook features 176 pages of fundamentals in grammar and sentence structure. Recently updated to current national standards, including tips for clearer writing, proofreading activities, and combining sentences. This workbook for children ages 10 to 11 includes exercises that reinforce mechanics and punctuation to assist in developing proficiency. Language Arts skills include: -Verb types -Direct quotations -Homophones -Writer's guide Our best-selling "Spectrum Language Arts" series features age-appropriate workbooks for Kindergarten to grade 6. Developed with the latest standards-based teaching methods that provide targeted practice in language arts fundamentals to ensure successful learning

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Teaching Students with Mild and High Incidence Disabilities

Teaching Students with Mild and High Incidence Disabilities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabornie, Edward J. / Debettencourt, Laurie U., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Focusing on the needs of secondary-level learners with common disabilities-a group often neglected by other books on the market-"Teaching Students with Mild and High Incidence Disabilities at the Secondary Level,3/e " presents numerous research-proven instructional methods and strategies. It thoroughly examines the methods that are effective "across the board," as well as methods specific to particular challenges. The authors address special education theory and relevant research in simple, straightforward language that uses minimal jargon, making concepts accessible and understandable to all. Using case studies to show actual instruction "as it happens," this book gives readers a realistic portrait of today's diverse student population. Coverage includes: special education and adolescence; instruction methods; and current and future instructional issues. An obvious resource for special education teachers, this book is also an excellent guide for all educators, as it provides information about assessment and curriculum planning. Acquista Ora

Online Teaching and Learning Language and Culture 1st

Online Teaching and Learning Language and Culture 1st

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carla Meskill, PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Academic, NA

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Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax

Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roark, Brian / Sproat, Richard, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The book will appeal to scholars and advanced students of morphology, syntax, computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). It provides a critical and practical guide to computational techniques for handling morphological and syntactic phenomena, showing how these techniques have been used and modified in practice. The authors discuss the nature and uses of syntactic parsers and examine the problems and opportunities of parsing algorithms for finite-state, context-free and various context-sensitive grammars. They relate approaches for describing syntax and morphology to formal mechanisms and algorithms, and present well-motivated approaches for augmenting grammars with weights or probabilities.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crystal, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Second Edition of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language presents a mass of new information and introduces the subject of language to a fresh generation of students and general readers. Probably the most successful general study of language ever published, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language covers all the major themes of language study, including popular ideas about language, language and identity, the structure of language, speaking and listening, writing, reading, and signing, language acquisition, the neurological basis of language, and languages of the world. Exposing this work to a new generation of readers, the Second Edition extends the range of coverage to include advances in areas such as machine translation, speech interaction with machines, and language teaching. There is new material on acoustics, physiological concepts of language, and World English, and a complete update of the language distribution maps, language-speaking statistics, table of the world's languages, and further reading. All geopolitical material has been revised to take account of boundary changes. The book has been redesigned and is presented for the first time in full color, with new pictures and maps added.

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The Mother of Eve: As a First Language Teacher

The Mother of Eve: As a First Language Teacher

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moerk, Ernst L. / Moerk, Ernest L., PUBLISHER: Ablex Publishing Corporation, The goals of this volume are twofold: on a general level the volume explores whether evidence for teaching and learning can be found in mother-child interactions during the course of first language acquisition and whether these processes can be objectively described; on a sublevel, the volume investigates whether the denials of frequency and reinforcement effects found in the literature withstand closer scrutiny. The findings support a teaching/learning approach to first language acquisition and demonstrate some of the major principles involved in this process.

Melvilles Moby Dick

Melvilles Moby Dick

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bickman, Martin, PUBLISHER: Modern Language Association of America, Now at seventy-three volumes, this popular MLA series (ISSN ) addresses a broad range of literary texts. Each volume surveys teaching aids and critical material and brings together essays that apply a variety of perspectives to teaching the text. Upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, student teachers, education specialists, and teachers in all humanities disciplines will find these volumes particularly helpful.

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Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching 1st Published

Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching 1st Published

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rod Ellis, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, NA

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holland, Kathleen / Bloome, David / Solsken, Judith, PUBLISHER: Praeger, One of the realities of educational practice in the late 20th century is the increasing role of assessment, especially of children's oral and written language. While there are many issues and problems surrounding this assessment, one problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of alternative ways of assessing children's language and literacy for K-12 practitioners. There are many ways to approach the assessment of language and literacy. How one approaches the assessment of oral and written language depends, in large part, on how language is defined and on what purposes language is viewed as serving. In this book, alternative ways of assessing language are based on three different perspectives defining language and its uses: anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary. Although applying these perspectives to language is not new, only recently have educators and others taken seriously the need for assessment of language to be consistent with the perspectives of language underlying classroom instruction. Simply put, as language education (including reading, writing, and oral language) becomes increasingly based upon anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary principles, the assessment of language and literacy must also be based upon such principles. This book discusses and illustrates how to reconceptualize assessment in terms of the alternative perspectives outlined here.

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Higher Education for Democracy: Experiments in Progressive

Higher Education for Democracy: Experiments in Progressive

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schapiro, Steven A., PUBLISHER: Peter Lang Publishing, Schapiro (education and psychology, Goddard College, Vermont) is joined by several colleagues to examine and review the recent educational experiments at Goddard College which follow in a 60- year history of developing programs intended to enhance democracy through progressive education. Essays explore topics such as teaching spirituality, using the memoir as a way to empower marginalized students, combining Freirian and feminist approaches in anti-sexist education for men, and incorporating experiential approaches to reading and writing.

Modeling, Synthesis, and Rapid Prototyping with the Verilog

Modeling, Synthesis, and Rapid Prototyping with the Verilog

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ciletti, Michael D., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Verilog aims to introduce new users to the language of Verilog with instruction on how to write hardware descriptions in Verilog in a style that can be synthesized by readily available synthesis tools. Offers clear exposition of the Verilog hardware description language. This book is written in a style that allows the user who has no previous background with hardware description languages (HDLs) to become skillful with the language. Features treatment of synthesis-friendly descriptive styles.

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Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis

Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Posada, David, PUBLISHER: Humana Press, The storage, processing, description, transmission, connection, and analysis of the waves of new genomic data have made bioinformatics skills essential for scientists working with DNA sequences. In Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis, experts in the field provide practical guidance and troubleshooting advice for the computational analysis of DNA sequences, covering a range of issues and methods that unveil the multitude of applications and the vital relevance that the use of bioinformatics has today. Individual book chapters explore the use of specific bioinformatic tools, accompanied by practical examples, a discussion on the interpretation of results, and specific comments on strengths and limitations of the methods and tools. As a part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biologya" series, this work provides the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Focused and cutting-edge, Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis serves molecular biologists, geneticists, and biochemists as an enriched task-oriented manual, offering step-by-step guidance for the analysis of DNA sequences in a simple but meaningful fashion.

Rethinking Language Arts: Passion and Practice (Teaching and

Rethinking Language Arts: Passion and Practice (Teaching and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: Taylor & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Francis Group, NA

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The Reading for Real Handbook

The Reading for Real Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Colin / Harrison, Colin / Coles, Martin, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "The Reading for Real Handbook" is a genuinely balanced attempt to explore current theory and put forward some conclusions on the success of certain teaching methods. It It provides an account of the current theories that underpin reading and the teaching of reading and also offers guidance on how to implement those theories. Rather than simply describing good practice, it offers clear pointers indicating why the practical approaches which are put forth for consideration are theoretically sound and can be fully supported by recent advances in theory. A series of questions is posed at the end of each chapter, intended as a stimulus to self-reflection and as a potential starting point for staff discussion. An annotated booklist is also provided, which readers might use to follow up ideas contained in the chapter.

Language and Power, P.Simpson and A.Mayr

Language and Power, P.Simpson and A.Mayr

Vendo in zona Oristano testo Language and power - a resource book for students, di P. Simpson and A. Mayr, Routledge English Language Introductions, , praticamente nuovo (qualche sottolineatura a matita solo nelle prime 19 pagg..

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Intro to Scholarship in Modern

Intro to Scholarship in Modern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nicholls, David G., PUBLISHER: Modern Language Association of America, In this collection of essays, distinguished scholars of language and literature acquaint upper-level students with the forms and practice of research and criticism in language and literature.
