
Inside wikileaks

Inside wikileaks

Daniel Domscheit-Berg, Tina Klopp



Il libro dei fatti che non dovevate sapere

Offerte relazionate wikileaks: Wikileaks
NESSUN SEGRETO. Guida minima a Wikileaks

NESSUN SEGRETO. Guida minima a Wikileaks

Nessun segreto. Guida minima a Wikileaks, l'organizzazione che ha cambiato per sempre il rapporto tra Internet, informazione e potere. Dal trattamento dei prigionieri a Guantanamo ai segreti di Scientology, dal video choc dell'uccisione di civili da parte dei militari statunitensi alle migliaia di documenti che hanno riscritto la storia del conflitto in Afghanistan e Iraq. Fino ai 250 mila rapporti riservati dei diplomatici statunitensi che hanno mandato in subbuglio il mondo. Sono solo alcune delle rivelazioni pubblicate sul sito di WikiLeaks, l'organizzazione di Julian Assange che, garantendo l'anonimato ai propri informatori, ha diffuso documenti riservati di multinazionali e governi di tutto il globo. Rimettendo in discussione i confini tra giornalismo, attivismo e hacking, tra segretezza e trasparenza, tra tecnologia e potere. Ma che cosa vuole ottenere Assange? Quale pensiero informa le sue mosse? La rete sarà più o meno libera dopo WikiLeaks? E noi? Il volume, dopo aver introdotto la complessa personalità di Assange e la storia della sua organizzazione, fa il punto del dibattito Numero di pagine 185

Inside WikiLeaks

Inside WikiLeaks

Daniel Domscheit-Berg Gli specchi Marsilio - I° ed. - La mia esperienza al fianco di Julian Assange nel sito più' pericoloso del mondo spedizione non tracciata euro 1,90 tracciata euro 4,90 copertina pieghevole con alette - pagg. 299 - euro

Offerte relazionate wikileaks: Inside WikiLeaks
Inside WikiLeaks

Inside WikiLeaks

Daniel Domscheit-Berg Gli specchi Marsilio - I° ed. - La mia esperienza al fianco di Julian Assange nel sito più' pericoloso del mondo spedizione non tracciata euro 1,90 tracciata euro 4,90 copertina pieghevole con alette - pagg. 299 - euro possibile consegna brevi manu zona Torino senza sovrapprezzo

Assange(C.Görig, K.Nord)Ed.Piemme

Assange(C.Görig, K.Nord)Ed.Piemme

Autore: Editore: Piemme Anno: Aprile Libro in ottimo stato, come nuovo. Copertina cartonata rigida con sovracoperta illustrata Pagg.187 -I sostenitori di WikiLeaks lo considerano il Robin Hood del cyberspazio. Gli oppositori chiedono a gran voce la sua testa. Le internet company gli negano l'uso dei loro server. Le banche chiudono i suoi conti. La sua piattaforma viene sistematicamente attaccata. Uno scontro che imperversa nel mondo virtuale e nella vita reale. Ma chi è Julian Assange, l'uomo che persino superpotenze come America, Cina e Russia hanno imparato a temere? Un filantropo o un traditore? Un hacker geniale, una personalità complessa e intricata, un paranoico? Chi è la persona che ha contribuito a rovesciare dittatori, che ha fatto vacillare più di un governo, che svela gli affari sporchi e i retroscena più imbarazzanti, e che molti potenti vorrebbero vedere dietro le sbarre? - (prezzo copertina euro )

Offerte relazionate wikileaks: Assange(C.Görig, K.Nord)Ed.Piemme


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doctorow, Cory, PUBLISHER: Tor Books, In Cory Doctorow's wildly successful "Little Brother, " young Marcus Yallow was arbitrarily detained and brutalized by the government in the wake of a terrorist attack on San Francisco--an experience that led him to become a leader of the whole movement of technologically clued-in teenagers, fighting back against the tyrannical security state. A few years later, California's economy collapses, but Marcus's hacktivist past lands him a job as webmaster for a crusading politician who promises reform. Soon his onetime girlfriend Masha emerges from the political underground to gift him with a thumbdrive containing a Wikileaks-style cable-dump of hard evidence of corporate and governmental perfidy. It's incendiary stuff--and if Masha goes missing, Marcus is supposed to release it to the world. Then Marcus sees Masha being kidnapped by the same government agents who detained and tortured Marcus years earlier. Marcus can leak the archive Masha gave him--but he can't admit to being the leaker, because that will cost his employer the election. He's surrounded by friends who remember what he did a few years ago and regard him as a hacker hero. He can't even attend a demonstration without being dragged onstage and handed a mike. He's not at all sure that just dumping the archive onto the Internet, before he's gone through its millions of words, is the right thing to do. Meanwhile, people are beginning to shadow him, people who look like they're used to inflicting pain until they get the answers they want. Fast-moving, passionate, and as current as next week, "Homeland" is every bit the equal of "Little Brother"--a paean to activism, to courage, to the drive to make the world a better place.

America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of

America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brenner, Joel, PUBLISHER: Penguin Press, A former top-level National Security Agency insider goes behind the headlines to explore America's next great battleground: digital security. An urgent wake-up call that identifies our foes; unveils their methods; and charts the dire consequences for government, business, and individuals. Shortly after 9/11, Joel Brenner entered the inner sanctum of American espionage, first as the inspector general of the National Security Agency, then as the head of counterintelligence for the director of national intelligence. He saw at close range the battleground on which our adversaries are now attacking us-cyberspace. We are at the mercy of a new generation of spies who operate remotely from China, the Middle East, Russia, even France, among many other places. These operatives have already shown their ability to penetrate our power plants, steal our latest submarine technology, rob our banks, and invade the Pentagon's secret communications systems. Incidents like the WikiLeaks posting of secret U.S. State Department cables hint at the urgency of this problem, but they hardly reveal its extent or its danger. Our government and corporations are a "glass house," all but transparent to our adversaries. Counterfeit computer chips have found their way into our fighter aircraft; the Chinese stole a new radar system that the navy spent billions to develop; our own soldiers used intentionally corrupted thumb drives to download classified intel from laptops in Iraq. And much more. Dispatches from the corporate world are just as dire. In , hackers lifted customer files from the Royal Bank of Scotland and used them to withdraw $9 million in half an hour from ATMs in the United States, Britain, and Canada. If that was a traditional heist, it would be counted as one of the largest in history. Worldwide, corporations lose on average $5 million worth of intellectual property apiece annually, and big companies lose many times that. The structure and culture of the Internet favor spies over governments and corporations, and hackers over privacy, and we've done little to alter that balance. Brenner draws on his extraordinary background to show how to right this imbalance and bring to cyberspace the freedom, accountability, and security we expect elsewhere in our lives. In "America the Vulnerable," Brenner offers a chilling and revelatory appraisal of the new faces of war and espionage-virtual battles with dangerous implications for government, business, and all of us.
