transition education and services for students with

Transition Education and Services for Students with

Transition Education and Services for Students with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sitlington, Patricia L. / Neubert, Debra A. / Clark, Gary M., PUBLISHER: Merrill Publishing Company, This book covers the transition of individuals with mild to severe disabilities from a school-age program to all aspects of adult life. The text addresses not only the transition of students with disabilities to employment, but also the transition to future living and post-secondary educational environments. Self-determination, interpersonal, and community integration knowledge and skills are integrated throughout. "Transition Education and Services for Students with Disabilities" builds upon the success of past editions and continues to expand content to include students with severe disabilities and students at the elementary and middle school levels. This text addresses the "ideal "and the "real "in terms of the relationship of the field of transition education and services to the standards-based reform movement in education. This book is intended for use by those in pre-service education programs at the undergraduate and graduate level, as well as those currently teaching in secondary special education programs and/or providing transition education and services.

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seale, Jane K., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Most practitioners know that they should make e-learning accessible to students with disabilities, yet it is not always clear exactly how this should be done. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education evaluates current practice and provision and explores the tools, methods and approaches available for improving accessible practice. Examining the social, educational and political background behind making e-learning accessible in higher and further education, this book considers the role of and provides advice for, the key stake-holders involved in e-learning provision: lecturers, learning technologists, student support services, staff developers and senior managers. Key topics covered include: the opportunites that e-learning can offer students with disabilities the impact of accessibility legislation, guidelines and standards on current e-learning practices the reliability and validity of accessibility related evaluation and repair tools practical guidelines for 'best practice' in providing accessible e-learning experiences. E-Learning and Disability in Higher Education is valuable reading for all practitioners and researchers involved in the design and delivery of accessible e-learning in higher, further and distance education.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: SERWAY, PUBLISHER: B/C, PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, 6th maintains the Serway traditions of concise writing for the students, carefully thought-out problem sets and worked examples, and evolving educational pedagogy. This edition introduces a new co-author, Dr. John Jewett, at Cal Poly v Pomona, known best for his teaching awards and his role in the recently published PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS, 3rd, also written with Ray Serway. This authoritative text, along with the newly enhanced supplemental package for instructors and students, provides students with the best in introductory physics education. Providing students with the tools they need to succeed in introductory physics, the 6th edition of this authoritative text features unparalleled media integration and a newly enhanced supplemental package for instructors and students

Middle Grades Math  All-In-One Student Workbook Algebra

Middle Grades Math All-In-One Student Workbook Algebra

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pearson Education, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Prentice Hall Mathematics has a unique new course to help prepare your students for Algebra and beyond - Algebra Readiness (c) Our new, comprehensive course covers Pre-Algebra content specifically designed for the middle school learner. Algebra Readiness is designed for the middle school learner and provides a smooth transition from Course 1 and Course 2 Math. Students of all levels benefit from the structured leveled set of exercises in the homework sections. First, students practice by example. Next, they apply the skills they have learned, and finally, students are challenged with problems that require them to apply concepts on an accelerated level. The Go For Help icon refers students back to examples for help on similar problems previously introduced in the chapter. Topics covered include algebraic expressions and integers, solving one-step equations and inequalities, area and volume, and linear functions.

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Developmental Psychology - A Reader

Developmental Psychology - A Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David Messer, David / Messer, David / Dockrell, Julie, PUBLISHER: Hodder Arnold Publishers, This is a lively and stimulating resource for all students of child development. The book begins with an overview of the field, placing the subsequent readings in context within the discipline. It includes classic essays and important recent research, divided into six sections which reflect the major areas of study in developmental psychology: starting off in life; language and communication; cognition and representation; literacy and numeracy; others and their influence; and towards adulthood. In addition the editors have provided suggestions for using the reader and for developing related study skills. Ideal for students in developmental psychology, the book will also interest students in education, social work, and health professions.

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Julie, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Miller/O'Neill's Beginning and Intermediate Algebra is an insightful textbook written by instructors who have first-hand experience with students of developmental mathematics. Through specially designed exercise sets, student-friendly writing, carefully organized page-layout, and helpful hints and tips, Beginning and Intermediate Algebra engages students in their study of mathematics and paves the pathway for success.

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Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications with Powerweb:

Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications with Powerweb:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Magill, Richard A., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, Designed for introductory students, this text provides the reader with a solid research base and defines difficult material by identifying concepts and demonstrating applications for each of those concepts. Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications also includes references for all relevant material to encourage students to examine the research for themselves.

240 Vocabulary Words 4th Grade Kids Need to Know: 24

240 Vocabulary Words 4th Grade Kids Need to Know: 24

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ward Beech, Linda / Beech, Linda, PUBLISHER: Teaching Resources, Teachers can build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-page lessons. Each lesson is packed with fun, research-based activities that help students to explore roots, prefixes, and suffixes; use students' prior knowledge for greater understanding; and give students multiple encounters with new words so they really remember them. Watch reading skills and test scores soar For use with Grade 4.

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Mathematics for Electronics

Mathematics for Electronics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Myers, Nancy, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Algebra-trigonometry based book bridges the gap between math and technology. Open workbook format includes tear-out pages so that assigned work can be collected. Self-paced examples with solutions and exercises assist students with difficult concepts and allow for self-study. Applications are relevant to students' interest in electronics. Includes chapter on digital mathematics for computer technicians.

Keeping Students in Higher Education

Keeping Students in Higher Education

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dumbrigue, Ceci / Dumbrigue Cecille (Admissions Director S / Moxley David (Professor School of Social, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This text examines the issues surrounding student drop-outs and presents a practical guide to identifying reasons for drop out and developing solutions to the problem of retaining students in higher education.

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The Law of Special Education

The Law of Special Education

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jasper, Margaret, PUBLISHER: Oceana Publications, Over 5 million children each year receive special education services. For anyone seeking to best serve a disabled child, this book provides a thorough overview of the most important Acts providing services for disabled children and several directories of useful contact information for every state in the country. Appendices include: Selected provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Sample Educational Disability Discrimination Complaint Directory of Attorneys who represent parents of Children with Disabilities Directory of Parent Training and Information Centers and Community Groups The Legal Almanac series serves to educate the general public on a variety of legal issues pertinent to everyday life and to keep readers informed of their rights and remedies under the law. Each volume in the series presents an explanation of a specific legal issue in simple, clearly written text, making the Almanac a concise and perfect desktop reference tool. All volumes provide state-by-state coverage. Selected state statutes are included, as are important case law and legislation, charts and tables for comparison.

Black Student Politics: Higher Education and Apartheid from

Black Student Politics: Higher Education and Apartheid from

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harvey, David / Badat, Saleem / Badat Saleem, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Black Student Politics, Higher Education and Apartheid examines two black national higher education student political organizations - the South African National Students' Congress (SANSCO) and the South African Students' Organization (SASO), popularly associated with Black Consciousness. It analyzes the ideologies and politics and organization of SASO and SANSCO and their intellectual, political and social determinants. It also analyzes their role in the educational, political and social spheres and the factors that shaped their activities. Finally, it assesses their contributions to the popular struggle against apartheid education and race, class and gender oppression and the extent to and ways in which their activities reproduced, undermined and/or transformed apartheid and capitalist social relations, institutions and practices.

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Higher Education for Democracy: Experiments in Progressive

Higher Education for Democracy: Experiments in Progressive

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schapiro, Steven A., PUBLISHER: Peter Lang Publishing, Schapiro (education and psychology, Goddard College, Vermont) is joined by several colleagues to examine and review the recent educational experiments at Goddard College which follow in a 60- year history of developing programs intended to enhance democracy through progressive education. Essays explore topics such as teaching spirituality, using the memoir as a way to empower marginalized students, combining Freirian and feminist approaches in anti-sexist education for men, and incorporating experiential approaches to reading and writing.

Closing the Gender Gap

Closing the Gender Gap

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arnot, Madeleine / David, Miriam / Weiner, Gaby, PUBLISHER: Polity Press, Undergraduate and postgraduate students in education, sociology and gender studies, as well as the general reader with an interest in education or gender.

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Teaching Students with Mild and High Incidence Disabilities

Teaching Students with Mild and High Incidence Disabilities

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabornie, Edward J. / Debettencourt, Laurie U., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Focusing on the needs of secondary-level learners with common disabilities-a group often neglected by other books on the market-"Teaching Students with Mild and High Incidence Disabilities at the Secondary Level,3/e " presents numerous research-proven instructional methods and strategies. It thoroughly examines the methods that are effective "across the board," as well as methods specific to particular challenges. The authors address special education theory and relevant research in simple, straightforward language that uses minimal jargon, making concepts accessible and understandable to all. Using case studies to show actual instruction "as it happens," this book gives readers a realistic portrait of today's diverse student population. Coverage includes: special education and adolescence; instruction methods; and current and future instructional issues. An obvious resource for special education teachers, this book is also an excellent guide for all educators, as it provides information about assessment and curriculum planning. Acquista Ora

Health Services Research Methods

Health Services Research Methods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shi, Leiyu, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This book is intended to become a reference on research methods and analysis for health related research. It provides health students, practitioners, and researchers with a practical guide for conducting and evaluating health related research. It details the major components involved in conducting research including conceptualization, groundwork, choice of research methods, design, sampling, measurement, data collection and processing, statistical analysis and research reporting and application.

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 Ways to Pay for College: Practical Strategies to Make

Ways to Pay for College: Practical Strategies to Make

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tanabe, Gen / Tanabe, Kelly Y., PUBLISHER: SuperCollege, Balancing detailed explanations with real-life examples and practical resources, this guide reveals a multitude of ways to finance higher education. Topics include how to find and win scholarships, negotiate with colleges for more financial aid, maximize assistance from state and federal governments, take advantage of educational tax breaks, and benefit from government-subsidized student loans. Also included are creative strategies such as starting profitable dorm-room enterprises, trading tuition costs for volunteer service, and canceling debts with loan repayment programs. This book is designed to aid high school, college, adult, and graduate school students and their parents.

Cassettes-Open for Business

Cassettes-Open for Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fournier, Carol Ann / Chastain, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Open for Business familiarizes students with vocabulary related to sales, finance, marketing, retail, banking and accounting, and with techniques for writing memos and business letters. -- Communicative exercises and activities -- Four themes: employment skills, collaboration skills, memo/letter writing skills, vocabulary and idioms -- Glossary of business terms

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Selecting Educational Equipment and Materials for School and

Selecting Educational Equipment and Materials for School and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: -, PUBLISHER: Assn for Childhood Education Intl, In its fourth revision, this publication considers budget constraints, increased child care demands, the "back to basics" movement in education, mainstreaming, multicultural education, and high technology when identifying criteria for selection and use of quality materials to meet the growing/learning needs of children. Focuses on materials for infants through adolescents.

Successful Inclusion for Educational Leaders

Successful Inclusion for Educational Leaders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bartlett, Larry Dean / Weisenstein, Greg R. / Etscheidt, Susan, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, This book outlines and explains the requirements of special education law as it applies to regular and special education. It tackles the difficult and sometimes complicated issues of inclusion, student discipline, IEP development, transitioning, and working with parents. Its strength is presenting special education law in easy-to-understand language and its use of best practices in implementing the law. Inclusion Basics; Working with Parents and Parent Rights; Due Process Hearings, Mediation, and Complaints; Identification and Evaluation of Students; Individualized Education Programs; Placement; Preschool and Infant and Toddler Programs; Secondary School Considerations; Discipline; Student Relationships; Staff Relationships and Staffing Patterns; Budget and Funding; Autism; Emotional Disturbance/Behavior Disorders (EBD); Mental Retardation/Mental Disabilities (MD); Specific Learning Disability (LD); Orthopedic Impairment/Physical Disabilities; Speech or Language Impairment; Other Health Impairment (OHI); and Low Incidence Disabilities.

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The Changing Role of Social Care

The Changing Role of Social Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hudson, Bob, PUBLISHER: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Focusing on the enormous organizational and cultural changes that local authority social services have undergone since the NHS and Community Care Act, this volume provides an overview of the structure and function of social care at practice, management and policy levels. It contains contributions from leading academics, researchers and practitioners in the UK, and also includes chapters on the experiences of the rest of Europe and the US. The contributors examine the impact and effectiveness of key shifts in the weighting of responsibility of central and local government; who the purchasers and providers of social care are; the interaction between social services and other agencies; the relationship between voluntary and statutory sectors; and the involvement of users and carers in service design and provision. They assess the significance of the breakdown of the traditional distinctions and roles underlying social care, and lay the foundations for effective and coordinated future policy, practice and research. With the publication of the Labor Government's White Paper Modernizing Social Services, the future of social care is set for yet more upheaval. This volume will provide an indispensable overview of the evolution and destiny of local authority social services for students, practitioners and managers.

The Least Restrictive Environment: Its Origins and

The Least Restrictive Environment: Its Origins and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crockett, Jean B. / Kauffman, James M. / Crockett, PUBLISHER: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, "The Least Restrictive Environment: Its Origins and Interpretations in Special Education" examines issues of ethical leadership and clarifies instructional placement decisions that provide a full educational opportunity for students with disabilities.

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Science  Chapter Booklet (Softcover) Grade 5 Chapter 17

Science Chapter Booklet (Softcover) Grade 5 Chapter 17

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Pearson Scott Foresman, Scott Foresman Science offers many resources to support the Solar Energy kit The Scott Foresman Science Content Leveled Readers teach science concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills at each student's reading level, and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Available in English and Spanish. To find out more about our Leveled Readers, click here Scott Foresman Science also offers vocabulary cards, videos, science games, and much more to help you drive deeper comprehension and assess each students understanding These products are being offered by Pearson Education, Inc. and suggested for use in conjunction with FOSS products, but are not sponsored, authorized or approved for use by the makers of FOSS products. FOSS is the registered trademark of the Regents of the University of California. The Regents of the University of California and/or their authorized distributors have not participated in or otherwise endorsed the creation or development of these products, and are not affiliated with Pearson Education, Inc. or its subsidiaries or affiliates. PEARSON EDUCATION is a trademark used in the United States and/or other jurisdiction and is owned by Pearson Education, Inc. and/or its affiliates. Acquista Ora

Physical Education Activities Handbook

Physical Education Activities Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Edgley, Betty M. / Oberle, George H., PUBLISHER: Hunter Textbooks, From square dance to softball, this textbook offers instruction, test and lesson plans for teaching students various sports. -- Charts and diagrams illustrate playing courts, positions, strategies and safety tips -- Suggestions for games accompany each sport topic

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Going to College: How Social, Economic, and Educational

Going to College: How Social, Economic, and Educational

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hossler, Don / Schmit, Jack / Vesper, Nick, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, Going to College tells the powerful story of how high school students make choices about postsecondary education. Drawing on their unprecedented nine-year study of high school students, the authors explore how students and their parents negotiate these important decisions. Family background, finances, education, information -- all influence students' plans after high school and the career paths they pursue, as do the more subtle messages delivered by parents and counselors which shape adolescents' self-expectations. For high school guidance counselors, college admissions counselors, parents and teachers, and public policy makers, this book is a valuable resource that explains the decision-making process and helps adults to help students make appropriate choices. The authors identify predisposition, search, and choice as the three stages in the student decision-making process. Predisposition refers to the plans students develop for education or work after they graduate from high school. The search stage involves students discovering and evaluating a variety of colleges and universities. In the choice stage, students choose a school to attend from among a list of institutions that are being seriously considered. Understanding exactly how students move through the predisposition, search, and choice stages of the college decision-making process can help students and parents prepare themselves for this process and consider a wider array of options. For education professionals, understanding this process can lead to new initiatives to guide students and families effectively -- by providing better incentives for college savings, for example, or devising more effective early informationprograms about postsecondary education. Going to Collegeis the first book to seriously study over an extended period the decisions that have a pervasive and lasting impact on individual careers, livelihoods, and lifestyles. The authors conclude with important recommendations for improving academic support, exploring various financial options, providing early encouragement -- in other words, for recognizing the factors that influence students' decisions, and knowing when to pay attention to them.
