Rivers of Texas
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Huser, Verne, PUBLISHER: Texas A&M University Press, Texas' rivers are part of ong>theong> state's history, charm, and lore. Battles have been fought on ong>theong>ir banks, cities have been founded along ong>theong>ir cool currents, and countless legends have been told of ong>theong>ir treacherous crossong>inong>gs and brackish waters. ong>Inong> Rivers of Texas, Verne Huser captures ong>theong> mystery and beauty of ong>theong> state's waterways. By presentong>inong>g ong>theong> landscape, historical accounts, geological formations, economic development, and recreational opportunities along ong>theong> many streams, Huser displays how rivers ong>inong>fluence everythong>inong>g ong>inong> Texas. Huser identifies four groupong>inong>gs of Texas rivers: border rivers, heart-of-Texas rivers, regional rivers, and Gulf Coast rivers. He gives ong>inong>formation about ong>theong> size, location, tributaries, and special sites along each river and combong>inong>es documented history with colorful legends and personal anecdotes based on his own experiences. Brilliant descriptions of ong>theong> wildlife and vegetation and sixty vivid photographs enhance ong>theong> text. Written ong>inong> straightforward language and an approachable tone, Rivers of Texas is both ong>inong>formative and entertaong>inong>ong>inong>g. Huser's love for his subject and his wisdom gaong>inong>ed from travelong>inong>g and studyong>inong>g ong>theong>se rivers is evident, while his fresh blend of facts and folklore will fascong>inong>ate anyone wantong>inong>g to learn more about ong>theong> waterways of Texas.