thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times

Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times

Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fuller, Steve, PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press, Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" is one of the best known and most influential books of the twentieth century. Whether they adore or revile him, critics and fans alike have tended to agree on one thing: Kuhn's ideas were revolutionary. But were they? Steve Fuller argues that Kuhn actually held a profoundly conservative view of science and how one ought to study its history. Early on, Kuhn came under the influence of Harvard President James Bryant Conant (to whom "Structure" is dedicated), who had developed an educational program intended to help deflect Cold War unease over science's uncertain future by focusing on its illustrious past. Fuller argues that this rhetoric made its way into "Structure," which Fuller sees as preserving and reinforcing the old view that science really is just a steady accumulation of truths about the world (once "paradigm shifts" are resolved). Fuller suggests that Kuhn, deliberately or not, shared the tendency in Western culture to conceal possible negative effects of new knowledge from the general public. Because it insists on a difference between a history of science for scientists and one suited to historians, Fuller charges that "Structure" created the awkward divide that has led directly to the "Science Wars" and has stifled much innovative research. In conclusion, Fuller offers a way forward that rejects Kuhn's fixation on paradigms in favor of a conception of science as a social movement designed to empower society's traditionally disenfranchised elements. Certain to be controversial, "Thomas Kuhn" must be read by anyone who has adopted, challenged, or otherwise engaged with "The Structure of ScientificRevolutions." "Structure will never look quite the same again after Fuller. In that sense, he has achieved one of the main aims of his ambitious and impressively executed project."--Jon Turney, "Times Higher Education Supplement" "Philosophies like Kuhn's narrow the possible futures of inquiry by politically methodizing and taming them. More republican philosophies will leave the future open. Mr. Fuller has amply succeeded in his program of distinguishing the one from the other."--William R. Everdell, "Washington Times" Acquista Ora

Thomas Kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bird, Alexander, PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press, Thomas S. Kuhn () transformed the philosophy of science. His seminal work, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," sold over one million copies and was translated into more than a dozen languages. It introduced the term "paradigm shift" into the vernacular and remains a fundamental text in the study of the history and philosophy of science. This introduction to Kuhn's ideas situates "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" within the development of his thought over time. Alexander Bird explains Kuhn's central distinction between normal and revolutionary science and then examines in detail the role played by the key notion of a paradigm in his account of radical scientific change. The book considers Kuhn's claim that the scientist's world changes when paradigms change and relates this thought to his views on perception, incommensurability, and meaning. The author engages with the main criticisms of Kuhn's philosophy. Examining Kuhn's thought in relation to its historical context as well as other more recent philosophies of science, Alexander Bird argues that Kuhn's thinking betrays a residual commitment to many theses characteristic of the empiricists he set out to challenge. His book concludes by looking at Kuhn's influence on the history and philosophy of science and asks where the field may be heading in the wake of Kuhn's ideas. Accessible to those with little formal philosophy training, this is an assured and engaging read for anyone interested in Kuhn's pivotal ideas.

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Crime and Punishment in American History: The Price of

Crime and Punishment in American History: The Price of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedman, Lawrence Meir, PUBLISHER: Basic Books, In a panoramic history of our criminal justice system from Colonial times to today, one of our foremost legal thinkers shows how America fashioned a system of crime and punishment in its own image.

St. Thomas Aquinas Philosophical Texts

St. Thomas Aquinas Philosophical Texts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomas Gilby, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing LLC, NA

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: St. Thomas Aquinas Philosophical Texts
Kuhn, La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche

Kuhn, La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche

Libro in ottimo stato di Thomas Kuhn, La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche. EVENTUALE SPEDIZIONE A MIO CARICO.

The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the

The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bauer, Susan Wise / West, Jeff, PUBLISHER: Peace Hill Press, This read-aloud series is designed for parents to share with elementary-school children. Enjoy it together and introduce your child to the marvelous story of the world's civilizations. Now more than ever, other cultures are affecting our everyday lives--and our children need to learn about the other countries of the world and their history. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of other lands. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, this revised edition of "The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child, Volume 2: The Middle Ages" weaves world history into a story book format. Who discovered chocolate? What happened to the giant Fovor of the Mighty Blows? Why did the Ottoman Turks drag their war ships across dry land? "The Story of the World" covers the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present. Africa, China, Europe, the Americas--find out what happened all around the world in long-ago times. Designed as a read-aloud project for parents and children to share together, "The Story of the World" includes each continent and major people group. "Volume 2: The Middle Ages," is the second of a four-volume series and covers the major historical events in the years 400 to CE, as well as including maps, illustrations, and tales from each culture.

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the
The Greatest Joke Compendium of All Time - for Our Times

The Greatest Joke Compendium of All Time - for Our Times

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vega Roy, PUBLISHER: Author Solutions Inc, NA

The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson

The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boorstin, Daniel J., PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press, In this classic work by one of America's most distinguished historians, Daniel Boorstin enters into Thomas Jefferson's world of ideas. By analysing writings of 'the Jeffersonian Circle, ' Boorstin explores concepts of God, nature, equality, toleration, education and government in order to illuminate their underlying world view. "The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson" demonstrates why on the 250th anniversary of his birth, this American leader's message has remained relevant to our national crises and grand concerns. "The volume is too subtle, too rich in ideas for anyone to do justice to it in brief summary, too heavily documented and too carefully wrought for anyone to dismiss its thesis.... It is a major contribution not only to Jefferson studies but to American intellectual history.... All who work in the history of ideas will find themselves in Mr. Boorstin's debt."--Richard Hofstadter, "South Atlantic Monthly" Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson
17th and 18th Centuries

17th and 18th Centuries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salisbury, Joyce E. / Seelig, Peter, PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, What did historical peoples eat, wear, use? What did they hope, invent, sing? Our lives are built on essential but seemingly mundane things: food, shelter, families, neighbors, work, and play. Our activities rarely rise to headline-making greatness, and the same holds true for the majority of people throughout history. Yet it's the unremembered details of people's everyday struggles and successes that have shaped history, and continue to drive the world we know. Perfect for general readers and students of world history, U.S. history, literature, drama, social studies, anthropology, religion, and more, this exuberant new resource offers an unprecedented look at human history's living heart: the billions of anonymous men and women too often forgotten by historical studies, but without whose lives human history would be meaningless.

Food and Love

Food and Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smalley, Gary, PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, What we eat affects every aspect of our lives, from our physical health to our emotions to our ability to love. Trusted relationship expert Gary Smalley demonstrates the connection between healthy living and healthy relationships and the importance of safeguarding our health, not only for ourselves, but also for the good of our marriages and our other relationships.

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: Food and Love
The Five Senses

The Five Senses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gonzalez-Crussi, F., PUBLISHER: Kaplan Publishing, "Extraordinary on first reading, even more so on a second... the sort of book one wants to pick up again and again."--Oliver Sacks "Lively and erudite."--"The New York Times Book Review " "Gonzalez-Crussi writes essays that fuse science, literature, and personal history into highly civilized artifacts. Here are five such pieces... all of them informative, none of them predictable."-- "The Washington Post " "A meditation on sensory experience by a Mexican-born pathologist who weaves personal experiences with history, science, philosophy and theology for a wide-ranging approach to our centuries-old but undissipated curiosity about the origins of pain and pleasure.... An erudite work."--"Los Angeles Times Book Review "

KUHN Thomas, La rivoluzione copernicana. Einaudi

KUHN Thomas, La rivoluzione copernicana. Einaudi

vendo libro in ottime condizioni, se possibile con ritiro in zona

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: KUHN Thomas, La rivoluzione copernicana. Einaudi
Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging: 2-Volume Set

Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging: 2-Volume Set

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kuhn, Jerald P. / Kuhn / Slovis, PUBLISHER: Mosby, Here's the new, 10th Edition of the "bible" of pediatric radiology Since , this classic has offered comprehensive coverage of all areas of interest to the radiologist who deals with children. The title has been changed from Pediatric X-Ray Diagnosis to emphasize the new material included in this extensively revised version. This work is edited by Dr.Jerald Kuhn, the co-editor with Dr. Fred Silverman of the previous edition, and two new authorities, Dr. Thomas Slovis, former president of the Society for Pediatric Radiology, and Dr. Jack Haller. Over 30 contributors have added their expertise to nine sections of the new work.

Ahon C Interactive Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

Ahon C Interactive Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pearson Education, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Prentice Hall America: History of Our Nation is the key to unlocking the exciting story of our nation's history for all middle grades students. Authors Davidson and Stoff focus on the "why" of history--helping students make meaning of what happened long ago, why it happened, and how it remains important to us today. Every element--from a considerate text-style narrative to stunning visuals--has been designed to make this rich historical content accessible to all students. Test preparation and AYP monitoring resources to get students ready for the SOLs Engaging technology to reach your 21st Century learners Essential Questions to allow students to understand the big ideas of history Activities and resources, like the Historian's Apprentice Activity Pack, designed to help students think like historians

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: Ahon C Interactive Reading and Note Taking Study Guide
Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Advice from James for Real

Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Advice from James for Real

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawkins, O. S., PUBLISHER: Loizeaux Brothers, This practical study of James examines such matters as faithfulness to the Lord during times of trial, controlling the tongue, and dealing with illness. It challenges us to live out in our lives what we believe in our hearts.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Quiri, Patricia Ryon, PUBLISHER: Compass Point Books, - Maps - Timeline - Historic Sites - Table of Contents, Glossary, and Index - Relevant Web sites at - National Center for History in the Schools. National Standards for History. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for History in the Schools, , pp. . Era 3. Acquista Ora

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Leisure: The Basis of Culture: Including the Philosophical

Leisure: The Basis of Culture: Including the Philosophical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pieper, Josef / Dru, Alexander / Schall, James V., PUBLISHER: Ignatius Press, One of the most important philosophy titles published in the twentieth century, Josef Pieper's Leisure, the Basis of Culture is more significant, even more crucial, today than it was when it first appeared more than fifty years ago. This edition also includes his work The Philosophical Act. Leisure is an attitude of the mind and a condition of the soul that fosters a capacity to perceive the reality of the world. Pieper shows that the Greeks and medieval Europeans, understood the great value and importance of leisure. He also points out that religion can be born only in leisure -- a leisure that allows time for the contemplation of the nature of God. Leisure has been, and always will be, the first foundation of any culture. Pieper maintains that our bourgeois world of total labor has vanquished leisure, and issues a startling warning: Unless we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for non-activity, unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we will destroy our culture -- and ourselves.

The Second Continental Congress

The Second Continental Congress

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gunderson, Jessica / Bell, Richard J. / Sandmann, Alexa L., PUBLISHER: Compass Point Books, Key Features - Maps - Timeline - Historic Sites - Table of Contents, Glossary, and Index - Relevant Web sites at Standards - National Center for History in the Schools. National Standards for History. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for History in the Schools, .

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Eighteenth-Century Literary History: An"mlq" Reader

Eighteenth-Century Literary History: An"mlq" Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown / Brown, Marshall / Marshall Brown, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, Viewed as a crucible of modernity, the eighteenth century has become a special focus of "Modern Language Quarterly," a journal that has led the revival of literary history as a subject for empirical study and theoretical reflection. The essays in this volume, which cover a broad cross-section of eighteenth-century literary history, represent the best studies of this period recently published in "MLQ." While examining different parts of the century, as well as different aspects and countries, contributors explore the intersection of literary studies with history, philosophy, psychology, and the visual arts. They discuss a creative range of topics, including feminism, nationalism, domestic ideology, the classical novel-drama-lyric poetry triad, and both aesthetic and philosophical writings. This span of subjects and approaches extends the focus of "Eighteenth-Century Literary History" beyond its period to project a spirit of inquiry onto literary history in general. "Contributors." Nancy Armstrong, Marshall Brown, Sanford Budick, Catherine Gallagher, Thomas M. Kavanagh, Jon Klancher, Jill Kowalik, Jonathan Brody Kramnick, Christie McDonald, Jerome McGann, Ruth Perry, Michael B. Prince, Leonard Tennenhouse

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hartmann, William K. / Miller, Ron, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, "The History of Earth" combines geology, astronomy, evolution, history, cosmology, and painting to tell the complete and vivid history of that elegant marble known as earth. Main Selection of the Astronomy Book Club. Ages 14-up.

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our
Page One: The New York Times: Major Events  as

Page One: The New York Times: Major Events as

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: New York Times, PUBLISHER: Galahad Books, Gathering all the headline events of the twentieth century, Page One is a breathtaking chronicle of our times. This new edition contains history-making events from , including the Pope's historical visit to Cuba, the balancing of the federal budget, the Unabomber's guilty plea, and the Monica Lewinsky scandal at the White House. These stories join the major events of previous decades, from the peace treaty signed in Paris.ending the First World War to Nixon and Watergate; the re-unification of Germany to the demise of the Soviet Union; the Gulf War to the tragic bombings of the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City; and the assassination of Israel's Yitzhak Rabin. A definitive introduction to history, Page One delivers a thrilling journey into the events that have shaped this century.

The Secret History of the World

The Secret History of the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Booth, Mark, PUBLISHER: Overlook Press, The amazing surprise "New York Times" bestseller, filled with "breathtaking glimpses into worlds that heretofore have been little explored" ("Foreward") They say that history is written by the victors. But what if history-or what we come to know as history-has been written by the wrong people? What if everything we've been told is only part of the story? In this groundbreaking and now famous work, Mark Booth embarks on an enthralling tour of our world's secret histories. Starting from a dangerous premise-that everything we've known about our world's past is corrupted, and that the stories put forward by the various cults and mystery schools throughout history are true-Booth produces nothing short of an alternate history of the past years. From Greek and Egyptian mythology to Jewish folklore, from Christian cults to Freemasons, from Charlemagne to Don Quixote, from George Washington to Hitler- Booth shows that history needs a revolutionary rethink, and he has years of hidden wisdom to back it up.

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: The Secret History of the World
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Cd deva premal mantras for precarious times

CD di Deva Premal Mantras for precarious times Medial Music Come nuovo A Milano Grazie

Finding God's Fingerprints in Our Daily Lives: A Daily

Finding God's Fingerprints in Our Daily Lives: A Daily

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heffern, Jean Howell Kopp, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Too often we separate our spiritual life from the rest of our life. Given our crazy, hectic, tightly scheduled daily lives, it's easy to remain fragmented instead of drawing together all the pieces that give our lives meaning. We need to take time to look at the very ordinary parts of our day, hold them up to the light of the scripture, and see that God is always there, intimately present, active, and drawing us into a deeper relationship. God is always touching our lives, using our trials, hard times, and day-to-day struggles as well as our joys and triumphs. He is always waiting for us to recognize the potential treasures we already possess. But unless we look for His fingerprints we sometimes miss His touch on our lives and cannot see the blessings He intends for us to discover. "Finding God's Fingerprints in Our Daily Lives" is a daily devotional that looks at events, places, and objects common in life and searches out God's fingerprints within them. It portrays the author's living relationship with God in her daily living that encourages and challenges the reader to search for that same relationship within his or her own life.

Offerte relazionate thomas kuhn philosophical history for our times: Finding God's Fingerprints in Our Daily Lives: A Daily
Daily Warm-Ups for World Religions

Daily Warm-Ups for World Religions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walch Publishing, PUBLISHER: Walch Education, Encourages students to explore the history of various religions. Presents diverse spiritual, philosophical, and religious beliefs. Enhances critical-thinking skills. Turns downtime into learning time. Turns downtime into learning time.
