the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism

The Wars on Terrorism and Iraq: Human Rights, Unilateralism

The Wars on Terrorism and Iraq: Human Rights, Unilateralism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robinson, Mary / Crahan, M. / Crahan, Margaret E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, 'If I had ong>theong> power to do so, I would make this book compulsory reading for all who exercise political power in our world today Instead, I will keep my fingers crossed that it will be read by as many members of Congress and of ong>theong> current US administration as possible, and by a wide cross-section of policy analysts, diplomats, academics and human rights defenders.' - Mary Robinson, Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ong>Warsong> on Terrorism and Iraq provides a timely and critical analysis of ong>theong> impact of ong>theong> ong>warsong> on terrorism and Iraq on human rights particularly internationally, as well as related tensions between unilateralism and multilateralism in US foreign policy. ong>Theong> distinguished contributors examine ong>theong> consequences for international relations and world order of ong>theong> traditional standard bearer for human rights and democracy (ong>theong> United States) appearing not to be championing ong>theong> rule of law and negotiated conflict resolution. ong>Theong> authors also suggest effective policies to promote greater fulfilment of human rights in order to achieve peaceful accord within nations, and stability internationally.

Canada's Rights Revolution: Social Movements and Social

Canada's Rights Revolution: Social Movements and Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clement, Dominique, PUBLISHER: UBC Press, In ong>theong> first major study of postwar social movement organizations in Canada, Dominique Cl?ment provides a history of ong>theong> human rights movement as seen through ong>theong> eyes of two generations of activists. Drawing on newly acquired archival sources, extensive interviews, and materials released through access to information applications, Cl?ment explores ong>theong> history of four organizations that emerged in ong>theong> sixties and evolved into powerful lobbies for human rights despite bitter internal disputes and intense rivalries. This book offers a unique perspective on infamous human rights controversies and argues that ong>theong> idea of human rights has historically been highly statist while grassroots activism has been at ong>theong> heart of ong>theong> most profound human rights advances. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: Canada's Rights Revolution: Social Movements and Social
The European Union and the Council of Europe

The European Union and the Council of Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kolb, Marina, PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan, With ong>theong> increasing prominence of fundamental rights within ong>theong> EU it increasingly interferes in ong>theong> core competence of ong>theong> Council of Europe. This book traces ong>theong> EU and ong>theong> Council of Europe relationship in ong>theong> field of human rights - marked by mutual interferences and overlap - and explores which factors trigger cooperation or conflict between ong>theong> two organizations. Investigating ong>theong> cases of data protection, ong>theong> fight against terrorism, challenging Roma discrimination, ong>theong> Memorandum of Understanding and ong>theong> Fundamental Rights Agency through ong>theong> lens of an implementation literature and management studies-perspective, this book contends that ong>theong> biggest threat to interorganizational cooperation is organizational self-interest, despite a shared policy outlook. ong>Theong> book furong>theong>rs ong>theong> agenda set by ong>theong> literature in this field by providing a new ong>theong>oretical framework and an in-depth empirical study of two main actors in ong>theong> field of human rights protection in Europe from a political science perspective.

The Indigenous World

The Indigenous World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vinding, Diana, PUBLISHER: IWGIA, This book stands alone in its comprehensive presentation of current information affecting indigenous peoples in different regions throughout ong>theong> world. With contributions from both indigenous as well as non-indigenous scholars and activists, it provides an overview of recent developments that have impacted indigenous peoples in North America, Central America, South America, Australia and ong>theong> Pacific, Asia, Africa, and elsewhere. "ong>Theong> Indigenous World " contains ong>theong> most recent information available on international human rights efforts in addition to movements and changes in ong>theong> indigenous organizational landscape. This book serves as an update on ong>theong> state of affairs of indigenous peoples around ong>theong> world by region and country. It also updates ong>theong> human rights processes and oong>theong>r international processes such as ong>theong> african Commision on Human and People's Rights. Diana Vinding is an anthropologist and project coordinator at ong>theong> International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA).

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: The Indigenous World
Hearts, Minds, and Hydras: Fighting Terrorism in

Hearts, Minds, and Hydras: Fighting Terrorism in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nester, William, PUBLISHER: Potomac Books, Insurgencies are like hydras. Once an insurgency begins, ong>theong> measures a government takes to eliminate militants can provoke countless oong>theong>rs to join ong>theong> enemy ranks. Tactical victories often breed strategic defeats. Traditional search, destroy, and withdraw missions that rely on firepower to wipe out rebels frequently destroy ong>theong> livelihoods and loved ones of innocent people caught in ong>theong> cross fire. U.S. troops have seen ong>theong> pattern repeated as ong>theong>ir initially successful offensives toppled enemy regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq but soon transformed into grueling guerrilla ong>warsong>."Hearts, Minds, and Hydras" outlines ong>theong> reasons for ong>theong>se worsening situations. ong>Theong> most crucial were self-defeating decisions made by ong>theong> George W. Bush administration, whose neoconservatism and hubris raong>theong>r than a careful analysis of genuine threats, American interests, and reasonable options shaped its policies. Although ong>theong> Americans were eventually able to contain and diminish ong>theong> insurgency in Iraq, ong>theong> one in Afghanistan not only steadily intensified but also spread into neighboring Pakistan. ong>Theong> near abandonment of ong>theong> war in Afghanistan and ong>theong> neoconservative campaign in Iraq were godsends for al Qaeda and all oong>theong>r enemies of ong>theong> United States. ong>Theong>n, as America 's position deteriorated in both ong>warsong>, ong>theong> neoconservatives became even more determined to stay ong>theong> course. William Nester analyzes some of ong>theong> more prominent dilemmas haunting American policymakers now struggling to win in Afghanistan, fight terrorism in ong>theong> United States, and reshape ong>theong>ir relationship with Pakistan. In doing so, he reveals ong>theong> nature of that all-too-real beast of insurgency and terrorism, ong>theong> hydra; what feeds it; and how to starve it.

International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human

International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gibson, John Schuyler / Gibson, John S., PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, Since World War II, remarkable progress has been made toward establishing more effective international laws and organizations to reduce opportunities for confrontation and conflict, and to enhance ong>theong> pursuit of security and well-being. This book offers a detailed record of that progress, as well as its meaning for our times and those ahead. Taking a historical, ong>theong>oretical, and case-study approach, John Gibson provides ong>theong> reader with a broad understanding of how international organizations evolved to serve ong>theong> interests of ong>theong>ir member states, how ong>theong> constitutional charters of organizations provide a coherent statement of goals and means to goals, and how ong>theong>se organizations are assuming increasing authority in ong>theong> international system. ong>Theong> work traces ong>theong> progression of international constitutional and human rights law, with an emphasis on ong>theong> past 45 years. In ong>theong> first part, Gibson discusses ong>theong> historic processes of political relations and mutual reliance; ong>theong> evolution of ong>theong>se patterns through World War II; ong>theong> subsequent history of ong>theong> United Nations; ong>theong> prime goals of international constitutional law; and ong>theong> organizations' range of authority--from ong>theong> high state to ong>theong> supra-organization level. Part two offers a case study of ong>theong> progression of international human rights law. Separate chapters trace ong>theong> history of human rights in religion and philosophy and ong>theong> role of ong>theong> state in international law, while ong>theong> concluding chapter on ong>theong> United Nations Commission on Human Rights demonstrates how organizations actually function. This book will be a valuable resource for courses in international relations and international law, as well as an important addition to academic andprofessional libraries.

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human
Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney

Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellner, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Cinema ong>Warsong>" explores ong>theong> intersection of film, politics, and US culture and society through a bold critical analysis of ong>theong> films, TV shows, and documentaries produced in ong>theong> early s Offers a thought-provoking depiction of Hollywood film as a contested terrain between conservative and liberal forces Films and documentaries discussed include: "Black Hawk Down," "ong>Theong>" "Dark Knight," "Star ong>Warsong>," "Syriana, " "WALL-E," "Fahrenheit 9/11" and oong>theong>r Michael Moore documentaries, amongst oong>theong>rs Explores how some films in this era supported ong>theong> Bush-Cheney regime, while oong>theong>rs criticized ong>theong> administration, openly or oong>theong>rwise Investigates Hollywood's treatment of a range of hot topics, from terrorism and environmental crisis to ong>theong> Iraq war and ong>theong> culture ong>warsong> of ong>theong> s Shows how Hollywood film in ong>theong> s brought to life a vibrant array of social protest and helped create cultural conditions to elect Barack Obama

Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law

Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fiadjoe, Albert, PUBLISHER: Routledge Cavendish, Taking a critical look at ong>theong> major areas of constitutional and administrative law, Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law places a firm emphasis on ong>theong> protection of citizens' rights and good governance. ong>Theong> third edition of this book builds on ong>theong> success of ong>theong> previous two editions, setting-out ong>theong> established legal principles through Caribbean cases, along with critique and commentary of ong>theong> law where appropriate. Contemporary issues and changes in Caribbean public law are addressed including: ong>theong> refining of ong>theong> rules governing judicial review; recent cases dealing with ong>theong> death penalty; and ong>theong> likely impact on CARICOM initiatives on ong>theong> rights of citizens.

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: Commonwealth Caribbean Public Law
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides?: Abortion, Neonatal Care,

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides?: Abortion, Neonatal Care,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ekland-Olson, Sheldon, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Issues of Life and Death such as abortion, assisted suicide, capital punishment and oong>theong>rs are among ong>theong> most contentious in many societies. Whose rights are protected? How do ong>theong>se rights and protections change over time and who makes those decisions? Based on ong>theong> author 's award-winning and hugely popular undergraduate course at ong>theong> University of Texas, this book explores ong>theong>se questions and ong>theong> fundamentally sociological processes which underlie ong>theong> quest for morality and justice in human societies. ong>Theong> Author 's goal is not to advocate any particular moral "high ground" but to shed light on ong>theong> social movements and social processes which are at ong>theong> root of ong>theong>se seemingly personal moral questions.

American Jewry and the Civil War

American Jewry and the Civil War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Korn, Bertram Wallace, PUBLISHER: Jewish Publication Society of America, War has long been considered a classic text on ong>theong> Jewish role in early American history -- on ong>theong> Jewish community as a whole during ong>theong> tumultuous years of ong>theong> war, and on its effort to raise ong>theong> concept of human rights and equality above restrictions based on race or religion. This extensive volume features a new foreword and new afterword, as well as an author's preface to ong>theong> original edition, an author's preface to ong>theong> first paperback edition (), an epilogue, four appendixes, notes, a bibliography, and an index.

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: American Jewry and the Civil War
Labor Rights and Multinational Production

Labor Rights and Multinational Production

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mosley, Layna, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Labor Rights and Multinational Production investigates ong>theong> relationship between workers' rights and multinational production. Mosley argues that some types of multinational production, embodied in directly owned foreign investment, positively affect labor rights. But oong>theong>r types of international production, particularly subcontracting, can engender competitive races to ong>theong> bottom in labor rights. To test ong>theong>se claims, Mosley presents newly generated measures of collective labor rights, covering a wide range of low- and middle-income nations for ong>theong> period. Working Globally suggests that ong>theong> consequences of economic openness for developing countries are highly dependent on foreign firms' modes of entry and, more generally, on ong>theong> precise way in which each developing country engages ong>theong> global economy. ong>Theong> book contributes to academic literature in comparative and international political economy, and to public policy debates regarding ong>theong> effects of globalization. Acquista Ora

The Future of African Customary Law

The Future of African Customary Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fenrich, Jeanmarie / Galizzi, Paolo / Higgins, Tracy E., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Customary laws and traditional institutions in Africa constitute comprehensive legal systems that regulate ong>theong> entire spectrum of activities from birth to death. Once ong>theong> sole source of law, customary rules now exist in ong>theong> context of pluralist legal systems with competing bodies of domestic constitutional law, statutory law, common law, and international human rights treaties. ong>Theong> Future of African Customary Law is intended to promote discussion and understanding of customary law and to explore its continued relevance in sub-Saharan Africa. This volume considers ong>theong> characteristics of customary law and efforts to ascertain and codify customary law, and how this body of law differs in content, form, and status from legislation and common law. It also addresses a number of substantive areas of customary law including ong>theong> role and power of traditional authorities; customary criminal law; customary land tenure, property rights, and intestate succession; and ong>theong> relationship between customary law, human rights, and gender equality.

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: The Future of African Customary Law
Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Torode, Sam, PUBLISHER: Ascension Press, ong>Theong> First book in ong>theong> series, Body and Gift, begins with ong>theong> creation of man recorded in Genesis and goes on to explore its teaching on ong>theong> human body and God's design for marriage

Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and

Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kennedy, Leslie W. / McGarrell, Edmund F., PUBLISHER: Routledge, Crime and Terrorism Risk is a collection of original essays and articles that presents a broad overview of ong>theong> issues related to ong>theong> assessment and management of risk in ong>theong> new security age. ong>Theong>se original articles show how researchers, experts and ong>theong> public are beginning to think about crime and terrorism issues in terms of a new risk paradigm that emphasizes establishing a balance between threat and resources in developing prevention and response strategies.

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: Crime and Terrorism Risk: Studies in Criminology and
Gene Technology and Economy: An Interdisciplinary

Gene Technology and Economy: An Interdisciplinary

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Nordic Academic Press, Since ong>theong> late s, few areas of science have been able to compete with genetics when it comes to attracting public interest. ong>Theong> mapping of ong>theong> entire human gene pool, ong>theong> Hugo project, makes clear that genetics and gene technology concern life itself. ong>Theong> analysis of ong>theong> human DNA means that new medicines can be designed, but also that human genetic material can be patented and commercialized. In this volume scholars shed light on ong>theong> links between biotechnology and economics from a multidisciplinary perspective. Patent on genes, national and global power (im)balance, as well as human and plant genomics, are discussed.

Human Rights and Disability The Current Use and Future

Human Rights and Disability The Current Use and Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: United Nations UN, NA Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: Human Rights and Disability The Current Use and Future
Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and

Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nassar, Jamal R., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Globalization and terrorism are both charged concepts; people use ong>theong> terms loosely without regard for exactitude, often to furong>theong>r political ends. This book carefully defines ong>theong>se concepts, puts ong>theong>m in historical as well as political context, and amplifies ong>theong> basics with an exploration of ong>theong> way in which ong>theong> dreams inspired by globalization can translate all too easily into ong>theong> nightmare of terrorism. Visit our website for sample chapters

Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust

Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Foltz, Richard C. / Denny, Frederick Maong>theong>wson / Baharuddin, Azizan, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Islam is ong>theong> religion of over one billion people and is practiced in virtually every country on earth. ong>Theong> articulation of an Islamic environmental ethic in contemporary terms is all ong>theong> more urgent because Western-style conservation efforts do not fit all cultural and philosophical traditions. This volume outlines ong>theong> Islamic view of ong>theong> cosmic order and reviews ong>theong> ways an Islamic world view can be interpreted, reassessed, and applied to such environmental problems as pollution and water scarcity. Sections on social justice and on issues of sustainability and development look at ong>theong> history and roots of ong>theong> current environmental crisis; at ong>theong> broader context of women's rights of equal access to both natural and social resources; and at ong>theong> interconnectedness of environmental protection and ong>theong> alleviation of human poverty.

Offerte relazionate the wars on terrorism and iraq human rights unilateralism: Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust
Making War and Making Peace: Why Some Christians Fight and

Making War and Making Peace: Why Some Christians Fight and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Byler, Dennis / Brubaker, J. Allen, PUBLISHER: Herald Press, Dennis Byler looks at ong>theong> way Christians have viewed war and peace since ong>theong> time of Constantine. He shows how some Christians have justified participating in revolutions, ong>warsong> of national defense, ong>warsong> of conquest and genocide, ong>warsong> of religious intolerance, and ong>warsong> caused by mistakes and misunderstandings. Byler also shows why oong>theong>r Christians have refused to kill human beings in any of ong>theong>se types of conflict. An excellent book for people on eiong>theong>r side of ong>theong> question to help ong>theong>m understand ong>theong> opposing point of view. Volume 8.

International Action Against Racial Discrimination

International Action Against Racial Discrimination

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Banton, Michael P., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, An introduction to ong>theong> international law of racial discrimination, this book is ong>theong> first to provide an inside account of how a United Nations human rights treaty body actually works. At ong>theong> same time, it is an introduction to ong>theong> international law of racial discrimination. ong>Theong> book focuses on ong>theong> practical operation and implementation of ong>theong> International Convention on ong>theong> Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, emphasizing throughout ong>theong> relationship between law and politics.

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Your Rights in the Workplace 4/E

Your Rights in the Workplace 4/E

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Repa, Barbara Kate, PUBLISHER: NOLO, Let Dilbert scoff: people do have rights in ong>theong> workplace that extend beyond getting papercuts. In clear, encouraging terms that never lapse into legalese, this comprehensive book explains ong>theong>se workplace rights. State by state, it untangles ong>theong> issues concerning: -- hiring -- wages and hours -- family and medical leave -- discrimination -- workers' compensation -- job health and safety -- unemployment and disability insurance. ong>Theong> book also addresses HIV/AIDS, privacy rights and ong>theong> Americans with Disabilities Act. Completely revised and updated to include ong>theong> latest changes in each state's laws.

Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech

Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baker, C. Edwin, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Although an inchoate liberty ong>theong>ory of freedom of speech has deep roots in Supreme Court decisions and political history, it has been overshadowed in judicial decisions and scholarly commentary by ong>theong> marketplace of ideas ong>theong>ory. In this book, Baker critiques ong>theong> assumptions required by ong>theong> marketplace of ideas ong>theong>ory and develops ong>theong> liberty ong>theong>ory, showing its philosophical soundness, persuasiveness, and ability to protect free speech. He argues that First Amendment liberty rights (as well as Fourteenth Amendment equality rights) required by political or moral ong>theong>ory are central to ong>theong> possibility of progressive change. Problem areas are examined, including ong>theong> question of wheong>theong>r individual political and civil rights can in principle be distinguished from property rights, freedom of ong>theong> press, and ong>theong> use of public spaces for expressive purposes.

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Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings

Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carroll, John B. / Whorf, Benjamin L., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), ong>Theong> pioneering linguist Benjamin Whorf () grasped ong>theong>relationship between human language and human thinking: how language can shape ourinnermost thoughts. His basic ong>theong>sis is that our perception of ong>theong> world and ourways of thinking about it are deeply influenced by ong>theong> structure of ong>theong> languages wespeak. ong>Theong> writings collected in this volume include important papers on ong>theong> Maya, Hopi, and Shawnee languages as well as more general reflections on language andmeaning.

The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in

The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harre, Rom / Moghaddam, Fathali M. / Harr?, Rom, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This volume focuses on relations between ong>theong> self and oong>theong>r individuals, ong>theong> self and groups, and ong>theong> self and context. Leading scholars in ong>theong> field of positioning ong>theong>ory present ong>theong> newest developments from this field on human social relations. ong>Theong> discussion is international, multidisciplinary, and multi-method, aiming to achieve a more dynamic and powerful account of human social relations, and to break disciplinary boundaries. Four features in this work are prominent. ong>Theong> book is culturally oriented and international. ong>Theong>re is a push to move across disciplines, particularly across psychology and linguistics, and psychology and microsociology. ong>Theong>re is a focus on language and social construction of ong>theong> world through discourse. Finally, ong>theong> book represents a multi-method approach that reflects discursive methods.

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Forging Peace Intervention, Human Rights and the Management

Forging Peace Intervention, Human Rights and the Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mark Thompson, PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press USA, NA Acquista Ora
