the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring

The Talent Edge: A Behavioral Approach to Hiring,

The Talent Edge: A Behavioral Approach to Hiring,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David S. Cohen, PUBLISHER: Wiley, "A practical step-by-step approach to hiring the right person." Every hiring manager knows that the traditional hiring and interviewing process is a poor tool for predicting organizational fit and future on-the-job success. Behavioral interviewing can improve your chances of picking the right candidate two to five times over traditional processes. It focuses on how the candidate works rather than on skills, qualifications, and impressions. "The Talent Edge" shows how you can develop a concrete understanding of what your own top performers do differently than the majority of their peers, and how to translate that knowledge into a better hiring system. While using case studies from organizations that have successfully transformed their hiring practices, the book articulates the business case for a Behavioral Interviewing system, and provides a roadmap for implementing it. Comprehensive coverage includes: how to write job profiles and translate them into questions and answers that can be used in the interview; how to prepare for the interview, ask questions, and probe for the right information. The book also offers advice on how behaviors that are defined and proven to be useful in the hiring process can be incorporated into performance management, career development, and succession planning.

Behavioural Medicine in Cardiovascular Disorders

Behavioural Medicine in Cardiovascular Disorders

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Behavioural Medicine in Cardio / Vaitl, D. / Langosch, W., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Cardiovascular disorders are the major cause of death in the industrialized world. Contributions to this volume take account of the social, behavioral, emotional, and personality factors associated with these diseases. Chapters outline basic psychophysiological mechanisms in the development of cardiovascular disorders and discuss recent results in the behavioral management of these conditions. Stressing practical implementation of techniques by the practitioner, the chapters fall into four sections: psychophysiological aspects of essential hypertension, behavioral management of hypertension, prevention and rehabilitation of coronary heart disease, and behavioral aspects of cardiac arrhythmia and related problems. Each of the four sections is preceded by an introduction which outlines the issues considered.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Behavioural Medicine in Cardiovascular Disorders
After the Hunt with Lovett Williams

After the Hunt with Lovett Williams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, Lovett E., Jr., PUBLISHER: Krause Publications, It's like hiring a world famous turkey hunter-biologist to scout for you Dr. Lovett Williams cues hunters on how to plan a Grand Slam hunt, take memorable photos, and make wingbone calls To the point and easy to read.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grewal, Dhruv / Levy, Michael, PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Adding Value to your Marketing Course. Marketers understand that even the best products and services will go unsold if they cannot communicate the value to the customer. Understanding this value-based approach is critical for marketing students today, and is at the forefront of this text, setting it apart. This approach is emphasized throughout the text, and demonstrated through the use of the Adding Value boxes found in each chapter. In their 3rd edition of "M: Marketing," Grewal and Levy present a concise, impactful, and easy to read approach to Principles of Marketing. The text delivers value to both instructor and student through the engaging style and online assignment and assessment options. With monthly updates provided in a newsletter and the dynamic video program, the instructor support provided will bring marketing to life in any class setting.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Marketing
Anxiety Disorders in Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach to

Anxiety Disorders in Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McLean, Peter D. / Woody, Sheila R., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Recently developed psychosocial treatments for anxiety disorders reflect the systematic influence of scientifically generated knowledge, and these new treatments yield strong results. Research in such areas as information processing, cognition, behavioral avoidance, and the physiological components of anxious arousal has increased our knowledge of mediators that cause and maintain anxiety disorders. The development of these new clinical tools is timely, as epidemiological studies now show that up to 25% of people will experience at least one anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Meanwhile, mental health care providers are increasingly pressured to limit the number of sessions and use demonstrably effective treatments. In this book, the authors review psychosocial treatments for anxiety disorders, focusing on the scientific basis and demonstrated outcomes of the treatments. Cognitive behavioral therapies are highlighted, as they have been the most frequently investigated approaches to treating anxiety disorders. Individual chapters feature specific phobias: social phobia, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. The book is rich in clinical material and integrates science and clinical practice in an effort to help practitioners to improve the effectiveness of their work with anxious clients.

Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Friedl, Alfred E. / Koontz, Tricia / Koontz, Trish, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This is a comprehensive, easy-to-use text containing more than 300 science teaching activities, 30 of which are new to this edition. The book's focus on the inquiry approach places value on the student's thinking and doing science, and ties the text to the inquiry-oriented National Science Education Standards for science teaching issued by the National Research Council. Each of the inquiry activities contains combined discussions of methods and content. The text helps students overcome science anxiety and shows them how easy it is to teach science using a simple, consistent three-step approach to each of the science activities (set induction, investigation, and resolution). All activities use simple, easy-to-find materials. Over 250 pieces of line art clearly illustrate the teaching activities.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Teaching Science to Children: An Inquiry Approach
Everyday Evangelism

Everyday Evangelism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crossley, Gareth, PUBLISHER: EP BOOKS, The church of today can no longer assume the right to speak to the unsaved about the great issues of life and death. We have to earn that right.' Gareth Crossley believes that the approach of the Christian church to the unsaved has often been highly stereotyped and that we need to take a fresh look at the great principles of evangelism outlined in the Scriptures.

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Radley, Alan / Radley Alan, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In recent years the study of illness as experienced by patients has emerged as an approach to understanding sickness. Descriptions of the everyday situations of people with particular diseases, provide a commentary upon the nature of symptoms and upon the relation of the body to society. This approach stresses the biographical and cultural contexts in which illness arises and is borne by individuals and those who care for them. It emphasises the need to understand illness in terms of the patients own interpretation, of its onset, the course of its progress and the potential of the treatment for the condition. Worlds of Illness examines people's experience of illness and their understanding of what it means to be healthy. The contributors are the first to offer this biographic and cultural approach in one volume, redefining the perspective further and drawing attention to its potential for questioning theoretical assumptions about health and illness.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on
SPSS Demystified: A Step by Step Guide to Successful Data

SPSS Demystified: A Step by Step Guide to Successful Data

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yockey, Ronald D. / Yockey, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, "For courses in Statistics and Research Methods. " "Student Friendly, Step-by-Step Approach. Designed to be hands-on with the user performing the analyses alongside on their computer as they read through each chapter." Without question, statistics is one of the most challenging courses for students in the social and behavioral sciences. Enrolling in their first statistics course, students are often apprehensive or extremely anxious toward the subject matter. And while SPSS is one of the more easy-to-use statistical software programs available, for anxious students who realize they not only have to learn statistics but also new software, the task can seem insurmountable. Keenly aware of students' anxiety with statistics (and the fact that this anxiety can affect performance), Ronald Yockey has written "SPSS Demystified: A Step-by -Step Guide to Successful Data Analysis, 2/e. "Through a comprehensive, step-by-step approach, this text is consistently and specifically designed to both alleviate anxiety toward the subject matter and build a successful experience analyzing data in SPSS.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eric Danielson, James Levin, Elliot Abrams, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, "Meteorology, 2/e is an introduction to atmospheric science for science and non-science majors, covering all topics expected of an introductory text and organized and presented in a way that offers the instructor considerable flexibility regarding topic sequence. The text follows a unique investigative approach intended to teach the scientific method as well as meteorology. The authors have written the text to encourage this approach to learning: they pose numerous questions to the student, develop ideas bottom-up rather than explain phenomena from general principles, and attempt to assist each student in constructing his or her own map of meteorology.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Meteorology
Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

Planning Design Engineering Sys CL

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dandy, G. C. / Dandy / Warner, R., PUBLISHER: Spons Architecture Price Book, This comprehensive introduction to the scope and nature of engineering offers students a commonsense approach to the solution of engineering problems. Case studies and real-world examples are used to illustrate the role of the engineer, the type of work involved and the methodology employed in engineering practice.

Brief Family Therapy Homework Planner [With Disk]

Brief Family Therapy Homework Planner [With Disk]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bevilacqua, Louis / Beviacqua, Louis J. / Dattilio, Frank M., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Help families develop the skills they need to work through problems "Brief Family Therapy Homework Planner" arms you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: Over 30 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues in family therapeutic treatment A quick-reference format-the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problem, such as addiction, anger, mental illness, and jealousy Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments that are cross-referenced to "The Family Therapy Treatment Planner"--so you can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situation or behavioral problem A computer disk that contains all the exercises in a word-processing format--allowing you to customize them to suit you and your clients' unique styles and needs

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Brief Family Therapy Homework Planner [With Disk]
Alphabet Under Construction

Alphabet Under Construction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fleming, Denise, PUBLISHER: Henry Holt & Company, An artist's approach to introducing the alphabet "Mouse airbrushes the A, buttons the B, carves the C..." Mouse is hard at work constructing each letter of the alphabet. He dyes the D, erases the E, and folds the F. Mouse works his way right through to Z, constructing an alphabet that surpasses even the wildest artistic imagination.

Healing the Addicted Brain: The Revolutionary, Science-Based

Healing the Addicted Brain: The Revolutionary, Science-Based

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Urschel, Harold C., III, PUBLISHER: Sourcebooks, "The first science-based addiction recovery program, increasing success from % to million Americans abuse or are dependent on alcohol; seven million more abuse or depend on other drugs. But until recently, few understood that addiction is a chronic medical disease, not a personal or moral weakness. Unfortunately, the old understandings still penetrate our culture, affecting even the treatment programs used to battle addiction. Curing the Addicted Brain is a breakthrough work that focuses on treating addiction as a biological disease. It combines the best behavioral addiction treatments with the latest scientific research into brain functions, providing exercises and strategies designed to overcome the biological defects that cause addictive behavior, along with proven treatments and medications. Using this scientific approach, readers will learn to conquer the physical factors that keep them tied to addiction. Dr. Urschel's program triples the success rate of patients to 90%, opening a whole new world of overcoming addiction for those who struggle to battle this disease.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Healing the Addicted Brain: The Revolutionary, Science-Based
Vinile Close to the edge, album Yes

Vinile Close to the edge, album Yes

Vendo album in vinile nuovo, degli Yes, Close to the edge.

L'orribile attesa del giudizio universale

L'orribile attesa del giudizio universale

David Safier The exuberant Marie has a natural talent: she always falls in love with the wrong men. On the threshold of thirty-five, her love life was a succession of disastrous experiences at the edge of the tragicomic. When all seems lost, she meets Sve (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: L'orribile attesa del giudizio universale
Managing Human Resource Development

Managing Human Resource Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nadler, Leonard, PH.D., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, "Provides specific managerial guidelines to help direct the day-to-day activities of the HRD unit...Its how-to approach would be of value to current or aspiring HRD managers, human resources specialists, and line managers asked to take on HRD activities." --Choice

Questioning the Author: An Approach for Enhancing Student

Questioning the Author: An Approach for Enhancing Student

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beck, Isabel L. / Hamilton, Rebecca / McKeown, Margaret G., PUBLISHER: International Reading Association, "Questioning the Author" (QtA) is an interactive teaching strategy that helps students comprehend what they are reading. When elementary students read in a QtA lesson, they learn to question the ideas presented in the text while they are reading, making them thinkers, not just readers. Questioning the Author: An Approach for Enhancing Student Engagement with Text presents many examples of QtA in action. The authors analyze the transcripts of actual class discussions to show the important tools that differentiate QtA from other approaches to reading comprehension and engagement.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Questioning the Author: An Approach for Enhancing Student
Investment Survival: How to Use Investment Research to

Investment Survival: How to Use Investment Research to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hagenbuch, Rod / Capalbo, Richard, PUBLISHER: Quantum Group Publishing, Investors need access to high quality investment information and they need a process for how to use it to manage their stock portfolios. While the quantity of investment information is vast, much of the quality is lacking. Both individual investors and financial advisors are short-term focused, neglecting long-term strategies. The results have been excessive financial damage during volatile markets. Hagenbuch and Capalbo recommend a step-by step approach to building portfolios using different types of securities research from a variety of sources. Their approach focuses first on the portfolio, and second upon the choice of individual stocks.

Lectures on Ethics, : John Dewey

Lectures on Ethics, : John Dewey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dewey, John / Koch, Donald F., PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, Donald F. Koch supplies the only extant complete transcription of the annual three-course sequence on ethics Dewey gave at the University of Chicago from to . Koch argues that these lectures offer the best systematic, overall introduction to Dewey's approach to moral philosophy and are the only account showing the unity of his views in nearly all phases of ethical inquiry. These lectures are the only work by Dewey to set forth a complete theory of moral language. They offer a clear illustration of the central methodological questions in the development of a pragmatic instrumentalist ethic and the actual working out of the instrumentalist approach as distinct from simply presenting it as a conclusion.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Lectures on Ethics, : John Dewey
An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences: Anatomy and

An Integrated Approach to Health Sciences: Anatomy and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Colbert, Bruce J. / Ankney, Jeff / Wilson, Joe, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Unlike any other resource on the market, AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO HEALTH SCIENCES, 2E takes an all-in-one approach to preparing learners for careers in the health care industry. The book identifies the four basic building blocks of Health Sciences: anatomy and physiology, math, chemistry, and medical microbiology and then presents them in the context of health professions. Medical terminology and physics concepts are also covered. Rich illustrations, theory, practical applications, and humorous anecdotes all join together to help learners connect with the material as they learn it, fostering increased retention and comprehension. As a result, learners will gain valuable knowledge while also getting access to an insider look at health careers through the book's professional profiles. Exercises and case studies complement the comprehensive coverage and sharpen critical thinking skills, making this a complete package for anyone aiming to develop a foundational knowledge in the health sciences.

Rooney: Wayne's World

Rooney: Wayne's World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Worrall, Frank, PUBLISHER: Mainstream Publishing Company, Debate continues to rage around Rooney since he became the world's most expensive teenager after joining Manchester United for the sum of 27 million. Was it a small price to pay for the greatest young talent in the world or an obscene amount to spend on a kid who could be destroyed by his inner demons?

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Rooney: Wayne's World
Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School

Anointed in the Spirit Candidate Handbook: A Middle School

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burns Senseman, Rita, PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, The Candidate Handbook is an engaging approach that leads to thorough preparation for receiving and living a life anointed in the Spirit. The chapters of this book introduce the candidate to central aspects of the Confirmation liturgy and help them to explore the meaning of the sacrament. The material will help them to deepen your understanding of God's call to you to live a life of faith and to explore the significance of being confirmed Catholic. The candidate handbook also includes Catholic prayers and lists of Catholic beliefs and practices as well as a list of saints.

Edge and Fold

Edge and Fold

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoover, Paul, PUBLISHER: Apogee Press, Poetry. "EDGE AND FOLD comes in short couplets that have the pith of aphorisms, but dismantle any expectation of closure. They push thinking over the edge into the folds of all minds. In this amazing plural space (tenuously tethered to the white of the page) subtle discriminating intelligences unfold lyric intensity into question, wonder, mystery. EDGE AND FOLD confirms Paul Hoover as one of our important poets"--Rosmarie Waldrop.

Offerte relazionate the talent edge a behavioral approach to hiring: Edge and Fold
Helping Parents Solve Their Children's Behavior Problems

Helping Parents Solve Their Children's Behavior Problems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schaefer, Charles E. / Eisen, Andrew R., PUBLISHER: Jason Aronson, Parents are the most important people in their children's lives. Yet their potential as agents of behavioral change has barely been tapped. A growing body of evidence supports the cost-effective contention that parents can be trained to participate in resolving their children's behavior problems by applying individualized techniques based on learning principles. Behavioral counseling is the name of the process that takes up the popular "minimax" challenge to bring about maximal change with a minimal expenditure of professional energies. Drs. Schaefer and Eisen, experienced proponents of the process, have selected practical articles from the professional literature to help therapists help parents cope with common problems such as: nightmares, separation anxiety, disruptive behaviors, habit disorders (thumbsucking, bedwetting), dawdling, sibling rivalry, noncompliance. Behavioral counseling short-term, squarely focused, empirically sound is becoming the ally of choice in every mental health professional's race to make substantial gains before the client's insurance runs out. Helping Parents Solve Their Children's Behavior Problems is the comprehensive resource that will make the co-therapeutic partnership work.
