worlds of illness biographical cultural perspectives on

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Radley, Alan / Radley Alan, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In recent years the study ong>ofong> ong>illnessong> as experienced by patients has emerged as an approach to understanding sickness. Descriptions ong>ofong> the everyday situations ong>ofong> people with particular diseases, provide a commentary upon the nature ong>ofong> symptoms and upon the relation ong>ofong> the body to society. This approach stresses the ong>biographicalong> and ong>culturalong> contexts in which ong>illnessong> arises and is borne by individuals and those who care for them. It emphasises the need to understand ong>illnessong> in terms ong>ofong> the patients own interpretation, ong>ofong> its onset, the course ong>ofong> its progress and the potential ong>ofong> the treatment for the condition. ong>Worldsong> ong>ofong> ong>Illnessong> examines people's experience ong>ofong> ong>illnessong> and their understanding ong>ofong> what it means to be healthy. The contributors are the first to ong>ofong>fer this biographic and ong>culturalong> approach in one volume, redefining the perspective further and drawing attention to its potential for questioning theoretical assumptions about health and ong>illnessong>.

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Solomon, Andrew, PUBLISHER: Scribner Book Company, "The Noonday Demon" examines depression in personal, ong>culturalong>, and scientific terms. Drawing on his own struggles with the ong>illnessong> and interviews with fellow sufferers, doctors and scientists, policy makers and politicians, drug designers and philosophers, Andrew Solomon reveals the subtle complexities and sheer agony ong>ofong> the disease. He confronts the challenge ong>ofong> defining the ong>illnessong> and describes the vast range ong>ofong> available medications, the efficacy ong>ofong> alternative treatments, and the impact the malady has on various demographic populations -- around the world and throughout history. He also explores the thorny patch ong>ofong> moral and ethical questions posed by emerging biological explanations for mental ong>illnessong>. With uncommon humanity, candor, wit, and erudition, award-winning author Solomon takes readers on a journey ong>ofong> incom-parable range and resonance into the most pervasive ong>ofong> family secrets. His contribution to our understanding not only ong>ofong> mental ong>illnessong> but also ong>ofong> the human condition is truly stunning.

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Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories

Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morphy, Howard, PUBLISHER: UNSW Press, "Becoming Art" provides a new analysis ong>ofong> the shifting ong>culturalong> and social contexts that surround the production ong>ofong> Aboriginal art. Transcending the boundaries between anthropology and art history, the book draws on arguments from both disciplines to provide a unique interdisciplinary perspective that places the artists themselves at the centre ong>ofong> the argument. Western art history has traditionally regarded Aboriginal art as distanced from time and place. "Becoming Art" uses the recent history ong>ofong> Aboriginal art to challenge some ong>ofong> the presuppositions ong>ofong> western art discourse and western art ong>worldsong>. It argues for a more cross-ong>culturalong> perspective on world art history.

New Directions for Mental Health Services, Families Coping

New Directions for Mental Health Services, Families Coping

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lefley, Harriet P., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, This volume ong>ofong>fers both a longitudinal and a cross-sectional perspective on involving families in the treatment ong>ofong> adults with severe and persistent psychiatric disorders. Mental ong>illnessong> is experienced, both by patients and by their families, in a historical and ong>culturalong> context that varies across time, geography, personal space, and the life cycle ong>ofong> the ong>illnessong>. This sourcebook views culture in a broad sense--as a set ong>ofong> shared beliefs, values, behavioral norms, and practices that characterize a particular group ong>ofong> people who share a common identity--and examines the impact ong>ofong> ong>culturalong> differences on mental health theory and treatment. This issue ong>ofong>fers practice guidelines and suggestions for further research in the area ong>ofong> ong>culturalong>ly competent mental health care services. This is the 77th issue ong>ofong> the quarterly journal "New Directions for Mental Health Services."

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Staying Alive Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness, and

Staying Alive Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dennis Raphael Marcia Rioux Toby Bryant, PUBLISHER: Canadian Scholars Press Incorporated, NA

Care-Giving in Dementia 2

Care-Giving in Dementia 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miesen, Bere M. L. / Miesen, M. Bere / Jones, Gemma, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Care-giving in dementia is a new speciality with its own rapidly growing body ong>ofong> knowledge. This second volume ong>ofong> contributions from leading practitioners and researchers around the world is a handbook for all those involved in hands on caring, or in planning care, for persons with dementia. Volume 2 ong>ofong> Care-Giving in Dementia provides a rich source ong>ofong> information on most recent thinking about individualised long-term care ong>ofong> both dementia sufferers and their families. Key themes in Volume 2 are: the subjective experience ong>ofong> dementia the provision ong>ofong> care for family carers differing ong>culturalong> ong>perspectivesong> ong>ofong> dementia the crucial importance ong>ofong> life-history information for understanding a person's reaction to their ong>illnessong>. Chapters on the search for an ethical framework and the best environment within which to provide care are particularly timely.

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A Sociology of Health

A Sociology of Health

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wainwright, David, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A Sociology ong>ofong> Health ong>ofong>fers an authoritative and up-to-date introduction to the key issues, ong>perspectivesong>, and debates within the field ong>ofong> medical sociology. The book aids readers' understanding ong>ofong> how sociological approaches are crucial to understanding the impact that health and ong>illnessong> have on the behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and practices, ong>ofong> an increasingly health-aware population.

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyons, Karen / Manion, Kathleen / Carlsen, Mary, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book argues the necessity for social prong>ofong>essionals working locally to equip themselves with knowledge ong>ofong> global mechanisms and cross-ong>culturalong> issues. Local level examples include the increase in victims ong>ofong> trafficking or the effects ong>ofong> HIV/AIDS on some immigrant groups. International examples include the risk to children moving across borders, the growth ong>ofong> international pedophile networks, and the proliferation ong>ofong> terrorism.

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Advances in Psychopharmacology

Advances in Psychopharmacology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carman, John S. / Lydiard, R. Bruce / Gold, Mark S., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, The book focuses on the prediction and optimization ong>ofong> pharmacological treatment ong>ofong> psychiatric patients. Topics covered include the importance ong>ofong> accurate psychiatric diagnosis, medical problems which can mimic psychiatric ong>illnessong>, and the interface between psychiatric ong>illnessong> and opiate addiction and alcoholism. Current literature on predicting responses to antidepressants, lithium, antipsychotics and antianxiety agents is summarized. This practical guide also ong>ofong>fers details on the state-ong>ofong>-the-art uses ong>ofong> blood levels in psychiatric practice for each class ong>ofong> drugs as well as other useful information in tables, graphs and flow charts.

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Featherstone, Mike, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Recent years have seen a significant reappraisal ong>ofong> the idea ong>ofong> culture within the social sciences, and a growing integration ong>ofong> theoretical concerns between the social sciences and the humanities. Debates over concepts such as postmodernism and ong>culturalong> globalization have been symptomatic ong>ofong> a broader interdisciplinary interest in the social context ong>ofong> ong>culturalong> practice. In this book an international cast ong>ofong> eminent theorists examines a series ong>ofong> key questions on the borders ong>ofong> the ong>culturalong> and the social. Ranging across a broad canvas, the contributors focus on different elements ong>ofong> ong>culturalong> theory and ong>culturalong> process: discourse, lifestyle, the emotions, the intelligentsia, social movements, postmodernism. Linking the chapters is a concern with the central role ong>ofong> European social theory in the current reappraisal ong>ofong> culture, and an assessment ong>ofong> its relation to other international traditions. This book, for an interdisciplinary readership, will serve as an outline ong>ofong> key concerns in ong>culturalong> theory and an insight into the central insights ong>ofong> Theory, Culture and Society. The book is also published as issue 9.1 ong>ofong> Theory, Culture and Society.

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E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / Andrews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different ong>perspectivesong> on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications ong>ofong> e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning. The authors present new ong>perspectivesong> on the subject by exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence ong>ofong> the Internet and participatory media; providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science; addressing e-learning in terms ong>ofong> existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social ong>worldsong>, community and virtual communities, and online resources; and emphasizing the impact ong>ofong> everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students and researchers.

Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism

Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Song, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Justice, Gender and the Politics ong>ofong> Multiong>culturalong>ism explores the tensions that arise when ong>culturalong>ly diverse democratic states pursue both justice for religious and ong>culturalong> minorities and justice for women. Sarah Song provides a distinctive argument about the circumstances under which egalitarian justice requires special accommodations for ong>culturalong> minorities while emphasizing the value ong>ofong> gender equality as an important limit on ong>culturalong> accommodation. Drawing on detailed case studies ong>ofong> gendered ong>culturalong> conflicts, including conflicts over the 'ong>culturalong> defense' in criminal law, aboriginal membership rules and polygamy, Song ong>ofong>fers a fresh perspective on multiong>culturalong> politics by examining the role ong>ofong> interong>culturalong> interactions in shaping such conflicts. In particular, she demonstrates the different ways that majority institutions have reinforced gender inequality in minority communities and, in light ong>ofong> this, argues in favour ong>ofong> resolving gendered ong>culturalong> dilemmas through interong>culturalong> democratic dialogue.

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Bakers Biographical Dictionaryof Twentieth Century Class

Bakers Biographical Dictionaryof Twentieth Century Class

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kuhn, Laura / Slonimsky, Nicolas, PUBLISHER: Schirmer G Books, A significant addition to the information provided in the 8th edition ong>ofong> Baker's ong>Biographicalong> Dictionary ong>ofong> Musicians.

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Lawrence E. / Kagan, Jerome / Harrison, Harrison E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Developing Cultures: Essays on ong>Culturalong> Change "is a collection ong>ofong> 21 expert essays on the institutions that transmit ong>culturalong> values from generation to generation. The essays are an outgrowth ong>ofong> a research project begun by Samuel Huntington and Larry Harrison in their widely discussed book Culture Matters the goal ong>ofong> which is guidelines for ong>culturalong> change that can accelerate development in the Third World. The essays in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects ong>ofong> education, the world's major religions, the media, political leadership, and development projects. The book is companion volume to "Developing Cultures: Case Studies."().

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Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with

Pathways to Cultural Awareness: Cultural Therapy with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spindler, George D. / Spindler, George / Spindler, Louise, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, ong>Culturalong> therapy is a way ong>ofong> helping people cope with ong>culturalong> diversity and societal inequity through the mediation ong>ofong> the school as a central institution for ong>culturalong> transmission and maintenance. This book illustrates how ong>culturalong> therapy can be applied in educational settings to promote better understanding among teachers and students. Each chapter presents a situation in which the author has been intimately involved, ong>ofong>fering a variety ong>ofong> approaches to, and interpretations ong>ofong>, ong>culturalong> therapy.

Culture and the Changing Environment: Uncertainty,

Culture and the Changing Environment: Uncertainty,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Casimir, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Berghahn Books, "This remarkable anthology ong>ofong> 13 essays is a cross-ong>culturalong> study on ecological anthropology, which examines the ong>culturalong> construction ong>ofong> nature, human evaluation ong>ofong> environmental risks, and human action to mitigate such risks. The anthology persuasively critiques the privileging ong>ofong> Western rationality over culture-specific ong>perspectivesong> ong>ofong> environmental change... It] stands alone for the geographical sweep ong>ofong> its contributions - from Europe, Asia, and Africa - and its disciplinary eclecticism, which draws deeply on anthropology, geography, psychology, ethnography, ethnology, and sociology... Essential." Choice Today human ecology has split into many different sub-disciplines such as historical ecology, political ecology or the New Ecological Anthropology. The latter in particular has criticised the predominance ong>ofong> the Western view on different ecosystems, arguing that culture-specific world views and human-environment interactions have been largely neglected. However, these different ong>perspectivesong> only tackle specific facets ong>ofong> a local and global hyper-complex reality. In bringing together a variety ong>ofong> views and theoretical approaches, these especially commissioned essays prove that an interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding ong>ofong> the extreme complexity ong>ofong> the human-environment interface(s) is possible. Michael J. Casimir is Prong>ofong>essor ong>ofong> ong>Culturalong> Anthropology at the University ong>ofong> Cologne. He has conducted prolonged fieldwork on the ecology, economy, environmental management and nutritional and socialisation patterns among pastoral nomads in west Afghanistan and Kashmir. Together with Aparna Rao he was chairperson ong>ofong> the Commission on Nomadic Peoples ong>ofong> the International Union ong>ofong> Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences (), and was until one ong>ofong> the editors ong>ofong> Nomadic Peoples (Berghahn), the ong>ofong>ficial journal ong>ofong> the Commission. His major publications include Flocks and Food. A Bioong>culturalong> Approach to the Study ong>ofong> Pastoral Foodways (); Mobility and Territoriality (ed. ); Nomadism in South Asia (ed. ). Acquista Ora

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Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Women in German Yearbook / Joeres, Ruth-Ellen B. / Herminghouse, Patricia A., PUBLISHER: University ong>ofong> Nebraska Press, "Women in German Yearbook" is a refereed publication that presents a wide range ong>ofong> feminist approaches to all aspects ong>ofong> German literary, ong>culturalong>, and language studies, including pedagogy. Each issue contains critical studies on the work, history, life, literature, and arts ong>ofong> women in the German-speaking world, reflecting the interdisciplinary ong>perspectivesong> that inform feminist German studies.

The Three-Edged Sword

The Three-Edged Sword

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Potts, Maureen A., PUBLISHER: University Press ong>ofong> America, This book is a study ong>ofong> the complex, interconnected physical, psychological, social, and economic stresses that serious or chronic ong>illnessong> inflicts on patients in 20th-century America. The author explores these themes through the retelling ong>ofong> her own experience ong>ofong> a sixteenth-month search in (interspersed with some scholarly commentary) for a diagnosis ong>ofong> lupus and ong>ofong> the gradual evolution ong>ofong> coping strategies since. The author addresses the physical suffering and psychological ramifications ong>ofong> ong>illnessong>, the social stigma and economic disasters that ong>ofong>ten accompany such an experience, and the dehumanizing responses ong>ofong> the medical world.

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Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Downing, John / Mohammadi, Ali / Sreberny-Mohammadi, Annabelle, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The Second Edition ong>ofong> this successful text has been updated and extensively revised to provide students with an engaging introduction to media studies. Practical and accessible, Questioning the Media invites readers to be active participants in the process ong>ofong> understanding the importance ong>ofong> the media today. New chapters on media and identity, global media influences, computer-mediated communication, feminist media theories, popular music and news coverage ong>ofong> AIDS enhance the previous collection ong>ofong> original works by distinguished contributors. With helpful introductions to each section and chapter, this innovative volume ong>ofong>fers diverse critical ong>perspectivesong> on media studies, political economy, ong>culturalong> studies, the Frankfurt School ong>ofong> Critical Theory, feminism, audience ethnography and ong>culturalong> dependency. Students can examine thoroughly topics in mass culture, technology, international communication and more. Throughout the book sophisticated terms and concepts are explained, making this the ideal critical introduction to media studies.

The Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives

The Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, Gregson, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, The essays collected in this issue ong>ofong>fer complementary critical ong>perspectivesong> on the mature lyric work ong>ofong> Derek Walcott, the acclaimed Nobel laureate from the Caribbean island ong>ofong> St. Lucia. The centerpiece ong>ofong> the ensemble is a previously unpublished essay in which Walcott's reflections on poetics illuminate his project in the masterpiece, "Omeros." Other contributions by literary scholars in North America and the Caribbean focus on fundamental dimensions ong>ofong> Walcott's craft and on such thematic preoccupations as the intersection ong>ofong> pictorial and verbal modes ong>ofong> representation, the deployment ong>ofong> nuanced intertextual strategies (especially in relation to the Greco-Roman canon), the invention ong>ofong> a viable artistic identity in a postcolonial interong>culturalong> milieu, and the psychosocial modeling ong>ofong> the process ong>ofong> literary apprenticeship. "Contributors. "Edward Baugh, Peter Burian, Gregson Davis, Carol Dougherty, Joseph Farrell, Judith Harris, Timothy Hong>ofong>meister, Derek Walcott

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Interviews: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and

Interviews: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olson, Gary A. / Gale, Irene / Lunsford, Andrea, PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This book contains interviews with psychologist Mary Field Belenky, linguist and philosopher ong>ofong> language Noam Chomsky, French deconstructionist Jacques Derrida, international literacy scholar Paulo Freire, distinguished anthropologist Clifford Geertz, philosopher Richard Rorty, and ong>culturalong> critic Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (all ong>ofong> whose work has influenced the discipline ong>ofong> rhetoric and composition) followed by essay responses from notable scholars in rhetoric and composition.

Embodied Progress: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception

Embodied Progress: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franklin, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Routledge, New Reproductive Technologies, such as in "vitro fertilization, " have been the subject ong>ofong> intense public discussion and debate worldwide. In addition to difficult ethical, moral, personal and political questions, new technologies ong>ofong> assisted conception also raise novel socio-ong>culturalong> dilemmas. How are parenthood, kinship and procreation being redefined in the context ong>ofong> new reproductive technologies? Has reproductive choice become part ong>ofong> consumer culture? "Embodied Progress" ong>ofong>fers a unique perspective on these and other ong>culturalong> dimensions ong>ofong> assisted conception techniques. Based on ethnographic research in Britain, this study foregrounds the experiences ong>ofong> women and couples who undergo "IVF, " while also asking how such experiences may be variously understood.

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Historical Perspectives on Climate Change

Historical Perspectives on Climate Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fleming, James Rodger, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This intriguing volume provides a thorough examination ong>ofong> the historical roots ong>ofong> global climate change as a field ong>ofong> inquiry, from the Enlightenment to the late twentieth century. Based on primary and archival sources, the book is filled with interesting ong>perspectivesong> on what people have understood, experienced, and feared about the climate and its changes in the past. Chapters explore climate and culture in Enlightenment thought; climate debates in early America; the development ong>ofong> international networks ong>ofong> observation; the scientific transformation ong>ofong> climate discourse; and early contributions to understanding terrestrial temperature changes, infrared radiation, and the carbon dioxide theory ong>ofong> climate. But perhaps most important, this book shows what a study ong>ofong> the past has to ong>ofong>fer the interdisciplinary investigation ong>ofong> current environmental problems.

A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in

A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt: Documents in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thorner, Thomas / Frohn-Nielson, Thor, PUBLISHER: University ong>ofong> Toronto Press, This new edition ong>ofong> Broadview's two volume anthology ong>ofong> documents in Canadian history, A Few Acres ong>ofong> Snow and A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt, presents many new documentary sources on Canadian history, combined with the most compelling passages from the first edition, Included are documents that focus on the history ong>ofong> Canada's various regions; on social, ong>culturalong>, political and intellectual history; and on the experiences ong>ofong> women, Native peoples, immigrants and labour.

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Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holland, Kathleen / Bloome, David / Solsken, Judith, PUBLISHER: Praeger, One ong>ofong> the realities ong>ofong> educational practice in the late 20th century is the increasing role ong>ofong> assessment, especially ong>ofong> children's oral and written language. While there are many issues and problems surrounding this assessment, one problem that needs to be addressed is the lack ong>ofong> alternative ways ong>ofong> assessing children's language and literacy for K-12 practitioners. There are many ways to approach the assessment ong>ofong> language and literacy. How one approaches the assessment ong>ofong> oral and written language depends, in large part, on how language is defined and on what purposes language is viewed as serving. In this book, alternative ways ong>ofong> assessing language are based on three different ong>perspectivesong> defining language and its uses: anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary. Although applying these ong>perspectivesong> to language is not new, only recently have educators and others taken seriously the need for assessment ong>ofong> language to be consistent with the ong>perspectivesong> ong>ofong> language underlying classroom instruction. Simply put, as language education (including reading, writing, and oral language) becomes increasingly based upon anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, and literary principles, the assessment ong>ofong> language and literacy must also be based upon such principles. This book discusses and illustrates how to reconceptualize assessment in terms ong>ofong> the alternative ong>perspectivesong> outlined here.
