the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay

The Social Life of Painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay

The Social Life of Painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eleanor Wong>inong>sor Leach, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, NA

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Steele, Philip, PUBLISHER: Kong>inong>gfisher, All roads lead to ong>Romeong>, especially where ong>theong> study ong>ofong> history is concerned. ong>Ancientong> ong>Romeong>'s crowded streets, elegant homes, ong>andong> majestic Coliseum are brought vividly to ong>lifeong> ong>inong> stunnong>inong>g state-ong>ofong>-ong>theong> art illustrations. Along ong>theong> way kids learn all about ong>Romeong>'s geography, religion, rulers, wars, fashion, architecture, ong>andong> more. Throughout ong>theong> book, web long>inong>ks ong>andong> quotes direct readers to more ong>inong>formation.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dargie, Richard, PUBLISHER: Enchanted Lion Books, ong>Romeong> grew from a small settlement on ong>theong> banks ong>ofong> ong>theong> Tiber to become a great city, ong>andong> eventually ong>theong> capital ong>ofong> ong>theong> greatest empire ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>ancientong> world. ong>Theong> legacy ong>ofong> ong>Romeong> is its Latong>inong> language, its laws, its architecture ong>andong> ong>theong> urge to create empire, from ong>theong> Holy Roman Empire itself to ong>theong> European Union. "ong>Ancientong> ong>Romeong>" recreates ong>theong> lives ong>andong> beliefs ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>ancientong> Romans ong>inong> a lively ong>andong> historically specific manner through long>inong>kong>inong>g text with photographs ong>andong> illustrations to describe daily ong>lifeong> over a period ong>ofong> 600 years (200 BCE-400 CE). By connectong>inong>g an illustration ong>ofong> ong>theong> past to current photographs, ong>Ancientong> ong>Romeong> provides a clear picture ong>ofong> how ong>ancientong> ong>lifeong> is reconstructed. Archaeology ong>andong> "How Do We Know?" boxes, providong>inong>g evidence for ong>theong> ong>inong>formation presented, show how knowledge ong>ofong> ong>theong> past is auong>theong>nticated. A detailed timelong>inong>e, a glossary, a furong>theong>r ong>inong>formation section ong>andong> an ong>inong>dex round out this clearly presented ong>andong> engagong>inong>g book. Rich with evidence ong>andong> colorful descriptions, "ong>Ancientong> ong>Romeong>" is a valuable guide to discoverong>inong>g ong>theong> roots ong>ofong> western civilization. "ong>Ancientong> ong>Romeong> "is part ong>ofong> ong>theong> Picturong>inong>g ong>theong> Past Series from Enchantend Lion Books: How do we know what we know about ong>ancientong> peoples ong>andong> ong>theong>ir cultures that have disappeared? Ultimately, ong>theong>re are three maong>inong> sources ong>ofong> ong>inong>formation: ong>theong> images that survive ong>inong> wall ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s, ceramics ong>andong> sculptures; artifacts, such a jewelry, utensils, toys, clothong>inong>g, ong>andong> tools; ong>andong> ong>theong> writong>inong>gs ong>ofong> ong>ancientong> authors that have survived ong>theong> ravages ong>ofong> time. From such sources, it is possibleto begong>inong> to reconstruct ong>theong> ong>lifeong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> distant past with an astonishong>inong>g degree ong>ofong> accuracy.

Life of Jesus

Life of Jesus

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morris, Neil, PUBLISHER: Enchanted Lion Books, Some ong>ofong> ong>theong> world's greatest ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s depict scenes from ong>theong> ong>lifeong> ong>ofong> Jesus, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g ong>theong> Annunciation, ong>theong> Nativity, ong>theong> Baptism, ong>theong> Sermon on ong>theong> Mount, ong>theong> Last Supper, ong>theong> Trail, ong>theong> Crucifixion, ong>theong> Resurrection ong>andong> ong>theong> Ascension. ong>Inong> addition to ong>theong> book's maong>inong> large ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s, magnificently reproduced, smaller ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s are used as commentary. Moreover, symbolic elements, such as ong>theong> lily, ong>theong> dove ong>andong> ong>theong> open book ong>inong> ong>theong> Annunciation are explaong>inong>ed, ong>andong> each ong>ofong> ong>theong> people represented is identified through a graphic reduction ong>ofong> ong>theong> maong>inong> ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>. ong>Theong> New Testament texts accompanyong>inong>g each image adumbrate ong>andong> enhance each visual scene, deepenong>inong>g ong>theong> reader's understong>andong>ong>inong>g ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>. A clear, ong>inong>formative ong>andong> visually pleasurable ong>inong>troduction to Jesus' ong>lifeong> as rendered by some ong>ofong> ong>theong> greatest paong>inong>ters ong>ofong> all time.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: Life of Jesus
The Scandal of Gender

The Scandal of Gender

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mitchell, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Regong>inong>a Orthodox Press, What did ong>theong> Faong>theong>rs ong>ofong> ong>theong> historic Church teach about ong>theong> role ong>ofong> women ong>inong> ong>theong> Church? For many years ong>theong> answer to this question has come from femong>inong>ist ong>theong>ologians. It has been difficult to fong>inong>d a book that presents what ong>theong> Church Faong>theong>rs ong>andong> ong>theong> Scriptures teach on women ong>andong> men's role ong>inong> ong>theong> ong>lifeong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> Church. ong>Theong> Scong>andong>al ong>ofong> Gender brong>inong>gs us ong>inong>to direct contact with ong>theong> auong>theong>ntic ong>andong> origong>inong>al teachong>inong>gs ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>ancientong> Christian Church Faong>theong>rs on ong>theong> issue ong>ofong> ong>theong> proper role ong>ofong> women ong>andong> men ong>inong> ong>theong> ong>lifeong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> Church. ong>Theong> poong>inong>t ong>ofong> view ong>ofong> ong>theong> Reader Patrick Mitchell reflects ong>theong> traditional Orthodox poong>inong>t ong>ofong> view ong>ofong> ong>theong> Early Church Faong>theong>rs ong>andong> ong>theong> Bible.

The big book of decorative painting

The big book of decorative painting

Jackie Shaw Decorative ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong> is ong>theong> art ong>ofong> ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong> on home furnishong>inong>gs ong>andong> fabric. This book provides comprehensive coverage ong>ofong> this art, ong>andong> features techniques for ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong> on furniture, fabric, wood ong>andong> tong>inong>. (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: The big book of decorative painting
The Life of Moses

The Life of Moses

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morris, Neil, PUBLISHER: Enchanted Lion Books, Thirteen ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s tell ong>theong> story ong>ofong> Moses' ong>lifeong>, from his discovery as a foundlong>inong>g on ong>theong> Nile, to his death on Mt. Pisgah over-lookong>inong>g ong>theong> long>andong> ong>ofong> Canaan. Also depicted are ong>theong> killong>inong>g ong>ofong> ong>theong> Egyptian overseer; ong>theong> flight to Midian ong>andong> ong>theong> burnong>inong>g bush; Moses confrontong>inong>g ong>theong> Pharaoh; ong>theong> Plagues; ong>theong> Exodus ong>andong> ong>theong> partong>inong>g ong>ofong> ong>theong> Red Sea; ong>theong> manna from heaven; Moses on Mt. Song>inong>ai receivong>inong>g ong>theong> Ten Commong>andong>ments; ong>andong> ong>theong> golden calf. ong>Theong> book also is enriched by a detailed commentary on each ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>. ong>Theong> story that ong>inong>spired ong>theong> work is re-told, ong>andong> symbols ong>andong> important characters are explaong>inong>ed. All ong>inong> all, a stunnong>inong>g visual ong>inong>troduction to ong>theong> great ong>theong>mes ong>ofong> ong>theong> Old Testament as presented ong>inong> works ong>ofong> art.

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, T. N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is ong>theong> first general ong>socialong> ong>andong> political history ong>ofong> Malaya. Focusong>inong>g on ong>theong> years to , ong>theong> last years ong>ofong> British rule ong>andong> ong>theong> achievement ong>ofong> ong>inong>dependence, it embraces a wealth ong>ofong> ong>socialong>, economic ong>andong> cultural, as well as political ong>theong>mes. It contaong>inong>s new research on ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> ong>theong> Second World War ong>inong> Malaya, ong>theong> origong>inong>s ong>andong> course ong>ofong> ong>theong> Communist Emergency, ong>andong> ong>theong> response ong>ofong> Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism ong>andong> ong>socialong> change. A concludong>inong>g chapter takes ong>theong>se ong>theong>mes forward ong>inong>to ong>theong> s to shed new light on ong>theong> emergence ong>ofong> this important Souong>theong>ast Asian nation.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clough, Arthur Hugh / Plutarch, PUBLISHER: Modern Library, Plutarch's Lives, written at ong>theong> begong>inong>nong>inong>g ong>ofong> ong>theong> second century A.D., is a brilliant ong>socialong> history ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>ancientong> world by one ong>ofong> ong>theong> greatest biographers ong>andong> moralists ong>ofong> all time. ong>Inong> what is by far his most famous ong>andong> ong>inong>fluential work, Plutarch reveals ong>theong> character ong>andong> personality ong>ofong> his subjects ong>andong> how ong>theong>y led ultimately to tragedy or victory. Richly anecdotal ong>andong> full ong>ofong> detail, Volume I contaong>inong>s prong>ofong>iles ong>andong> comparisons ong>ofong> Romulus ong>andong> ong>Theong>seus, Numa ong>andong> Lycurgus, Fabius ong>andong> Pericles, ong>andong> many more powerful figures ong>ofong> ong>ancientong> Greece ong>andong> ong>Romeong>. ong>Theong> present translation, origong>inong>ally published ong>inong> ong>inong> conjunction with a ong>lifeong> ong>ofong> Plutarch by John Dryden, was revised ong>inong> by ong>theong> poet ong>andong> scholar Arthur Hugh Clough, whose notes ong>andong> preface are also ong>inong>cluded ong>inong> this edition. "From ong>theong> Trade Paperback edition."

Evolutionary Politics

Evolutionary Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schubert, Glendon A., JR., PUBLISHER: Souong>theong>rn Illong>inong>ois University Press, This synong>theong>sis ong>ofong> research ong>inong>to ong>theong> behavior ong>ofong> humans ong>andong> oong>theong>r ong>socialong> animals ranges horizontally from a congruence ong>ofong> ong>theong> perspectives ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>lifeong> sciences, ong>socialong> sciences, ong>andong> physical sciences ong>andong> longitudong>inong>ally from that ong>ofong> ong>theong> most recent 60 million years, but emphasizong>inong>g ong>theong> last 12 thousong>andong> years. From a political science perspective, ong>theong>se essays focus on both ong>inong>dividual ong>andong> small-group political behavior. Schubert's work draws extensively on contemporary evolutionary ong>theong>ory, bioong>socialong> ong>andong> psychobiological ong>theong>ory, ethology ong>andong> primatology, behavioral ecology, experimental work ong>inong> animal behavior, neurobiology, human development, ong>andong> ong>theong> philosophy ong>ofong> both ong>lifeong> ong>andong> ong>socialong> sciences. ong>Inong>troducong>inong>g ong>andong> concludong>inong>g ong>theong> book are essays that discuss ong>theong> implications ong>ofong> biology ong>andong> ong>theong> ong>lifeong> sciences for ong>theong> study ong>ofong> political science. ong>Theong> oong>theong>rs center on five topics: political ethology (naturalistic study ong>ofong> human behavior as animal behavior); political evolution; evolutionary ong>theong>ory; evolutionary development (ecological, epigenetic, ong>andong> ontogenetic); ong>andong> ong>theong> evolution ong>ofong> human thong>inong>kong>inong>g.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: Evolutionary Politics
Continental Philosophy of Social Science: Hermeneutics,

Continental Philosophy of Social Science: Hermeneutics,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sherratt, Yvonne, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Yvonne Sherratt argues for ong>theong> importance ong>ofong> an historical understong>andong>ong>inong>g ong>ofong> ong>theong> contong>inong>ental traditional approach to ong>socialong> science ong>inong> order to appreciate its ong>inong>dividual, humanist character. Examong>inong>ong>inong>g ong>theong> key traditions ong>ofong> hermeneutic, genealogical ong>andong> critical ong>theong>ory, ong>andong> ong>theong> texts ong>ofong> major thong>inong>kers such as Gadamer, Ricoeur, Derrida, Nietzsche, Foucault, ong>theong> Early Frankfurt School ong>andong> Habermas, she also contextualizes contemporary developments withong>inong> strong>andong>s ong>ofong> thought stemmong>inong>g back to ong>Ancientong> Greece ong>andong> ong>Romeong>. Sherrat demonstrates how ong>theong>se modes ong>ofong> thong>inong>kong>inong>g developed through ong>theong> ages to become part ong>ofong> twentieth-century disciplong>inong>es.

The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregorios, Paulos Mar, PUBLISHER: Contong>inong>uum, ong>Theong> Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan ong>ofong> New Delhi gaong>theong>rs togeong>theong>r ong>theong> wisdom ong>ofong> science ong>andong> ong>ancientong> ong>andong> Contemporary spirituality to plea for ong>socialong>, environmental, ong>andong> personal justice.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: The Human Presence: Ecological Spirituality and the Age of
The Life and Ministry of William Booth: Founder of the

The Life and Ministry of William Booth: Founder of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Roger Joseph, PUBLISHER: Abong>inong>gdon Press, Throughout his ong>lifeong>, William Booth sought to mong>inong>ister to ong>theong> least, ong>theong> last, ong>andong> ong>theong> lost. Booth, togeong>theong>r with his wife Caong>theong>rong>inong>e, founded ong>andong> organized ong>theong> world-wide mission still known as ong>Theong> Salvation Army. Booth's focus on ong>theong> poor ong>andong> margong>inong>alized comes directly from his ong>theong>ological convictions ong>andong> his relationship with ong>theong> Methodist movement ong>inong> Great Britaong>inong>, Particularly his understong>andong>ong>inong>g ong>ofong> John Wesley's doctrong>inong>e ong>ofong> sanctification ong>andong> emphasis on ong>socialong> activism. This groundong>inong>g was ong>theong> matrix from which Booth transformed his world.

Life Events and Psychological Functioning: Theoretical and

Life Events and Psychological Functioning: Theoretical and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cohen, Lawrence H., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This volume focuses on recent ong>theong>oretical ong>andong> methodological advances ong>inong> empirical research ong>andong> examong>inong>es ong>theong> relationship between ong>lifeong> events ong>andong> psychological functionong>inong>g. It considers ong>lifeong> events ong>inong> child, adolescent ong>andong> geriatric populations. It also discusses ong>theong> contributions ong>ofong> small events to stress, ong>theong> effects ong>ofong> positive events ong>andong> adjustments to stressful ong>lifeong> events. ong>Theong> volume makes a substantive contribution to ong>theong> ong>socialong> ong>andong> behavioural sciences.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: Life Events and Psychological Functioning: Theoretical and
Poverty and Economic Reforms: The Social Concerns

Poverty and Economic Reforms: The Social Concerns

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aurora, G., PUBLISHER: Academic Foundation, Based on research carried out ong>inong> a few villages ong>inong> South ong>Inong>dia, this book's chief concern was to examong>inong>e ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> ong>theong> economic reforms on ong>theong> poor with a focus on levels ong>andong> ong>inong>tensity ong>ofong> poverty, ong>socialong> dimensions ong>ofong> deprivation, food security, ong>andong> ong>theong> role ong>ofong> MNCs.

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Elliott, PUBLISHER: University ong>ofong> Nebraska Press, Elliott West's careful analysis ong>ofong> ong>theong> role ong>andong> development ong>ofong> ong>theong> saloon as an ong>inong>stitution on ong>theong> mong>inong>ong>inong>g frontier provides unique ong>inong>sights ong>inong>to ong>theong> ong>socialong> ong>andong> economic history ong>ofong> ong>theong> American West. Drawong>inong>g on contemporaneous newspapers ong>andong> many unpublished firsthong>andong> accounts, West shows that ong>theong> physical evolution ong>ofong> ong>theong> saloon, from crude tents ong>andong> shanties ong>inong>to elegant establishments for drong>inong>kong>inong>g ong>andong> gamong>inong>g, reflected ong>theong> growth ong>andong> maturity ong>ofong> ong>theong> surroundong>inong>g community.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome: Volume )

Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome: Volume )

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mong>inong>or, Vernon Hyde, PUBLISHER: American Academy ong>inong> ong>Romeong>, Among ong>theong> twelve articles ong>inong>cluded ong>inong> ong>theong> newest volume from ong>theong> American Academy ong>inong> ong>Romeong> are: "ong>Theong> Native Market for Greek Vases ong>andong> its Implications"; "Unpublished Documents Shed New Light on ong>theong> Licong>inong>ian Tomb"; "ong>Theong> Chronicle ong>ofong> Francesco Venimbeni da Fabriano"; ong>andong> "Venice Before ong>theong> Grong>andong> Canal." Anthony Corbeill is Associate Prong>ofong>essor ong>ofong> Classics, University ong>ofong> Kansas.

Great Paintings of the World

Great Paintings of the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Guillou, Jean-Francois, PUBLISHER: Quadrillion Media LLC, Approachong>inong>g ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong> from a ong>theong>matic raong>theong>r than chronological viewpoong>inong>t, Great ong>Paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s ong>ofong> ong>theong> World ong>ofong>fers ong>theong> art lover a unique opportunity to examong>inong>e some ong>ofong> ong>theong> most exquisite masterpieces ong>ofong> Western ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong> from a novel perspective. Illustrated with over 150 superb color photographs, ong>theong> book covers such subjects as religious ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>, portraiture, still ong>lifeong>, ong>andong> long>andong>scape, focusong>inong>g on ong>theong> subject itself as well as ong>theong> way it is represented. Thought-provokong>inong>g ong>andong> visually stunnong>inong>g, it provides a unique ong>inong>sight ong>inong>to some ong>ofong> ong>theong> greatest ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>s from ong>theong> history ong>ofong> art.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: Great Paintings of the World
The Changing Role of Social Care

The Changing Role of Social Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hudson, Bob, PUBLISHER: Jessica Kong>inong>gsley Publishers, Focusong>inong>g on ong>theong> enormous organizational ong>andong> cultural changes that local authority ong>socialong> services have undergone song>inong>ce ong>theong> NHS ong>andong> Community Care Act, this volume provides an overview ong>ofong> ong>theong> structure ong>andong> function ong>ofong> ong>socialong> care at practice, management ong>andong> policy levels. It contaong>inong>s contributions from leadong>inong>g academics, researchers ong>andong> practitioners ong>inong> ong>theong> UK, ong>andong> also ong>inong>cludes chapters on ong>theong> experiences ong>ofong> ong>theong> rest ong>ofong> Europe ong>andong> ong>theong> US. ong>Theong> contributors examong>inong>e ong>theong> impact ong>andong> effectiveness ong>ofong> key shifts ong>inong> ong>theong> weightong>inong>g ong>ofong> responsibility ong>ofong> central ong>andong> local government; who ong>theong> purchasers ong>andong> providers ong>ofong> ong>socialong> care are; ong>theong> ong>inong>teraction between ong>socialong> services ong>andong> oong>theong>r agencies; ong>theong> relationship between voluntary ong>andong> statutory sectors; ong>andong> ong>theong> ong>inong>volvement ong>ofong> users ong>andong> carers ong>inong> service design ong>andong> provision. ong>Theong>y assess ong>theong> significance ong>ofong> ong>theong> breakdown ong>ofong> ong>theong> traditional distong>inong>ctions ong>andong> roles underlyong>inong>g ong>socialong> care, ong>andong> lay ong>theong> foundations for effective ong>andong> coordong>inong>ated future policy, practice ong>andong> research. With ong>theong> publication ong>ofong> ong>theong> Labor Government's White Paper Modernizong>inong>g ong>Socialong> Services, ong>theong> future ong>ofong> ong>socialong> care is set for yet more upheaval. This volume will provide an ong>inong>dispensable overview ong>ofong> ong>theong> evolution ong>andong> destong>inong>y ong>ofong> local authority ong>socialong> services for students, practitioners ong>andong> managers.

The Search for the Ancient Novel

The Search for the Ancient Novel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tatum, James, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkong>inong>s University Press, ong>Inong> ong>Theong> Search for ong>theong> ong>Ancientong> Novel Tatum brong>inong>gs togeong>theong>r a distong>inong>guished group ong>ofong> scholars to examong>inong>e every aspect ong>ofong> ong>ancientong> Greek ong>andong> Roman novelists--ong>theong> recovery ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir texts, ong>theong>ir reception, ong>ancientong> ong>andong> modern, ong>andong> ong>theong>ir place ong>inong> literary ong>theong>ory ong>andong> history. ong>Theong> contributors explore subjects rangong>inong>g from antiquity to ong>theong> present, from ong>theong> anonymous authors ong>ofong> Apollonius Kong>inong>g ong>ofong> Tyre ong>andong> ong>Theong> Apochryphal Acts ong>ofong> Peter to Tasso, Cervantes, ong>andong> Rabelais, from Lucian, Heliodorus, ong>andong> Petronius to Chrtien de Troye ong>andong> Samuel Richardson.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: The Search for the Ancient Novel
Light, Darkness and Colour in Painting Therapy

Light, Darkness and Colour in Painting Therapy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: d'Herbois, Liane Collot, PUBLISHER: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag Am Go, This book shows how, through ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>, ong>theong> creative human spirit brong>inong>gs about healong>inong>g. ong>Theong> maong>inong> part ong>ofong> ong>theong> book is a detailed journey through ong>theong> properties ong>ofong> each color ong>andong> ong>theong>ir ong>theong>rapeutic qualities, ong>theong> illnesses ong>ofong> ong>theong> extremes as revealed through color, ong>andong> specifics ong>ofong> how to approach ong>theong>rapy based on ong>theong> colors.



Joan Oates Archaeological ong>andong> scholarly ong>inong>vestigation underlies a study ong>ofong> ong>theong> cultural, political, architectural, ong>socialong>, ong>andong> historical development ong>andong> significance ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>ancientong> metropolis

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: Babylon
A Social History of England,

A Social History of England,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crick, Julia / Van Houts, Elisabeth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong> years between 900 ong>andong> saw transformative ong>socialong> change ong>inong> Europe, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g ong>theong> creation ong>ofong> extensive town-dwellong>inong>g populations ong>andong> ong>theong> proong>lifeong>ration ong>ofong> feudalised elites ong>andong> bureaucratic monarchies. ong>Inong> Englong>andong> ong>theong>se developments were complicated ong>andong> accelerated by repeated episodes ong>ofong> ong>inong>vasion, migration ong>andong> changes ong>ofong> regime. ong>Inong> this book, scholars from disciplong>inong>es ong>inong>cludong>inong>g history, archaeology ong>andong> literature reflect on ong>theong> major trends which shaped English society ong>inong> ong>theong>se years ong>ofong> transition ong>andong> select key ong>theong>mes which encapsulate ong>theong> period. ong>Theong> authors explore ong>theong> long>andong>scape ong>ofong> Englong>andong>, its mong>inong>eral wealth, its towns ong>andong> rural ong>lifeong>, ong>theong> health, behaviour ong>andong> obligations ong>ofong> its ong>inong>habitants, patterns ong>ofong> spiritual ong>andong> ong>inong>tellectual ong>lifeong> ong>andong> ong>theong> polyglot nature ong>ofong> its population ong>andong> culture. What emerges is an ong>inong>sight ong>inong>to ong>theong> complexity, diversity ong>andong> richness ong>ofong> this formative period ong>ofong> English history.

The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency

The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berger, Ronald J., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishong>inong>g Company, This ethnic ong>andong> racially diverse text traces ong>theong> growth ong>andong> development ong>ofong> ong>theong> juvenile delong>inong>quent field, with historical essays ong>andong> contemporary research that show how a sociological perspective can be ong>inong>sightful, ong>inong>terestong>inong>g, ong>andong> relevant. ong>Theong> material has been selected from a wide range ong>ofong> sources usong>inong>g a variety ong>ofong> approaches: from ong>socialong> science surveys to ethnographic ong>andong> grippong>inong>g journalistic accounts that portray ong>theong> day-to-day ong>lifeong> experiences ong>ofong> delong>inong>quent youths ong>andong> ong>theong> gritty realities ong>ofong> ong>lifeong> on ong>theong> streets. ong>Theong> reader will come away with a thorough understong>andong>ong>inong>g ong>ofong> ong>theong> contributions ong>ofong> sociology to ong>theong> sutdy ong>ofong> juvenile delong>inong>quency, ong>andong> a firm groundong>inong>g ong>inong> ong>theong> essential issues ong>ofong> ong>theong> field.

Offerte relazionate the social life of painting in ancient rome and on the bay: The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency
The Impressionists: The Origins of Modern Painting

The Impressionists: The Origins of Modern Painting

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salvi, Francesco / Salvi, Fransesco / Galante, L. R., PUBLISHER: Peter Bedrick Books, ong>Theong> art world ong>ofong> ong>theong> nong>inong>eteenth century Paris was thrown ong>inong>to turmoil when a group ong>ofong> young paong>inong>ters first exhibited ong>theong>ir work. ong>Theong> "Impressionists," as ong>theong>y have came to be known, revolutionized ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong>, portrayong>inong>g contemporary city ong>lifeong> ong>andong> depictong>inong>g nature ong>inong> a completely new way. ong>Theong> Impressionists caused controversy with ong>theong>ir revolt agaong>inong>st traditional ong>paong>inong>tong>inong>gong> methods, ong>theong>ir extraordong>inong>ary new techniques ong>andong> styles, ong>andong> ong>theong>ir way ong>ofong> ong>lifeong> ong>inong> ong>theong> cafes ong>ofong> Paris ong>andong> ong>inong> ong>theong> French countryside. This book presents ong>theong>ir stories ong>andong> ong>theong> work that made ong>theong>m famous. It describes ong>theong>ir personal ong>lifeong> ong>andong> ong>theong>ir relationships with each oong>theong>r, ong>andong> ong>theong>ir difficulties with ong>ofong>ficial ong>inong>stitutions ong>andong> ong>theong> conservative art world ong>ofong> ong>theong> time. It also analyses ong>theong>ir techniques, materials ong>andong> subjects which ushered ong>inong> a whole new way ong>ofong> lookong>inong>g at ong>theong> world. Featurong>inong>g ong>theong> ong>lifeong> ong>andong> work ong>ofong> Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, Pissaro, Sisley, Morisot, Cassatt, Guillaumong>inong>, ong>andong> Caillebotte.
