the political economy of american monetary policy

The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy

The Political Economy of American Monetary Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mayer, Thomas, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This collection of essays examines the institutional framework in which monetary policy is made. The essays consider two questions: How free is the Fed to set monetary policy and to what extent do organizational problems affect the choice of that monetary policy? Topics covered include the Fed's response to movements on its goals, Congressional and presidential pressures on the Fed, the existence of political business cycles operating through monetary policy, and the extent to which monetary policy may be explained by the Fed's own interests. A final section examines the claim that the Federal Reserve follows countercyclical policy and evaluates its performance as a lender to banks both in normal times and as a lender of last resort.

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kryzanek, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, "Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach" is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa and Iraq provide a wide-ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. "Comparative Politics" is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions on key political milestones in the nation's history, the structure of government, the relationship of citizen to state, the role played by political parties, groups and elections, the shape and influence of the political elite, the current status of the political economy and the future direction of the nation in a global environment.

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Capital Controls, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy in the

Capital Controls, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Edwards, Sebastian, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This volume's essays, written by well-known academics and policy analysts, discuss the impact of increased capital mobility on macroeconomic performance. The authors highlight the most adequate ways to manage the transition from a semi-closed economy to a semi-open one. Additionally, issues related to the measurement of openness, monetary control, optimal exchange rates regimes, sequencing of reforms, and real exchange rate dynamics under different degrees of capital mobility are carefully analyzed; areas covered include Europe, the Asian Pacific region, and Latin America.

The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and

The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Haan, Jakob, Haan Jakob / Haan, Jakob De / Eijffinger, Sylvester C. W., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), The adoption of the euro in by 11 member states of the European Union created a single currency area second in economic size only to the United States. The euro zone's monetary policy is now set by the European Central Bank (ECB) and its Governing Council rather than by individual national central banks. This CESifo volume examines issues that have arisen in the first years of ECB monetary policy and analyzes the effect that current ECB policy strategy and structures may have in the future. After a detailed description and assessment of ECB monetary policy making that focuses on such issues as price stability and the predictability of policy decisions, the book turns to two important issues faced by European central bankers: the transparency and credibility of decision making and the ECB's decentralized structure. After showing that transparency in decision making enhances credibility, the book discusses the ECB's efforts at openness, its political independence as guaranteed by law, and its ultimate accountability. The book then considers the effects of the decentralized ECB structure, focusing on business cycle synchronization, inflation differentials, and differences in monetary policy transmission in light of the enlargement of the monetary union. The book also discusses options for ECB institutional reforms, including centralization, vote weighting, and cross-border regional banks.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and
Japan and China in the World Political Economy

Japan and China in the World Political Economy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pekkanen Saadia / Pekkanen, Saadia / Tsai, Kellee, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Two powers in East Asia today stand to define the region's economic and commercial future: Japan, which rose in a spectacular industrial burst to become at present the world's second largest economy; and China, which is rapidly advancing towards a market economy under the watchful eye of the world. While much has been made of Japan and China's particular economic institutions and developmental paths, few works analyze them in a comparative framework. Including contributions from leading academics, the text focuses on the period from the s to the onset of the s, reviewing the experiences of Japan and China across the areas of development, trade, investment, finance and technology. Drawing on a combination of official documents, economic statistics, case studies and original fieldwork, this book will give political scientists, political economists, business concerns, and policy analysts a firmer grasp of the role Japan and China stand to play in the world political economy.

A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

A European Central Bank?: Perspectives on Monetary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Cecco, Marcello, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Based on a conference held by the Italian Macroeconomic Policy Group and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, this study examines the issues raised by European monetary unification. An introduction describes recent developments and identifies the motivations for creating a European central bank. Theoretical papers analyze the interactions of capital controls, financial intermediation, and seigniorage in open economies, the optimal design of centralized banks of issue by sovereign countries, and some new aspects of the "optimal currency area" question. The volume concludes with a panel discussion on the feasibility of European monetary unification, featuring leading academics and central bankers.

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Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory

Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Macesich, George, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This volume demonstrates how monetary and financial organizations in the United States and abroad can be improved through a new addition to traditional monetary policy. Cooperation theory, a system developed from games theory, is shown to provide an appropriate action/reaction approach that can lead to cooperation without abandoning the free market. Institutional, theoretical, and empirical results of game theory, computer simulation, monetary theory, and policy analysis are woven together so that each reinforces the other. The text clearly stresses that although unilateral, noncooperative action may result in short-term advantage for an organization, it ultimately leads to long-term losses for all in the economic system. Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory opens with a discussion of cooperation theory. It goes on to address improving the monetary financial organization. Bureaucracy and philosophy are analyzed, along with reform in the banking industry and banking in other countries. The book concludes with issues of international creditors and debtors. This work is full of useful information for the general economist, political scientist, and layman on the complex issue of monetary reform and the positive role cooperation theory can play in this vital process.

The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political

The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tool, Marc R., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, The Discretionary Economy argues that we do in fact control our own political and economic destinies. As a community, we have discretion over policies that determine whether an economic process adequately provides for the necessities of life. We also determine who participates in normative public judgments and whether decisions distinguish between what is and what ought to be. Tool argues that we must continuously organize the institutional structures through which economic and political functions in the social process are carried on. We must exercise discretion by creating and modifying institutions that coordinate our behavior. To exercise discretion effectively requires that we employ distinctively American economic, political, and philosophical theory. In this volume, the pivotal twentieth-century contributors to this encompassing theory of political economy are Thorstein Veblen, John Dewey, Clarence Ayres, and R. Fagg Foster. This volume presents, in detail, their analytical and philosophical perspective on social change. A major purpose of this volume is to compare and contrast the American tradition with the traditions of capitalism, Marxism, and fascism, demonstrating that the former can resolve compelling economic and political problems and the latter two cannot. This book explains how to identify and analyze social, economic, and political problems confronted in all communities, and how to go about framing and implementing structural adjustments in the political economy. It will be of interest to students in non-traditional courses in political economy including institutional economics, contemporary social problems, economics and social policy, methodology, andcontemporary economic thought.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: The Discretionary Economy: A Normative Theory of Political
European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jovanovic, Miroslav N. / Jovanovic, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, In this major new text, Miroslav N.Jovanovic presents an analysis of all the major aspects of economic integration in the European Union. Beginning with an overview of the origins of European integration, he moves on to discuss in detail all the main policy areas. These include: *monetary policy *competition policy *industrial policy *fiscal policy *trade policy *the Common Agricultural Policy *foreign direct investment *regional policy. The volume also includes a discussion of less well-known policy areas, such as social policy, environmental policy and transport policy. Containing an excellent blend of theory and practice and presenting a highly complex issue in an accessible and non-technical way, this text will be an invaluable resource for students of international economics, international business and European studies.

Economic Policy in an Interdependent World

Economic Policy in an Interdependent World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Copper, Richard N. / Cooper, Richard N., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), These eleven essays written over the past fifteen years continue and develop Richard Cooper's central theme of interdependence, reflecting his experience in government in the Council of Economic Advisers and as Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs. They focus in particular on the opportunities and constraints for national economic policy in an environment where goods, services, capital, and even labor are increasingly mobile. The first four chapters are informal, discursive treatments of economic and foreign policies in the face of growing interdependence among nations. The remaining chapters cover such specialist topics as optimal regional integration, the integration of world capital markets, the impact of greater interdependence on the effectiveness of domestic economic policy, the comparison of monetary and fiscal policy under fixed and flexible exchange rates, currency evaluation in developing countries, and the appropriate size and composition of a developing country's external debt. A concluding chapter surveys the preceding essays in terms of coordinating macroeconomic policymaking in an interdependent world economy. Richard N. Cooper is Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economy at Harvard University.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: Economic Policy in an Interdependent World
The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koslowski, P. / Koslowski, Peter, PUBLISHER: Springer, The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in which the political and societal conditions for the working of the market are included in the theory of the market economy. The social market economy is presented as a universal theory of the decisions to be made about the economic order in all cultures and is analysed in its basic theoretical foundations and in its application to the transition process from the planned to the market economy, particulary in the privatisation of socialised property in Russia and former East Germany. Leading German and Russian experts in the field as well as four classical texts present a systematic analysis of the social market economy from the point of view of economics, law, and ethics.

British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power

British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brand, Jack, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book examines the role of the British Conservative and Labour parliamentary parties in the development of government policy since . Focusing on major policy fields--agriculture, education, housing, defense, the economy, and Scottish affairs--Brand argues that the influence of back-benchers has been consistently underestimated, and that the interdependence of front- and back-benchers frequently produces surprising and significant effects on policy development.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power
Political Issues in America Today

Political Issues in America Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davies, Philip / Waldstein, Fredric A., PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, This volume, following on from Political issues in America: the s, offers the student assessments of the issues currently dominating American political debate. The trans-Atlantic team of contributors take on board the profound shifts in American politics that have occurred during Clinton's term as President.

Government and Business: American Political Economy in

Government and Business: American Political Economy in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lehne, Richard, PUBLISHER: Chatham House Publishers, Richard Lehne offers a comprehensive overview of government-business relations, comparing institutions and practices in the United States with those in the European Union and other major industrial nations. He argues that present-day policies defining arrangements between government and business are not inevitable but result from the societal judgments of various eras. Recognizing diverse traditions and previous policy decisions helps guide the process of reform and renewal that nations throughout the world are now experiencing.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: Government and Business: American Political Economy in
Top Down Policy Making

Top Down Policy Making

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dye, Thomas R., PUBLISHER: CQ Press, In this brief, eye-opening work, Thomas R. Dye explodes the myth that public policy represents the "demands of people," and that the making of public policy flows upward from the masses. In reality, Dye argues, public policy in America, as in all nations, reflects the values, interests, and preferences of the governing elite."Top Down Policymaking" is a close examination of the process by which the nation's elite goes about making public policy. Focusing on the behind-the-scenes activities of money foundations, policy planning organizations, think tanks, political campaign contributors, special-interest groups, lobbyists, law firms, influence-peddlers, and the national news media, Dye concludes that public policy does not represent the "demands of people."The reality is that public policy is made from the top down.

Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy

Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tinker, Irene, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The book synthesizes the successes and failures of two decades in the struggle to improve the lives of American women through the political process. Many of the contributors have worked in federal government, and they consider such areas as education, employment, law and business -- testifying to the wider social and political role that so-called 'women's issues' have played in shaping American society since the early s. This book is destined to shape the agenda of the women's movement for the next generation. '...the text is a wonderful resource for students of political science, organizational change, and women's studies.' -- Choice, May 'Written in a lucid and jargon-free style, the book provides both the general reader and the professional with new information on much-studied issues such as the ERA...' -- Perspective

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Political Science: The Science of Politics

Political Science: The Science of Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weisberg, Herbert F., PUBLISHER: Agathon Press, Twelve essays adapted from papers originally given at the Lasswell Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Political Association.

The Form of Cities: Political Economy and Urban Design

The Form of Cities: Political Economy and Urban Design

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cuthbert, Alexander, PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishers, "The Form of Cities "offers readers a considered theoretical introduction to the art of designing cities. Demonstrates that cities are replete with symbolic values, collective memory, association and conflict. Proposes a new theoretical understanding of urban design, based in political economy. Demonstrates different ways of conceptualising the city, whether through aesthetics or the prism of gender, for example. Written in an engaging and jargon-free style, but retains a sophisticated interpretative edge. Complements "Designing Cities" by the same author (Blackwell, ).

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: The Form of Cities: Political Economy and Urban Design
The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political

The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Echeverri-Gent, John, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, This comparison of rural development in India and the United States develops important departures from economic and historical institutionalism. It elaborates a new conceptual framework for analyzing state-society relations beginning from the premise that policy implementation, as the site of tangible exchanges between state and society, provides strategic interaction among self-interested individuals, social groups, and bureaucracies. It demonstrates how this interaction can be harnessed to enhance the effectiveness of public policy. Echeverri-Gent's application of this framework to poverty alleviation programs generates provocative insights about the ways in which institutions and social structure constrain policy-makers. In the process, he illuminates new implications for the concepts of state autonomy and state capacity. The book's original conceptual framework and intriguing findings will interest scholars of South Asia and American politics, social theorists, and policy-makers.

Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jentleson, Bruce W., PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, The readings delve deeper into theoretical, historical and policy debates discussed in American Foreign Policy: Dynamics of Choice, and icons in the textbook margins link the broader points to related articles and case studies in Perspectives.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases
Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabato, Larry / Ernst, Howard R., PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections provides comprehensive coverage of the American election process and its political parties. A complete A-to-Z reference, this intelligent and objective guide covers the people, events, and terms involved in the electoral process. Coverage also includes the history of elections in the United States, focusing primarily on the presidential elections. Helpful features such as engaging black-and-white photographs and illustrations, detailed appendixes, and an index make this concise reference browsable and accessible to the general reader. Acquista Ora

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baldwin, Richard E. / Bertola, Giuseppe / Seabright, Paul, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This is the first book to investigate how the Euro has affected trade, financial markets, macroeconomic policy making and Europe's economic performance since it came into operation in January . Features eight studies by leading European and North American economists. Covers topics such as inflation measurement, price stability, fiscal policies and monetary policy. Also looks at economic conditions and prospects outside the Eurozone. Presents essential information in non-technical language.

Offerte relazionate the political economy of american monetary policy: Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro
Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and

Southern Political Party Activists: Patterns of Conflict and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prysby, Charles L. / Clark, John A., PUBLISHER: University Press of Kentucky, " The South continues to be the most distinctive region in American politics. Over the last half century, Democratic dominance in the South has given way to the emergence of a truly competitive two-party system that leans Republican in presidential elections. In some ways, the region is increasingly like the rest of the country, yet even the degree of change and the speed with which it occurred give the South a distinctive air. The contributors to Southern Political Party Activists examine both the development of American political party organizations and the changing political character of the South, focusing on grassroots party activists-those who are involved in party organizations at the county level. John A. Clark is associate professor of political science at Western Michigan University. Charles L. Prysby is professor of political science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

American Foreign Environmental Policy and the Power of the

American Foreign Environmental Policy and the Power of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hopgood, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In an increasingly interdependent world, one marked by growing numbers of non-governmental organizations and international institutions, American Foreign Environmental Policy presents a powerful argument for the continued relevance of the state to our understanding of international relations. Drawing on detailed primary research, the author studies the key role central state officials have played in formulating American foreign environmental policy, and concludes that claims for the diminishing domestic-international divide and the erosion of state sovereignty are overstated. This study makes a substantial contribution to International Relations theory, while also offering a wealth of original and empirical data that will interest all who work in the area of environmental studies.

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North American Health Care Policy in the s

North American Health Care Policy in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: King, Arthur / Thornton, Robert K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Considers conceptual and empirical issues in the design of national health policy ranging from a discussion of broad principles through specific aspects of health to evaluations of proposals for reforming the U.S. health care system. Contains comparative studies concerned with some details of Canadian and American health care. Reviews the current U.S. situation and suggests guidelines for policymakers who will shape the future of the health care delivery system.
