economic policy in an interdependent world

Economic Policy in an Interdependent World

Economic Policy in an Interdependent World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Copper, Richard N. / Cooper, Richard N., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), These eleven essays written over the past fifteen years continue and develop Richard Cooper's central theme of interdependence, reflecting his experience in government in the Council of Economic Advisers and as Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs. They focus in particular on the opportunities and constraints for national economic policy in an environment where goods, services, capital, and even labor are increasingly mobile. The first four chapters are informal, discursive treatments of economic and foreign policies in the face of growing interdependence among nations. The remaining chapters cover such specialist topics as optimal regional integration, the integration of world capital markets, the impact of greater interdependence on the effectiveness of domestic economic policy, the comparison of monetary and fiscal policy under fixed and flexible exchange rates, currency evaluation in developing countries, and the appropriate size and composition of a developing country's external debt. A concluding chapter surveys the preceding essays in terms of coordinating macroeconomic policymaking in an interdependent world economy. Richard N. Cooper is Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economy at Harvard University.

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jovanovic, Miroslav N. / Jovanovic, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, In this major new text, Miroslav N.Jovanovic presents an analysis of all the major aspects of economic integration in the European Union. Beginning with an overview of the origins of European integration, he moves on to discuss in detail all the main policy areas. These include: *monetary policy *competition policy *industrial policy *fiscal policy *trade policy *the Common Agricultural Policy *foreign direct investment *regional policy. The volume also includes a discussion of less well-known policy areas, such as social policy, environmental policy and transport policy. Containing an excellent blend of theory and practice and presenting a highly complex issue in an accessible and non-technical way, this text will be an invaluable resource for students of international economics, international business and European studies.

Offerte relazionate economic policy in an interdependent world: European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects
India: Sustaining Reform, Reducing Poverty

India: Sustaining Reform, Reducing Poverty

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: World Bank Group / The World Bank, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This World Bank report is an assessment of the policy reforms undertaken in India at various levels. It looks, in particular, at the impact the economic reforms, the country embarked upon in , have had on the levels of poverty in India. Beginning with an overview of macroeconomics scenario in India, the report approaches the poverty outcome and the economic performance of the country in the aftermath of the reform process.

Oatley: Cities, Economic (P) Competition and Urban Policy

Oatley: Cities, Economic (P) Competition and Urban Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oatley, Nick, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This book is a comprehensive and authoritative account of the major realignment that has taken place in English regeneration policy and practice since . It analyzes the changes which have led to an emphasis in policy on competitiveness, integrated approaches to economic decline and social exclusion, and the shift away from formula-driven funding mechanisms towards controversial competitive bidding. It also examines changes in governance practices, the spread of multisector partnerships, the new localism' and the emergence of a contract culture. The book concludes with a summary of contemporary policy themes and an assessment of the Labour Government's policy proposals.

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The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and

The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Saunders, Peter, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book explores the relationship between economic liberalism and social policy in Australia. How do social policies operate in a fiercely individualist market economy, and what role should the government play to ensure effective market-based solutions? Why has quality of life diminished as the economy has undergone sustained growth? The book covers key trends in economic and social policy over the past twenty-five years. It reveals how economic liberalism, despite all positive economic indicators, has contributed to an increase in unemployment, inequality, social dysfunction and alienation.

What Price Incentives?: Economists and the Environment

What Price Incentives?: Economists and the Environment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelman, Steven, PUBLISHER: Auburn House Pub. Co., Sets forth in a straightforward and sensible way the philosophical reasons for the non-economist's skepticism of the economist's view of the world. Its relevance extends beyond environmental issues to other areas where microeconomic theory is being applied to public policy. Kelman cites results to confirm his view that both opponents and supporters of economic incentives have important philosophical concerns. He takes the role of an advocate of the use of incentives in formulating an environmental policy. He also discusses political strategy from the point of view of the "policy entrepreneur" who is trying to get ideas adopted. Economists and non-economists alike will welcome this book as a bridge over a perceptual gap in an important area of policymaking.

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American Foreign Environmental Policy and the Power of the

American Foreign Environmental Policy and the Power of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hopgood, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In an increasingly interdependent world, one marked by growing numbers of non-governmental organizations and international institutions, American Foreign Environmental Policy presents a powerful argument for the continued relevance of the state to our understanding of international relations. Drawing on detailed primary research, the author studies the key role central state officials have played in formulating American foreign environmental policy, and concludes that claims for the diminishing domestic-international divide and the erosion of state sovereignty are overstated. This study makes a substantial contribution to International Relations theory, while also offering a wealth of original and empirical data that will interest all who work in the area of environmental studies.

Leadership Abroad Begins at Home: U.S. Foreign Economic

Leadership Abroad Begins at Home: U.S. Foreign Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Paarlberg, Robert L., PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, What's good for the United States may well turn out to be good for international economic policy coordination. In this post-cold war era marked by pressing domestic social concerns and fiscal deficits, Robert L. Paarlberg says that the U.S. government should take an inward-first approach to global economic policy. Unless the domestic front is secured, he believes that international initiatives cannot succeed for lack of domestic support. It's a contrary view. The outward-first approach has dominated U.S. policy in the post-war and cold war eras. Paarlberg holds that the period was exceptional in the longer history of the nation and its relations with other nations. In the future, this sort of policymaking will be increasingly difficult to sustain. The U.S. economy is not as strong as it once was in relation to other economies. The security imperatives of the cold war have largely evaporated. And Congress is certainly no longer deferential to the executive branch. Under these new circumstances, outward-first international conferences, international negotiations, and international agreements may not work as a starting point for international economic cooperation. In this highly readable book, part of the Brookings Integrating National Economies Series, Paarlberg offers an in-dept examination of the merits of an inward-first approach to economic policy leadership. He contends that this approach should not be equated with protectionism, because it refers only to policy sequence, not to content. To the extent that inward-first is unilateral, he maintains that unilateral action at home can pave the way for cooperative actions abroad. He tests his argument with more detailed studies in severaldifferent policy arenasincluding international fiscal policy coordination and discipline, agricultural policy reform, and global environmental policy. Leadership Abroad Begins at Home presents an instructive survey of American political and policymaking institutions, and of America's changing position in the world. A volume of Brookings' Integrating National Economies Series

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Macroeconomic Interact North S

Macroeconomic Interact North S

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Currie, David / Vines, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This volume contains the proceedings of a September conference organized by the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the International Economics Study Group. the volume focuses on the strategic aspects of North-South interactions; the authors include some of the leading contributors to the growing literature on strategic interactions among interdependent economies.

No More Tears...: Struggles for Land in Mpumalanga, South

No More Tears...: Struggles for Land in Mpumalanga, South

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Levin, Richard / Weiner, Daniel, PUBLISHER: Africa World Press, Three years after South Africa's first nonracial democratic elections, the difficult process of social and economic transformation continues. About one-half of South Africa's 41 million people -- and two-thirds of the African population -- still live in deep poverty. Eight million live in shacks. Land hunger is widespread. Land dispossession caused by colonialism's and apartheid's forced removals and alienation of land and water rights lie at the heart of the repressive regime which the national liberation movement struggled against. In South Africa, land and agrarian reform policy is presently being developed as a top-down exercise increasingly informed by a neo-liberal macroeconomic policy orientation. In the book, this elite driven transition is contrasted with a proposed popular program of radical transformation. The specific role of the World Bank is criticized, and the results of a uniquely participatory research and policy development project recently undertaken in the Eastern Transvaal are presented. The book demonstrates why incorporating extensive knowledge that exists in poor rural areas into development of land and reform policies is essential for truly democratic social and economic transformation. This is an important book that will be useful for policy-makers, academics and the general public alike.

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Making Economic Policy Work: An Assessment of the National

Making Economic Policy Work: An Assessment of the National

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Juster, Kenneth I. / Lazarus, Simon, PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, One of President Clinton's first steps after his election in was to create the National Economic Council to integrate and coordinate his administration's economic policies. This new body was given a broad charter to address both international and domestic economic policy. Evidence of its importance was its location in the White House and the appointment of the assistant to the president for economic affairs as its head. Now that the NEC has been in operation for four years and a second Clinton administration is about to begin, the time seems ripe for an assessment of the council's usefulness and performance. Kenneth I. Juster and Simon Lazarus, who have served in Republican and Democratic administrations, undertook this evaluation for Brookings. They interviewed more than sixty senior officials from the Clinton administration and seven predecessor administrations, including two former presidents, in order to obtain a comparative perspective on how each occupant of the White House has established mechanisms for developing economic policy. Juster and Lazarus conclude that the NEC has served President Clinton well, but that it is still a fragile experiment that needs further institutionalization. They offer several recommendations for its improvement, including that economics should be given a more consistent role in foreign policymaking and that the NEC should annually undertake a systematic process for setting strategic economic priorities.

Japan and China in the World Political Economy

Japan and China in the World Political Economy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pekkanen Saadia / Pekkanen, Saadia / Tsai, Kellee, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Two powers in East Asia today stand to define the region's economic and commercial future: Japan, which rose in a spectacular industrial burst to become at present the world's second largest economy; and China, which is rapidly advancing towards a market economy under the watchful eye of the world. While much has been made of Japan and China's particular economic institutions and developmental paths, few works analyze them in a comparative framework. Including contributions from leading academics, the text focuses on the period from the s to the onset of the s, reviewing the experiences of Japan and China across the areas of development, trade, investment, finance and technology. Drawing on a combination of official documents, economic statistics, case studies and original fieldwork, this book will give political scientists, political economists, business concerns, and policy analysts a firmer grasp of the role Japan and China stand to play in the world political economy.

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Enter Economism, Exit Politics Experts, Economic Policy and

Enter Economism, Exit Politics Experts, Economic Policy and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Immanuel Wallerstein, PUBLISHER: Zed Books Ltd, NA

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baldwin, Richard E. / Bertola, Giuseppe / Seabright, Paul, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This is the first book to investigate how the Euro has affected trade, financial markets, macroeconomic policy making and Europe's economic performance since it came into operation in January . Features eight studies by leading European and North American economists. Covers topics such as inflation measurement, price stability, fiscal policies and monetary policy. Also looks at economic conditions and prospects outside the Eurozone. Presents essential information in non-technical language.

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A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic

A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cameron, Rondo / Neal, Larry / Neal, Larry, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This classic book offers a broad sweep of economic history from prehistoric times to the present and explores the disparity of wealth among nations. Now in its fourth edition, A Concise Economic History of the World has been updated to reflect the stunning changes in the world economy since . Truly a definitive history of globalization, the new edition has been expanded to include coverage of the most recent developments in the European Union, East Asia, and, in general, transition economies. Comprehensive and global in scope, this concise text features ample illustrations and a fully updated annotated bibliography that guides readers to the relevant scholarly literature. Now available in eleven languages, including Spanish (second edition), French, German (two volumes), Polish, and Chinese, this unique work remains an invaluable, lively, and accessible text for both undergraduate and graduate students of European economic history, the history of globalization, and world development.

From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt Federal Policy, Economic

From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt Federal Policy, Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bruce J Schulman, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, NA

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The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and

The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Finn, Daniel K., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) is the ''social'' encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, one of many papal encyclicals over the last 120 years that address economic life. This volume, based on discussions at a symposium co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, analyzes the situation of the Church and the theological basis for Benedict's thinking about the person, community, and the globalized economy. The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life engages Benedict's analysis of ''relation, '' the characteristics of contemporary social and economic relationships and the implications of a relational, Trinitarian God for daily human life. Crucial here is the Pope's notion of ''reciprocity, '' an economic relationship characterized by help freely given, but which forms an expectation that the recipient will ''reciprocate, '' either to the donor or, often, to someone else. This ''logic of gift, '' Benedict argues, should influence daily economic life, especially within what he calls ''hybrid'' firms, which make a profit and invest a share of that profit in service to needs outside the firm. Similarly, development - whether of an individual or of a nation - must be integral, neither simply economic nor personal nor psychological nor spiritual, but a comprehensive development that engages all dimensions of a flourishing human life. The essays, written by social scientists, theologians, policy analysts and others, engage, extend, and critique Benedict's views on these issues, as well as his call for deeper dialogue and a morally based transformation of social and economic structures.

Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make

Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graafland, Johan J. / Ros, Arie P., PUBLISHER: Springer, In the Netherlands, the election programmes of the political parties are assessed for their economic impact by an independent economic bureau. The result of this analysis is published just before the elections take place. In this way, the voter will be protected against political parties that try to win the elections by making popular but unfounded financial promises. Economic Assessment of Election Programmes contains contributions of several distinguished economists and philosophers who consider the gains of this procedure to society. Does the analysis by the Netherlands' Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) raise the democratic quality of the elections? Can we really be confident in the tools of economics? The last section of this volume states the opinion of representatives of the political parties. This part also clarifies why political parties voluntarily participate in this process and how they perceive the role division between the political party and CPB.

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Paying for Agricultural Productivity

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, Julian M. / Smith, Vincent H. / Pardey, Philip G., PUBLISHER: International Food Policy Research Insitute, Agricultural research and development has stimulated enormous increases in agricultural productivity in the twentieth century. Now, in response to common pressures, countries the world over are changing how they manage and pay for agricultural R & D. Paying for Agricultural Productivity reviews agricultural R & D policy in Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States and assesses whether the new approaches are raising or lowering the efficiency and effectiveness of R & D. To complement the case studies, the book analyzes trends in R & D investment in twenty-two developed countries. Paying for Agricultural Productivity will be an invaluable resource for economic and development specialists concerned with agricultural research and development, as well as for farmers, food processors, agricultural wholesalers and retailers, environmentalists, and research scientists.

Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe: A New Objective

Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe: A New Objective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hannequart, A. / Hannequart, Achille, PUBLISHER: Routledge, With discussions of a full internal market within the EC finally reaching fruition, and regular intergovernmental talks advancing the ideas of economic, monetary and perhaps eventually political union, economic and social cohesion has become a major objective of Community policy. Regional disparities remain a hard fact of Community life. Although there has been money available since to promote regional development and training in the poorer parts of Europe, it is likely that without serious reform of the Structural Funds these disparities could accelerate. There has been increasing anxiety from these countries about their ability to survive in the single market - anxiety that may jeopardise their participation in the Community effort. The EC has therefore committed itself to new initiatives in science and technology, the environment, social policy and economic and social cohesion. This book studies how the new policy can best be designed, exploring ways in which Structural Funds can be implemented to provide new opportunities for the poorer member states.

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The African Foreign Policy of Secretary of State Henry

The African Foreign Policy of Secretary of State Henry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walton, Hanes, JR. / Stevenson, Robert Louis / Rosser, James Bernard, Sr., PUBLISHER: Lexington Books, The African Foreign Policy of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger outlines in clear, comprehensive terms the details of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's foreign policy toward Africa and how that policy related to other aspects of his global viewpoint. This book presents an intellectual evaluation of these governmental sources to determine the kinds of foreign policy proposals and programs that Kissinger developed for the various crises and problems which were under way in that vast continent.

The Search for Rational Drug Control

The Search for Rational Drug Control

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zimring, Franklin E. / Hawkins, Gordon, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book presents a comprehensive examination of the drug control policy process in the United States. How are policy choices identified, debated and selected? How are the consequences of governmental policy measured and evaluated? How, if at all, do we learn from our mistakes? Zimring and Hawkins present different ways of understanding American drug policy and provide a foundation for an improved policy process. They argue that protection of children and youth should shape policy toward illicit crime, with attention to the fact that youth protection objectives may limit the effectiveness of some drug controls.

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Europe's Economic Challenge: Analyses of Industrial Strategy

Europe's Economic Challenge: Analyses of Industrial Strategy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bianchi, Patrizio / Cowling, Keith / Sugden, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Europe is at a critical stage in its economic development. There seems to be a widespread desire to pursue coherent initiatives which address current issues but it is unclear which policies would fit the agenda. "Europe's Economic Challenge" analyzes the wide ranging issues in economic strategy and considers future research possibilities. The book considers broad approaches to industrial strategy; looking at policy mix, institutional conditions for a more dynamic market and the processes of creating a democratic industrial structure. The authors focus on experiences in various countries, both in Europe and North America, in different sectors of the economy, and on the implications of European policies on Third World industrialization. The work includes a detailed discussion of the size of the public sector, innovation, R & D, entrepreneurship and inward investment. "Europe's Economic Challenge" poses some demanding questions and suggestions, discussion and analysis which provides a valuable contribution to the search for a successful way forward.

Eu Social Policy in the s: Towards a Corporatist Policy

Eu Social Policy in the s: Towards a Corporatist Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Falkner, Gerda, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This book gives an analytical overview of schools of thought on European integration which offer useful insights into EU social politics. It finds that the EU social policy-making environment has become increasingly corporatist in the s. It closely examines actual developments since the Maastricht Treaty came into force in .

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World Development Report : A Better Investment Climate

World Development Report : A Better Investment Climate

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: The World Bank / World Bank, Policy / World Bank Group, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Firms and entrepreneurs of all types--from microenterprises to multinationals--play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability of goods and services for consumers, and the tax revenues governments can draw on to fund health, education, and other services. The contribution they make to society depends largely on the way governments shape the investment climate in each location-through the protection of property rights, regulation and taxation, strategies for providing infrastructure, interventions in finance and labor markets, and broader governance features such as corruption. New sources of data from the World Bank highlight how investment climates vary dramatically across as well as within countries-and hence the potential for improvement. The World Development Report : A Better Investment Climate for Everyone argues that improving the investment climates of their societies should be a top priority for governments. Drawing on surveys of nearly firms in 53 developing countries, country case studies, and other new research, the Report explores questions such as: What are the key features of a good investment climate, and how do they influence growth and poverty? What can governments do to improve their investment climates, and how can they go about tackling such a broad agenda? What has been learned about good practice in each of the main areas of the investment climate? What role might selective interventions and international arrangements play in improving the investment climate? What can the international community do to help developing countries improve the investment climates of their societies? In addition to detailed chapters exploring these and related issues, the Report contains selected data from the World Bank's new program of Investment Climate Surveys, the Bank's Doing Business Project, and World Development Indicators --an appendix of economic and social data for over 200 countries. Now in its twenty-seventh edition, the World Development Report offers practical insights for policymakers, business developers, economic advisers, researchers, and professionals in the media and in non-governmental organizations. It is also an essential supplement to economic and development courses in both academic and professional settings.
