the policy process in communist states politics and

The Policy Process in Communist States: Politics and

The Policy Process in Communist States: Politics and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holmes, Leslie, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Holmes presents a comparative study of the policy process in two communist states -- the USSR and the GDR -- as it is revealed in the rise in both countries of industrial associations. He compares the background to the legislation in both countries, its passing, and its practical results to answer such questions as; do there appear to be general laws governing the development of these two states? How does policy become reality in them? What differences exist between them? 'Holmes' study is systematic and painstaking, reflecting his detailed research in published Russian and East German sources as well as several extended interviews with Soviet economic officials...What he seems to show is that, within the framework provided by a common set of problems and closely similar economic and political structures, industrial administration policies in the two states evolved in substantially distinct ways.' -- Communist Affairs, Vol 1 No 3, July

The Search for Rational Drug Control

The Search for Rational Drug Control

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zimring, Franklin E. / Hawkins, Gordon, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book presents a comprehensive examination of the drug control policy process in the United States. How are policy choices identified, debated and selected? How are the consequences of governmental policy measured and evaluated? How, if at all, do we learn from our mistakes? Zimring and Hawkins present different ways of understanding American drug policy and provide a foundation for an improved policy process. They argue that protection of children and youth should shape policy toward illicit crime, with attention to the fact that youth protection objectives may limit the effectiveness of some drug controls.

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The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political

The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Echeverri-Gent, John, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, This comparison of rural development in India and the United States develops important departures from economic and historical institutionalism. It elaborates a new conceptual framework for analyzing state-society relations beginning from the premise that policy implementation, as the site of tangible exchanges between state and society, provides strategic interaction among self-interested individuals, social groups, and bureaucracies. It demonstrates how this interaction can be harnessed to enhance the effectiveness of public policy. Echeverri-Gent's application of this framework to poverty alleviation programs generates provocative insights about the ways in which institutions and social structure constrain policy-makers. In the process, he illuminates new implications for the concepts of state autonomy and state capacity. The book's original conceptual framework and intriguing findings will interest scholars of South Asia and American politics, social theorists, and policy-makers.

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kryzanek, Michael J., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, "Comparative Politics: A Policy Approach" is a unique text that integrates a comprehensive study of eight nations with critical policy issues facing those nations. The individual chapters on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa and Iraq provide a wide-ranging examination of nations that are representative of the diversity in decision-making frameworks and political development in the international community. "Comparative Politics" is designed to guide the reader through a series of discussions on key political milestones in the nation's history, the structure of government, the relationship of citizen to state, the role played by political parties, groups and elections, the shape and influence of the political elite, the current status of the political economy and the future direction of the nation in a global environment.

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Adversary Politics and Land: The Conflict Over Land and

Adversary Politics and Land: The Conflict Over Land and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cox, Andrew W., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The focus of the book is a discussion of the adversary basis of party politics in Britain and its inimical impact on viable land policies since the Second World War. Particular emphasis is placed on the scope for, and basis of policy initiation by Conservative and Labour governments in the face of the cumulative social, economic, bureaucratic and political constraints which impinge on the policy-making process. Dr Cox argues that these constraints leave only a relatively limited room for manoeuvres by governments and that most of the post-war policies of Conservative and Labour governments have been initiated in ignorance of these constraints. As a consequence, post-war policies have failed in implementation either by generating property speculation or by hindering urban development.

The International Politics of Central Asia

The International Politics of Central Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anderson, John, PUBLISHER: Manchester University Press, Central Asia is a fascinating region yet remote and unfamiliar to many people. This new study provides an introduction to the politics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Tajikistan, Turkestan, and Uzbekistan. The early chapters introduce the readers to the history of Russian and Soviet involvement in the region up until the collapse of communism, whilst the bulk of the book focuses on the politics of independence. The search for national identity in each region and the influence of Islam are discussed and attention is paid to political, economic and international developments. A central theme of the book is the importance of informal politics associated with national, regional and tribal networks in shaping the evolution of the five states.

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The Politics of United States Foreign Policy

The Politics of United States Foreign Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James M Scott Jerel A Rosati, PUBLISHER: Thomson Learning, NA

Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand

Education in France: Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moon, Bob / Corbett, Anne, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In common with most of the industrialized countries, France has undertaken an ambitious program of education reform over the last fifteen years. This book uses key extracts from contemporary writing to examine exactly how and why that process has happened, focusing on all states of the education system. The book covers the main characteristics of school reform in France, its aims and objectives, the desirability of and politics surrounding the reform process, and explorations of classroom practice, the changing role of parents, standards in schools, and the curriculum. Because of its high quality, wide and up-to-date coverage of the area, this book will be a vital reference for all those working in this field.

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Environmental Politics Casebook

Environmental Politics Casebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Norman / Miller, Norman, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Environmental Politics Casebook: Genetically Modified Foods includes laws, regulations, testimony, court decisions, journal and newspaper articles, book chapters, and interest group communications such as press releases and on-line briefs, as well as other studies and reports that constitute the principal elements of the public debate on the genetic modification of food. A companion to Environmental Politics: Interest Groups, the Media, and the Making of Policy, it provides the substantive, detailed, case-in-point application for practices and principles previously discussed only in theory, keeping the basic text compact and current.

Manifesto of the Communist Party

Manifesto of the Communist Party

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marx, Karl / Engels, Friedrich, PUBLISHER: Wilder Publications, The Communist Manifesto was first published on February 21, and it is one of the world's most influential political tracts. Commissioned by the Communist League and written by communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it laid out the League's purposes and program. The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian (working class) revolution to overthrow the ruling class of bourgeoisie and to eventually bring about a classless society.

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Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age

Regional Politics: America in a Post-City Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Savitch, H. V. / Vogel, Ronald K., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Bringing together the thoughts of outstanding contributors, Regional Politics presents a comparative study on the emerging regional nature of local and urban politics. Recent studies tend to focus on the politics and power of internal cities or on suburban areas that have gained incredible strength in the past decade. However, this important volume explores how politics work in the extended metropolis or "functional city"--which includes and surrounds the urban core and whose economy, society, and politics are integrally joined. Contributors center on detailed case studies of 10 cities with a look at the development of regional patterns, an analysis of the impact regionalism has on urban politics, and an outline for an overall approach. The comprehensive and state-of-the-art expertise presented in this volume makes Regional Politics ideal for planners, policymakers, academics, researchers, and students in the areas of urban politics, state and local government, and public policy.

British Foreign and Defence Policy Since : Challenges

British Foreign and Defence Policy Since : Challenges

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Self, Robert, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, Foreign policy has determined much of New Labour's time in office and cast a consistently long shadow over British politics in the period since . Robert Self provides a readable and incisive assessment of the key issues and events from the retreat from empire through the cold war period to humanitarian intervention and the debacle in Iraq.

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Top Down Policy Making

Top Down Policy Making

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dye, Thomas R., PUBLISHER: CQ Press, In this brief, eye-opening work, Thomas R. Dye explodes the myth that public policy represents the "demands of people," and that the making of public policy flows upward from the masses. In reality, Dye argues, public policy in America, as in all nations, reflects the values, interests, and preferences of the governing elite."Top Down Policymaking" is a close examination of the process by which the nation's elite goes about making public policy. Focusing on the behind-the-scenes activities of money foundations, policy planning organizations, think tanks, political campaign contributors, special-interest groups, lobbyists, law firms, influence-peddlers, and the national news media, Dye concludes that public policy does not represent the "demands of people."The reality is that public policy is made from the top down.

Learning from the Eu Constitutional Treaty: Democratic

Learning from the Eu Constitutional Treaty: Democratic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crum, Ben, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Assessing the EU Constitutional Treaty proposes a theory of democratic constitutionalisation beyond the nation-state, through a reconstruction of the fate of the EU Constitutional Treaty. Even if much of the substance of the Constitutional Treaty survives in the EU Treaty of Lisbon that has come into force in , the process of democratic constitutionalisation to which it aspired has to be deemed a failure. Still, the Constitutional Treaty process can be considered as a first attempt to provide international institutions with a democratic foundation that has been the object of the peoples consent. The book analyses the EU Constitutional Treaty process from a normative perspective that is grounded in broader political theoretical debates about democratic constitutionalism and globalisation. It will be of interest to students and scholars of European Union politics, history and policy.

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Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hurrell, Andrew / Woods, Ngaire, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. This book investigates eight core areas of world politics in order to suggest that growing inequality is reducing the capacity of governments and international organizations to manage these problems effectively. The eight areas surveyed include: international order, international law, welfare and social policy, global justice, regionalism and multilateralism, environmental protection, gender equality, military power, and security.

Government and Business: American Political Economy in

Government and Business: American Political Economy in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lehne, Richard, PUBLISHER: Chatham House Publishers, Richard Lehne offers a comprehensive overview of government-business relations, comparing institutions and practices in the United States with those in the European Union and other major industrial nations. He argues that present-day policies defining arrangements between government and business are not inevitable but result from the societal judgments of various eras. Recognizing diverse traditions and previous policy decisions helps guide the process of reform and renewal that nations throughout the world are now experiencing.

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Tobacco Control: Comparative Politics in the United States

Tobacco Control: Comparative Politics in the United States

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Studlar, Donley T., PUBLISHER: University of Toronto Press, "Tobacco Control"is the first book to compare the politics of tobacco control in the United States and Canada. It describes the course of tobacco control policy, both regulation and taxation, in each country, and on several different levels of government. In doing so it provides a broad overview, showing how policies are similar or different, how they have changed over time, and how the two countries have learned from each other. In recent years the two countries have paid closer attention to each other's policies, both through governmental and non-governmental organizations, and each has leapfrogged the policy initiatives of the other. Now the Tobacco-Free Initiative of the World Health Organization is bringing tobacco control policy to a global level, and both countries are deeply involved. This book is a revealing exploration and comparison of the development of North American policies and the influence these policies are having in the attempt to regulate a major international business in the interests of public health. Academics please note that this is a title classified as having a restricted allocation of complimentary copies. Restricted titles remain available to adopters and to academics very likely to adopt in the coming semester. Whenadoption possibilities are less strong and/or further in the future, academics are requested to purchase the title, with the proviso that UTP Higher Education will happily refund the purchase price if the book is indeed adopted.

Fiscal Austerity and Aging: Shifting Government

Fiscal Austerity and Aging: Shifting Government

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Newcomer, Robert J. / Estes, Carroll L. / Estes, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The authors draw on the work they have done for a major research centre, in order to assess both the shifts in policy towards the elderly which have been wrought by the austerity politics of the s, and the likely long-term impact of such changes. The views taken of older people, the history of public policy toward the aged, the shifting responsibility between state and federal government are discussed.

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Facing the Future: American Strategy in the s

Facing the Future: American Strategy in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aspen Strategy Group, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, Throughout and the world was treated to a succession of dramatic and far-reaching political events. The revolution in Eastern Europe, the first rays of hope for change in the Soviet Union, the elections in Nicaragua, the unbanning of anti-apartheid groups in South Africa, and the invasion of one Arab state by another have taught us that the status quo is anything but static. The enormous and unforeseen shifts in global politics present the United States with enormous and unforeseen challenges with which it will have to grapple in the s. This volume examines the current trends in global politics, and the ways in which they will inevitably bear on the diplomatic, military and economic future of the United States. Co-published with the Aspen Strategy Group.

Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States:

Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crow, Michael / Bozeman, Barry / Meyer, Walter, PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, Direct coal liquefaction, a synthetic liquid fuel process, is one of the major developmental alternatives for meeting the anticipated fuel demands for the twenty-first century. This work provides a retrospective assessment of past attempts in this century to develop synthetic liquid fuel and applies the findings to produce reliable and pertinent data for the future. Retrospective technology assessment, a recent methodological invention, is used by the authors to analyze the past synthetic liquid fuel programs and the reasons for their failures. Bringing to bear four different perspectives--economic, technological, policy, and historical--the authors draw broad conclusions that will help guide the next development effort in the United States.

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British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power

British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brand, Jack, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book examines the role of the British Conservative and Labour parliamentary parties in the development of government policy since . Focusing on major policy fields--agriculture, education, housing, defense, the economy, and Scottish affairs--Brand argues that the influence of back-benchers has been consistently underestimated, and that the interdependence of front- and back-benchers frequently produces surprising and significant effects on policy development.

State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle

State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Owen, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Roger Owen has fully revised and updated his authoritative text to take into account the very latest developments in the Middle East. This new edition continues to explore the emergence of individual Middle Eastern states since the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War and the key themes that have characterized the region since then. The book continues to serve as an excellent introduction for newcomers to the modern history and politics of this fascinating region.

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Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Emerson, Michael, PUBLISHER: Centre for European Policy Studies, Until recently there was pervasive pessimism over whether the countries of the former Soviet Union or the Arab/Muslim states in the Mediterranean and Middle East would engage in genuine democratic reform. This landscape has begun to change, however, as some of the European CIS states resolved to clean up their phony democracies, and the Arab/Muslim world witnessed either advances in the formal institutions of democracy or signs of popular uprisings against authoritarian regimes. The contributors to this volume approach democratization of the European neighborhood from two sides, first exploring developments in the states themselves and then examining what the European Union has been doing to promote the process. While democracy always receives top billing in formal EU speeches, in practice it has had to find a more modest place in a complex set of often competing and sometimes contradictory interests.

Yearbook on Space Policy : Setting New Trends

Yearbook on Space Policy : Setting New Trends

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schrogl, Kai-Uwe / Baranes, Blandina / Venet, Christophe, PUBLISHER: Springer, The Yearbook on Space Policy aims to be the reference publication analysing space policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policy and the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European. The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specific events and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on space activities. The Yearbook on Space Policy is edited by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) based in Vienna, Austria. It combines in-house research and contributions of members of the European Space Policy Research and Academic Network (ESPRAN), coordinated by ESPI. The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industry professionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and the interested public.

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Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabato, Larry / Ernst, Howard R., PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections provides comprehensive coverage of the American election process and its political parties. A complete A-to-Z reference, this intelligent and objective guide covers the people, events, and terms involved in the electoral process. Coverage also includes the history of elections in the United States, focusing primarily on the presidential elections. Helpful features such as engaging black-and-white photographs and illustrations, detailed appendixes, and an index make this concise reference browsable and accessible to the general reader. Acquista Ora
