the official guide for gmat

The Basic GMAT Study Collection

The Basic GMAT Study Collection

The Basic GMAT Study Collection Practice and preparation are keys to your success on the GMAT® exam. If you're looking for the essential study guides to prepare for your best GMAT, then this collection is a must-have. Featuring more than real GMAT questions and answers, The Basic GMAT® Study Collection includes three of our most popular Official GMAT® guides: - The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, ; - The Official Guide for GMAT® Verbal Review, ; - The Official Guide for GMAT® Quantitative Review, . The online components require activation codes, codes will be available on the inside back cover of the book and will expire 6 months from activation. Condition: New

The Official Guide for GMAT Review

The Official Guide for GMAT Review

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graduate Management Admission Council, PUBLISHER: Wiley Publishing, "The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition" is the only book on the market written by the creators of the GMAT exam. Inside you'll find more than 800 actual GMAT questions from previous tests with answers and detailed explanations. There's also a grammar review, math review, actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information insights into the GMAT exam that debunk test-taking myths. Plus, use the diagnostic section to pinpoint your skill level and focus on the areas where you need the most help.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: The Official Guide for GMAT Review
Libro The oficial guide for GMAT Review

Libro The oficial guide for GMAT Review

Libro "GMAT Review, the official guide", 13th edition, In buono stato. Da venire a ritirare.

3 libri GMAT, anche con codici, mai utilizzati

3 libri GMAT, anche con codici, mai utilizzati

Vendo 3 testi ufficiali per preparazione del GMAT, versione . Mai utilizzati, nuovi! Comprensivi di codici per esercitazioni, alla fine di ogni libro. 30 euro (55 sarebbe il prezzo su Amazon) This is the only official study guide from the creators of the test and delivers more than 900 retired GMAT(R) questions and answer explanations and a 100- question diagnostic exam to help focus your test preparation efforts. NEW to The Official Guide for GMAT(R) Review : * Access to the online Question Bank including more than 900 practice questions of all types with answers and explanations, math review, essay topics, and a diagnostic test, as well as access to 50 online integrated reasoning questions. * Exclusive access to videos from real test takers and GMAC staff who share insight and tips on GMAT(R) preparation.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: 3 libri GMAT, anche con codici, mai utilizzati
Gmat official guide  nuovo

Gmat official guide nuovo

Libro per fare l'esame gmat per accedere ai master di economia NUOVO e mai usato.

The Official Guide GMAT + libri di preparazione

The Official Guide GMAT + libri di preparazione

Vendo la guida officiale GMAT compresa di esercizi (libro blu e verde) + 15 libri di esercitazione firmati MANHATTAN GMAT. La madia di punteggio per chi ha usato i manuali Manhattan GMAT è stata di 600. Tutti i libri sono COMPLETAMENTE NUOVI con rare sottolineature. Ottimo per eventuali ammissioni in università estere. Possibilità di vendere anche solo la guida officiale.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: The Official Guide GMAT + libri di preparazione
Gmat official  gmat 800 kaplan

Gmat official gmat 800 kaplan

Libri usati all'80% ma in ottime condizioni

Kaplan GMAT Math Foundations

Kaplan GMAT Math Foundations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kaplan / Kaplan, Higher Education, PUBLISHER: Kaplan Publishing, This valuable guide includes: Comprehensive coverage of the arithmetic, algebra, and geometry concepts tested by the GMAT An intensive, back-to-basics, tutor-led approach to math review Hundreds of practice exercises to increase speed and accuracy ABOUT THE GMAT * Approximately 37% of test takers are from outside the U.S. * The number of tests taken increased by 7% from ) to ). * Of the test-takers in % were men, 40% were women. * Thousands of graduate management programs around the world use the GMAT in their admissions process. * The GMAT is a computerized test offered year-round by appointment.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: Kaplan GMAT Math Foundations
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 Official Strategy Guide

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 Official Strategy Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walsh, Doug, PUBLISHER: Bradygames, BradyGames'" Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 Official Strategy Guide" gives players the tools for learning how to use the new tricks in this game to maximize scoring runs. A comprehensive walkthrough includes detailed level maps that call out the locations of objectives and every gap. Tips for finding every secret, unlocking hidden characters, and more

Official Guide to the TOEFL Test

Official Guide to the TOEFL Test

Vendo Official Guide to the TOEFL Test completo di CD ancora incartato. Il libro è nuovo, della 4 edizione

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: Official Guide to the TOEFL Test
The Official Blackbook Price Guide to United States Coins

The Official Blackbook Price Guide to United States Coins

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hudgeons, Marc / Hudgeons, Tom, Jr. / Hudgeons, Tom, Sr., PUBLISHER: House of Collectibles, For""over fifty years, " The Official Blackbook Price Guide to United States Coins " has been the bestselling sourcebook for collectors. Reflecting the current skyrocketing prices of gold and silver, this guide has all the information you need to become a knowledgeable coin collector. Features include: -Over prices -Values for every U.S. coin ever minted -An updated market review that traces current trends in collecting and investing -Hundreds of coin illustrations and a fast-find index for easy identification -Extensive information on buying and selling coins at auction, coins shows, online, and through the mail

The Official Guide for GMAT

The Official Guide for GMAT

Vendo Guida ufficiale per sostenere il test GMAT. Tutti e tre i manuali sono in perfette condizioni, non c'è stato scritto sopra nulla, nemmeno a matita. Veramente come nuovi ma ad un prezzo scontato del 50% rispetto a quello di listino. In tutti e tre è presente un codice di accesso univoco ad una banca dati online contenente domande ulteriori e video di spiegazione alla prova. Questi codici non sono ancora stati utilizzati. Disponibile per scambio a mano o spedizione.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: The Official Guide for GMAT
GMAT Prep Course

GMAT Prep Course

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kolby, Jeff, PUBLISHER: Nova Press, Every year students pay as much as $ to test prep companies to prepare for the GMAT. Now you can get the same preparation in a book. GMAT Prep Course provides the equivalent of a two-month, 50-hour course. Although the GMAT is a difficult test, it is a very learnable test. GMAT Prep Course presents a thorough analysis of the GMAT and introduces numerous analytic techniques that will help you immensely, not only on the GMAT but in business school as well. Features: * Math: Twenty-two chapters provide comprehensive review of GMAT math. * Logical Reasoning: Discover the underlying simplicity of these problems and learn the tactics the GMAT writers use to obfuscate the answers. * Reading Comprehension: Develop the ability to spot places from which questions are likely to be drawn as you read a passage (pivotal words, counter-premises, etc.). * Sentence Correction: Comprehensive review of GMAT grammar. * Writing Assessment: Learn how to get top scores on your Issue and Argument essays

GMAT - Math Workbook

GMAT - Math Workbook

Eserciziario edito da Kaplan per la preparazione al test GMAT Condizioni ottime (libro nuovo) THIS ESSENTIAL GUIDE INCLUDES: Practice exercises for every Quantitative question type Detailed answer explanations Proven test-taking strategies In-depth review of essential math concepts

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: GMAT - Math Workbook
Gmat - math workbook

Gmat - math workbook

Eserciziario edito da Kaplan per la preparazione al test GMAT. Ottime condizioni (testo nuovo) THIS ESSENTIAL GUIDE INCLUDES: Practice exercises for every Quantitative question type Detailed answer explanations Proven test-taking strategies In-depth review of essential math concepts

Kaplan GMAT Premier [With CDROM]

Kaplan GMAT Premier [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kaplan, PUBLISHER: Kaplan Publishing, "Kaplan GMAT Premier with CD-ROM" is a ground-breaking prep program that uses the latest technology and advanced Internet tools to maximize a student's score. Along with the proven score-raising strategies and essential practice needed to achieve a top score, this invaluable guide offers exclusive free access to an interactive Online Companion with exceptional assets including: Video Mini-Lessons, in which Kaplan's top tutors review the most important concept from each chapter in 3-4-minute video sessions; LiveOnline, a state-of-the-art online seminar, complete with audio, video, instant chat, whiteboards, and screen-sharing; bonus CD-ROM with additional offline practice; diagnostic quiz to target areas for score improvement; new practice quizzes every month; a customizable study plan and progress report. This comprehensive preparation program also provides: the Kaplan-exclusive Q-Rater system, which rates the difficulty of practice questions; 5 full-length GMAT practice tests; sidebars with insider tips and tricks from high-scoring, expert instructors; a Quick Start Guide to streamline your test prep experience; hundreds of additional practice questions; and detailed answer explanations. Test Specifics: The GMAT is a computerized test that is administered year-round by appointment. September to December is the high season for GMAT. Thousands of graduate management programs around the world use the GMAT in their admissions process.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: Kaplan GMAT Premier [With CDROM]
Portachiave Harry Potter Cutie Collection Draco Malfoy

Portachiave Harry Potter Cutie Collection Draco Malfoy

Official Licensed Keyring on a silver plated ring and clip.This keyring has been created using the official style guide from Warner Bros.They are approx 40mm.It comes on official Harry Potter branded card packaging and shows the Warner Bros logo on the reverse.

Portachiave Harry Potter Cutie Collection Hermione Granger

Portachiave Harry Potter Cutie Collection Hermione Granger

Official Licensed Keyring on a silver plated ring and clip. This keyring has been created using the official style guide from Warner Bros. They are approx 40mm. It comes on official Harry Potter branded card packaging and shows the Warner Bros logo on the reverse.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: Portachiave Harry Potter Cutie Collection Hermione Granger
GMAT the official guide

GMAT the official guide

Il libro è in ottime condizioni, come nuovo. È pure rivestito di una copertina di plastica che ho aggiunto per evitare che si danneggino gli angoli e bordi. Il prezzo non è trattabile. Tutte le informazioni sui contenuti sono nella copertina (vedi foto).

Professional Hairdressing: The Official Guide to Level 3;

Professional Hairdressing: The Official Guide to Level 3;

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Martin / Kimber, Lesley / Palladino, Leo, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, Professional Hairdressing is the official NVQ Level 3 guide to hairdressing published for the Hairdressing And Beauty Industry Authority. This third edition is essential reading for anyone preparing to undertake a National Vocational Qualification in hairdressing at Level 3.This book is also an ideal companion for others who simply wish to improve their hairdressing skills. Level 3 is the qualification for the experienced stylist and the next generation of salon managers who want to build on their skills as professionals. The updated third edition covers essential skills such as: artistic and creative interpretation and understanding; specialised techniques; professional client care; training and assessment; and individual and team development. Each chapter offers a modular approach to learning, which allows you to access relevant information in any order.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: Professional Hairdressing: The Official Guide to Level 3;
Pacchetto 3 libri GMAT

Pacchetto 3 libri GMAT

Vendo il pacchetto di preparazione all'esame Gmat . Sono inclusi "official review", "quantitative review" e "verbal review". I libri sono come nuovi, usati una volta

Harry Potter Keychain Time Turner (silver plated)

Harry Potter Keychain Time Turner (silver plated)

Official Licensed Keyring on a silver plated ring and clip. This keyring has been created using the official style guide from Warner Bros. They are approx 50mm. It comes on official Harry Potter branded card packaging and shows the Warner Bros logo on the reverse.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: Harry Potter Keychain Time Turner (silver plated)
Official price guide records guida dischi prezzi

Official price guide records guida dischi prezzi

THE OFFICIAL PRICE GUIDE TO RECORDS GUIDA DISCHI PREZZI NINTH EDITION by Jerry Osborne House of collectibles - New York Lists every charted hit from to pagg in inglese Ottimo stato

QuickBooks : The Official Guide

QuickBooks : The Official Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ivens, Kathy, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, A great accounting software product supported by the only Intuit-authorized reference book on the market. It all adds up to terrific product knowledge and effective management and accounting for your small business.

Offerte relazionate the official guide for gmat: QuickBooks : The Official Guide
Demento/Haunting Ground Official

Demento/Haunting Ground Official

Pezzi Introvabili da collezione: Demento Official Complete Guide Demento Official Guidebook
