the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church

The Metaphor of Slavery in the Writings of the Early Church

The Metaphor of Slavery in the Writings of the Early Church

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Combes, PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishing, NA

The Scandal of Gender

The Scandal of Gender

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mitchell, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Regina Orthodox Press, What did the Fathers of the historic Church teach about the role of women in the Church? For many years the answer to this question has come from feminist theologians. It has been difficult to find a book that presents what the Church Fathers and the Scriptures teach on women and men's role in the life of the Church. The Scandal of Gender brings us into direct contact with the authentic and original teachings of the ancient Christian Church Fathers on the issue of the proper role of women and men in the life of the Church. The point of view of the Reader Patrick Mitchell reflects the traditional Orthodox point of view of the Early Church Fathers and the Bible.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The Scandal of Gender
The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings

The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bettenson, Henry, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The century and a quarter following the Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) has been called the 'Golden Age of Patristic literature.' It is this period that Henry Bettenson covers in this companion volume to The Early Christian Fathers, selecting from the writings of Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Jerome, Augustine of Hippo, Cyril of Alexandria, and other Fathers of the Christian Church. Their central concerns were formulating the doctrine of the Trinity after the Nicene conclusions, and enunciating the doctrine of the divinity and humanity of Christ. The writings served to clarify if not to solve the issues and they continue to be valuable and relevant for all who wish to understand the Christian doctrine. As in The Early Christian Fathers, Mr. Bettenson has translated everything afresh and provided some brief sketches of the lives of each of the Fathers represented in the selection.

The Subversive Role of Visions in Early Christian Martyrs

The Subversive Role of Visions in Early Christian Martyrs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maldonado Perez, Zaida / P. Rez, Zaida Maldonado, PUBLISHER: Emeth Press, During the persecution of the early church, the stories of the witness of the martyrs-later known as the Acts of the Martyrs--became a critical part of the church's reading and devotional material. Why? This book argues that the reading of the Acts, and especially their visions, did more than just encourage the persecuted church; they reveal a nuanced view of God, the world, power, and powerlessness, death and life that at times subverts what may have been construed as normal or dominant by either church or the Greco-Roman society. This nuanced view may in fact reflect an underlying grass-roots or "popular theology" not readily available to the reader through other early church literature.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The Subversive Role of Visions in Early Christian Martyrs
The Church: Christ in the World Today, Student Book

The Church: Christ in the World Today, Student Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Albl, Martin C., PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, **The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found this catechetical text, copyright , to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Church: Christ in the World Today guides the students in exploring and understanding the Catholic Church, as well as its origin, structure, and mission. Additionally, the course addresses the roles of the hierarchy, those in religious life, and the laity in supporting the mission of the Church. Particular attention is paid to the global presence of the Church as a light to all people

Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics and Peasant

Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics and Peasant

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sheller, Mimi, PUBLISHER: University Press of Florida, Mimi Sheller's ground-breaking comparative study analyzes the struggle for freedom and democracy in two Caribbean societies in the aftermath of the abolition of slavery. Pairing the revolutionary Republic of Haiti with the British colony of Jamaica, the author shows how peasants in the 19th-century Caribbean developed a radical critique of elite liberalism and constructed an alternative Pan-Caribbean African identity. Comparing two major peasant rebellions and the relation between them, she describes how Haitian and Jamaican survivors of slavery contributed to the making of democracy in the West.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics and Peasant
Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations

Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howitt, William, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing, Two Evil Principles: Kingcraft and Priestcraft; Paganism; Mythology of the Assyrians and Syrians; Establishment of Monkery (monks); Popish Arrogance and Atrocities; Jesuits and Inquisitors; English Church; Ministerial Plan of Irish Church Reform; Clerical Incomes; Evils of the system of Church Patronage; Retrospect view of of the Effects of Priestcraft.

What Is the Soul?

What Is the Soul?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Warner, D. S., PUBLISHER: Reformation Publishing, A treatise of 100 Scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by early church history.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: What Is the Soul?
How Christians Made Peace with War: Early Christian

How Christians Made Peace with War: Early Christian

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Driver, John, PUBLISHER: Herald Press, John Driver tells the history of the early church from the close of the New Testament through Augustine. He shows how there was a gradual shift in thinking as Christians became involved in the military until they lost their peaceful approach to solving conflict. A popular treatment of the 'Constantinian shift.' Volume 2.

The United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Discipleship, Resources / Discipleship Resources, PUBLISHER: Discipleship Resources, Addresses the following topics: John Wesley, the father of Methodism; the mission of The United Methodist Church; our theology and beliefs as found in the Book of Discipline, men and women in history who influenced Methodism; how the church is organized: what it means to be a global church; and understanding words and symbols.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The United Methodist Church
The Second Coming of the Church

The Second Coming of the Church

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barna, George, PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, In this "blueprint for survival," Christian sociologist George Barna evaluates the moral and spiritual decline of society and the corresponding stagnation within the Church. Using hard data, Barna unveils the status quo and argues convincingly that the Church must re-invent itself or face virtual oblivion by the mid-21st century.

The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God

The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McDonough, William K. / Hahn, Scott, PUBLISHER: Servant Publications, In this fourth title in the series of contemporary Catholic classics, William K. McDonough offers a popular explanation of the meaning of the Trinity, ?the fundamental doctrine of the Catholic faith, ? and its relation to the body of Christian revelation. He presents a synthesis of the Catholic faith: the triune life of God; the Person of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; creation; the Incarnation; mariology; divine adoption; divine indwelling; prayer, sacraments and sacramentals; love; life with God here and hereafter. McDonough relies on the theology of Saints John and Paul, the teachings of the Fathers of the church, and the spiritual writings of Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity, a contemporary of Saint Th?r?se of Lisieux. He sees the mystery of the Trinity as a secret?the Secret of Secrets?beyond all our guessing?that, once revealed to us, becomes the pattern for true Christian living.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The Divine Family: The Trinity and Our Life in God
Building Unity in the Church of the New Milennium

Building Unity in the Church of the New Milennium

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perry, Dwight / Perkins, John / Emerson, Michael, PUBLISHER: Moody Publishers, The church has changed. It is more diverse and as such faces new and imposing challenges. Building Unity in the Church of the New Millennium is an extraordinary collection of articles from a diverse group of ministry leaders devoted to unity among those of different races, classes, genders, and other groups within the church. To love as Christ commanded, the church simply must learn to incorporate, reach out to, and become unified with the people of God's whole kingdom.

The Faith of the Church: A Reformed Perspective on Its

The Faith of the Church: A Reformed Perspective on Its

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Osterhaven, M. Eugene, PUBLISHER: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, "Historical in its approach, systematic in its scope, The Faith of the Church provides the reader with a stimulating overview of Christian theology." - Paul Jewett

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The Faith of the Church: A Reformed Perspective on Its
Living of Maisie Ward

Living of Maisie Ward

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greene, Dana, PUBLISHER: University of Notre Dame Press, The first biography of this amazing woman of faith, The Living of Maisie Ward provides inspiration for the current generation of Catholics whose lives and actions will profoundly shape the American Church in the twenty-first century.

The Thirteen Principal Upanishads

The Thirteen Principal Upanishads

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hume, Robert Ernest / Hume, R. E., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The metaphysical treatises known as the Upanishads represent the efforts of the major thinkers of early India, from around the sixth century B.C., to solve the problems of the origin, the nature, and the destiny of man and the universe. These texts, translated by Hume who faithfully rendered the original Sanskrit, include an appendix of recurrent and parallel passages in the principal Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita, full annotations, a bibliography, and a helpful exposition of the methods of translation.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The Thirteen Principal Upanishads
Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived

Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dethomasis, Louis, PUBLISHER: ACTA Publications, The current quandary that the Roman Catholic Church finds itself in right now is what Brother Louis DeThomasis calls "a crisis of confidence" in this insightful, provocative, and hopeful new book. He points to the way of unraveling the quandary by returning the church's historic belief in tradition- "the lived experience of the faithful" - as a source of ongoing revelation and renewal.

Seeking for the Kingdom of God: Origins of the Bruderhof

Seeking for the Kingdom of God: Origins of the Bruderhof

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arnold, Eberhard / Arnold, Emmy, PUBLISHER: Plough Publishing House, A candid look at the faith and daring that led the Arnolds to break away from the established church of their day. Contains letters, poems, and biographical and historical material about the beginnings of the Bruderhof movement.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: Seeking for the Kingdom of God: Origins of the Bruderhof
Touring the Flatiron District: Walks in Four Historic

Touring the Flatiron District: Walks in Four Historic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mendelsohn, Joyce, PUBLISHER: City and Company, From the Victorian department stores of Ladies' Mile to the Greek Revival townhouses of Chelsea to the early skyscrapers of Madison Square to the stately brownstones of Gramercy park, "Touring the Flatiron District takes the reader through some of he most vibrant sections of New York City.

Ancient Wine, New Wineskins: The Lord's Supper in Old

Ancient Wine, New Wineskins: The Lord's Supper in Old

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berquist, Jon L., PUBLISHER: Chalice Press, This study offers up rich new understandings of the eucharist by juxtaposing Old Testament traditions of faith with themes of communion in the early church.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: Ancient Wine, New Wineskins: The Lord's Supper in Old
The Testimony of Jesus

The Testimony of Jesus

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lee, Witness, PUBLISHER: Living Stream Ministry, The local church, the church in each locality, is the testimony of Jesus today. The testimony of Jesus is the practical church, not the church ?in the air? or the church to come. A church yet to come cannot show Jesus to people, and a church ?in the heavens? may show Jesus to the angels, but it cannot show Jesus to people on the earth. Therefore, we need to consider whether we truly bear the image of Jesus. If we show someone an unclear picture of a person, it will not be a proper testimony of him with his image and appearance. We may see something in the picture, but it will not be the person we claim to show. The church in our locality must bear the image, expression, appearance, and virtues of Christ.

Buddhism Under the T'Ang

Buddhism Under the T'Ang

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weinstein, Stanley, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Buddhism Under the Tang is a history of the Buddhist Church during the T'ang dynasty (), when Buddhist thought reached the pinnacle of its development. The three centuries spanned by the T'ang saw the formation of such important philosophical schools as the Fa-hsiang and Hua-yen, the consolidation of the T'ien-t'ai school, the introduction of Esoteric Buddhism from India, and the emergence of the Pure Land and Chan schools as the predominant expressions of Buddhist faith and practice. Professor Weinstein draws extensively upon both secular and ecclesiastical records to chronicle the vicissitudes of the Buddhist Church. The main focus is on the constantly changing relationship between the Buddhist Church and the T'ang state. Among the topics discussed in detail are the various attempts to curb the power of the Buddhist monasteries, the governance of the Buddhist clergy, the use of Buddhism to promote secular political ends, and the violent suppression of Buddhism by Emperor Wu () and its formal restoration under the last T'ang emperor.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: Buddhism Under the T'Ang
Everyday Evangelism

Everyday Evangelism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crossley, Gareth, PUBLISHER: EP BOOKS, The church of today can no longer assume the right to speak to the unsaved about the great issues of life and death. We have to earn that right.' Gareth Crossley believes that the approach of the Christian church to the unsaved has often been highly stereotyped and that we need to take a fresh look at the great principles of evangelism outlined in the Scriptures.

The Red and the Black: A Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century

The Red and the Black: A Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stendhal / Slater, Catherine, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The son of a carpenter, Julian Sorel is inspired by the writings of Napoleon to conquer the heights of society. His initial plan to work his way up through the church is, however, thwarted when he is forced to accept employment as a tutor--and this rash social entrepreneur certainly has not considered the dangers of falling in love. Stendhal's novel is an amusing and piquant study of hypocrisy and free will in post-Napoleonic France.

Offerte relazionate the metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church: The Red and the Black: A Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century
The Eucharist, Our Sanctification

The Eucharist, Our Sanctification

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cantalamessa, Raniero / Villa, Frances Lonergan, PUBLISHER: Liturgical Press, This set of meditations -- presented by the author in the presence of Pope John Paul II -- is nourished by Scripture and the teachings of the Church Fathers.
