the effects and risks of extreme weight loss on the body of

The Effects and Risks of Extreme Weight Loss on the Body of

The Effects and Risks of Extreme Weight Loss on the Body of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gunter, Joseph C., PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, Author Joseph Gunter takes a look into ong>theong> world ong>ofong> ong>weightong> cutting by examining ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>andong> ong>risksong> ong>ofong> this dangerous, but accepted, part ong>ofong> wrestling. One ong>ofong> ong>theong> worldas oldest sports has gone under some much-needed renovations in its rules ong>andong> regulations. ong>Theong>se rules ong>andong> regulations were formed in response to ong>theong> three deaths ong>ofong> ong>theong> wrestlers that died trying to keep up ong>theong> long tradition ong>ofong> self-sacrifice that wrestlers have identified ong>theong>mselves. This research study will examine ong>theong> physiology ong>andong> psychology behind ong>extremeong> ong>weightong> ong>lossong> techniques. In addition, it will examine why it has been found that it is more beneficial for wrestlers to slowly reduce ong>theong>ir ong>weightong>, raong>theong>r than ong>theong> rapid ong>weightong> ong>lossong> methods that have been practiced in ong>theong> past.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rogers, Rogers / Rogers, Thomas / Gilman, Steven C., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Our understong>andong>ing ong>ofong> ong>theong> intricate nature ong>ofong> ong>theong> immune response on both a cellular ong>andong> molecular level has both contributed to ong>andong> benefited from ong>theong> work ong>ofong> immunopharmacologists. An increasing number ong>ofong> immunologists have become interested in agents which exert selective ong>effectsong> on ong>theong> immune system. This has prompted ong>theong> development ong>ofong> ong>theong> subject ong>ofong> immunopharmacology which broadly addresses ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> natural ong>andong> synong>theong>tic substances on ong>theong> immune response

Offerte relazionate the effects and risks of extreme weight loss on the body of: Immunopharmacology
On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On ong>theong> Functions ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain ong>andong> ong>ofong> Each ong>ofong> Its Parts: With Observations on ong>theong> Possibility ong>ofong> Determining ong>theong> Instincts, Propensities, ong>andong> Talents, or ong>theong> Moral ong>andong> Intellectual Dispositions ong>ofong> Men ong>andong> Animals, by ong>theong> Configuration ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain ong>andong> Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

Resources & Population

Resources & Population

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacFarlane, Alan / MacFarlane / Fortes, Meyer, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, In many areas ong>ofong> ong>theong> world destruction ong>ofong> natural resources ong>andong> ong>theong> rapid growth ong>ofong> populaton are among ong>theong> most important problems facing individuals ong>andong> governments. This book, first published in , utilises ong>theong> tools ong>ofong> social anthropology ong>andong> population studies in an attempt to see some ong>ofong> ong>theong> causes ong>andong> consequences ong>ofong> populations growth ong>andong> some ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> change on natural resources. It analyses a particular 'community' in ong>theong> Annapurna range ong>ofong> ong>theong> central Himalayas during this century, ong>andong> investigates how ong>theong> destruction ong>ofong> forests ong>andong> ong>theong> growth ong>ofong> settled rice cultivation have occurred, ong>andong> some ong>ofong> ong>theong> consequences. ong>Theong> Gurungs are famous as recruits to ong>theong> Gurkha regiments ong>ofong> ong>theong> British ong>andong> Indian armies, ong>andong> ong>theong> demographic ong>andong> economic ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> foreign mercenary labour are among ong>theong> topics examined.

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Farmers as Hunters: The Implications of Sedentism

Farmers as Hunters: The Implications of Sedentism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kent, Susan / Audouze, Francoise / Broodbank, Cyprian, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Farmers as hunters analyses from an essentially ethnographic perspective ong>theong> role ong>ofong> hunters in small-scale farming societies. ong>Theong> twelve contributors examine ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> hunting ong>andong> mobility on behaviour, diet, economy ong>andong> material culture at both culture-specific ong>andong> cross-cultural levels. ong>Theong> influence ong>ofong> sedentism ong>andong> ong>theong> increasing use ong>ofong> domesticates is also explored across a wide range ong>ofong> societies from ong>theong> American southwest ong>andong> Amazonian to Africa, New Guinea ong>andong> ong>theong> Phillipines. Differing perceptions ong>ofong> ong>theong> status ong>ofong> animals ong>andong> plants are reviewed ong>andong> cultural values are throughout given due ong>weightong> in a field where discussion too ong>ofong>ten verges on ong>theong> economically deterministic.

The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American

The Gulf of Mexico: A Treasury of Resources in the American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gore, Robert H., PUBLISHER: Pineapple Press (FL), - Only book available on this great body ong>ofong> water - Synopsis ong>ofong> ong>theong> history, geology, geography, oceanography, biology, ecology, ong>andong> economics ong>ofong> ong>theong> Gulf - Traces ong>theong> economic use ong>ofong> ong>theong> Gulf from ong>theong> Mayans to present-day ong>ofong>fshore oil companies - Explores every discrete ecological community in ong>theong> Gulf - For those who live or vacation on ong>theong> Gulf ong>andong> wants to know ong>theong> full story ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir watery backyard

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Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging

Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Isaac, Grant / Bigman, D. / Bigman, David, PUBLISHER: CABI Publishing, ong>Theong> globalization process ong>andong> ong>theong> internal policy reforms that ong>theong> developing countries have implemented during ong>theong> past decade have changed ong>theong> relative prices ong>ofong> practically all ong>theong>ir inputs ong>andong> outputs. Agricultural producers have ong>theong>refore been forced to change ong>theong> structure ong>andong> methods ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir production. ong>Theong> objective ong>ofong> this book is to review ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> globalization on a number ong>ofong> issues. ong>Theong>se include ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> changes in global trading rules ong>andong> regulations, ong>theong> removal ong>ofong> trade barriers ong>andong> ong>theong> elimination ong>ofong> many country-specific trade agreements.

Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor Air Pollution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Leslie, G. B. / Lunau, F. W., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ndoor Air Pollution addresses ong>theong> problems arising from pollutants that all too commonly contaminate ong>theong> indoor environment, including biological sources such as bacteria, fungi ong>andong> molds, common combustion products, radon ong>andong> oong>theong>r sources ong>ofong> radiation, solvents used in industry ong>andong> ong>theong> home, asbestos ong>andong> dust pollution. ong>Theong> aim is to provide a balanced account ong>ofong> ong>theong> health ong>risksong> associated with ong>theong>se major pollutants ong>andong> to quantify ong>theong> scale ong>ofong> ong>theong> problem on a pollution-by-pollution basis. Each chapter covers exposure levels, sources ong>ofong> pollution, ong>andong> routes ong>ofong> uptake, health ong>effectsong>, control measures, ong>andong> regulatory guidelines.

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The Fragrant Veil: Scents for the Sensuous Woman

The Fragrant Veil: Scents for the Sensuous Woman

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Millar, Elisabeth, PUBLISHER: Llewellyn Publications, Discover ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> 28 scents on ong>theong> mind ong>andong> emotions. Wheong>theong>r you want to express your inner Wild Woman, Playful Maiden, or Alluring Aphrodite, you can create a self-portrait ong>ofong> scent that will inspire ong>theong> imagination ong>ofong> everyone you meet. Increase ong>theong> sensuous pleasures ong>ofong> daily life through ong>theong> allure ong>ofong> scent in bath oils, facial oils, body lotions, perfumes, ong>andong> air fragrancers.

High Technology, Space, and Society

High Technology, Space, and Society

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Castells, Manuel / Castells, Manuel, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), ong>Theong> relationship between ong>theong> technological revolution ong>andong> ong>theong> simultaneous process ong>ofong> worldwide urban-regional restructuring is examined in this book. Two overview chapters by Manuel Castells ong>andong> Peter Hall summarize current research in ong>theong> United States ong>andong> Great Britain. Additional chapters examine locational patterns ong>andong> regional ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> high-tech manufacturing; ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> technological change on service industries ong>andong> metropolitan economies; ong>andong> ong>theong> social, spatial, ong>andong> political ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> new communications technologies.

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Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography

Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barong>theong>s, Rolong>andong> / Dyer, Geong>ofong>f, PUBLISHER: Hill & Wang, A graceful, contemplative volume, "Camera Lucida "was first published in . Commenting on artists such as Avedon, Clifford, Mapplethorpe, ong>andong> Nadar, Rolong>andong> Barong>theong>s presents photography as being outside ong>theong> codes ong>ofong> language or culture, acting on ong>theong> body as much as on ong>theong> mind, ong>andong> rendering death ong>andong> ong>lossong> more acutely than any oong>theong>r medium. This groundbreaking approach established "Camera Lucida "as one ong>ofong> ong>theong> most important books ong>ofong> ong>theong>ory on ong>theong> subject, along with Susan Sontag's "On Photography."

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

The Saloon on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: West, Elliott, PUBLISHER: University ong>ofong> Nebraska Press, Elliott West's careful analysis ong>ofong> ong>theong> role ong>andong> development ong>ofong> ong>theong> saloon as an institution on ong>theong> mining frontier provides unique insights into ong>theong> social ong>andong> economic history ong>ofong> ong>theong> American West. Drawing on contemporaneous newspapers ong>andong> many unpublished firsthong>andong> accounts, West shows that ong>theong> physical evolution ong>ofong> ong>theong> saloon, from crude tents ong>andong> shanties into elegant establishments for drinking ong>andong> gaming, reflected ong>theong> growth ong>andong> maturity ong>ofong> ong>theong> surrounding community.

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Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

Body and Gift: Reflections on Creation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Torode, Sam, PUBLISHER: Ascension Press, ong>Theong> First book in ong>theong> series, Body ong>andong> Gift, begins with ong>theong> creation ong>ofong> man recorded in Genesis ong>andong> goes on to explore its teaching on ong>theong> human body ong>andong> God's design for marriage

Development Microeconomics

Development Microeconomics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bardhan, Pranab K. / Udry, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Development Microeconomics is ong>theong> first in a series ong>ofong> books which looks at ong>theong> entire spectrum ong>ofong> development economics issues ong>andong> combines ong>theong> strengths ong>ofong> conventional developmental thought with ong>theong> insights ong>ofong> contemporary mainstream economics. ong>Theong> main new conceptual tool used is ong>theong> application ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>theong>ory ong>ofong> imperfect information ong>andong> ong>theong> ong>effectsong> this has on ong>theong> behavior ong>ofong> economic agents. This book is designed specifically for graduate students.

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The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down

The Sinking of the Princess Sophia: Taking the North Down

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coates, Ken / Morrison, William, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, On October , ong>theong> Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Sophia left Skagway, Alaska, on its last run ong>ofong> ong>theong> season to Vancouver, Victoria, ong>andong> Seattle. A storm rose ong>andong> at 2 a.m. it ran aground on Vong>andong>erbilt Reef. Rescue vessels were quickly assembled, but ong>theong> storm worsened ong>andong> ong>theong>y were forced to take shelter ong>theong>mselves. By ong>theong> following morning, ong>theong> Princess Sophia had sunk to ong>theong> bottom ong>ofong> ong>theong> Lynn Canal, taking all ong>ofong> its passengers--a significant cross-section ong>ofong> ong>theong> population ong>ofong> ong>theong> Yukon ong>andong> Alaska--with it. This volume examines ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> this ong>lossong> on a society that, with ong>theong> end ong>ofong> ong>theong> gold rush, was already in decline.

Praying the Rosary: The Joyful, Fruitful, Sorrowful, and

Praying the Rosary: The Joyful, Fruitful, Sorrowful, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dicharry, Warren F., PUBLISHER: Liturgical Press, This guide ong>andong> commentary on ong>theong> mysteries ong>ofong> ong>theong> Rosary refocuses our meditation on ong>theong> true center ong>ofong> ong>theong> Rosary: ong>theong> mysteries ong>ofong> Christ's birth, death, ong>andong> resurrection.

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Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations

Popular History of Priestcraft in All Ages and Nations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howitt, William, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing, Two Evil Principles: Kingcraft ong>andong> Priestcraft; Paganism; Mythology ong>ofong> ong>theong> Assyrians ong>andong> Syrians; Establishment ong>ofong> Monkery (monks); Popish Arrogance ong>andong> Atrocities; Jesuits ong>andong> Inquisitors; English Church; Ministerial Plan ong>ofong> Irish Church Reform; Clerical Incomes; Evils ong>ofong> ong>theong> system ong>ofong> Church Patronage; Retrospect view ong>ofong> ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>Effectsong> ong>ofong> Priestcraft.

Men of Letters, Writing Lives

Men of Letters, Writing Lives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Broughton, Trev Lynn, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Trev Lynn Broughton takes an in-depth look at ong>theong> developments within Victorian auto/biography, ong>andong> asks what we can learn about ong>theong> conditions ong>andong> limits ong>ofong> male literary authority. Providing a feminist analysis ong>ofong> ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> this literary production on culture, Broughton looks at ong>theong> increase in prong>ofong>essions with a vested interest in ong>theong> written Life; ong>theong> speeding up ong>ofong> ong>theong> Life-ong>andong>-Letters industry during this period; ong>theong> institutionalization ong>ofong> Life-writing; ong>andong> ong>theong> consequent spread ong>ofong> a network ong>ofong> mainly male practitioners ong>andong> commentators. This study focuses on two case studies from ong>theong> period : ong>theong> ong>theong>ories ong>andong> achievements ong>ofong> Sir Leslie Stephen ong>andong> ong>theong> debate surrounding James Anthony Froude's account ong>ofong> ong>theong> marriage ong>ofong> Thomas ong>andong> Jane Welsh Carlyle.

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British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power

British Parliamentary Parties: Policy and Power

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brong>andong>, Jack, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book examines ong>theong> role ong>ofong> ong>theong> British Conservative ong>andong> Labour parliamentary parties in ong>theong> development ong>ofong> government policy since . Focusing on major policy fields--agriculture, education, housing, defense, ong>theong> economy, ong>andong> Scottish affairs--Brong>andong> argues that ong>theong> influence ong>ofong> back-benchers has been consistently underestimated, ong>andong> that ong>theong> interdependence ong>ofong> front- ong>andong> back-benchers frequently produces surprising ong>andong> significant ong>effectsong> on policy development.

I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors

I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eisenstein, Bernice, PUBLISHER: Riverhead Books, In this innovative memoir, Bernice Eisenstein combines her skills as a writer ong>andong> illustrator to distill her memories ong>ofong> growing up in ong>theong> s in ong>theong> shadow ong>ofong> ong>theong> Holocaust. Drawing on ong>theong> harrowing experiences ong>ofong> her parents-both ong>ofong> ong>theong>m Holocaust survivors-ong>andong> ong>theong> fragmented stories ong>ofong> oong>theong>r family members lost in ong>theong> war, she explores ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir legacy on her own life. A groundbreaking exploration ong>ofong> personal history in ong>theong> tradition ong>ofong> Art piegelman's "Maus," "I Was a Child ong>ofong> Holocaust Survivors" is a searingly honest ong>andong> deeply moving work that speaks to ong>theong> universality ong>ofong> memory ong>andong> ong>lossong>.

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The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

The Big Bang, the Buddha, and the Baby Boom

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nisker, Wes Scoop, PUBLISHER: HarperOne, Hang on for a Wild Journey through ong>theong> Political ong>andong> Spiritual Adventures ong>ofong> ong>theong> Baby-Boom Generation Join Wes "Scoop" Nisker as he takes us on a hilarious, wild ride through ong>theong> heyday ong>ofong> ong>theong> Beats ong>andong> ong>theong> Hippies ong>andong> ong>theong> birth ong>ofong> ong>theong> modern environmental movement, ong>andong> ong>theong> surge ong>ofong> Buddhism in ong>theong> West.

Golf: Implements and Memorabilia

Golf: Implements and Memorabilia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McGimpsey, Kevin / Neech, David / Neach, David, PUBLISHER: Philip Wilson Publishers, A detailed study covering golfing art ong>andong> memorabilia, patents, designs, ong>theong> origins ong>ofong> ong>theong> game ong>andong> related sports. Many books have been written on ong>theong> various aspects ong>ofong> golf, but this is ong>theong> first that attributes ong>theong> game's popularity to ong>theong> introduction ong>ofong> ong>theong> solid gutta percha gong>ofong> ball in ong>andong> ong>theong> American rubber-cored ball in . ong>Theong> book describes, in ong>theong> light ong>ofong> ong>theong>se dramatic gong>ofong> ball changes, how ong>theong> ball ong>andong> club have evolved, ong>theong> types ong>ofong> material used, ong>theong> people who made ong>theong> clubs ong>andong> balls, those who have excelled at ong>theong> game, ong>andong> ong>theong> ong>effectsong> ong>theong> implements had on ong>theong> development ong>ofong> ong>theong> swing ong>andong> on gong>ofong>-course design. ong>Theong>re are well-illustrated chapters on golfing art ong>andong> golfing memorabilia, as well as shorter chapters on patents, designs ong>andong> ong>theong> origins ong>ofong> ong>theong> game ong>andong> related games. Included is a directory ong>ofong> golf-club- ong>andong> ball-makers ong>andong> golf artists.

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The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Murison, Justine S., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, For much ong>ofong> ong>theong> nineteenth century, ong>theong> nervous system was a medical mystery, inspiring scientific studies ong>andong> exciting great public interest. Because ong>ofong> this widespread fascination, ong>theong> nerves came to explain ong>theong> means by which mind ong>andong> body related to each oong>theong>r. By ong>theong> s, ong>theong> nervous system helped Americans express ong>theong> consequences on ong>theong> body, ong>andong> for society, ong>ofong> major historical changes. Literary writers, including Nathaniel Hawthorne ong>andong> Harriet Beecher Stowe, used ong>theong> nerves as a metaphor to re-imagine ong>theong> role ong>ofong> ong>theong> self amidst political, social ong>andong> religious tumults, including debates about slavery ong>andong> ong>theong> revivals ong>ofong> ong>theong> Second Great Awakening. Representing ong>theong> 'romance' ong>ofong> ong>theong> nervous system ong>andong> its cultural impact thoughtfully ong>andong>, at times, critically, ong>theong> fictional experiments ong>ofong> this century helped construct ong>andong> explore a neurological vision ong>ofong> ong>theong> body ong>andong> mind. Murison explains ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> neurological medicine on nineteenth-century literature ong>andong> culture. Acquista Ora

Vitamin Intake and Health: A Scientific Review

Vitamin Intake and Health: A Scientific Review

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gaby, Suzanne K. / Bendich, Adrianne / Singh, Vishwa N., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Describes ong>theong> biochemical ong>andong> physiological ong>effectsong> ong>ofong> most ong>ofong> ong>theong> clinically important vitamins, ong>andong> presents indications ong>ofong> ong>theong> health benefits ong>ofong> vitamin intake beyond ong>theong> levels currently established as recommended daily allowance by ong>theong> National Academy ong>ofong> Science. ong>Theong> analysis focuses primaril

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A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hastings, James, PUBLISHER: University Press ong>ofong> ong>theong> Pacific, For over a century ong>theong> ten-volume Dictionary ong>ofong> ong>theong> Bible has been ong>theong> definitive reference. "It is a Dictionary ong>ofong> ong>theong> Old ong>andong> New Testaments, togeong>theong>r with ong>theong> Old Testament Apocrypha, according to ong>theong> Authorized ong>andong> Revised English Versions, ong>andong> with constant reference to ong>theong> original tongues.... Articles have been written on ong>theong> names ong>ofong> all Persons ong>andong> Places, on ong>theong> Antiquities ong>andong> Archaeology ong>ofong> ong>theong> Bible, on its Ethnology, Geology, ong>andong> Natural History, on Biblical ong>Theong>ology ong>andong> Ethic, ong>andong> even on ong>theong> obsolete or archaic words occurring in ong>theong> English Versions." James Hastings () was a distinguished scholar ong>andong> pastor. He was founder ong>andong> editor ong>ofong> ong>theong> Expository Times ong>andong> is also well known for editing ong>theong> Encyclopaedia ong>ofong> Religion ong>andong> Ethics, ong>theong> Dictionary ong>ofong> Christ ong>andong> ong>theong> Gospels, ong>andong> ong>theong> Dictionary ong>ofong> ong>theong> Apostolic Church.
