the century of bach and mozart perspectives on

The Century of Bach and Mozart: Perspectives on

The Century of Bach and Mozart: Perspectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gallagher, Sean / Kelly, Thomas Forrest, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Department ong>ofong> Music, For many today Johann Sebastian ong>Bachong> ong>andong> Wolfgang Amadeus ong>Mozartong> stong>andong> as towering representatives ong>ofong> European music ong>ofong> ong>theong> eighteenth ong>centuryong>, composers whose works reflect intellectual, religious, ong>andong> aesong>theong>tic trends ong>ofong> ong>theong> period. Research on ong>theong>ir compositions continues in many ways to shape our broader understong>andong>ing ong>ofong> eighteenth-ong>centuryong> musical thought ong>andong> its contexts. This collection ong>ofong> essays by leading authorities in ong>theong> field ong>ofong>fers a variety ong>ofong> new ong>perspectivesong> on ong>theong> two composers, as well as some ong>ofong> ong>theong>ir important contemporaries, Haydn in particular. Addressing topics as diverse as ong>theong> historiography ong>ofong> eighteenth-ong>centuryong> music, concepts ong>ofong> time ong>andong> musical form, ong>theong> idea ong>ofong> ong>theong> musical work ong>andong> its relation to publishing practices, compositional process, ong>andong> performance practice, ong>theong>se essays togeong>theong>r constitute a major contribution to eighteenth-ong>centuryong> studies. This book had its origin in a conference that took place at ong>theong> Music Department ong>ofong> Harvard University on September , to honor Prong>ofong>essor Christoph Wolff, Adams University Prong>ofong>essor at Harvard University.

Historical Perspectives on Climate Change

Historical Perspectives on Climate Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fleming, James Rodger, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This intriguing volume provides a thorough examination ong>ofong> ong>theong> historical roots ong>ofong> global climate change as a field ong>ofong> inquiry, from ong>theong> Enlightenment to ong>theong> late twentieth ong>centuryong>. Based on primary ong>andong> archival sources, ong>theong> book is filled with interesting ong>perspectivesong> on what people have understood, experienced, ong>andong> feared about ong>theong> climate ong>andong> its changes in ong>theong> past. Chapters explore climate ong>andong> culture in Enlightenment thought; climate debates in early America; ong>theong> development ong>ofong> international networks ong>ofong> observation; ong>theong> scientific transformation ong>ofong> climate discourse; ong>andong> early contributions to understong>andong>ing terrestrial temperature changes, infrared radiation, ong>andong> ong>theong> carbon dioxide ong>theong>ory ong>ofong> climate. But perhaps most important, this book shows what a study ong>ofong> ong>theong> past has to ong>ofong>fer ong>theong> interdisciplinary investigation ong>ofong> current environmental problems.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Historical Perspectives on Climate Change
Twentieth Century Theatre: A Sourcebook

Twentieth Century Theatre: A Sourcebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Drain, Richard, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Twentieth ong>Centuryong> ong>Theong>atre" is an inspired hong>andong>book ong>ofong> ideas ong>andong> arguments on ong>theong>atre. Richard Drain gaong>theong>rs togeong>theong>r a uniquely wide-ranging selection ong>ofong> original writings on ong>theong>atre by its most creative practitioners-- directors, playwrights, performers ong>andong> designers, from Jarry to Grotowski ong>andong> Craig to Caryl Churchill. ong>Theong>se key texts span ong>theong> twentieth ong>centuryong>, from ong>theong> onset ong>ofong> modernism to ong>theong> present, providing direct access to ong>theong> thinking behind much ong>ofong> ong>theong> most stimulating ong>theong>atre ong>theong> ong>centuryong> has had to ong>ofong>fer, as well as guidelines to its present most adventurous developments. Setting ong>theong>ory beside practice, ong>theong>se writings bring alive a number ong>ofong> vital ong>andong> continuing concerns, each ong>ofong> which is given full scope in five sections which explore ong>theong> Modernist, Poltical, Popular, Inner ong>andong> Global dimensions ong>ofong> twentieth ong>centuryong> ong>theong>atre. "Twentieth ong>Centuryong> ong>Theong>atre: A Sourcebook" provides illuminating ong>perspectivesong> on past histopry, ong>andong> throws fresh light on ong>theong> sources ong>andong> development ong>ofong> ong>theong>atre today. This sourcebook is not only an essential ong>andong> versatile collection for students at all levels, but also ong>ofong>fers a feast ong>ofong> ideas for anyone interested in or engaged in ong>theong>atre.

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hollong>andong>, Kathleen / Bloome, David / Solsken, Judith, PUBLISHER: Praeger, One ong>ofong> ong>theong> realities ong>ofong> educational practice in ong>theong> late 20th ong>centuryong> is ong>theong> increasing role ong>ofong> assessment, especially ong>ofong> children's oral ong>andong> written language. While ong>theong>re are many issues ong>andong> problems surrounding this assessment, one problem that needs to be addressed is ong>theong> lack ong>ofong> alternative ways ong>ofong> assessing children's language ong>andong> literacy for K-12 practitioners. ong>Theong>re are many ways to approach ong>theong> assessment ong>ofong> language ong>andong> literacy. How one approaches ong>theong> assessment ong>ofong> oral ong>andong> written language depends, in large part, on how language is defined ong>andong> on what purposes language is viewed as serving. In this book, alternative ways ong>ofong> assessing language are based on three different ong>perspectivesong> defining language ong>andong> its uses: anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, ong>andong> literary. Although applying ong>theong>se ong>perspectivesong> to language is not new, only recently have educators ong>andong> oong>theong>rs taken seriously ong>theong> need for assessment ong>ofong> language to be consistent with ong>theong> ong>perspectivesong> ong>ofong> language underlying classroom instruction. Simply put, as language education (including reading, writing, ong>andong> oral language) becomes increasingly based upon anthropological, socio-psycholinguistic, ong>andong> literary principles, ong>theong> assessment ong>ofong> language ong>andong> literacy must also be based upon such principles. This book discusses ong>andong> illustrates how to reconceptualize assessment in terms ong>ofong> ong>theong> alternative ong>perspectivesong> outlined here.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Alternative Perspectives in Assessing Children's Language
Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal, PUBLISHER: Anong>theong>m Press, This volume is a collection ong>ofong> essays on an alternative understong>andong>ing ong>ofong> Marxism, anchored in ong>theong> ideas ong>ofong> humanism, democracy ong>andong> pluralism. ong>Theong> essays question ong>theong> stereotyped, positivist notion ong>ofong> Marxism as practised by ong>theong> exponents ong>ofong> ong>ofong>ficial Marxism. ong>Theong>y highlight ong>theong> legacy ong>ofong> ong>theong> suppressed voices in ong>theong> Marxist tradition, ong>andong> provide new insights in ong>theong> reading ong>ofong> Marxism in ong>theong> twenty-first ong>centuryong>. ong>Theong> essays provide a new reading ong>ofong> Antonio Gramsci, Rosa Luxemburg, Nikolai Bukharin, David Ryazanov ong>andong> ong>theong> Frankfurt School; review ong>theong> phenomenon ong>ofong> Perestroika; explore ong>theong> new historiography on Comintern; ong>andong> examine ong>theong> relation between Marxism ong>andong> postmodernism. Acquista Ora

The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: May, Charles E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, ong>Theong> short story is one ong>ofong> ong>theong> most difficult types ong>ofong> prose to write ong>andong> one ong>ofong> ong>theong> most pleasurable to read. From Boccaccio's Decameron to ong>Theong> Collected Stories ong>ofong> Reynolds Price, Charles May gives us an understong>andong>ing ong>ofong> ong>theong> history ong>andong> structure ong>ofong> this demong>andong>ing form ong>ofong> fiction. Beginning with a general history ong>ofong> ong>theong> genre, he moves on to focus on ong>theong> nineteenth-ong>centuryong> when ong>theong> modern short story began to come into focus. From ong>theong>re he moves on to later nineteenth-ong>centuryong> realism ong>andong> early twentieth-ong>centuryong> formalism ong>andong> finally to ong>theong> modern renaissance ong>ofong> ong>theong> form that shows no signs ong>ofong> abating. A chronology ong>ofong> significant events, works ong>andong> figures from ong>theong> genre's history, notes ong>andong> references ong>andong> an extensive bibliographic essay with recommended reading round out ong>theong> volume.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice
A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hastings, James, PUBLISHER: University Press ong>ofong> ong>theong> Pacific, For over a ong>centuryong> ong>theong> ten-volume Dictionary ong>ofong> ong>theong> Bible has been ong>theong> definitive reference. "It is a Dictionary ong>ofong> ong>theong> Old ong>andong> New Testaments, togeong>theong>r with ong>theong> Old Testament Apocrypha, according to ong>theong> Authorized ong>andong> Revised English Versions, ong>andong> with constant reference to ong>theong> original tongues.... Articles have been written on ong>theong> names ong>ofong> all Persons ong>andong> Places, on ong>theong> Antiquities ong>andong> Archaeology ong>ofong> ong>theong> Bible, on its Ethnology, Geology, ong>andong> Natural History, on Biblical ong>Theong>ology ong>andong> Ethic, ong>andong> even on ong>theong> obsolete or archaic words occurring in ong>theong> English Versions." James Hastings () was a distinguished scholar ong>andong> pastor. He was founder ong>andong> editor ong>ofong> ong>theong> Expository Times ong>andong> is also well known for editing ong>theong> Encyclopaedia ong>ofong> Religion ong>andong> Ethics, ong>theong> Dictionary ong>ofong> Christ ong>andong> ong>theong> Gospels, ong>andong> ong>theong> Dictionary ong>ofong> ong>theong> Apostolic Church.

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Murison, Justine S., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, For much ong>ofong> ong>theong> nineteenth ong>centuryong>, ong>theong> nervous system was a medical mystery, inspiring scientific studies ong>andong> exciting great public interest. Because ong>ofong> this widespread fascination, ong>theong> nerves came to explain ong>theong> means by which mind ong>andong> body related to each oong>theong>r. By ong>theong> s, ong>theong> nervous system helped Americans express ong>theong> consequences on ong>theong> body, ong>andong> for society, ong>ofong> major historical changes. Literary writers, including Nathaniel Hawthorne ong>andong> Harriet Beecher Stowe, used ong>theong> nerves as a metaphor to re-imagine ong>theong> role ong>ofong> ong>theong> self amidst political, social ong>andong> religious tumults, including debates about slavery ong>andong> ong>theong> revivals ong>ofong> ong>theong> Second Great Awakening. Representing ong>theong> 'romance' ong>ofong> ong>theong> nervous system ong>andong> its cultural impact thoughtfully ong>andong>, at times, critically, ong>theong> fictional experiments ong>ofong> this ong>centuryong> helped construct ong>andong> explore a neurological vision ong>ofong> ong>theong> body ong>andong> mind. Murison explains ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> neurological medicine on nineteenth-ong>centuryong> literature ong>andong> culture. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American
On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gall, PUBLISHER: General Books, Title: On ong>theong> Functions ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain ong>andong> ong>ofong> Each ong>ofong> Its Parts: With Observations on ong>theong> Possibility ong>ofong> Determining ong>theong> Instincts, Propensities, ong>andong> Talents, or ong>theong> Moral ong>andong> Intellectual Dispositions ong>ofong> Men ong>andong> Animals, by ong>theong> Configuration ong>ofong> ong>theong> Brain ong>andong> Head Volume: 5-6 Publisher: Boston, Marsh, Capen

Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine

Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Braunwald, Eugene, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, ong>Theong> Fifth Edition ong>ofong> ong>theong> definitive reference on heart disease -- has been assiduously revised ong>andong> updated Dr. Braunwald has added 23 new chapters ong>andong> 22 renowned new contributors to bring readers ong>theong> state ong>ofong> ong>theong> art in ong>theong> field ong>ofong> cardiology. From examination ong>andong> circulatory function to diseases ong>ofong> ong>theong> heart ong>andong> broader ong>perspectivesong> on heart disease ong>andong> cardiologic practice, this classic resource remains authoritative, user-friendly, ong>andong> complete.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
E-Learning Theory and Practice

E-Learning Theory and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haythornthwaite, Caroline / ong>Andong>rews, Richard, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), In" "E-learning ong>Theong>ory ong>andong> Practice ong>theong> authors set out different ong>perspectivesong> on e-learning. ong>Theong> book deals with ong>theong> social implications ong>ofong> e-learning, its transformative effects, ong>andong> ong>theong> social ong>andong> technical interplay that supports ong>andong> directs e-learning. ong>Theong> authors present new ong>perspectivesong> on ong>theong> subject by exploring ong>theong> way teaching ong>andong> learning are changing with ong>theong> presence ong>ofong> ong>theong> Internet ong>andong> participatory media; providing a ong>theong>oretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication ong>andong> information science; addressing e-learning in terms ong>ofong> existing learning ong>theong>ories, emerging online learning ong>theong>ories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community ong>andong> virtual communities, ong>andong> online resources; ong>andong> emphasizing ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy ong>andong> ong>theong> classroom, locally ong>andong> globally.This book is for everyone involved in e-learning including teachers, educators, graduate students ong>andong> researchers.

The Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives

The Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, Gregson, PUBLISHER: Duke University Press, ong>Theong> essays collected in this issue ong>ofong>fer complementary critical ong>perspectivesong> on ong>theong> mature lyric work ong>ofong> Derek Walcott, ong>theong> acclaimed Nobel laureate from ong>theong> Caribbean islong>andong> ong>ofong> St. Lucia. ong>Theong> centerpiece ong>ofong> ong>theong> ensemble is a previously unpublished essay in which Walcott's reflections on poetics illuminate his project in ong>theong> masterpiece, "Omeros." Oong>theong>r contributions by literary scholars in North America ong>andong> ong>theong> Caribbean focus on fundamental dimensions ong>ofong> Walcott's craft ong>andong> on such ong>theong>matic preoccupations as ong>theong> intersection ong>ofong> pictorial ong>andong> verbal modes ong>ofong> representation, ong>theong> deployment ong>ofong> nuanced intertextual strategies (especially in relation to ong>theong> Greco-Roman canon), ong>theong> invention ong>ofong> a viable artistic identity in a postcolonial intercultural milieu, ong>andong> ong>theong> psychosocial modeling ong>ofong> ong>theong> process ong>ofong> literary apprenticeship. "Contributors. "Edward Baugh, Peter Burian, Gregson Davis, Carol Dougherty, Joseph Farrell, Judith Harris, Timothy Hong>ofong>meister, Derek Walcott

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: The Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives
Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics

Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelsay, John, PUBLISHER: Westminster John Knox Press, This book explores questions regarding ong>theong> justice ong>ofong> war ong>andong> addresses ong>theong> lack ong>ofong> comparative ong>perspectivesong> on ong>theong> ethics ong>ofong> war, particularly with respect to Islam. John Kelsay begins with ong>theong> war in ong>theong> Persian Gulf, focusing on ong>theong> role ong>ofong> Islamic symbols in ong>theong> rhetoric ong>ofong> Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He provides an overview ong>ofong> ong>theong> Islamic tradition in regards to war ong>andong> peace, ong>andong> ong>theong>n focuses on ong>theong> notion ong>ofong> religion as a just cause for war.

Modern Painting and Sculpture:  to the Present at the

Modern Painting and Sculpture: to the Present at the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elderfield, John, PUBLISHER: Museum ong>ofong> Modern Art, ong>Theong> Museum ong>ofong> Modern Art houses ong>theong> most important collection ong>ofong> 20th ong>centuryong> art in ong>theong> world, ong>andong> ong>theong> Painting & Sculpture department forms ong>theong> core ong>ofong> its holdings. ong>Theong> masterworks from this department have fundamentally shaped ong>theong> way we think about modern art. Over ong>theong> years, ong>theong>se paintings ong>andong> sculptures in ong>theong> Museum's galleries have served as a walk-through textbook for countless art history classes ong>andong> for oong>theong>r visitors. Now, on ong>theong> occasion ong>ofong> its 75th anniversary ong>andong> ong>theong> opening ong>ofong> its newly expong>andong>ed building, ong>theong> Museum is publishing this 500 page catalogue devoted solely to ong>theong> masterworks ong>ofong> its core department. ong>Theong> volume opens with an introduction by John Elderfield, Chief Curator ong>ofong> ong>theong> Department ong>ofong> Painting ong>andong> Sculpture, which traces ong>theong> history ong>ofong> ong>theong> Museum, focusing on its acquisitions. In 8 subsequent sections, anthologies ong>ofong> texts drawn from ong>theong> Museum's archives ong>andong> publications ong>ofong>fer varying ong>perspectivesong> on specific artworks ong>andong> on modern art in general. "Modern Painting ong>andong> Sculpture" ong>ofong>fers ong>theong> reader a new perspective for anyone interested in modern art.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Modern Painting and Sculpture: to the Present at the
The German-American Heritage

The German-American Heritage

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franck, Irene M. / Irene M Franck, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This volume uses firsthong>andong> accounts ong>andong> period illustrations to detail ong>theong> immigration ong>ofong> Germans into ong>theong> United States, ong>theong> hardships ong>theong>y experienced upon arriving, ong>andong> ong>theong>ir role throughout history. Coverage includes ong>theong> Mennonites ong>andong> Quakers who left Germany in search ong>ofong> religious freedom in ong>theong> late seventeenth ong>centuryong>, ong>theong> immigrants who poured into ong>theong> United States in ong>theong> nineteenth ong>centuryong> following ong>theong> Napoleonic Wars ong>andong> who continued to come through ong>theong> s, ong>theong> development ong>ofong> German-American communities, ong>theong> impact ong>ofong> two world wars on Americans ong>ofong> German descent, ong>andong> ong>theong> valuable contributions ong>ofong> German-Americans to this country.

A Short History of Sociological Thought, Second Edition

A Short History of Sociological Thought, Second Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swingewood, Alan, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This lucidly written, jargon-free text ong>ofong>fers an account ong>ofong> ong>theong> rise ong>ofong> sociological thought from its origins in ong>theong> eighteenth ong>centuryong>. Beginning with ong>theong> classical sociology ong>ofong> Marx, Durkheim, Weber ong>andong> Simmel, it goes on to examine ong>theong> modern paradigms ong>ofong> functionalism, interactionism, structuralism ong>andong> critical Marxism, ong>andong> ends by discussing salient contemporary sociological ong>theong>ory, including ong>theong> ong>theong>ories ong>ofong> Foucault, Baudrillard, Giddens, Habermas ong>andong> oong>theong>rs. Systematic ong>andong> comprehensive, this is a text that critically engages with sociological ong>theong>ory throughout its development, ong>ofong>fering students a path through competing traditions ong>andong> ong>perspectivesong> that brings out ong>theong> distinctive value ong>andong> limitations ong>ofong> ong>theong>se.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: A Short History of Sociological Thought, Second Edition
The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in

The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Calabria, Antonio, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is a study ong>ofong> early modern government finance in ong>theong> kingdom ong>ofong> Naples, one ong>ofong> ong>theong> most important European dominions ong>ofong> ong>theong> Spanish Empire. Prong>ofong>essor Calabria focuses on ong>theong> period from ong>theong> mid-sixteenth ong>centuryong> to ong>theong> time ong>ofong> ong>theong> Thirty Years' War. He connects fiscal developments to larger issues, such as ong>theong> seventeenth-ong>centuryong> crisis, ong>theong> decline ong>ofong> Italy ong>andong> Spain, ong>andong> ong>theong> economic ong>andong> social significance ong>ofong> investments in government securities markets in early modern Europe. ong>Theong> Cost ong>ofong> Empire blends quantitative data on economic, fiscal, ong>andong> financial affairs with non-quantitative material detailing attitudes, economic behaviour, ong>andong> administrative practices. ong>Theong> quantitative material includes analyses ong>ofong> government budgets from to ong>andong> a computer study ong>ofong> about investors ong>andong> ong>theong>ir investments in state securities in ong>theong> later sixteenth ong>centuryong>. ong>Theong> work is unrivalled in ong>theong> breadth, comprehensiveness, ong>andong> sophistication ong>ofong> its analysis ong>ofong> an early modern fiscal system.

Muslims - Vol 2: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices

Muslims - Vol 2: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rippin, ong>Andong>rew / Rippin ong>Andong>rew, PUBLISHER: Routledge, ong>Theong> religion ong>ofong> Islam is ong>ofong> vital concern to ong>theong> modern world. In Muslims Volume 2: ong>Theong> Contemporary Period ong>Andong>rew Rippin examines Muslims' perception ong>ofong> ong>andong> reaction to ong>theong> challenges ong>andong> changes occurring in contemporary life ong>andong> questions ong>theong>ir ability to relate ong>theong> Qur'an ong>andong> ong>theong> figure ong>ofong> Muhammed to 19th ong>andong> 20th ong>centuryong> culture. ong>Theong> inherited world view ong>ofong> Islam is compared with ong>theong> emerging newly-discovered world view ong>ofong> ong>theong> late 20th ong>centuryong> ong>andong> is explored in two ways, firstly by examining modern Muslim views on religious authority ong>andong> by considering ong>theong>ir effect on ong>theong> actual lived practice ong>ofong> Islam. Essential reading for all scholars ong>andong> lecturers ong>ofong> Islam ong>andong> comparative religion.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Muslims - Vol 2: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices
Judgements of Value: Selected Writings on Music

Judgements of Value: Selected Writings on Music

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cooper, Martin / Cooper, Martin / Cooper, Dominic, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book presents a collection ong>ofong> ong>theong> writings ong>ofong> Martin Cooper, chief music critic ong>ofong> ong>theong> Daily Telegraph from , a well-known broadcaster on ong>theong> BBC, ong>andong> author ong>ofong> several books ong>andong> translations. Topics discussed include nineteenth- ong>andong> twentieth-ong>centuryong> music, opera, literature, philosophy, religion, ong>andong> ong>theong> nature ong>ofong> criticism.

Theatre and the State in 20th Century Ireland: Cultivating

Theatre and the State in 20th Century Ireland: Cultivating

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pilkington, Lionel / Pilkington, L. / Pilkington Lion, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This major new study presents a political ong>andong> cultural history ong>ofong> some ong>ofong> Irelong>andong>'s key national ong>theong>atre projects from ong>theong> s to ong>theong> s. Impressively wide-ranging in coverage, ong>Theong>atre ong>andong> ong>theong> State in Twentieth-ong>Centuryong> Irelong>andong>: Cultivating ong>theong> People includes discussions on: *ong>theong> politics ong>ofong> ong>theong> Irish literary movement at ong>theong> Abbey ong>Theong>atre before ong>andong> after political independence; *ong>theong> role ong>ofong> a state-sponsored ong>theong>atre for ong>theong> post- unionist government in Norong>theong>rn Irelong>andong>; *ong>theong> convulsive effects ong>ofong> ong>theong> Norong>theong>rn Irelong>andong> conflict on Irish ong>theong>atre. Lionel Pilkington draws on a combination ong>ofong> archival research ong>andong> critical readings ong>ofong> individual plays, covering works by J. M. Synge, Sean O'Casey, Lennox Robinson, T. C. Murray, George Shiels, Brian Friel, ong>andong> Frank McGuinness. In its insistence on ong>theong> details ong>ofong> history, this is a book important to anyone interested in Irish culture ong>andong> politics in ong>theong> twentieth ong>centuryong>.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Theatre and the State in 20th Century Ireland: Cultivating
The Age of Innocence

The Age of Innocence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wharton, Edith / Dover Thrift Editions, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Deeply moving study ong>ofong> ong>theong> tyrannical ong>andong> rigid requirements ong>ofong> New York high society in ong>theong> late 19th ong>centuryong> ong>andong> ong>theong> effect ong>ofong> those strictures on ong>theong> lives ong>ofong> three people. Vividly characterized drama ong>ofong> affection thwarted by a man's sense ong>ofong> honor, family, ong>andong> societal pressures. A long-time favorite with readers ong>andong> critics alike.

Music of the Old South: Colony to Confederacy

Music of the Old South: Colony to Confederacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stoutamire, Albert, PUBLISHER: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Each chapter covers a specific period ong>ofong> ong>theong> eighteenth or nineteenth ong>centuryong>, ong>andong> major areas ong>ofong> activity examined include music on public ong>andong> social occasions, music merchantry ong>andong> instruction, concerts, ong>theong> ong>theong>ater, ong>andong> music ong>ofong> ong>theong> church. 42 photographic reproductions.

Offerte relazionate the century of bach and mozart perspectives on: Music of the Old South: Colony to Confederacy
Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

Perspectives on American Foreign Policy: Readings and Cases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jentleson, Bruce W., PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, ong>Theong> readings delve deeper into ong>theong>oretical, historical ong>andong> policy debates discussed in American Foreign Policy: Dynamics ong>ofong> Choice, ong>andong> icons in ong>theong> textbook margins link ong>theong> broader points to related articles ong>andong> case studies in ong>Perspectivesong>.

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ong>Theong> work was written by ong>theong> artist N. Lvov in ong>theong> middle ong>ofong> ong>theong> first half ong>ofong> ong>theong> 20th ong>centuryong>.ong>Theong> painting depicts ong>theong> summer souong>theong>rn seascape. On ong>theong> left side - a mountainous shore with cypress. ong>Theong> long>andong>scape is characterized by simplicity, clarity ong>andong> original pictorial expression.A picture with a harmonious color, based on a combination ong>ofong> subtle shades ong>ofong> blue, green ong>andong> brown colors. ong>Theong> work is written with ong>theong> appropriate mood ong>andong> corresponds to works popular with connoisseurs ong>ofong> art!

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The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of

The Marvellous Century: Archaic Man and the Awakening of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Woodcock, George, PUBLISHER: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, In this fascinating ong>andong> scholarly overview, George Woodcock, author ong>andong> poet, allows us to experience ong>theong> beauty, ong>theong> savagery ong>andong> ong>theong> all-encompassing impact ong>ofong> ong>Theong> Marvellous ong>Centuryong>. It was an era ong>ofong> personalities ong>andong> uprisings. It was ong>theong> time ong>ofong> Xenophanes, Cyrus, Solon ong>theong> lawmaker, Sappho, ong>theong> Buddha, Aeschylus, Pythagoras, Confucius, Lao-tzu ong>andong> Nebuchadnezzar. It was an era ong>ofong> prose reawakenings, ong>theong> exploration ong>ofong> rational thought, ong>theong> central Asian silk trade, ong>andong> ong>theong> writing ong>ofong> ong>theong> Upanishads. For ong>theong> Chinese, it was ong>theong> period ong>ofong> Spring ong>andong> Autumn under ong>theong> Chou Kingdom. Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism ong>andong> Modern Judaism had ong>theong>ir roots in ong>theong> sixth ong>centuryong>. ong>Theong> Greek philosopher, Thales, studied astronomy ong>andong> geometry - passing on knowledge picked up from ong>theong> Egyptians - ong>andong> it was Thales who first postulated ong>theong> angles at ong>theong> base ong>ofong> an isosceles triangle to be equal. In India, atomic ong>theong>ories emerged, ong>andong> geography, geology ong>andong> physics all developed as disciplines.
