Golf: Implements and Memorabilia
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McGimpsey, Kevin / Neech, David / Neach, David, PUBLISHER: Philip Wilson Publishers, A detailed study covering golfing art and memorabilia, patents, designs, ong>theong> origins of ong>theong> ong>gameong> and related sports. Many books have been written on ong>theong> various aspects of golf, but this is ong>theong> first that attributes ong>theong> ong>gameong>'s popularity to ong>theong> introduction of ong>theong> solid gutta percha gof ball in and ong>theong> American rubber-cored ball in . ong>Theong> book describes, in ong>theong> light of ong>theong>se dramatic gof ball changes, how ong>theong> ball and club have evolved, ong>theong> types of material used, ong>theong> people who made ong>theong> clubs and balls, those who have excelled at ong>theong> ong>gameong>, and ong>theong> effects ong>theong> implements had on ong>theong> development of ong>theong> swing and on gof-course design. ong>Theong>re are well-illustrated chapters on golfing art and golfing memorabilia, as well as shorter chapters on patents, designs and ong>theong> origins of ong>theong> ong>gameong> and related ong>gameong>s. Included is a directory of golf-club- and ball-makers and golf artists.