the absence of gray book of poetry

The Absence of Gray: A Book of Poetry

The Absence of Gray: A Book of Poetry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Daniels, Amy, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, The thought behind the book THE ABSENCE OF GRAY is to dissuade the concepts of gray or of uncertainty. The poems persuade you to think a different way or expound on ideas that you already believe to be true. This poetry represents feelings of happiness, sadness, peace, rage, unrest, and victory. I hope the journey through this book is one of benefit and consciousness.

Driving Into the Storm: Selected Poems

Driving Into the Storm: Selected Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wedde, Ian, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, One of the major young New Zealand poets, Ian Wedde has published nine volumes of poetry, winning the New Zealand Book Award for Poetry in for his first book. Intended as an introduction to his writing, this volume contains a selection of his poetry published between and .

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Driving Into the Storm: Selected Poems
Irish Poetry Now: Other Voices

Irish Poetry Now: Other Voices

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fitzmaurice, Gabriel, PUBLISHER: Irish American Book Company, The full range and depth of Irish poetry explodes in this anthology of over 140 poems from writers such as John E Deane, Paula Meehan, Rita Ann Higgins, Theo Dorgan, Anne Hartigan and Julie O'Callaghan. Here is poetry that is a delight to read, a poetry of moments, and of generations; a poetry inspired and inspiring.

Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry

Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Glazner, Gary, PUBLISHER: Manic D Press, Poetry slams-the Olympics of poetry-have become a cultural phenomenon. This groundbreaking anthology documents 10 years of poetry slams, with 100 poems from national slam champions and a dozen essays on how to run a slam, winning strategies, tips for memorizing poems, and more.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry
The Poetry of Rilke

The Poetry of Rilke

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rilke, Rainer Maria / Snow, Edward, PUBLISHER: North Point Press, For the past twenty-five years, North Point Press has been working with Edward Snow, "Rilke's best contemporary translator" (Brian Phillips, "The New Republic"), to bring into English Rilke's major poetic works. "The Poetry of Rilke"--the single most comprehensive volume of Rilke's German poetry ever to be published in English--is the culmination of this effort. With more than two hundred and fifty selected poems by Rilke, including complete translations of the "Sonnets to Orpheus "and the "Duino Elegies," "The Poetry of Rilke "spans the arc of Rilke's work, from the breakthrough poems of "The Book of Hours "to the visionary masterpieces written only weeks before his death. This landmark bilingual edition also contains all of Snow's commentaries on Rilke, as well as an important new introduction by the award-winning poet Adam Zagajewski. "The Poetry of Rilke "will stand as the authoritative single-volume translation of Rilke into English for years to come.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Milosz, Czeslaw / Hass, Robert / Miosz, Czesaw, PUBLISHER: Ecco Press, Begun in the winter of and completed in the spring of , Treatise on Poetry is a brilliant meditative poem fully expressive of the powers that have made Milosz one of our greatest writers. Expertly translated, the poem is divided into four parts -- Europe at the turn of the century, the condition of Polish culture between the two world wars, the harsh reality of World War II, and the role of the poet in the postwar world. Here Milosz addresses the failure of early-20th-century Polish poetry. With vast historical sweep and in language that enables readers to see "as if in a flash of summer lighting", Milosz offers a fascinating account of the mysterious art of poetry.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Provinces
Written in Stone

Written in Stone

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: OLYNYK, MARK, PUBLISHER: FriesenPress, Written in Stone is a history of poetry; spanning thirty-five years. A collection of poems about reality and the human condition. What is and what seems to be. Truth and the transience of life. The meaning of death. Myth as a state of mind. Decoding dreams and visions. The writing process. Our relationship with Nature. Super science and the reign of the machine. These are the themes of this book.

Big Breath of a Wish

Big Breath of a Wish

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Richard, PUBLISHER: Wolsak and Wynn, Richard Harrison's fourth book of poetry delves deeply into the linguistic discoveries children make in their first two years of life.This is a fasciniating read. With Big Breath of a Wish, this popular poet has made a significant addition to his oeuvre. Winner of the City of Calgary W.O. Mitchell Book Prize.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Big Breath of a Wish
Hellenistic Poetry: An Anthology

Hellenistic Poetry: An Anthology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fowler, Barbara Hughes, PUBLISHER: University of Wisconsin Press, An accomplished poet and classical scholar, Barbara Hughes Fowler brings Hellenistic poetry to life for the contemporary reader. Her selections engage us with the full range of Hellenistic poetic genres, styles, themes, and moods. The anthology includes Fowler's new translation of the entire "Argonautica" of Apollonius of Rhodes, and eight of Theocritus' "Idylls," including the beautiful, sensuous description of late summer in "Idyll VII" and the shrewdly comical description of two young matrons venturing into the noisy streets of Alexandria in" Idyll XV." There are translations of four hymns of Callimachus, as well as poems by Aratus, Bion, Herodas, Moschus, Pseudo-Moschus, and a substantial selection from the "Greek Anthology." An ideal companion to her recently published book, "The Hellenistic Aesthetic, "Barbara Fowler's "Hellenistic Poetry" is both a major contribution to classical studies and an invitation to all interested readers to discover the beauty and richness of Hellenistic poetry.

Goldfish and Rose

Goldfish and Rose

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hershon, Robert, PUBLISHER: Hanging Loose Press, Poetry. GOLDFISH AND ROSE is Robert Herson's thirteenth book of poems. "One of the funniest, wittiest poets I know, and he's also one of those rare ones who can hit you right in the heart."--Bill Zavatsky, Poetry Foundation"It doesnt get any better."--Robert Creeley

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Goldfish and Rose
Poetry of the forties

Poetry of the forties

Vendo bellissimo libro "poetry of the forties"di Robin Kelton Penguin Books editore .pagine 267. libro buone condizioni.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jin, Ha, PUBLISHER: Hanging Loose Press, Poetry. Asian American Studies. New poems by the author of Waiting, winner of the National Book Award. Ha Jin's writing has been called luminous and eloquent by The New York Times Book Review, extraordinary by the Chicago Sun-Times and achingly beautiful by the Los Angeles Times. Asianweek calls him a master of lyric.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Wreckage
Book, Story of 75th. Years of Postal Sevice in Ethiopia -

Book, Story of 75th. Years of Postal Sevice in Ethiopia -

- Ethiopia - - Story of: >. Please see the pictures of the few pages from this old book. Attention you will receive the exact scan.

River of Life

River of Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Tracey, PUBLISHER: PublishAmerica, River of Life is the third book in a series of poetry books which captures the readers hearts and pulls them in. Tracey's first title Cry No More and second title Pieces of My Heart pulled on readers heart strings. River of Life is a collection of poems based on Life, Love, Pain, Loss and Reality. This book is full of raw emotion. It reaches deep into your heart and makes the reader feel as though the poems are about each and every one of them.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: River of Life
The Book of the Law

The Book of the Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weiser Books, PUBLISHER: Weiser Books, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This oft-misunderstood phrase, which forms the basis for Crowley's practice of Magick, is found in The Book of the Law. Dictated to Crowley in Cairo between noon and 1 pm on three success days in April , the Book of the Law is the source book and key for Crowley students and for the occult in general. For the first time the Book of the Law is offered in a deluxe, hardcover edition fittingly issued in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Liber AL vel Legis's transmission to Crowley.

The Poetry of Greek Tragedy

The Poetry of Greek Tragedy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lattimore, Richmond Alexander, PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, Is Sophocles the poet "more important" than Sophocles the moralist, Sophocles the student of character, or Sophocles the storyteller? In this acclaimed work, eminent classicist Richmond Lattimore examines the complex and varied ways in which Greek poetry contributes to Greek drama. While acknowledging the difficulty of separating poetry -- especially in translation -- from other aspects of language, Lattimore offers keen insight into plays by Aeschylus (The Suppliant Maidens, The Persians, The Seven against Thebes, Prometheus Bound), Sophocles (Ajax, Oedipus Tyrannus), and Euripides (Medea, Helen, The Bacchae).

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: The Poetry of Greek Tragedy
Woodsmoke: Autumn Reflections

Woodsmoke: Autumn Reflections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Summer Rain, Mary / Rain, Mary Summer, PUBLISHER: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, A must-have for all Mary Summer Rain fans, Woodsmoke is volume 2 of the two-book set Pinecones and Woodsmoke, a compendium of her poetry, metaphysical insights, and personal philosophy on the spiritual reality of life. Pulled directly from the daily journal she kept while walking in the woods surrounding her Colorado mountain home, the lyrical and profound passages of Woodsmoke evoke the serenity of a true connection with the natural world. Woodsmoke is a rare and valuable window into the mind and soul of an extraordinary philosopher and writer, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of her vision. Discover Woodsmoke and discover anew the magic of one of the most beloved figures of the New Age movement. Volume 2 of the two-book set Pinecones and Woodsmoke

Media, War, and Terrorism

Media, War, and Terrorism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van, Der Veer / Van Der Veer, Peter / Munshi, Shoma, PUBLISHER: Routledge/Curzon, This collection of essays covers the media and public debate dimension of the events of 9/11, and beyond, from the point of view of Middle Eastern and Asian countries. The first part of the book deals with the use of the media as an instrument of warfare, the growing significance of religion, the emergence of transnational media and a transnational public sphere and the relationship between the West and the rest of the world. The second part of the book contains nine case studies relating to different parts of the Middle East and Asian world, all with a strong empirical focus, while at the same time elaborating the book's theoretical concerns.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Media, War, and Terrorism
The Dumpy Book Of Air Forces of the World

The Dumpy Book Of Air Forces of the World

The Dumpy Book Of Air Forces of the World, del , in buone condizioni come da foto. Preferibile contatto tramite SMS, whatsapp o telefonico. Euro 12 piΓΉ spese di spedizione.

Ladder to the Moon

Ladder to the Moon

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Douglas / Burnet Smith, Douglas, PUBLISHER: Brick Books, In his fifth book of poetry, Douglas Burnet Smith tunes his eye and ear closely to the world, conscious of those points where the everyday blossoms into fierce magic. The title sequence is a deftly-rendered homage to the work of Georgia O'Keeffe.

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Ladder to the Moon
Winter of Grace

Winter of Grace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Funderburk, Robert, PUBLISHER: Bethany House Publishers, Book 3 of the Dylan St. John Novels. The story of one man's struggle against the sometimes lethal working of the criminal justice system, and of the woman who refused to stop believing in him. Set in the Cajun Bayous of southern Louisiana.

Anointed Poetry: Refreshing the Soul and Bringing Good

Anointed Poetry: Refreshing the Soul and Bringing Good

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Paul, Margo Gina, PUBLISHER: iUniverse, "Anointed Poetry" is contemporary poetry for your daily walk with Christ. Margo Gina Paul ministers heartfelt poetic messages that are based on Christianity concepts and principles. Her poems are Bible-based and solely focus on the spirituality of the soul and mind. This collection of contemporary poetic literature is derived from collaborated Bible teachings and real-life experiences. Each text has corresponding scriptures incorporated at the end of each poem. "Anointed Poetry" contains many heartfelt and inspiring messages as well as several short stories. Embrace the overwhelming passion of God's love in 'I Have Never Failed You." Be impacted by the words of divine healing with verses from 'Faith that Heals," and Explore the heavenly promise of God in the passages of 'An Invitation to Witness the Crowning." Experience the word of God submerged in poetic messages; truly anointed to enhance the spirituality in you. Daily refresh your soul with the many inspiring messages of this insightful book, "Anointed Poetry."

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: Anointed Poetry: Refreshing the Soul and Bringing Good
The picture of dorian Gray

The picture of dorian Gray

Vendo libro the picture of dorian Gray, ossia "il ritratto di dorian Gray".LINGUA INGLESE. Nuovo

The Dirt She Ate: Selected and New Poems

The Dirt She Ate: Selected and New Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pratt, Minnie Bruce, PUBLISHER: University of Pittsburgh Press, Suffused with pain and power, Minnie Bruce Pratt's poetry is as evocative of the swamps and streets of the American south as it is of the emotional lives of those too often forced into the margins of society. Vivid, lush, and intensely honest, these poems capture the rough edges of the world and force us to pay attention. The Dirt She Ate features thirteen new poems as well as selections from Minnie Bruce Pratt's previous collections of poetry -- The Sound of One Fork (); We Say We Love Each Other (); Crime Against Nature ().

Offerte relazionate the absence of gray book of poetry: The Dirt She Ate: Selected and New Poems
Poetry of Carl Sandburg

Poetry of Carl Sandburg

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sandburg, Carl / Reiner, Carl / Gould, Elliott, PUBLISHER: Audio Literature, The poetry of Carl Sandburg embodies soulfulness, lyric grace, and compassion for the common man.
