
Banconota Cina 10 Dollari

Banconota Cina 10 Dollari

Banconota della Cina da 10 dollari del MOLTO RARA Provincial Bank Of The Three Eastern Provinces ten Dollar in condizione come da foto originali(guarda su altri miei annunci dell'utente)

Répertoire des cartulaires fran ais: Provinces

Répertoire des cartulaires fran ais: Provinces

Répertoire des cartulaires fran ais: Provinces ecclésiastiques d'Aix, Arles, Embrun, Vienne, Diocèse de Tarantaise Isabelle Verité CNRS, Fruit du travail collectif de la section de diplomatique de l'IRHT, cet ouvrage est le premier résultat du projet de répertoire des cartulaires fran ais, reformulé par la section dans les années pour remplacer la Bibliographie générale des cartulaires fran ais d'Henri Stein, parue en . Le volume est consacré aux cartulaires médiévaux et modernes des établissements ecclésiastiques relevant des provinces d'Aix, Arles, Embrun, Vienne et du diocèse de Tarentaise, soit un vaste " Sud-Est " de la France actuelle. Il livre le recensement, la description et l'analyse de près de 250 cartulaires ou recueils de titres actuellement connus pour cette aire géographique, qu'ils soient aujourd'hui conservés ou bien perdus, ainsi que le signalement des copies et extraits qui en furent pris à différentes époques. En offrant un regard d'ensemble sur la production des cartulaires ecclésiastiques dans le Sud-Est de la France et en attirant l'attention sur quelques dossiers encore mal ou incomplètement exploités ou sur l'importante contribution apportée par les notaires de la région à la gestion des temporels des institutions ecclésiastiques, l'ouvrage se veut une incitation à la recherche sur l'histoire des cartulaires et des chartriers et une invitation à leur édition.

Building the Social Union: Perspectives, Directions &

Building the Social Union: Perspectives, Directions &

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McIntosh, Tom, PUBLISHER: Cprc, In the federal government and 9 provinces signed "The Social Union Framework Agreement," which was meant to be a framework to guide intergovernmental cooperation and collaboration in matters relating to social policy, the essays in this book examine a wide range of subjects from a variety of perspectives concerning the agreement.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richardson, Gillian, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Hello Canada is a broad introduction for young readers to the geography, history, economy, and people of Canada's 13 provinces and territories. With beautiful color photography and easy-to-read texts, these volumes place special emphasis on Canada's sustainable development practices and the mosaic of cultures that populate this unique nation. Each title has been written by a Canadian author and includes appendices of the province or territory's famous people, fast facts, and a pronunciation guide.

Offerte relazionate provinces: Saskatchewan


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hamilton, Janice, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Hello Canada is a broad introduction for young readers to the geography, history, economy, and people of Canada's 13 provinces and territories. With beautiful color photography and easy-to-read texts, these volumes place special emphasis on Canada's sustainable development practices and the mosaic of cultures that populate this unique nation. Each title has been written by a Canadian author and includes appendices of the province or territory's famous people, fast facts, and a pronunciation guide.

Oregon Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to Unique Places

Oregon Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to Unique Places

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oakley, Myrna, PUBLISHER: Globe Pequot Press, Dedicated to travelers with a taste for the unique, these easy-to-use, state-by-state guides will help you discover the hidden places that most tourists miss -- shining the spotlight squarely on the offbeat. If it's funky, funny, little known, or out of the way, you'll probably find it in Off the Beaten Path "RM". The Off the Beaten Path "RM" series covers every state in the U.S. plus Washington, D.C., the Maritime Provinces, British Columbia, Quebec, and Puerto Rico.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Milosz, Czeslaw / Hass, Robert / Miosz, Czesaw, PUBLISHER: Ecco Press, Begun in the winter of and completed in the spring of , Treatise on Poetry is a brilliant meditative poem fully expressive of the powers that have made Milosz one of our greatest writers. Expertly translated, the poem is divided into four parts -- Europe at the turn of the century, the condition of Polish culture between the two world wars, the harsh reality of World War II, and the role of the poet in the postwar world. Here Milosz addresses the failure of early-20th-century Polish poetry. With vast historical sweep and in language that enables readers to see "as if in a flash of summer lighting", Milosz offers a fascinating account of the mysterious art of poetry.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Margoshes, David, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), When we think of our neighbor to the north, we imagine the vast and awesome beauty of the Canadian wilderness, its exceptional heritage, and its distinct cultural mosaic of peoples so celebrated and unique to their great country. Now, from Grolier Limited, a long-awaited series designed for young readers. This is the only in-depth series commemorating Canada, its provinces and territories, specifically planned for students in grades 4-8, and it is entirely researched, written, and produced in Canada. In fact, all the authors are long-time residents of the province they profile. "Discover Canada" is filled with handsome full-color illustrations including archival materials and vibrant photographs... all graphically documenting the past to the present. Combined with engagingly written text that depicts the Individual geography, history, politics, economy, arts, and recreation of each province or territory, "Discover Canada" will surely capture the fascination and satisfy the curiosity of your students.

Offerte relazionate provinces: Saskatchewan
Lotto di 274 serie LIEBIG BELGA tra S e S (NON

Lotto di 274 serie LIEBIG BELGA tra S e S (NON

- Anno: a - Stato: PERFETTE. Tutte serie edite da Anversa in lingua francese e comprese tra la S e la S serie complete: NON CI SONO DOPPIE.. Moltissime ancora con la fascetta originale. Valore listino Sanguinetti euro. Accetto a parziale pagamento STERLINE ORO Catalogo Sanguinetti anno - Euro n c FIGURINE Liebig Sanguin. BELGE année d'édition OK 6 Année sainte S_ Campaniles célèbres d'Italie S_ Fa ons de dormir S_ Les corps armés pontificaux S_ Merveilles lumineuses S_ Néron (opéra de Boito) S_ Hôtels de ville célèbres de Belgique S_ La vie des plantes S_ Places célèbres d'Italie S_ Ensevelissement d'un roi d'Egypte S_ Vues pittoresques d'Espagne S_ Transport d'extrait de viande S_ année d'édition OK 6 Elevage et entretien d'animaux utiles S_ Diplomates et ambassadeurs célèbres S_ Contes populaires S_ La guerre dans les neiges éternelles S_ Métiers artistiques au Japon S_ Les Fiancés par A. Manzoni S_ Salutations chez les peuples primitifs S_ Saint Fran ois d'Assise S_ Trésors architecturaux du Latium S_ Tours penchées S_ Voitures historiques S_ année d'édition OK 6 L'Aiglon (dramma de Rostand) S_ Boris Godounov S_ Châteaux-forts Anglais au moyen âge S_ Cyrano de Bergerac 2° (tragedia Rostand) S_ Cultes solaires S_ Notre pain quotidien S_ Les navires à voiles à travers les âges S_ année d'édition OK 6 Beethoven S_ Les douze travaux d'Hercules 1° S_ Les douze travaux d'Hercules 2° S_ Invasion historiques d'Italie S_ Le travail du bronze et du cuivre S_ Mère et enfant S_ Métiers dangereux S_ Vues de la Nouvelle-Zélande S_ Schubert S_ année d'édition OK 6 Formations de combat S_ année d'édition OK 6 Eglise de Belgique S_ Confucius S_ L'Enéide 1ère partie S_ L'Enéide 2ème partie S_ Jardins Italiens S_ Joyaux d'architecture Sicilienne S_ Monuments de l'architecture hindou S_ année d'édition OK 6 Gouttes d'eau sous le microscope S_ Légendes historiques de la Suisse S_ Monuments de l'ancienne Egypte S_ Mosquées célèbres S_ Le Ramayana S_ Rochers bizarres S_ Scènes historiques de Venise S_ Histoire de la Suisse primitive S_ année d'édition OK 6 Jupiter S_ année d'édition OK 6 La vie sur l'alpage S_ année d'édition OK 12 Châteaux de Belgique S_ La fabrication des allumettes S_ Pêche en pleine mer S_ Tyl Uilenspiegel S_ La vie des peuplades Congolaises S_ année d'édition OK 6 Le chevalier à la rose S_ année d'édition OK 6 Beffrois de Belgique S_ Styles de jardins S_ Processions et pélerinages en Belgique S_ Le Roi Albert S_ La vie de la reine Astrid S_ année d'édition OK 12 L'art Chinois S_ L'rt Marocain S_ A 900 mêtres sous le niveau de la mer S_A 5 6 Vieilles coutumes de Belgique S_ Industrie du verre 2° S_ année d'édition OK 6 Dans une aciérie S_ Béguinages de Belgique S_ Les crustacés S_ Histoire du Japon S_ Gros outillage de l'entrepreneur moderne S_ Grandes figures historiques de l'Amerique S_ Le mariage à travers les âges S_ La vie des glaciers S_ année d'édition OK 6 Habitations caractéristique des îles Pacif. S_ Empereur Auguste S_ Benvenuto Cellini S_ Les grands cavaliers S_ Fêtes populaires Italiennes S_ Turandot, drame lyrique en 3 actes S_ La pêche chez les peuples S_ La deuxième guerre Punique S_ Oiseaux barbus S_ Vieilles demeures devenues musées S_ Villages lacustres S_ La vie du corail S_ année d'édition OK 6 Habitations primitives S_ Chateaux de Toscane S_ Le parc national Albert S_ Histoire de la poste S_ La vie de Rubens S_ La vallée de la mort S_ Vieilles fermes de Belgique S_ année d'édition OK 6 Coutumes de mariage exotiques S_ Mammifères marins S_ Vieux ponts de Belgique S_ année d'édition OK 6 Artisans d'art au Congo S_ Réjouissances populaires S_ Moulins à vent en Belgique S_ Origine et évolution de l'écriture S_ La découverte de l'Amérique S_ Les moustiques S_ année d'édition OK 6 Les etres légendaires S_ Gil Blas de Santillane S_ La pêche des éponges S_ Plantes médicinales S_ Les quatre fils Aymon S_ Le sahara ou grand désert S_ La vie au sahara S_ Les paradisiers S_ année d'édition OK 6 Les céphalopodes S_ Insectes orthoptères S_ Le Kalevala S_ Le moulin à eau S_ Histoire de l'Egypte S_ année d'édition OK 6 Baudouin Bras de fer S_ Le chant d'Hiawatha S_ Miguel De Cervantes S_ année d'édition OK 6 Antoine Van Dyck S_ année d'édition OK année d'édition OK 6 Quelques activités locales Belges S_ Dans la bruyère en ouvrant les yeux S_ La maison de Bourgogne S_ Hérode Antipas S_ La flore de l'étang S_ Princesses étrangères en Belgique S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Anvers S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Flandre Occid S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Hainaut S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Liége S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Limbourg S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Luxembourg S_ année d'édition OK 6 Amiraux et corsaires Belges (XVI-XVII) S_ Arbrisseaux décoratifs des parc et jar. S_ Chasse et pêche au Congo Belge S_ Fruits exotiques S_ Les empereurs Belges de Constantinople S_ Mercator, savant Belge S_ Le pré fleuri S_ Histoire du Congo Belge I S_ Histoire du Congo Belge II S_ Histoire du Congo Belge III S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Le Brabant S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Flandre Orient S_ L'histoire de nos provinces - Namur S_ Histoire du Grand Duché de Luxembourg S_ Etapes de l'histoire 1-6 S_ Etapes de l'histoire 7-12 S_ année d'édition OK 6 Algues marines rencontrées sur nos côtes S_ Les antilopes S_ Le canal de Suez S_ Charles-Joseph, Prince De Ligne S_ Fleurs des bois S_ Guillaume le Taciturne S_ Quelques poissons d'eau douce de chez S_ Plantes ornementales d'intérieur S_ Pierre Le Grand S_ Soliman, le magnifique (voir au verso) S_ Soliman, le magnifique (explic au v/44 mm) S_A Histoire naturelles de quelques épices S_ Tentatives d'expansion coloniale S_ Les tisanes S_ Oiseaux coureurs S_ année d'édition OK 6 Les bateaux à travers les âges S_ Ancien bateaux de pêche à voile du lit. bel S_ Bateaux de l'antiquité S_ La fauconnerie S_ Catherine II de Russie S_ La chute de Constantinople S_ L'empire des Incas S_ Près du brise-lames S_ Invasion des maures S_ Les huîtres S_ Poissons qui construisent un nid S_ Fran ois Rabelais S_ Rongeurs exotiques S_ Savants et inventeurs Belges de grande S_ Les singes 2a S_ Oiseaux de la plage et des dunes S_ année d'édition OK 6 Mammifères d'Australie S_ Les ours S_ Les perroques S_ Une promenade dans les dunes S_ Plantes grimpantes S_a 2 18 Peuplades du Congo Belge (18 fig) S_ Histoire de France 8° S_ Histoire de l'Allemagne S_ Histoire de l'Angleterre S_ Oiseaux du Congo S_ Oiseaux plongeurs S_ année d'édition OK 6 Anthropodes venimeux ou vecteurs de S_ L'astronautique S_ Les chenilles S_ Indiens des plaines et des bois de l'Amer S_ Indiens peubles et totémismes de l'Amer S_ Insectes géants du Congo Belge S_ Les insectivores S_ Ivan le Terrible S_ Lieux de pélerinage S_ Apprentissage de la marche jadis S_ Le mont Athos S_ La propulsion a réaction S_ Représentation de la divinité S_ Les rongeurs S_ La spéléologie S_ Histoire des Pays-bas S_ Histoire de l'Espagne S_ Histoire des Etats Unis d' Amérique S_ année d'édition OK 6 Beauté de la Rome antique S_ Berceaux exotiques S_ Les chats S_ L'enfance de Jésus S_ Insectes du Congo nuisibles S_ Leopold premier S_ Plantes peu connues S_ Le petit monde des ruisseaux S_ Le plancton marin S_ Saladin S_ La Sibérie S_ Histoire du Portugal S_ Histoire de la Hongrie S_ Tournois et joutes S_ Le vol à voile S_ année d'édition OK 6 Les boucaniers S_ Les parasites des cultures S_ Plantes issues de la préhistoire S_ Promotion du travail par de grands Belges S_ Les araignées S_ Savants célèbres de l'antiquité S_ Histoire du Danmark S_ Histoire de l'Italie S_ Histoire du Mexique S_ Les tortues S_ année d'édition OK 6 Animaux lumineux S_ Animaux issus de la préhistoire S_ Comment elles portent leur enfant S_ La Gaule avant Jules Caeser S_ Leopold II S_ Poissons impropres à la comsomation S_ Plantes d'aquarium S_ Histoire de l'Argentine S_ Histoire de la Pologne S_ Histoire de Moskou S_ Vincent Van Gogh S_ année d'édition OK 6 L'alchemie S_ Brillat - Savarin S_ Le café S_ Phénomènes de régressions chez les parasites S_ Légendes de la Pologne S_ Nids d'insectes S_ Peer Gynt S_ Peuples conquérants d'Asie S_ Prisons d'état et leurs hôtes célèbres S_ Quintin Metsys S_ Histoire de la Bulgarie S_ Histoire de la Grèce S_ Histoire de la Roumanie S_ Histoire de la Yougoslavie S_ année d'édition OK 6 La bilharzione S_ Les chiens S_ Ciceron S_ Les clans écossais S_ Dieux et héros volant des Grecs S_ Lettres et chiffres chez les papillons S_ Les hiboux S_ Roger de la Pasture S_ Histoire de la Finlande S_ Histoire de la Tchécoslovaquie S_ année d'édition OK 6 Corps expéditionnaires Belges S_ Jeux d'enfants d'autrefois S_ Gloires de l'aviation militaires S_ Leonardo De Vinci inventeur S_ Les manuscrits de la mer morte S_ Pierre Breughel S_ Sanguin. BELGE total serie numero 274 SANGUINETTI valeur Listino EURO Edizione Belga 962 ALL SETS ARE LIKE NEW TUTTE LE SERIE come NUOVE

Report on the Land Revenue Settlement of the Chanda

Report on the Land Revenue Settlement of the Chanda

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Charles Bean Lucie, PUBLISHER: British Library, Historical Print Editions, Title: Report on the Land Revenue Settlement of the Chanda district, Central Provinces, . With map, etc.]Publisher: British Library, Historical Print EditionsThe British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's largest research libraries holding over 150 million items in all known languages and formats: books, journals, newspapers, sound recordings, patents, maps, stamps, prints and much more. Its collections include around 14 million books, along with substantial additional collections of manuscripts and historical items dating back as far as 300 BC.The GENERAL HISTORICAL collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. This varied collection includes material that gives readers a 19th century view of the world. Topics include health, education, economics, agriculture, environment, technology, culture, politics, labour and industry, mining, penal policy, and social order. ++++The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to insure edition identification: ++++ British Library Smith, Charles Bean Lucie; . xv. 232 p.; 8. V

Child Poverty in Canada

Child Poverty in Canada

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Albanese, Patrizia, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, On 24 November the Canadian House of Commons unanimously passed an all-party resolution to eliminate poverty among Canadian children by the year . Yet in a report by UNICEF placed Canada nineteenth in a ranking of the relative poverty of children in 26 of the world's richest countries (Greece, Hungary, and Poland all had a significantly better record). How can this be? This short and engaging book provides the latest research on child poverty by Canadian sociologist Patrizia Albanese. Looking at how many of Canada's children live in poverty, Albanese explores trends over time, across provinces, and among various groups. Her research reveals which children are most vulnerable and why, and describes the physical, behavioral, and educational impact of poverty. In clear terms Albanese presents some of the ways that poverty is measured in Canada and around the world, and considers the country in a global perspective to assess why it ranks so low on the international scale. Finally, she discusses how the events of have shaped the outcome of child poverty in Canada and evaluates the theories and possible solutions to the problem. Of interest to students of sociology, social work, and early childhood studies--and concerned readers alike--this important book provides a useful introduction to a topic of key importance.

A Guide to Government in Afghanistan

A Guide to Government in Afghanistan

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Evans, Anne / Osmani, Yasin / Tully, Anne, PUBLISHER: World Bank Publications, A Guide to Government in Afghanistan has three objectives: i) it seeks to provide newcomers to the administrative and political scene in Afghanistan with a basic guide to the structures and processes of government; ii) it intends to provide reformers with some understanding of how to work "with the grain" of the existing institutional arrangements; and iii) it seeks to pay tribute to the remarkable people who have kept the system running and who are now reforming it. In pursuing these objectives, this guide attempts to set out the underlying strengths of the public sector, describing the evolution of the Afghan state, the current political context, and the administrative and organizational components of the government. It sets out the legal basis and organizational responsibilities for key fiscal tasks including revenue collection, budget preparation and execution, and accounting and audit. It also describes the organizational structures in the provinces, the way in which the staffing establishment is determined, and the structure of pay and grading. In particular, it looks at the arrangements for service delivery in the education and health sectors. The guide draws the bulk of its material from six provincial case studies: Faryab and Herat, undertaken in November ; Badakhshan and Wardak, in April , Kandahar in June , and finally Bamyan in July . The paper has also benefited from additional research undertaken by the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) and the World Bank.

Offerte relazionate provinces: A Guide to Government in Afghanistan
Trespass: Living at the Edge of the Promised Land

Trespass: Living at the Edge of the Promised Land

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Irvine, Amy, PUBLISHER: North Point Press, Trespass is the story of one woman's struggle to gain footing in inhospitable territory. A wilderness activist and apostate Mormon, Amy Irvine sought respite in the desert outback of southern Utah's red-rock country after her father's suicide, only to find out just how much of an interloper she was among her own people. But more than simply an exploration of personal loss, Trespass is an elegy for a dying world, for the ruin of one of our most beloved and unique desert landscapes and for our vanishing connection to it. Fearing what her father's fate might somehow portend for her, Irvine retreated into the remote recesses of the Colorado Plateau--home not only to the world's most renowned national parks but also to a rugged brand of cowboy Mormonism that stands in defiant contrast to the world at large. Her story is one of ruin and restoration, of learning to live among people who fear the wilderness the way they fear the devil and how that fear fuels an antagonism toward environmental concerns that pervades the region. At the same time, Irvine mourns her own loss of wildness and disconnection from spirituality, while ultimately discovering that the provinces of nature and faith are not as distinct as she once might have believed.

The Collapse of Canada?

The Collapse of Canada?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weaver, R. Kent, PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, America's northern neighbor faces a severe constitutional crisis. Unprecedented levels of public support for sovereignty in the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec could lead to the breakup of Canada. This crisis was precipitated by two Canadian provinces' failure in to ratify the Meech Lake Accord, a package of revisions to Canada's constitution that addressed Quebec's grievances concerning its place within the Canadian federation. The current predicament is not an isolated incident-it is part of a recurring pattern of constitutional crisis in Canada. The longer-term question is, can workable solutions be found to keep Canada intact, or is a sovereign Quebec inevitable sooner or later? This book, aimed at an international audience, examines the complex roots of Canada's constitutional discontent, the options currently being considered, and possible futures for " northern North America." Kent Weaver begins with an analysis of the integration of Canadian social divisions and political institutions in managing political conflict, arguing that traditional institutional arrangement have been irreparably undermined by social change and that current incitations often exacerbate political divisions. Stephane Dion shows how two structural factors-- Quebecers' fears of disappearing within an overwhelmingly English-speaking North America, and increased confidence that Quebec can stand on its own- have combined with short-term catalytic factors, notably a feeling of rejection over the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord, to shape the ebb and flow of nationalist sentiment in Quebec in recent years. Andrew Stark argues that notions of citizenship and the state, associatedwith important philosophical currents in English Canada, create severe problems for attempts to reach an accommodation with Quebec. Keith Banting examines scenarios for Canada's future with and without a politically sovereign Quebec and the implications of these scenarios for the United States.

Offerte relazionate provinces: The Collapse of Canada?