tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato

Tangled Routes: Women, Work, and Globalization on the Tomato

Tangled Routes: Women, Work, and Globalization on the Tomato

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregor, Frances / Campbell, Marie / Barndt, Deborah, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This is a book about a distinctive methodological approach inspired by one of Canada's most respected scholars, Dorothy Smith. Institutional ethnography aims to answer questions about how everyday life is organized. The authors suggest that institutional ethnographers must adopt a particular research stance, one that recognizes that people's own knowledge ong>andong> ways of knowing are crucial elements of social action ong>andong> thus of social analysis.

A History of European Women's Work:  to the Present

A History of European Women's Work: to the Present

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simonton, Deborah / Simonton, D., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "A History of European ong>Womenong>'s ong>Workong>" draws together recent research, lively personal accounts ong>andong> statistical evidence to take an overview of trends in ong>womenong>'s ong>workong> from the pre-industrial period to the present. Deborah Simonton discusses the definition of ong>workong> within ong>andong> without patriarchal families, the status of ong>workong> ong>andong> the skills involved. She examines local as well as Europe-wide developments, contrasting countries such as Britain, Germany ong>andong> France. She considers ong>womenong>'s own perceptions of ong>workong> ong>andong> its place in their lives as well as age ong>andong> class, to present a rounded account of the shifting patterns of employment ong>andong> the continuities which are evident in the ong>womenong>'s own experience.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: A History of European Women's Work: to the Present
Sexed Work: Gender, Race, and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug

Sexed Work: Gender, Race, and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maher, Lisa, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Based on three years of ethnographic ong>workong> in New York City, this book provides the first detailed account of the economic lives of ong>womenong> drug users. Set in a neighborhood plagued with AIDS, Sexed ong>Workong> reveals the economic lives of a group of ong>womenong> whose options have been severely circumscribed, not only by drug use, but also by poverty, racism, violence, ong>andong> enduring marginality. Maher draws extensively on the ong>womenong>'s own words to describe how structures ong>andong> relations of gender, race ong>andong> class are articulated by divisions of labor in the street-level drug economy. This rich, nuanced ong>andong> theoretically sophisticated study of "crime as ong>workong>" will be compelling reading for all those interested in the way in which ong>womenong> deal with the intersection of gender, race, ong>andong> ong>workong>.

Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging

Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Isaac, Grant / Bigman, D. / Bigman, David, PUBLISHER: CABI Publishing, The ong>globalizationong> process ong>andong> the internal policy reforms that the developing countries have implemented during the past decade have changed the relative prices of practically all their inputs ong>andong> outputs. Agricultural producers have therefore been forced to change the structure ong>andong> methods of their production. The objective of this book is to review the impact of ong>globalizationong> on a number of issues. These include the effects of changes in global trading rules ong>andong> regulations, the removal of trade barriers ong>andong> the elimination of many country-specific trade agreements.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging
The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History

The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schwantes, Carlos A., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, Carlos Arnaldo Schwantes has revised ong>andong> expong>andong>ed the entire ong>workong>, which is still the most comprehensive ong>andong> balanced history of the region. This edition contains significant additional material on early mining in the Pacific Northwest, sea ong>routesong> to Oregon in the early discovery ong>andong> contact period, the environment of the region, the impact of the Klondike gold rush, ong>andong> politics since . Recent environmental controversies, such as endangered salmon runs ong>andong> the spotted owl dispute, have been addressed, as has the effect of the Cold War on the region's economy. The author has also expong>andong>ed discussion of the roles of ong>womenong> ong>andong> minorities ong>andong> updated statistical information. Carlos Arnaldo Schwantes is a professor in the Department of History, ong>andong> director of the Institute for Pacific Northwest Study, at the University of Idaho. He is the author of a number of books, including "Hard Traveling: A Portrait of ong>Workong> Life in the New Northwest" (Nebraska ).

Global Futures: Shaping Globalization

Global Futures: Shaping Globalization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pieterse, Jan Nederveen, PUBLISHER: Zed Books, This book rejects a fatalistic stance in the face of the problems that accelerating ong>globalizationong> is throwing up. The contributors argue that humanity must seek to shape ong>globalizationong>. In a sequence of tightly argued essays, they suggest a variety of innovative perspectives, changes, policies, ong>andong> institutional reforms that we ought to strive for in our increasingly inter-connected world. The exciting range of topics discussed include global governance ong>andong> democratization; international finance ong>andong> reform of the world economy; Third World development; the environment; the position of ong>womenong>; poverty ong>andong> social exclusion; technology ong>andong> culture; ong>andong> the future shape of urban growth.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Global Futures: Shaping Globalization
Transforming Capitalism and Patriarchy: Gender and

Transforming Capitalism and Patriarchy: Gender and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gordon, April A., PUBLISHER: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Gordon analyzes the interplay between capitalism, development ong>andong> the status of African ong>womenong>. Drawing on the ong>workong> of both African ong>andong> Western researchers, she shows that capitalist development projects have mainly benefited a small stratum of African elites ong>andong> proposes concrete strategies for making it more equitable for ong>womenong>.

Multinational Firms: The Global Local Dilemma

Multinational Firms: The Global Local Dilemma

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dunning, John H. / Dunning, John / Dunning, John, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This volume presents the ong>workong> of specialists on multinational strategy, addressing the main questions about ong>globalizationong>, competitiveness,the impact of regionalism, agglomeration, strategic location choice, ong>andong> relocation ong>andong> public aid.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Multinational Firms: The Global Local Dilemma
Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates

Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ritzer, George / Atalay, Zeynep, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This unique ong>andong> engaging anthology introduces students to the major concepts of ong>globalizationong> within the context of the key debates ong>andong> disputes. Introduces ong>globalizationong> through its basic concepts, rather than thematically; a distinctive approach that provides students with a better grasp of what social science has to offer on the topic Utilizes concepts from interdisciplinary sources, bringing together ong>workong> from key figures across a number of fields - from Weber ong>andong> Marx, to contemporary figures in the field, including Beck, Bauman, Castells, ong>andong> Homi Bhabha Includes excerpts to illustrate ideas, all at an appropriate level of difficulty for an undergraduate audience Offers all of this in the dynamic context of major debates surrounding the basic concepts ong>andong> the fundamental realities of ong>globalizationong> Designed so it can be used independently, or alongside Ritzer's "ong>Globalizationong>: A Basic Text" for a complete student resource Acquista Ora

7 Myths about Women and Work

7 Myths about Women and Work

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fox, Catherine, PUBLISHER: University of New South Wales Press, A book about being a woman, raising children, succeeding in a leadership role, ong>andong> living a full life, this ong>workong> debunks the seven most commonly held misconceptions about ong>womenong> ong>andong> their professional careers. Penned by an award-winning journalist, this book discusses topics such as the gender pay gap, motherhood ong>andong> a career, meritocracies in the ong>workong>place, ong>andong> the use of quotas.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: 7 Myths about Women and Work
Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

Women in German Yearbook, Volume 18

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: ong>Womenong> in German Yearbook / Joeres, Ruth-Ellen B. / Herminghouse, Patricia A., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, "ong>Womenong> in German Yearbook" is a refereed publication that presents a wide range of feminist approaches to all aspects of German literary, cultural, ong>andong> language studies, including pedagogy. Each issue contains critical studies on the ong>workong>, history, life, literature, ong>andong> arts of ong>womenong> in the German-speaking world, reflecting the interdisciplinary perspectives that inform feminist German studies.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Licata, Renora, PUBLISHER: Blackbirch Press, Slowly but surely, the accomplishments of ong>womenong> are being recognized ong>andong> appreciated by the world at large. In our schools ong>andong> in the media, more emphasis is being placed on the meaningful roles ong>womenong> play. The "Library of Famous ong>Womenong>" series features an international collection of courageous ong>andong> determined individuals who have overcome both personal adversity ong>andong> societal predjudice to achieve their goals.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Princess Diana
Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the

Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lo, Dic, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book seeks to clarify the positive ong>andong> negative lessons in the experiences of late development under neoliberal ong>globalizationong>. Dic Lo explores competing theories, with a view to constructing an alternativesynthesis that transcendsneoliberalism, placing greater emphasis on solidarity ong>andong> humanistic development.

The Cinema of Satyajit Ray: Between Tradition and Modernity

The Cinema of Satyajit Ray: Between Tradition and Modernity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cooper, Darius / Rothman, William / ong>Andong>rew, Dudley, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The most comprehensive treatment of Satyajit Ray's ong>workong>, The Cinema of Satyajit Ray makes accessible the oeuvre of one of the most prolific ong>andong> creative filmmakers of the twentieth century. Providing analyses of selected films, including those that comprise The Apu Trilogy, Chess Players, ong>andong> Jalsaghar, among others, Darius Cooper outlines Western influences on Ray's ong>workong>, such as the plight of ong>womenong> functioning within a patriarchal society, Ray's political vision of the "doubly colonized," ong>andong> his attack ong>andong> critique of the Bengali/Indian middle class of today.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: The Cinema of Satyajit Ray: Between Tradition and Modernity
Marking Time in the Golden State: Women's Imprisonment in

Marking Time in the Golden State: Women's Imprisonment in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kruttschnitt, Cong>andong>ace / Gartner, Rosemary / Blumstein, Alfred, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The nature of criminal punishment has undergone profound change in the United States in recent decades. This case study of ong>womenong> serving time in California in the s ong>andong> s examines this recent history. Drawing on archival data, interviews, ong>andong> surveys, the authors' analysis considers the relationships among official philosophies ong>andong> practices of imprisonment, ong>womenong>'s responses to the prison regime, ong>andong> relations between ong>womenong> prisoners.

Italian Women Poets

Italian Women Poets

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Brien, Catherine, PUBLISHER: Irish Academic Press, This book provides a critical analysis of the ong>workong> of Italian ong>womenong> poets from to the late s. Each chapter evaluates the ong>workong> of an individual poet ong>andong> is accompanied by a number of poems in parallel translation.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Italian Women Poets
Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty

Coming Into Our Fullness: On Women Turning Forty

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rountree, Cathleen, PH.D., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, These cong>andong>id interviews ong>andong> beautiful photographs will inspire all ong>womenong> who are navigating through the mid-life passage. The updated look of this bestselling classic makes it the perfect companion to the later decades of Rountree's series on ong>womenong>.

Women in Medieval Times

Women in Medieval Times

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacDonald, Fiona, PUBLISHER: Peter Bedrick Books, "The Other Half of History" explores an aspect of history that is often overlooked - the history of ong>womenong>. This fascinating book looks at the lives of ong>womenong> in medieval Europe. In the eyes of the law, ong>womenong> were children, to be guarded ong>andong> controlled. Motherhood was their main purpose in life. The Church also taught that ong>womenong> were dangerous ong>andong> sinful. On the other hong>andong>, wives helped their husbong>andong>s in the fields ong>andong> in ong>workong>shops, ong>andong> many nuns ong>andong> abbesses were respected for their wisdom ong>andong> learning. Although ong>womenong> rarely gained power without the support of men, a few nobleong>womenong> used their position to play a part in the political struggles ong>andong> battles of medieval Europe.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Women in Medieval Times
Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause

Women of the 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Dena / Sumrall, Amber C., PUBLISHER: Crossing Press, A collection of ong>womenong>'s own stories on the many facets of menopause -- from hot flashes ong>andong> hormone replacement therapy to new-found sexuality ong>andong> spiritual awakenings.

Cranky the Rooster

Cranky the Rooster

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frazier, Laurence, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Life on a farm can be lots of hard ong>workong> ong>andong> humorous. As the story will tell a typical ong>workong> day on the farm.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Cranky the Rooster
Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and

Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nassar, Jamal R., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ong>Globalizationong> ong>andong> terrorism are both charged concepts; people use the terms loosely without regard for exactitude, often to further political ends. This book carefully defines these concepts, puts them in historical as well as political context, ong>andong> amplifies the basics with an exploration of the way in which the dreams inspired by ong>globalizationong> can translate all too easily into the nightmare of terrorism. Visit our website for sample chapters

The Scandal of Gender

The Scandal of Gender

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mitchell, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Regina Orthodox Press, What did the Fathers of the historic Church teach about the role of ong>womenong> in the Church? For many years the answer to this question has come from feminist theologians. It has been difficult to find a book that presents what the Church Fathers ong>andong> the Scriptures teach on ong>womenong> ong>andong> men's role in the life of the Church. The Scong>andong>al of Gender brings us into direct contact with the authentic ong>andong> original teachings of the ancient Christian Church Fathers on the issue of the proper role of ong>womenong> ong>andong> men in the life of the Church. The point of view of the Reader Patrick Mitchell reflects the traditional Orthodox point of view of the Early Church Fathers ong>andong> the Bible.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: The Scandal of Gender
Women's Movement in: Kuwait, Egypt, Iran and the UK

Women's Movement in: Kuwait, Egypt, Iran and the UK

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alessa, Amani Saleh, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, This book focus on the history of mainly the ong>womenong>'s movement, it also reflects at the same time the domination of ong>womenong> through out history. It studies the movement of three Middle Eastern countries, Kuwait, Egypt, ong>andong> Iran then it shows the experience of the ong>womenong>'s movement in the UK as an example of a Western society to distinguish to what extent these societies appreciate ong>womenong>. Now there are some similarities as well as some differences between the East ong>andong> the West which forms the interesting part to observe the struggle of ong>womenong> in different cultures.

Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide

Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hardy, Lyda Mary, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Discover the best books, Web sites, audiovisual items, ong>andong> other materials to research notable ong>womenong> of the United States. Learn about ong>womenong> from Colonial times to the present day who have made strides in many fields of endeavor including the arts, literature, politics, religion, science, ong>andong> sports. Materials listed feature ong>womenong> from all regions of the country ong>andong> from many American cultural groups. The guide concentrates on materials published or produced during the s, ong>andong> its final section outlines the field of ong>womenong>'s history in terms of its historiography, theory ong>andong> methodology, ong>andong> its place in education.

Offerte relazionate tangled routes women work and globalization on the tomato: Women in U.S. History: A Resource Guide
Women in the Workplace: Effects of Families

Women in the Workplace: Effects of Families

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Borman, Kathryn M. / Quarm, Daisy / Gideonse, Sarah, PUBLISHER: Ablex Publishing Corporation, This volume constitutes a unique contribution to the cross-disciplinary field of family studies. It focuses on issues brought about by the movement of large numbers of ong>womenong> with children into the ong>workong>place; the impact of their employment on men's ong>andong> ong>womenong>'s traditional responsibilities ong>andong> family roles; ong>andong> the implications of these changing roles for public policy, employers, ong>andong> social service agencies. The volume includes both historical ong>andong> contemporary policy frameong>workong>s as important themes. Moreover, the issues ong>andong> circumstances of more than one type of family are considered, including single ong>workong>er ong>andong> dual earner families.
