stepping stones to recovery for young people experience the

That's a Rap!: A Music Industry Sourcebook for Generation

That's a Rap!: A Music Industry Sourcebook for Generation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Demerritte, Thomas W., PUBLISHER: Dog Ear Publishing, The music business can be an intimidating thing for young people to try to understand. This is one of the first books written specifically for today's youth to give them a better appreciation of the music industry. Readers will be surprised to find out that most people who work in the music business can't sing or play a note of music These behind-the-scenes music careers are the ones that last the longest, and this book will show you why. "That's a Rap" also explores the history of hip-hop, teaches about social responsibility in music and introduces the P.L.E.D.G.E. Principle to young readers who are considering music industry careers. Get ready to open up your mind

Eating Disorders: The Path to Recovery

Eating Disorders: The Path to Recovery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Middleton, Kate, PUBLISHER: Lion Publishing Plc, What is an eating disorder? What are the symptoms? What causes them? And is full recovery possible? Written primarily for young adults, this insightful handbook is designed to push those suffering from eating disorders towards recovery. Information is provided on every aspect of eating disorders, including what they are, how they operate, who is prone to have them, and how they can be treated. Worksheets and positive case studies designed to be motivational complete this informative guide that is perfect for those with a disorder, as well as their family and friends.

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Happy-People-Pills for All

Happy-People-Pills for All

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, Mark, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons Inc, "Happy-People-Pills for All" explores current theories of happiness while demonstrating the need to develop advanced pharmacological agents for the enhancement of our capacity for happiness and wellbeing.Presents the first detailed exploration of the enhancement of happinessA controversial yet rigorous argument that demonstrates the moral imperative for the development and mass distribution of 'happy-pills', to promote the wellbeing of the individual and societyBrings together the philosophy, psychology and biology of happinessMaps the development of the next generation of positive mood pharmacologyOffers a corrective to contemporary accounts of happiness

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Madsen, Susan Arrington, PUBLISHER: Millennial Press, In . President Brigham Young sent rescue teams to the aid of more than a thousand pioneers who were stranded in winter storms on the plains. Little did anyone know then of the need those faithful Saints would have for a Second Rescue-a spiritual rescue that would begin 135 years later. In , the saints of the Riverton Wyoming Stake embarked on a sacred trek of their own, a journey filled with miracles and laden with spiritual blessings. The Second Rescue is the story of that journey. It tells of faithful people working together to provide temple blessings of the Willie and Martin handcart pioneers and for their immediate families. It chronicles their trials and triumphs in their efforts to build monuments and pave the way for others to experience the sacred sites associated with the handcart prioneers.

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Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to

Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kumar, Sameet M., PUBLISHER: New Harbinger Publications, Many people who suffer the death of a loved one cling to the experience of grief long after the actual pain of loss goes away. This is because grief itself is a complex issue, fraught with misinformation and unrealistic expectations, often leading to interpersonal isolation at the times people need connection the most. Ironically, it is often by embracing the experience of grief that people become most fully mindful of life. Grieving readers will find, in this book, a new understanding of their own grief process. They will learn about the spiral staircase, a metaphor used to describe the ebb and flow of emotional pain that typically follow loss. The book offers readers ways to cope with the events and situations that trigger personal grief by using mindfulness exercises and radical acceptance, a concept that encourages the experience of grief rather than its denial. Ultimately, the book presents strategies for making life more meaningful by acknowledging death and working to embrace life.

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Radley, Alan / Radley Alan, PUBLISHER: Routledge, In recent years the study of illness as experienced by patients has emerged as an approach to understanding sickness. Descriptions of the everyday situations of people with particular diseases, provide a commentary upon the nature of symptoms and upon the relation of the body to society. This approach stresses the biographical and cultural contexts in which illness arises and is borne by individuals and those who care for them. It emphasises the need to understand illness in terms of the patients own interpretation, of its onset, the course of its progress and the potential of the treatment for the condition. Worlds of Illness examines people's experience of illness and their understanding of what it means to be healthy. The contributors are the first to offer this biographic and cultural approach in one volume, redefining the perspective further and drawing attention to its potential for questioning theoretical assumptions about health and illness.

Offerte relazionate stepping stones to recovery for young people experience the: Worlds of Illness: Biographical & Cultural Perspectives on
Funny Bones: Comedy Games and Activities for Kids

Funny Bones: Comedy Games and Activities for Kids

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bany-Winters, Lisa, PUBLISHER: Chicago Review Press, Kids love to be funny Every classroom or neighborhood has a kid whose greatest ambition is to make people laugh--and all kids love to laugh at the jokes and antics of their friends. Funny Bones is designed to bring out the humor in every kid. For those who already have a comic streak, it provides wonderful new material for routines and scenes. For shyer children, it boosts self-confidence and a sense of fun. The first few chapters tackle the idea of comedy and what makes it funny, introducing famous comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Lily Tomlin and a variety of ways for young comics to create a trademark style. Later chapters offer hilarious improv games and valuable tips--for instance, don't ask questions in improv routines, but instead make statements that other actors can build on. The book concludes with comedic scenes for young people and suggestions for comedic play that kids can perform.

A Great Day for Pup!

A Great Day for Pup!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Worth, Bonnie / Ross, H. L. / Ruiz, Aristides, PUBLISHER: Random House Books for Young Readers, From Australia to Asia to Africa to Antarctica, the Cat in the Hat travels the globe in search of wild animal babies. "From the Hardcover edition."

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Losing Your Shirt: Recovery for Compulsive Gamblers and

Losing Your Shirt: Recovery for Compulsive Gamblers and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heineman, Mary, PUBLISHER: Hazelden Publishing & Educational Services, Between three and six million Americans are compulsive gamblers. Losing Your Shirt takes a compassionate, nonthreatening approach to the problems families encounter with compulsive gambling. In this easy-to-read and valuable resource for any gambling addiction program, readers will find stories from compulsive gamblers and their families that demonstrate how the addiction affects relationships, methods of recovery for the addict, and coping skills for family members.

The Earl and the Fairy, Volume 2

The Earl and the Fairy, Volume 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ayuko, PUBLISHER: Viz Media, Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences rated teen. Lydia Carlton is a fairy doctor, one of the few people with the ability to see the magical creatures who share our world. During one of her rare trips to London to visit her father, Lydia's quiet life is suddenly transformed when she is rescued from kidnappers by a mysterious young man

Offerte relazionate stepping stones to recovery for young people experience the: The Earl and the Fairy, Volume 2
Faith Works for Junior High: Scripture- And Tradition-Based

Faith Works for Junior High: Scripture- And Tradition-Based

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Calderone-Stewart, Lisa-Marie / Stamschror, Robert P., PUBLISHER: Saint Mary's Press, Making faith work for young people is a constant challenge. Faith Works for Junior High and Faith Works for Senior High offer fresh and lively activities and strategies that make faith come alive for youth. Each book contains twelve one-hour sessions that put young people in touch with important faith topics. In Faith Works for Junior High, younger adolescents explore topics such as God's word from the Old Testament, the person of Jesus, apostles then and now, and the mystery of the Trinity. In Faith Works for Senior High, older youth address topics such as scriptural wisdom, prophecy, and the Second Vatican Council. These sessions contain attention grabbers, learning experiences, service projects, prayer services, and suggested snacks that relate to the topic. Reproducible handouts are designed to enhance understanding of major concepts, and a handy index of the session activities makes each activity easy to use in a variety of youth ministry settings.

Shamrock Tea [With Small Print]

Shamrock Tea [With Small Print]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carson, Ciaran, PUBLISHER: Granta Books (UK), Shamrock tea, the magical substance that allows people to experience the world with visionary clarity, can only be found by passing through the famous van Eyck painting The Arnolfini Marriage. The characters who bear this knowledge include a young boy named Carson, his uncle Celestine, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the nephew of a famous Belgian writer. Vividly colorful, Shamrock Tea invites readers to enter another world.

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Prepare for War

Prepare for War

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Rebecca, PUBLISHER: Whitaker House, Do you know how Satan can use "doorways" including yoga, role-playing games, and meditation, to bring demonic destruction into your home? In this spiritual warfare manual, Rebecca Brown writes from seven years experience helping deliver many people out of hardcore satanism. In this sequel to her best-selling book He Came to Set the Captives Free, you will learn to stand victoriously against Satan, deal with the dangerous New Age teachings, recognize and deal with satanic ritualistic abuse of children, minister in the area of deliverance, and handle the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance. Satan hates you and wants to destroy you. To be victorious you must Prepare for War.

Dawn of Unity: Guide to a New Prosperity

Dawn of Unity: Guide to a New Prosperity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Leonard, John B., PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Have you ever thought about the meaning of the phrase in Pres. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, where he refers to..".a government of the people, by the people, and for the people,..."? The author believes that our present system - by allowing money to influence the process - is not truly a government by the people; but is rather a government by a wealthy elite, operating primarily for their own benefit. He believes that for a government to truly be "by the people," all people should have equal power, and play an active role in determining government policy. He also believes that this can not come about until the government is freed from all outside influences; particularly the power of wealth. This book proposes two protocols: one to remove the power of money and wealth, and the other, an easy to implement procedure that will put all motivated individuals in control of decision-making processes within all areas of government; from neighborhoods, to cities, to states, and to the nation. Herein is a viable way for all people to obtain governance that truly serves all. That way is through cooperative unity.

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Life on Wheels: For the Active Wheelchair User: For the

Life on Wheels: For the Active Wheelchair User: For the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Karp, Gary, PUBLISHER: O'Reilly Media, Over 1.5 million Americans use wheelchairs for a variety of causes: a congenital condition, traumatic injury, or disease. People who depend upon wheelchairs for mobility are in varied situations. They might live independently or need attendant care; live alone or with family; be employed full-time or no longer working. Despite differences, people dependent on wheelchairs face some similar medical issues and a need to cope with changed circumstances. "Life on Wheels: For the Active Wheelchair User is for people who want to take charge of their own life experience while using a wheelchair. Author Gary Karp, ergonomics consultant and long-time chair user, describes: Medical issues (paralysis, circulation, rehab experience, choosing the optimal wheelchair, scientific progress toward a cure) Day-to-day living (keeping fit, skin care, bowel and bladder care, sexuality, home access, maintaining a wheelchair, wheeling technique, insurance) Psychological and social issues (grieving loss, self-image, adjustment to life change, friends, family, asking for and being helped, cultural attitudes, history of disability, and activism)

La strada in fondo al mare

La strada in fondo al mare

Leah Fleming For May Smith, travelling with her husband and baby girl Ellen, stepping foot on the Titanic marks the start of an incredible journey, one which is destined to take her from the back streets of Bolton to the land of opportunity: the United St

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Working with Muslim Young People: Context and Concepts

Working with Muslim Young People: Context and Concepts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Khan, M. G., PUBLISHER: Policy Press, Written by a leading practitioner and academic in the field of youth and community work, this multidisciplinary book approaches the lives of Muslim young people from theoretical, social, and theological viewpoints. M. G. Khan moves beyond notions of gendered provision and confessional activity to ask what defines a Muslim pedagogy. He presents a theoretical frame for Muslim youth work that is accessible to informal educators and Muslims alike, providing insight and analysis of nuances that are only possible from on-the-ground engagement.

Life Class

Life Class

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barker, Pat, PUBLISHER: Hamish Hamilton, In this superb new novel, Pat Barker returns to her most renowned subject: the devastation and psychic damage wrought by WWI on all levels of British society. In the spring of , a group of young students gather in an art studio for a life-drawing class. Paul Tarrant and Elinor Brooke are two components of a love triangle, and at the outset of the war, they turn to each other. After volunteering for the Red Cross, Paul must confront the fact that life, love, and art will never be the same for him. Pat Barker is unrivaled in her ability to convey simple, moving human truths. Her skill in relaying the harrowing experience of modern warfare is matched by the depth of insight she brings to the experience of love and the morality of art in a time of war. LIFE CLASS is one of her genuine masterpieces. Acquista Ora

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Coping with the Aftermath of

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Coping with the Aftermath of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Porterfield, Kay Marie, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Recognizing that the teen years are a time of growth, transition, and tough choices, the Straight Talk series provides young readers with the knowledge they need to understand difficult issues, come to terms with their feelings, and make decisions that will work in the context of their lives. Without attempting to dictate answers, the Straight Talk series reminds its readers that all choices carry consequences. Each book is thoroughly indexed and contains a directory of resources. Here is concise, up-to-date information about how to cope with unexpected and traumatic events. Coverage explores why PTSD occurs, the three categories of symptoms, what type of people are most affected, and how to begin the process toward recovery. This book is a must-have resource for today's students.

La strada in fondo al mare

La strada in fondo al mare

Leah Fleming For May Smith, travelling with her husband and baby girl Ellen, stepping foot on the Titanic marks the start of an incredible journey, one which is destined to take her from the back streets of Bolton to the land of opportunity: the United St (cod. I_)

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Gmt : A Portrait of Britain in a Week

Gmt : A Portrait of Britain in a Week

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Magnum / Magnum Photo Agency, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins (UK), GMT is an ambitious book of 375 pictures from world-renowned agency Magnum Photos that record how Britain spent the week leading up to the year , and capture the nation on the threshold of a new era. GMT will cover not just the parties, events and launches, but the full spectrum of human experience, including those people for whom the days were business as usual, such as nurses and farmers, whose everyday commitments transcended the event. The photographs taken inside the Millennium Dome itself will capture the spirit of the place, from the formality of the Queen's opening ceremony to the moment the first people come through the doors; and throughout the country, the photographers will focus on how the ordinary people in cities, towns and villages embraced the year .

Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural

Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wells, Richard Ed. / Wells, Gordon / Claxton, Guy, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, United by the belief that the most significant factor in shaping the minds of young people is the cultural setting in which learning takes place, the twenty eminent contributors to this volume present new thinking on education across the boundaries of school, home, work and community.

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Italian course!

Italian course!

Course to improve italian language for job or just for interest! Italian Course for French, Spanish, English and American people that want to learn Italian, to work in Italy, to travel in this Country, or just for interest! Simple and interesting course to improve this language and became more fluently! There are two different kind of courses: - Level A1-A2: for beginners that start to learn Italian. - Level B1- B2: intermediate for people that want to improve their spoken Italian! 1-1- lessons on Skype or Zoom For more information please contact me by mail! Visit the Facebook page: Hello Italia.

Oracle Backup & Recovery 101

Oracle Backup & Recovery 101

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Kenny / Haisley, Stephan, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Your Oracle career starts here Ideal for those new to Oracle technology, this officially authorized entry-level book shows new DBAs various methods for backup and recovery--including Recovery Manager (RMAN). Includes hands-on exercises and end-of-chapter reviews to reinforce just-learned concepts. Acquista Ora

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hamilton, Janice, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Hello Canada is a broad introduction for young readers to the geography, history, economy, and people of Canada's 13 provinces and territories. With beautiful color photography and easy-to-read texts, these volumes place special emphasis on Canada's sustainable development practices and the mosaic of cultures that populate this unique nation. Each title has been written by a Canadian author and includes appendices of the province or territory's famous people, fast facts, and a pronunciation guide.
